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Buff Volt


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With Volt, his intangibles are speed, electrical auto PRoC (PAoC?) and shield use as a defense/offensive tactic.

I'd like to see him match Loki for base speed or be close with light armor and knock his speed boost back to keep it where it is if that's what it takes. His speed utility would be greatly magnified if map topography were a greater tactical variable (generally small and narrow maps). Perhaps new raid maps will greatly enhance his speed utility for both objectives and group/squad.

A way to make his 4 more respectable is to add a knockdown at the end or make the damage Duration over time where Volt's energy drains with the button held so you get a risk/reward scenario but he can REALLY hammer and slow enemies.

Shock: add to stun duration by .1-.3 seconds.

I'd also make shield a bit bigger OR make it cheaper.

That's not really a lot, but would make a big difference IMHO.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Those who refuse a Volt in their team are making a huge mistake.


Use more Electric Shield, and use a critical based weapon on it. Trust me, you don't need more armor. :p Volt is actually perfect in it's state. Could use a speed buff... But he's already extremely well balanced and acts very nicely if you play him as a support frame.

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the only problem i have with volt is that usually volt can only be built with +duration, because Overload falls off like many other damage abilities. overall volt doesnt need buff. maybe add some more utility to Overload(augment mod maybe), but even without any change volt is GOOD. he is very helpful in various high level missions.

Edited by Eric1738
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the only problem i have with volt is that usually volt can only be built with +duration, because Overload falls off like many other damage abilities. overall volt doesnt need buff. maybe add some more utility to Overload(augment mod maybe), but even without any change volt is GOOD. he is very helpful is various high level missions.


He's useful everywhere. :p

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Those who refuse a Volt in their team are making a huge mistake.


Use more Electric Shield, and use a critical based weapon on it. Trust me, you don't need more armor. :p Volt is actually perfect in it's state. Could use a speed buff... But he's already extremely well balanced and acts very nicely if you play him as a support frame.

^THIS. A base speed buff makes him the utility frame he was meant to be.

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He doesnt need a buff. If you are tanking with a Shield frame, you are playing the game wrong. Volt is a fast acting damage frame, with loads of support and utility, and the ability to lay down cover. 

^THIS. A base speed buff makes him the utility frame he was meant to be.


Actually, he was advertised as a damage frame, that was meant to be an alternative to gunplay, and by happenstance, he was given a lot of utility

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He doesnt need a buff. If you are tanking with a Shield frame, you are playing the game wrong. Volt is a fast acting damage frame, with loads of support and utility, and the ability to lay down cover.

Actually, he was advertised as a damage frame, that was meant to be an alternative to gunplay, and by happenstance, he was given a lot of utility

I don't care that the "tag" isn't true at higher levels. The best frames have 1-4 that allow them to be played very differently as you progress. Yes, because he doesn't have a "go-to" %crit, he graduates to utility over time, but still has great AoE. With a boost in base speed, he would be (more) awesome fun. Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Those who refuse a Volt in their team are making a huge mistake.


Use more Electric Shield, and use a critical based weapon on it. Trust me, you don't need more armor. :p Volt is actually perfect in it's state. Could use a speed buff... But he's already extremely well balanced and acts very nicely if you play him as a support frame.

Volt + Amprex so good

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He's even good for nuke damage if enemies are close together.  Overload's damage is increased by 50% per enemy in each cluster.  Volt is pretty much a paradigm of balance.


The only things I might change would be to allow Electric procs delivered in quick succession to refresh their stun (currently the stun is nullified if they are already electrocuted) and for electronics to become available to boost Overload again after a time delay.  

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He's even good for nuke damage if enemies are close together.  Overload's damage is increased by 50% per enemy in each cluster.  Volt is pretty much a paradigm of balance.


The only things I might change would be to allow Electric procs delivered in quick succession to refresh their stun (currently the stun is nullified if they are already electrocuted) and for electronics to become available to boost Overload again after a time delay.  

Dont forget electronics


Something should be expanded on that end


Having a one time extra burst makes it feel gimmicky

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Dont forget electronics


Something should be expanded on that end


Having a one time extra burst makes it feel gimmicky

I said that Electronics should come back online after a while to be used again.  >.>  


Maybe having their damage boost recharge over time but be available any time at its current value?

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Technically, his speed skill does give Volt an alternative to gunfire by increasing melee attack speed.


But his official video is the better description of him, pegging him as a master of tactical combat.


A minor speed buff would be nice (1.1 or 1.15 is fine), as well as a revamp of overload to not suck.... I'd rather it give a duration-based paralysis shock over time rather than focusing on its lackluster damage which is almost as low as rhino stomp but with a shorter range.  If it can paralyze all enemies in a 25 meter AOE for about 8 seconds, it'd be perfect.  Damage per second can be reduced to like 100 since this version would be more of a CC power.

