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Serious Question To Everyone Who Isn't A Founder...


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Which is valid, and definitely within your rights, and why the renegotiating option would not work.


On a side note I always wondered how an AKLato and dual Skana Prime would fit into the terms of the Founders pack.


sigh here we go again


DUAL = 2 of something. if the 1 is never coming back... how can you have 2 of them?


unless you plan on creating 2 of something out of completely different materials, which begs the question... wouldnt that just be something else?


cant comprehend why this is so difficult to grasp

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Release a new pack "Remembering the Founders", include a new fancy but also completely useless excal and others, let them pay for that and if they miss it there is absolute no reason to complain.


and in 2 weeks when the newest bunch of players start crying about missing this one? its a never ending thing. just face the fact that you missed something for whatever reason and move on


all this does is make 2 packs of stuff ppl missed.

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and in 2 weeks when the newest bunch of players start crying about missing this one? its a never ending thing. just face the fact that you missed something for whatever reason and move on


all this does is make 2 packs of stuff ppl missed.


"you missed" hope this isn't directed at me because I wasn't complaining. I was trying to think of a solution, no nothing solves the problem and it happens in ALL games with limited time stuff. However something like this helps qwell the testosterone filled hate.

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Willing to bet there isn't many true founders around now and the people who joined after vastly out number them considerably.


Also willing to bet there is people who have come in after founder ended who have spent just as much, if not more time/effort/money than many founders have.


Problem here is that this game has MR and if you miss these one time events your progression stops well before those that were around. I can understand cosmetics, badges, and titles being a perk but exclusive frames, weapons, and mods too? Ya, I dunno cus that seems a bit much.


But w/e. Don't care really, the 20 founders left can continue to be special...extra MR and all.

Edited by fizbit
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"you missed" hope this isn't directed at me because I wasn't complaining. I was trying to think of a solution, no nothing solves the problem and it happens in ALL games with limited time stuff. However something like this helps qwell the testosterone filled hate.


just let it go (ppl in general not you specifically). there is no solution needed because there is no problem to begin with.

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 They should reapproach the matter and seek a final resolution. Or this will continue.

The thing is they have a final solution and have stated so many times before. You just don't like it. But the fact of the matter is that the customer is not always right. You can't always get what you want. If DE did bring back the founders gear they would be pleasing one group and angering another, leading to a role reversal of what we have now.


It would take a lot of market pressure for DE to even consider this as an option, and I don't see the community boycotting the purchase of Platinum until the founders gear is returned.


As is, these topics are far less frequent than they used to be and most people don't care enough to make a fuss about it. I am sorry, but I don't see DE changing their policy on the exclusivity of the Founders gear.

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The thing is they have a final solution and have stated so many times before. You just don't like it. But the fact of the matter is that the customer is not always right. You can't always get what you want. If DE did bring back the founders gear they would be pleasing one group and angering another, leading to a role reversal of what we have now.


It would take a lot of market pressure for DE to even consider this as an option, and I don't see the community boycotting the purchase of Platinum until the founders gear is returned.


As is, these topics are far less frequent than they used to be and most people don't care enough to make a fuss about it. I am sorry, but I don't see DE changing their policy on the exclusivity of the Founders gear.


It could come to which ever group would pay more, it's a dirty move but a lot of people would pay for founders now and if that outweighs the hate from the original founders it would be a smart COMPANY move. Frankly every choice comes back negatively, however stuff like this needs a mix between profit and players.

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sigh here we go again


DUAL = 2 of something. if the 1 is never coming back... how can you have 2 of them?


unless you plan on creating 2 of something out of completely different materials, which begs the question... wouldnt that just be something else?


cant comprehend why this is so difficult to grasp

For the purpose of crafting it wouldnt be that hard for DE to put Lato Prime and Skana Prime part into the void drop tables and require two of each part for the blueprint. After all the Fang Prime is technically a dual dagger, but doesn't require a single Fang to build.


Also, I just really want an AKLato Prime. It would look so good in Mag Primes holsters, but if it doesn't happen life moves on.

Also Also. Dual Skana does not require two Skanas to build so why should its prime variant.

Edited by xRufus7x
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It could come to which ever group would pay more, it's a dirty move but a lot of people would pay for founders now and if that outweighs the hate from the original founders it would be a smart COMPANY move. Frankly every choice comes back negatively, however stuff like this needs a mix between profit and players.

Unfortunately, its not that simple. In a direct ratio, non founder players would definitely win, but then DE would also receive negative press for going back on their word, which isn't unheard of in the world of business, but isn't a great idea for a company trying to build the trust of their still pretty young community. They would also have to deal with the legal ramifications(I have no idea what these would be, but can only assume they include night time ninja raids on their offices by angry founders).

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it would be a smart COMPANY move


Except pissing off your most loyal customers isn't.


DE already has replaced the Founders packs with another source of revenue. You know this as Prime Access. Adding a rehashed founder pack for the marginal increase isn't worth risking your reputation as a game developer.

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Except &!$$ing off your most loyal customers isn't.


DE already has replaced the Founders packs with another source of revenue. You know this as Prime Access. Adding a rehashed founder pack for the marginal increase isn't worth risking your reputation as a game developer.


Company's piss off customers all the time, do you look at any market these days?


and @rufus, Idk the ratios so no clue.

