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What Has Pvp Ever Done To You?


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Personally I'll bullet point it for you.

1.) It brings in the 'overly' competitive crowd as well as people looking for fun with pvp so i know not all of them are that, but this crowd can be highly abrasive (Look at LoL, Dota2, CoD)

2.) It completely made me disinterested in dark sectors due to gimmicks like ash spam, fought a whole team OF ashes, over and over again.

3.) Dark Sectors themselves? They used to be more community based, but due to a large portion of said community finding the system itself abrasive and unwieldy and easily stacked against them just said F*** it and played other maps and or just prayed the gimmick abusers were fighting for someone that had lower taxes in mind.

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People seem to think PvP = Dark Sector Conflicts... Ignoring the fact that there is a avid community of regular Conclave players.

Both are PvP, the thread title is "What Has Pvp Ever Done To You?", and people are answering the question.


Dark Sectors and how they've degraded due to being made PvP can't be brushed under the carpet.

Why it's changed like that while Conclaves isn't like that is due to the lack of goal and progression.

  • You have nothing to win or lose at Conclave, it's a friendly sport.
  • Dark Sector conflicts have 'popularity' (visibility) and actual game rewards at stake.

Because of this difference, people have a motive to use underhanded tactics in Dark Sectors and PvE parts of the game suffer for it.  In order to give people PvP without motivation to win whatever the cost, the PvP aspects of the game must be separate from PvE and have no rewards and not affect the rest of the game in general.


You know, like Conclaves do now.  They stay out of PvE, and that's why nobody's complaining about them the way they do Dark Sectors.

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Before Dark Sector conflicts became PvP, I was fine with just pretending that PvP simply didn't exist in Warframe.  However, since Dark Sector conflicts are only PvP, instead of PvP and PvE as it should be, PvP has closed off a part of the game that influences certain PvE missions.  Missions that would be all-around better than the standard missions if it weren't for the ludicrous tax rates.


Dark Sectors as a system was flawed before it was PvP only, but removing the PvE option entirely in an effort to make it a competitive end-game only made Dark Sectors worse.  And my faith that a small, dedicated team will be able to fix it -- when even the PvE is still pretty imbalanced in certain aspects -- is minimal, at best.

Edited by Katakuna
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I'll give in my opinions into this, as I'm concerned by the way things are actually changing from the Dark Sectors to thoroughly everything in the game.


First of all, I'm a lampshaded PvP person myself, but llimited to an extent that I won't actually PvP if the game itself is not intended to be a PvP game. you can PvP in DotA, Skullgirls, LoL, and whatever games you like, as long as it focuses on PvP. PvE games that HAS PvP like Warframe is an exception, whether or not you want to PvP in it. though the preparations are far more of an annoyance than you preparing to do a 11 Hour run at a Tier 4 Survival.


Second, It's only a matter of time before the Warframe playerbase will go toxic when Warframe will head towards the PvP direction rather than PvE. A few good examples are as follows : Call of Duty, a full-on PvP game. 12 year olds rambling about why you can kill them with a pistol. Soldiers Of Fortune, Adults literally go screaming at you for taking their skull to the vendor. Or yeah, I know. Minecraft with its majority of PvP servers. Spawncamps! Overpowered Factions, 'Let's screw up the game and make a spice of our own into it that makes it so newer players won't have a chance against donators!' type of thing.


Third, Imbalanced gears that are intended to be only for PvE purposes are used for PvP. See that Loki Prime over there? he just vanished. See your body now? your limbs are now thrown on the ground and your organs are now outside, thanks to Loki Prime and his Dragon Nikana that does over 250k damage. Cheesy setup right there, folks, shows a person that prepares for everything, even a goddamn Zanuka Hunter batalion. On a side note, It would be wonderful if you can basically get to choose a set of frames and weapons, with their own optimized mod setup when you do a DS PvP.


A Disclaimer that this is in fact only a few of my opinions regarding PvP and how I not despise it, but just don't really want to support it for the rest of my gaming years due to these problems.


