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Prime Gold - Coloring Discussion


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*sigh* PBR ruin all prime stuff I don't mind if them can colorable but please keep gold materials for shiny not a poor yellow color like s**t

and I bet DE don't give a fk about this S#&$.


gonna +1 about on/off option.

Edited by Shafilp
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With the recent update, you're now able to customize the Gold on Targis Prime Armor, while this is likely to be unintentional, it got me thinking on the topic and I propose a simple solution.


Prime Gold can be recolored (such as on Soma Prime) but give a little checkbox in the palette to 'turn on' the classic Prime Gold. It would save the trouble of having to create Immortal Skins that incorporate the Prime Gold if owners of Prime items had the agency to turn it on themselves.


I'm pretty sure making the Targis Prime's gold recolorable IS intentional, and I for one like it. I wish they'd swap out the third and fourth tints for it, though.

Pathetic reason to complain.  New heights here people.  Please tell me what is stopping anyone from using the default gold?  And pleas tell me how someone else in your group using green as a replacement..troubles you?


It doesn't glow like the old Prime gold.

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I rather like the new customization, I can finally get to have matching shades of gold on my primes but is understandable how some people don't like the new change due to not knowing a good color pallet for gold.


My recomendation for a prime gold color is the tenno pallet, fire pallet, and St.Patrick's day pallet (If you have it)


The tenno pallet is great for tarnished gold


Fire is great for most frames (Nyx, Rhino, Frost, ect.), you just need to play around with the top pale yellow colors in the pallet.

I don't own the holiday pallet but I heard its good for gold colors, I would be grateful if someone were to upload an image of it.

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I feel that if DE was going to make Targis Prime armor CC they should've waited until they could color the Prime frames first, and release a CC Targis Prime and a CC Prime frame. Now, we have this weird problem of not being able to match the gold on WF, but if we have CC Prime frames, your "gold" will always match your frame.

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amongst one of the worst decisions DE has made in a while is the recoloring of Prime Gold


straight turrible idea



+1 for the worse idea.....

I buy prime access if theres enough bling to worth buying.

Now that the bling is all colored , theres no difference of me putting gold primes on a non prime.

All the prime after nova prime wont have the exquisite feel to them, just look at the soma prime and vesto .....gg they look like gold colores toy guns.

And from now on, all the primes will be that way??? Whats the purpose of prime gear releasing from the start anyway?!? Wasng it all about the gold bling?? Its just make it all invalid now.

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Got point?

i imagine he's just displeased that he spent money on an item for it's prime qualities (or what he interpreted as prime / the lovely gold), just for de to change that coloring that he paid for, and everyone's response to his displeasure? buy some more. 


if you can't see the problem with that then you are a lost cause. 

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I wonder what happened to Prime Eos. I can't find a default for recoloring, I preffer the old metal feel of textures than this new toy plastic looks.


I did not like how the changes were implemented maybe we can find a common ground to allow players to customize their colors while allowing also the option of having the unique gold tint?

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Solution to the lack of gold:

Something that's really easy to do. Here:







So many options here... You can even darken the gold colour if you want too!

Holy crap. Why are people like this.

Now if you don't mind I'll be enjoying my candy-floss pink Boltor Prime now.


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I want my Targis Armor back, DE.


Don't know why they couldn't they have just added another customization slot for the default gold in prime pieces, why have it take an already existing slot. I feel like they also did some other texture changes to the Targis Armor, as some parts aren't as dark (black) as they were before, like the EDO Armor. Aside from taking away the gold, it doesn't feel very "prime" anymore. Had the execution been not so poor, I wouldn't be having any complaints.

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I'm definitely dissatisfied with the update. It really kills the feel of my character visually. It was nice and shiny before, but now the colors (not just the gold rims) are dull and desaturated.


Really makes me regret buying the set. I'm crossing my fingers that they give us the option to revert it back. I'm definitely not against the idea, but I am against not having the option to opt out for it. 

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Everyone keeps saying "revert to default" or "buy more palettes."


Someone please screenshot me the "revert to default" option on the attachments page cause sure as hell don't see it.


I can agree that Gold is not what makes Prime, but only in reference to weapons and frames that come with stronger stats to various degrees.


But what you've done now, is taken an aesthetic that people PAID GOOD MONEY to own...


NOT because of its stat increases - since there aren't any

and NOT because it was hard to farm - since you couldn't farm it

but MOST LIKELY because of the gold trim that gave it the PRIME designation that people visually associate gold with



and made it the biggest waste of $50 that any collector or enthusiast ever spent on this game.


Give me back the gold trim that I paid you for, DE. Please.

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Everyone keeps saying "revert to default" or "buy more palettes."


Someone please screenshot me the "revert to default" option on the attachments page cause sure as hell don't see it.


I can agree that Gold is not what makes Prime, but only in reference to weapons and frames that come with stronger stats to various degrees.


But what you've done now, is taken an aesthetic that people PAID GOOD MONEY to own...


NOT because of its stat increases - since there aren't any

and NOT because it was hard to farm - since you couldn't farm it

but MOST LIKELY because of the gold trim that gave it the PRIME designation that people visually associate gold with



and made it the biggest waste of $50 that any collector or enthusiast ever spent on this game.


Give me back the gold trim that I paid you for, DE. Please.

This give us BACK THE GOLD DEFAULT COLOR please. Even as an option since we did PAY for that.

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