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Hyperbole and false equavency aside, I and many other have a legitimate grievance and are ability to voice it is obstructed. No serious arbitration is considered. This bordering on offensive as I feel I have arguably contributed as much and at a critical juncture to DE. That access to the Founder Primes should no longer be exclusive, also that items that have master rank associated to them are not appropriate exclusives in general.

Amiable terms for all parties should be explored. Only then will the matter be put to rest.


Actually you do not have a legitimate grievance at all, you simply think you Deserve something because you put in contributions as much and at a critical juncture to the game. 


Le'ts break this down real simple like for you:

1 - Founders Exclusive = EXCLUSIVE, go to any other game which offers/offered the same buy in of founders access and even try to talk about getting access to the content. You will get nowhere at all but laughed at. Do you even understand the word Exclusive?


2- You may have contributed during a critical juncture when the game was opening up on PS4 and as I recall PS4 got their own exclusive RENOWN packs, which cannot be picked up an any other platform and hey guess what they are no longer available!! Go Figure!!!!!!


3- XB1 Just got their exclusive content pack release recently and when they decided to shut that down guess what it will not be available anymore.


4- Founders chose to invest in the very early stages of development, of which if they did not this game would not exist, nor would it have ever made it to PS4 or XB1. The investment was a major risk as is with any founders package investment into any game. No matter how much you have contributed you did not and never will have contributed during the most important stage of the development. 


5- There is indeed a binding agreement between DE and the founders which would prohibit the release of the EXCLUSIVE items.


6- Refer back to number 1!

Edited by DogManDan
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Wildstar promised monthly updates during beta and shortly after release. 3 months later it's now quarterly or less.


ESO promised the game would never be f2p, yet it will be on consoles and eventually PC will too.


SWToR promised the game would never go free to play...


Blizzard promised there would be competitive PvP modes for D3...


I could list more if needed.


In any other industry, 'promises' are usually kept but in video games? They say whatever is needed to sell their product and going back on their word means nothing since they know full well people will buy into it regardless if they lie or not. It's just how the gaming industry works, nothing is set in stone and 'promises' are meant to be broken (and people will still give you money if you do).

Edited by fizbit
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That access to the Founder Primes should no longer be exclusive, also that items that have master rank associated to them are not appropriate exclusives in general.

Amiable terms for all parties should be explored. Only then will the matter be put to rest.


Alright, keep fighting the honorable fight in this cancer of a topic.  If you continue they might possibly realize the error of their ways and go back on everything they've ever said about the matter.  There's nothing I can say to dissuade you from your puzzlingly staunch opinion on such a laughably insignificant subject, so there's no point in continuing this.  I guess you are a spokesman for the entitled age that we live in and I'll just have to accept that myself.  Everything for everyone!


DogManDan's post above can give you more to discuss.  I'll see myself out.

Edited by FishNeedles
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Wildstar promised monthly updates during beta and shortly after release. 3 months later it's now quarterly or less.


ESO promised the game would never be f2p, yet it will be on consoles and eventually PC will too.


SWToR promised the game would never go free to play...


Blizzard promised there would be competive PvP modes for D3...


I could list more if needed.


In any other industry, 'promises' are usually kept but in video games? They say whatever is needed to sell their product and going back on their word means nothing since they know full well people will buy into it regardless if they lie or not. It's just how the gaming industry works, nothing is set in stone and 'promises' are meant to be broken (and people will give you money when you do).


According to Steve (upper management), legal will not let them re-release founders exclusives. They mentioned it in a stream a while back. So even if they wanted to, they can't. 


Also, are we really going to do the whole "race to the bottom" thing? Just because other companies broke promises doesn't mean DE has to.

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Wildstar promised monthly updates during beta and shortly after release. 3 months later it's now quarterly or less.


ESO promised the game would never be f2p, yet it will be on consoles and eventually PC will too.


SWToR promised the game would never go free to play...


Blizzard promised there would be competitive PvP modes for D3...


I could list more if needed.


In any other industry, 'promises' are usually kept but in video games? They say whatever is needed to sell their product and going back on their word means nothing since they know full well people will buy into it regardless if they lie or not. It's just how the gaming industry works, nothing is set in stone and 'promises' are meant to be broken (and people will still give you money if you do).

TOR was hemorrhaging players. I would assume the same was true for ESO. If it is between failing and going F2P they will generally go f2P, but that is a profit vs Risk analysis. The same is not true of founders. I highly doubt that DE is in a severe financial loss scenario at this point.

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oh look its this thread again

can i request a mod to just close this?


its been a while since i saw a thread like this, you know, it's peaceful.

and now u made another one, and one of the founder made it.


"uhh guys, these peasant stop talking about us, how about we made them do it again"


"uhh ok.."

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TOR was hemorrhaging players. I would assume the same was true for ESO. If it is between failing and going F2P they will generally go f2P, but that is a profit vs Risk analysis. The same is not true of founders. I highly doubt that DE is in a severe financial loss scenario at this point.


To clear up the confusion, ESO isn't going F2P. It's dropping the subscription model for B2P only.

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Not sayin to make founders pack available again, no. Just stating examples from other game companies who will not hesitate to go back on promises. At this point, it's expect now instead of a surprise which is my point.


Anyways, I really don't care at all when it comes right down to it.


Only thing downside is not being able to hit the potential MR cap and that's about it.


Now if they put in that super power creep focus system I read about on wiki, then I might have issues.

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