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Update 7.10.0: Weekend Extermination Event!


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Hey Steve, why you removed those crazy big-&#! Mine Ospreys? They fit perfectly as a hi-tier enemies!



You raging? O.o

Like you said, it is my own business. Why bother with other people's business? Nosy parker? Who are you? Forum Admin? Why can't I speak what I think? O.o

And please speak proper English.

At first, yes, good sir, I definitely was angry by your 'i don't care about other people's opinion' thing. (not the exact quote actually) But then, I realized that if you don't care, why I should?


Just a random Tenno minding other people's business when bored. Why?


Teach me, sensei!

Edited by CaptainGreyEdwars
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I am not sure as to why you would "love" the timer for Saryn. Moult is now just a sub-par copy of decoy rather then being a somewhat unique skill. Diversity is your friend, and a better solution was there...making it ground use only like some skills already are. Would have removed the exploit, without making it a gimped decoy copy so it would retain some of its uniqueness.

You may be right but we didn't have a good precedent for ground casting when you can jump around and get on top of stuff. The exploits were horrendous. It doesn't mean we can't touch it up a bit.

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You may be right but we didn't have a good precedent for ground casting when you can jump around and get on top of stuff. The exploits were horrendous. It doesn't mean we can't touch it up a bit.


Steve, you guys heard us. Buffed lots of weapons.

Including snipertron Armor Pen.



But what about Mire ? An amazing looking weapon that is of ABSOLUTELY NO USE. Give that stuff some buff please ? atleast 50% armor pen ?

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I sure am glad that Nyx is no longer useful. I was on the fence wondering if I should spend the days required to grind it or not bother. With the one thing I wanted from it gone, I can focus instead on running around as Trinity and providing everyone with infinite energy~


Nyx was my first warframe to 30...and my least played. Chaos was indeed broke, and all she needed to use...but, imo, it also carried that warframe. The other 3 abilities are lacking in effectiveness compared to what other frames have access to, I do wish they had fixed her while fixing Chaos.

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I not feel fun about moa extermination(i love animals), its a again grind wich i do all the time, new mods also not for me,i dont need any. Thanx for fixes, lets wait another week, maybe then we get new content, i go drink today better.

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Anyone ever get this problem? Getting stuck on the menu screen when changing settings in a mission. No way to move afterwards. You can either shut down the game through task manager or just wait until the team finishes the mission.. here is a screen shot of what I mean, notice the menu screen is kind of up but in the closing phase just glitched and stuck. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=143135065

Edited by 2ply
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Nyx was my first warframe to 30...and my least played. Chaos was indeed broke, and all she needed to use...but, imo, it also carried that warframe. The other 3 abilities are lacking in effectiveness compared to what other frames have access to, I do wish they had fixed her while fixing Chaos.

It makes me a little sad. I really do enjoy psionic characters in games. It's what made me enjoy MAG for a while and had me looking at Nyx. But now I can focus on providing support elsewhere. I wonder if they'll buff Trinity some more. I like how her powers have SUCH WONDERFUL RANGE but very little use for Well of Life. Everything else is just beautiful.

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You may be right but we didn't have a good precedent for ground casting when you can jump around and get on top of stuff. The exploits were horrendous. It doesn't mean we can't touch it up a bit.


Oh, I agree that the exploits were bad. But even if you climb onto a crate and use it there...if its out of reach like that, they ignore it, or they jump onto the crate and kill it. Only issue I saw with it was jumping and placing it mid air. If the duration is going to be a temporary fix, can you at least make it invunerable for now? It just gets shredded like nothing currently making it pretty unusable in anything mid-high level.

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The post regarding "i don't care about other people's opinion" means I don't care what other people's opinion regarding the nerf about Nyx.

In simpler terms, I don't care how people think about what I post regarding the Nyx nerfs.

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