Edited by Holeypaladin
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Here is how I feel about Volt and his kit:


Stats: It isn't necessary, but a Sprint Speed boost of 1.0 -> 1.1~1.15 would be welcomed, as using his Speed ability can often cause faster teammates to completely leave you in the dust.

A potential Prime could alleviate that, but I think increased Shields would be nicer for the Prime's stat differentiation.

Volt having 1.0 Sprint Speed wasn't an issue back when Speed only affected himself, but now that his ability affects the whole team, he isn't as fast/faster than as his team anymore.

Description: Change his description to advertise him as a versatile frame with both utility and damage. A Warframe that compliments both Gunplay & Melee.


● Shock

Damage: 200 -> 300

While this is more of a crowd control ability, there is no real reason why it should be doing less damage than say, Pull. 

Also, I believe that the minimum damage for damaging abilities should be raised.


● Speed

Fine as is, but giving the speed boost to Reload speed would be awesome.


● Electric Shield

It would be nice to have the Electrical damage boost be affected by Power Strength Mods.

Enemies that come in contact with Electric Shield should be stunned. (This could be an Augment, but Speed's Augment already does a similar job.)


● Overload

Increase the time between each electrical pulse (without increasing ability cast time).

Let Duration Mods affect the number of pulses (and possibly add a pulse or two to the base amount, due to the time between them increasing).


Important: Completely remove the "Electric Jesus" animation from Overload's code.   

It only shows up when you've triggered a bunch of electronics, but it makes you unnecessarily vulnerable.


The way I see it, the cast animation should be how it was when Damage 2.0 was added: Volt jumps up, scrunches into a ball, then releases the first pulse, all within a matter of about 2 seconds, allowing him to move for the remainder of the ability.

Edited by Flackenstien
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Here is how I feel about Volt and his kit:


Stats: It isn't necessary, but a Sprint Speed boost of 1.0 -> 1.1~1.15 would be welcomed, as using his Speed ability can often cause faster teammates to completely leave you in the dust.

A potential Prime could alleviate that, but I think increased Shields would be nicer for the Prime's stat differentiation. Volt having 1.0 Sprint Speed wasn't an issue back when Speed only affected himself, but now that his ability affects the whole team, he isn't as fast/faster than as his team anymore.

Description: Change his description to advertise him as a versatile frame with both utility and damage. A Warframe that compliments both Gunplay & Melee.


● Shock

Damage: 200 -> 300

While this is more of a crowd control ability, there is no real reason why it should be doing less damage than say, Pull. 

Also, I believe that the minimum damage for damaging abilities should be raised.


● Speed

Fine as is, but giving the speed boost to Reload speed would be awesome.


● Electric Shield

It would be nice to have the Electrical damage boost be affected by Power Strength Mods.

Enemies that come in contact with Electric Shield should be stunned. (This could be an Augment, but Speed's Augment already does a similar job.)


● Overload

Increase the time between each electrical pulse (without increasing ability cast time).

Let Duration Mods affect the number of pulses (and possibly add a pulse or two to the base amount, due to the time between them increasing).


Important: Completely remove the "Electric Jesus" animation from Overload's code.   

It only shows up when you've triggered a bunch of electronics, but it makes you unnecessarily vulnerable.


The way I see it, the cast animation should be how it was when Damage 2.0 was added: Volt jumps up, scrunches into a ball, then releases the first pulse, all within a matter of about 2 seconds, allowing him to move for the remainder of the ability.

I like all of these changes.  Every one of them.

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I don't think they should touch Electric Shield ever again. Letting it scale with power strength will either make it op in some cases and nerf it for builds which don't rely on strength.


I like the other ideas though. I don't know if that shield stun wouldn't be too op without an augment.


I'd like to see an augment that allows you to pick up placed shields and not beeing allowed to attack. It would allow tactical team movement where someone takes a shield and walks in front.

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"his armor values...." Dude lategame every frame dies to a bullet anyways at a certain point, don't make that argument. Volt is absolutely overpowerd right now with his shield (it crashes games if you stack to many of them cuz the dmg is too high for the engine to handle in case you didn't know that). That's all that needs to be said about Volt aside from the fact that his speed is ludicrous... literally and his other 2 abilities might not compete with saryn or ash but they have their place regardless.

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Didn't DE remove shield stacking? I don't know, I didn't try it for some time.


His Speed is a group buff.

The electric damage still stacks (+50% of weapon base damage after serration, etc. per shield) but the critical bonus is a fixed 200% no matter how many shields you fire through.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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For real? I should try bringing down Jackal in a second again.


I remember speedrunning him with synapse back then, when he was a nightmare map to get hammershot.


The good old Volt times... nothing has changed much aside from a finally bigger shield and procs vulnerability...

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I do. Or better phrased: I did.


Lately I'm more focusing on melee. I abused shield in all sorts of manners back then.


The best thing I saw was a Nova trying to shoot witg Ogris through a shield. 

Sufficient to say, "she had a blast".


Latest gimmic was using Genocide Gammacor with electric shield. That's some awesome stuff (quite boring though).

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