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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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She tried to get out his grip but it was too strong. She then slumped down in defeat as her head looked down at the floor with a sigh, she then stopped her struggling and put her hands over her face. She was ashamed, defeated and humiliated by this Tenno? A random Tenno with no significant titles or anything, How? How did she lose? Was she trying hard enough? Even she didn't know but she just started to sob to herself.

He was taken aback by the reaction. He expected a punch, a kick, a slap...but this? He instantly felt sympathy for the assassin and embraced her. Its not that he isn't hard to talk to, its hard for some Tenno to approach him that's all...considering his reputation. Believe it or not, Belrev is one of the nicest people to be around.

A humanitarian too.

A good looking one too duh.

"Hey, listen. Neither of us were at our full strength. You got locked up, and me...well you know already."

He took in a deep breath, surprising himself at the words he was about to say.

"When we are at full strength...would you like to have a spar? No holds barred, no holding back."

But he also knew this wasn't the one reason for her sudden sadness. Either she went through something bad and his move called back bad memories...

Or she is simply shocked at defeat.

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She looked up at him and gave a slight smirk as he comforted him but then she started to come back into reality as she widened her eyes in surprise, is she really smiling to him? Him? He just beat you in a fight!

Why are you smiling?!?

Make him leave you alone!!!

She did that and tackled him, starting to strangle him with a tight grip on his neck and squeezing hard. She didn't want to kill him but she kept going until he would lose his ability to breath and pass out.

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Just when he was feeling somewhat better, SHE just had to ruin the moment. It seems as if betraying him will make things better, and rejecting HIS act of kindness and comfort?

That was damn rude. There were plenty of times where people turned on him with no hesitation.

They almost ALWAYS ended up in a coma or six feet under after.

"And I really thought we could blossom! Blossom like a beautiful flower, our love forever!" He mocked in contrasting anger through a strained voice, as he brutally drove his knee into her abdomen. She was knocked off of him, most likely in pain.

With a few coughs, Belrev fell to the ground clutching his throat.

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She took the blow to the abdomen, she hid her pain as she looked at him fall to the ground. She breathed heavily as she stumbled back into the cell and onto the bed, holding her stomach and closing her eyes. Why was he so tough? Also those words gloomed around her head. "We could blossom." She thought in her head as she fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

Edited by (PS4)TheCrimsonTuckr
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The She-Rhino on the other hand really didn't want to have anything to do with this "Crimson Lotus" and opts to ignore the familiar (and rude) voice of the Volt Prime in favor of silence and focusing on the little... Debacle that was going on in one of the dueling chambers. Though, she was still at least glad she could put that nagging question in the back of her head to bed. She too had been wondering why there was a sudden influx of Tenno to the waystation, and why the subsequent lockdown had followed. Guess she knew now... She still wasn't sure she had actually wanted to know in the first place. Who knew how many Tenno hadn't actually come back from it. She would shake her head once to clear these thoughts away, trying to focus on the scene at hand.


The good part was that she didn't even have to force her attention to them, the sound of shields depleting coupled with armor against armor. It was like a beautiful, symphonic sound to Aegia's ears... For some reason. Then there was another, almost as if they had added more instruments to it. Just beautiful. After her mandated deep thought of the day After her little mental reverie, Aegia would turn towards Souna as she hears a noise that she never thought would come from the Zephyr: A slightly amused chuckle. Maybe she did indeed have other emotions than harsh and... Harsh.


She grinned as she leaned on the Zephyr, one of her arms resting upon Souna's shoulder as she shook her head. "Eh... Not really. I'm sure you've got some in mind though." She chuckled before removing herself from the Zephyr's shoulder. "How about this:" She would begin counting out on her fingers for each rule. "... No holding back. No trying to murder each other, not that I expected you to," She flashed a grin. "aaaand I suppose that's it. I'll let you come up with the conditions for winning."

