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If You Had 1 Warframe Ability In Real Life


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IRRADIATED Radial Disarm. Like, punch a random guy in a bar to initiate aggro since you probably won't be able to affect non-hostile targets, then irradiate.  That should probably let that guy punch someone else near him and wait for people to get pissed at you for causing it and turn hostile. Rinse and repeat until everyone is beating each other up, including the bartender, I guess.

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Mind control. How easy would it be to walk into a bank and control the teller, get them to hand you the money, and walk out, leaving them confused and the bank far poorer. Or use it on a politician, or following the bank fiasco, a judge to get a slap on the wrist sentence. It would be glorious to be completely immune to the law. I would be a friggin god! MuwahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!...Errr...yeah.

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