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We Would Like R5 Cores Back Instead Of Orokin Cells, Also Our Rep Standing Amount Back


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This is ridiculous, to begin with, for high rank players that have everything, T4 Survival is the mostly played mission that we can get R5 cores of, 3 Orokin cells? Are you serious? You guys want us to grind to get a key and then grind again to get orokin cells? Are you trying to get players to play the game more or what? Because after this update it seems the opposite to me and to a lot of people. And what about the rep standing amount? Split down to a half? Please... The whole game is about grinding over and over, don't make it worse.


For people commenting please leave a comment if you want the standing and the T4 S rewards to go back the way it was before, if you have an opinion or an addition to what I said post it below.


Thank you.

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I really hope T4S drop tables return to pre-15.13 status.



T4S was pretty much the only reliable source of R5 income for us - and now we can't even rely on that. This just makes it even more of a ridiculous and tedious grind to level up Primed mods. 

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This is ridiculous, to begin with, for high rank players that have everything, T4 Survival is the mostly played mission that we can get R5 cores of, 3 Orokin cells? Are you serious? You guys want us to grind to get a key and then grind again to get orokin cells? Are you trying to get players to play the game more or what? Because after this update it seems the opposite to me and to a lot of people. And what about the rep standing amount? Split down to a half? Please... The whole game is about grinding over and over, don't make it worse.


For people commenting please leave a comment if you want the standing and the T4 S rewards to go back the way it was before, if you have an opinion or an addition to what I said post it below.


Thank you.

Here's proof guys, this is t4 survival literally NO rare 5s. HOWEVER, DONT QUOTE ME ON THIS.... I got a ton of rare 5s from t4 defense today. Run t4 defense and post results to test it. I literally got 30, no joke.





Edited by cyrus106
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perhaps they put it into t4 survival by mistake?

Somehow I doubt that, time will tell



The mods are in "Mod rewards" not in "item rewards"

dude, you can see the top of my mod rewards in screen shot 1(rare cores are ALWAYS at the top for me). There is NO rare 5s. If you are still skeptical count the rewards. There are 6. Boar stock, o cell 3x, frost helm, mag helm

, boar stock, bo ornament. that's six. No rare 5s

Edited by cyrus106
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I have to agree. Orokin Cells, while logical seeing as it's the Void, are a very poor reward, especially for higher tier missions. It's a common enough resource on Ceres and running Sargas Ruk, there's hardly a reason to clog the reward pool.

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They see what we did there...

Syndicate Changes:


Syndicate Daily Quests for Standing have received an Affinity overhaul!  These changes should make Syndicate Missions much more rewarding to complete, in addition to decreasing the Daily Syndicate Standing Cap for non-Syndicate missions.


  • Syndicate Daily Missions now give double the Standing they did previously.
  • Daily Standing caps for non-Syndicate missions for have been reduced by half (remember, this cap is determined by Mastery Rank).  For example:
    • MR 0 could earn 2000 Standing before, now 1000.
    • MR 1 could earn 4000 Standing before, now 2000.
    • MR 2 could earn 6000 Standing before, now 3000.
  • Syndicate Mission Medallions have new standing values:
  • Common Medallions are now worth 500 Standing
  • Uncommon Medallions are now worth 1000 Standing
  • Rare Medallions are still worth 5000 Standing
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I have to agree. Orokin Cells, while logical seeing as it's the Void, are a very poor reward, especially for higher tier missions. It's a common enough resource on Ceres and running Sargas Ruk, there's hardly a reason to clog the reward pool.


 Yeah but most prime weapons cost 10 orokin cells, so it makes sense to have them in the void because you'll have enough to make your prime weapons when you get all the parts. 

Edited by Halisi
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