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Corrupted Guardian Nullifier Eximus..... What Are You Made Of?


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Surprised no one has posted a Slowpoke yet.


The things I find FAR more shocking in the codex:

a)  Orokin Power Generator defense objectives have 'Flesh'.  Which probably explains why they go from fine to destroyed in a couple of seconds if high level Infested get near them.

b)  Corpus Locust Drones have 'Cloned Flesh'.  Do the Corpus make them out of Grineer organs or what?

Grineer Dregs have Cloned Flesh, but no Machinery.


They are Grineer that didn't quite become Grineer.

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OK.... Here's the thing. Nullifiers ARE BROKEN. Though they aren't very broken.



All they need is their lanka to be nerfed, that is it. People acting like they are the endall worse enemy in the game have yet to fight a level 100 Tar mao buffed by a swarm and healer... -.- (uggh that was torturous) 



Their idea is a great idea. It basically forces us to instead of camping in one area to finish enemies go out their with melee and kill them. ( a fire rate nerf and damage nerf would make melee possible for them)



You guys forget that these enemies are enemies that are suppose to make us THINK. Make us strategies. These enemies are suppose to be put in mind when we build are void builds. They are not meant to be a lancer!


They may be broken, but all they need is a small nerf to be fixed.

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Again. 99% of your options are made less than optimal.


-bubble has a damage cap: oh no, I have to shoot it 4 whole times!

-shield regenerates: oh no, I have to shoot it four whole times in a row!

-cancels ults: because damage abilities are totally effective deep into T4.

-weapon: or just run around, because they can't lead targets

-don't get up close: it's called a spin attack. You should try it some time.


Seriously, I don't know why people have so much trouble with Nullifiers. If my Grinlok and Lex Prime can deal with them, other weapons shouldn't have a problem. Those complaints are just silly. I agree there's ways they could be tweaked, but you are waaaaay overstating the danger they pose.

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-bubble has a damage cap: oh no, I have to shoot it 4 whole times!

-shield regenerates: oh no, I have to shoot it four whole times in a row!

-cancels ults: because damage abilities are totally effective deep into T4.

-weapon: or just run around, because they can't lead targets

-don't get up close: it's called a spin attack. You should try it some time.


Seriously, I don't know why people have so much trouble with Nullifiers. If my Grinlok and Lex Prime can deal with them, other weapons shouldn't have a problem. Those complaints are just silly. I agree there's ways they could be tweaked, but you are waaaaay overstating the danger they pose.

•You shoot the shield to get to the Nullifier, then shoot the Nullifier, effectively damage sponging for no other reason than delay their demise so they can be a nuisance longer


•You have to prioritize the Nullifiers among the crowd due to the regen, because they keep you from properly dealing with the crowd. Bonus if there's more durable or deadly foes that you can't deal with as the Game doesn't send enemies at you one at a time.


•I didn't mean Ults. I meant your 4 powers. No CC skills or ways to delay them like other enemies. No buffs to help fight them. Nothing but your guns.


•Weapon means you have to stay away from them


•Spin Attack? You're asking me to wilfully run into a crowd of enemies just to kill a nullifier. I'm also risking putting myself at point-blank range of their guns.

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it NULLIFIES stuff. it has like 13 hp. equip your little roflcopters and slide attack it. you act like they are some plague thats overunning the game. its not that bad

you expect me to roflcopter through a bubble filled with bombard or heavy techs and what not? I would instantly get knocked down and killed, that tactic works fine and all on low level but once the levels become high enough that doesn't work anymore.

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Tell that to the shield that blocks all bullets and Tenno powers until it breaks.

Slide through the shield and blow the guy up with two barrels of Tigris straight to the face


Alternatively you could try taking a weapon with a decent fire rate and just burning through the bubble


Seriously they aren't hard to deal with.

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Slide through the shield and blow the guy up with two barrels of Tigris straight to the face


Alternatively you could try taking a weapon with a decent fire rate and just burning through the bubble


Seriously they aren't hard to deal with.

Why is the answer always "Just run into full of enemies and roflcopter them"?

How many times do I have to say that I'm not worried about how to kill them?


Please, if you're knowledgeable, please justify the Nullifier's design and explain how their interactions with our weapons are healthy while they nullify Warframe power.

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you expect me to roflcopter through a bubble filled with bombard or heavy techs and what not? I would instantly get knocked down and killed, that tactic works fine and all on low level but once the levels become high enough that doesn't work anymore.

Don't expect for them to understand how most of the time inside that bubble there is something that can oneshoot you or knock you down then one shoot you. Besides the obvious lanka to the face.

Whenever I see someone going "just slide in and kill it" i facepalm. Then later we have to kill all the mobz and rez the magical kamikaze guy, but he got the nullifier yay. Screw it that he died to 4 bombards that were there, he got the nullifier.

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Thank your for the Nullifier Thread. I thought that everyone had forgotten the rage :´)




Here is my favorite anti-Nullifier gif.



Opticor vs Nullifier Shield



Also prepare yourself for "Moved to a proper section" very soon.

Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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