Dark Sectors are not to be removed, they just need a little more of a 'tune-up' to make it fun and lively for newbies and veterans alike, with advanced PvE support or an option to choose between PvP or PvE, so there will be no "Dark Sectors" separating us or any "Conflicts" occuring between any players again like the previously mentioned imbalance of gear.


Edit : Removed a swear word. I prefer my messages to be clean.

Edited by ViroVeteruscy
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PvP provided a more fun challenge to me after experiencing a lot of PvE that usually becomes repetitive. Nothing beats testing what you learn and do against an actual thinking person instead of a limited AI.

thats why they should focus on the pve so it wont make repetitive and bosses arent bullet sponges

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thats why they should focus on the pve so it wont make repetitive and bosses arent bullet sponges


Yea but no amount of PvE is going to replace the kind of experience you can get from PvP if it is good. The enemy AI will always be repetitive or predictable after a while. That's how it is for me atleast.

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I think the issue people have with pvp is disappointment. When you have a great feature in game that is ruined by balance issues; people become disappointed and upset at the entire feature itself. I dont think people actually hate pvp itself, i think people hate that it isnt balanced enough to allow them to use any weapon or warframe they want and still be just as successful as any other warframe or weapon that could be used. And because creating a perfect balance in pvp is near impossible; you will always find people complaining about it.

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Because :

1. I have bad experiences with PvP games community (zero respect, no sportmanship, lot of gloating). 

2. I have no problem with PvP when i'm the host, every non Asian players will have their behinds handed back to them because my l33t latency as host. I don't like having fun if my opponents aren't.

3. The reverse of #2. If i'm not the host, i can;t have fun because my opponents are teleporting all over the map and i died before i could do anything.

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I see a lot of very vocal people posting anti-PVP sentiments and it always seems personal. It's rarely "PVP isn't for me, I don't care", it's more in the lines of "PVP is bad for this game, it will ruin it".

That second one is a pretty bold statement to make, and it often goes unchallenged and upvoted.


So aside from you not wanting to engage in PVP (which is fine) what has PVP ever done to you?


PVP has kicked my butt lol. One of the few reasons i really don't play it anymore. I'm curious to see what changes DE can bring to this aspect of game. Always open to something new!

Edited by (PS4)onewiseguy
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PVP has kicked my butt lol. One of the few reasons i really don't play it anymore. I'm curious to see what changes DE can bring to this aspect of game. Always open to something new!

Yeah I'm looking forward to the whole "You can only use a small subset of gear in PvP" aspect because it might make it a lot more tactical in terms of gameplay, not just who picked the weapon with the easiest firing mechanics to damage.

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PVP's never done anything to me, I just don't care about it. Though I feel that there should be all types of players in the Warframe universe, not just PVE.

There are obvious issues that need to be worked out for PVP to flourish in the long run (which it will, as per Scott in the latest devstream) but other than that I think PVP players deserve their own slice of the cake as much as PVE players deserve theirs.


I sometimes like to watch/spectate PVP matches while I'm not all that big on actually participating in them myself, so I'm hoping that there will be a spectate option available as well.

Edited by Trowicia
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I sometimes like to watch/spectate PVP matches while I'm not all that big on actually participating in them myself, so I'm hoping that there will be a spectate option available as well.

Yes! I want this so bad! The best we can do at the moment is to look up pro conclaver's videos sadly. ;-;

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For the record, I am not against PVP, I'm just answering the OP's question in the hopes it will extend a dialogue.


Speaking as a fellow who jumped over from Destiny for this very reason, until launch Destiny promised a very broad social and story-driven experience with PVP as one of many features. As the game launched and players took to forums and websites to seek friends and squadmates, the community was unfortunately populated with extremely toxic individuals who, to put it lightly, acquired a great deal of personal worth from a kill death ratio and measured everyone else accordingly. Every thread was polluted with jealousy, pettiness, and immature baiting to establish a pseudo "rank" between players. Worse yet, as PVP is the trend these days, Bungie presented many free patches and hot-fixes to balance and enhance the PVP experience- at times at the cost of PVE effectiveness.


