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T4S ...


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Alright. I know there is 50 of these threads, but I'm outraged.

Why would you destroy our one way of getting rare cores? Where else are we supposed to go?


That was the one reason we ALL PLAYED T4S! And you nerfed it!

The Syndicate nerf was bad enough, but the vets are being driven away.

Not to mention getting survival keys takes effort, we deserve our reward.

Bring back our cores DE!

If we want a change, it's our job as a community to speak up.

DE, please listen to your players! We're begging you to reconsider these changes.

Please don't let this issue die out.

Edited by AshArbiter
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  • Increased the amount of Fusion Cores you get in Void Survival Rewards depending on tier of Survival being played.
  • Added a 3 x Orokin Cells to T4 Survival Rewards.


So you dont get cores at all? baffled by this change then

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  • Increased the amount of Fusion Cores you get in Void Survival Rewards depending on tier of Survival being played.
  • Added a 3 x Orokin Cells to T4 Survival Rewards.


So you dont get cores at all? baffled by this change then


Literally close to no cores at all. I thought the change would be in our favor. GUESS NOT.

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I feel the same way as the OP.

Very, very disappointed in this decision de! We do not need another place that drops cells.

please restore T4S to its previous state.

No one is going to play T4S now.

I felt that the core drop rewards were just right in T4S considering the time you had to put in and the enemy difficulty.

I made it all worth while.

This has made me want to give WF a long rest.

Again, please de, give us back our T4S the way it was.

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If they arent going to bring back the cores could we at least take a head ache out of the equation?


orokin cells now drop in following (probably missing some places)

-t4 surv


-sabatage cache




-Captain vor


Neural sensor drops in


-sabatage caches


I mean i still think cores should be our reward but if there is no compromising that i would love to not have a billion orokin cells.




I would rather have a 2500 credit cache then 3 orokin cells. at least there is a use for credits right


(then again.... what if darvo uses resources as his monetary system...) something to think about??

Edited by FishNipps
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One of the perks of t4 was you didn't get awful drops like orokin cells, uncommon cores, and 1x rare core. I don't need o.cells. I have 200+ and every single item built that requires them. I don't need prime parts either. I need literally thousands of rare cores and now there's no way to farm them so I'm pretty much never going to max out all the mods I have unmaxed.


This update really sucked. Lowering syndicate cap with no adjustment to cost and nerfing core drop rate removes two of the only things left to do in warframe for longtime players. I still have archwing stuff to level, but that's not happening until they add a sane way to gain affinity there.


The random key packs are still in at 25k too. It's really awful that they've left it like that after removing specific keys for 1k each. There's no real reason to do syndicates at all now after you get syandanas.


 I like how the game went from the best it ever was over the holidays to removing all of the reasons to keep playing over the course of a few weeks. I don't get the point of actively making the game worse unless you're trying to get people to quit. 

Edited by Watlok
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Yeah, what happened to my T4s? Why, oh why would you nerf Fusion Cores from top tier content?


I mean, I went from 20-30 cores a run... to 5. Maybe. If I stay ten minutes longer than I normally would, to get yet another shot at loot table A.


DE pls. Why you take my fusion cores away. Pls.

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A summary of my gameplay thoughts tonight:


"Ok, collected my forma and started my next forma.  Now what can I do today?


I could do T4S for cores.  Oh wait, they reduced the drop rate of those to the point where it's not worth using keys for that purpose.  Oh well...


Hm, well, I could always collect prime parts to build up ducats for when the void trader shows up again.  But he'll just have primed mods I'll never be able to level up because there's no way to collect cores in a timely matter, and some garbage weapon that makes the panthera look like an attractive weapon in comparison in terms of cost/benefit ratio.  Darn.


I guess I could always just farm duplicate mods for fusion fodder and get what I need that way.  But wait, spawn mechanics are all screwed up now to the point where I'm barely able to kill 1/8th the amount of enemies I used to, so I would have to set up an afk farm just to make it palatable (and I don't believe in having to cheat just to make a game bearable).  Damn.


I could just play a bit for the fun of it.  But then again, spawn mechanics are screwed up to the point where I've actually started counting the number of lights in each room waiting for something to show up to try to kill me.  And all my friends quit playing because of the patch.  Great.


Interception for T4 Keys?  Who cares, T4 keys are almost worthless now once you got the parts in them.


Well, guess I've done everything I feel like doing.  *logs off*"


I'm not going to let the T4S change go.  It is truly terrible ripping out the only reliable ways of getting cores and giving us nothing in return except empty words and facetious platitudes that DE might possibly maybe or maybe not add them into something else.  My friends and I barely play the game anymore because of all these anti-player changes made to hurt players both old and new, but for me the T4S is the final straw.


Maybe DE'll re-add a method for players to progress with their mods.  Maybe I'll start actually playing the game again when that happens.  No promises, of course. ;)

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Been playing a few rounds of T4S.

got maybe 10 cores out of about 3 hours play!!!!

Nah...I am really fed up with this. Yet again de you have broken my favourite game.

We do not need another places that drops cells!!!!

Why have you done this? Just makes no sense what so ever.

Please put T4S to how it was. That includes the life support drops too...they are quite messed up now.

That was my weekend ruined.

How was yours?

Edited by Whitewolf..UK..
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