To explain it briefly in comparable terms, it would be as if too many people complained about Excalibur's Radial Javelin being too OP and stealing too many kills  in PVP and DE suddenly marginalizing it's effectiveness to balance PVP but also apply the same reduction to PVE which means, let's say an Infestation Survival. Sure, it did appease the PVP players and leveled their playing field but for the PVE crowd they were suddenly being nerfed for no real reason and it hurt their viability in certain high-stake scenarios. Going back to my first point, this made it seem as though Bungie was catering toward the toxic parts of the community and even encouraging the misconduct, warping a social gaming experience into a pageant of anti-social bickering. 



It was very disappointing and, in my opinion, undid a lot of good will that Bungie was attempting to garner- although their management of the franchise and DLC practices haven't done them any favors as of late and it's starting to show.


That being said, I don't really see that happening with Warframe. Case and point, I didn't even know we had a PVP mode until well into developing my own character. More relevantly, I wasn't even aware what an Archwing did until I was jettisoned out into the vacuum and Ordis deployed it- which was by far AWESOME. Even after those two examples, I was never reminded or pushed toward those modes apart from seeing a mission or two minding it's own business. Meanwhile, upon reaching level 5 in Destiny you are inundated with reminders about the PVP section of the game as well as the odd (once again, FREE) PVP event that you might as well have bought Call of Duty Advancereriest Warfare. PVE folks would only see one minor free PVE event followed by 20 dollars for 4 hours of new content and the ability to play weekly/daily events that would be closed off to players if they didn't purchase the DLC. Okay, okay, Destiny rant off- my point is that PVP burned me very badly but that's because of poor management and decisions by the game's creators. That does not appear to be the case here.


DE appears to want to diversify their repertoire with a more fleshed out PVP feature, if it's as awesome and as non-intrusive as their Archwing missions then odds are it will be yet another facet of a gleaming gem. Adversely, if you don't like it then you may not even know it's there. As for the community being toxic, with the curb as steep as it is to get a feel for the game and the majority of folks being classy (and more importantly, helpful/inclusive)I don't see your average troll being too great of a presence for very long. 

Edited by (PS4)El__Lobo_Loco
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For one thing, it is extremely unbalanced.


Just about all Warframe abilities are OP, especially Mesa's aimbot Deadeye ability.


Most of the time, it's usually cowards sitting across the map trying to Acrid snipe with it's op and lengthy toxin proc.


Really, I could go into a long rant, but I won't. 

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Sounds like most people had a bad time in gym class...


For those that do enjoy any part of PvP can you elaborate more? A lot of the time the discussion goes into "If I wanted to play a PvP game I would of played X" Then, why do you guys play the PvP in this game? What does this game have that no other has?

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Sounds like most people had a bad time in gym class...


For those that do enjoy any part of PvP can you elaborate more? A lot of the time the discussion goes into "If I wanted to play a PvP game I would of played X" Then, why do you guys play the PvP in this game? What does this game have that no other has?

I play it in this game for a few reasons.


1. I like the developers and want to support them.


2. I love how fast paced conclave is.


3. I like the diversity in customization.


4. It has the most mature and friendly people I've ever seen.


5. I've made some pretty good friends playing conclave.


I will probably put more when I think of more.

Edited by Rakshal
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I don't really have any issues with PvP in warframe; primarily because I have never even touched any Dark Sector PvP so I have zero clues what is going on there, and I've been around since about Update 7. (Gosh it's been so long and we've some so far)


I just never cared for it. As people will say: "No one is forcing you to PvP" so I just don't. Am I missing out on it? Maybe, but I have no interest in it not even a little. So let the PvP crowd have their fun it's not harming anyone... just as long as it doesn't bleed over to the PvE side.

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