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"Ja haha mon!" She exclaimed at Miltons offer. Someone to accompany the fine Jasmine to her charge (consent or no)? Excellent! She lifted the two six-slot trays of blue capsules out of the crate, producing a leather whip before putting the cargo back. "Thank you kindly mister." She said with a sweet voice. "Now...onwards!" Thrusting her arm and finger forward, whip in hand, she started walking with confidence. Then she stopped. " Right! Have no idea where I'm going. You lead the way!"

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“Relax,” came the soothing tone of his charge nurse; the New Loka operative gently helping him back into a lying position on his hospital bed.

“You’re at the Donn Waystation, in the med bay. You still haven’t fully recovered from your injuries, so please take it easy. We had enough difficulty getting you in and out of the healing pod, and we’d really like to avoid doing it again,” he informed in a clear and relaxed tone, capping it off with some soft humor to lighten the mood.

Kardin complied to laying down, he realized after he calmed down some, that his body was in shear agony. He managed to struggle out a chuckle, to which he said "yea. Rhino's are tough to take down, but when they DO.... oh oh man is evac'ing them easily saving all parties involved a trip to the gym foot the week." He looked around, "where's my belongings, and how much longer do I have until I'm ready to leave?" Then he noticed an absence, "you haven't seen a valk named elderith, by any chance... have you?" Kardin asked, kind of off put by her disappearance

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Nium gave a mechanical chuckle. "While I'd love to assist you in your calibrations I'm afraid I promised your creator to brin you back in one piece."

With another chuckle Nium rose and rubbed the little one's head. "Of course I'll help you." Nium went over to the foundry, claiming his Dark Swords and clicking the two blades together. "Besides, it'll let me test my new weapons. Two Drahks one stone." Nium spun the swords once before clicking them into place, returning to the red Gemini and kneeling down.

"So, will it be one or both of you I'll be facing?"

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"Well, I don't have a kubrow, don't have the skills to care for it, and, I heard it may be expensive to raise one so...didn't bother to get one. Sentinels eh? Don't have one either," he chuckled, looking at Nium. At that very second, his weapons were ready. "Well, about time," he thought, walking over to receive his weapons, he then holstered them.

He let go of Ghostar's hand when he heard the announcement. "Hm, don't think they are serious about thanking us, nor feeling sad for us," he said.

"I never liked the Crimson Lotus. Too 'high and mighty'. It wasn't even our fault for losing the mission; it was theirs. What a bunch of d*cks." Ghostar replied, sighing and looking at Ivan. "Have you seen Silver around?"


Silver, after Belrev had left, was trying to help Evan calm down Mythos. "Mythos, just put the guy down. You're with friends."


Omnipotence chuckled at the pathetic attempt to make him feel uneasy. Gathering all the Crimson Lotus together to 'exterminate the Sentients once and for all' was a death trap. For them. He was out of the time of his life where he needed to keep quiet, the information he let out was useless, he didn't even care if the Lotus knew or not.


Maxi turned to Arino. "Something seems to be happening; the Cichlids are leaving. I'll try again." He said to the Loki, before turning back to the controls. She opened a comm link to the Waystation again. "Donn Waystation, I've noticed that all the Cichlids at the station are leaving. Does this mean I am free to land?"

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"I never liked the Crimson Lotus. Too 'high and mighty'. It wasn't even our fault for losing the mission; it was theirs. What a bunch of d*cks." Ghostar replied, sighing and looking at Ivan. "Have you seen Silver around?"

"Yeh, they are a bunch of d*cks," Ivan agreed.

"No, I haven't seen Silver around, do you need to see him for some urgent matters?" He asked.

Silver, after Belrev had left, was trying to help Evan calm down Mythos. "Mythos, just put the guy down. You're with friends."

Evan nodded his head.

"Yeh! Exactly, you're with friends. You're safe here, nothing can, I mean, will, hurt you. So just...calm down, and put that guy down," he said.

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She took the blow to the abdomen, she hid her pain as she looked at him fall to the ground. She breathed heavily as she stumbled back into the cell and onto the bed, holding her stomach and closing her eyes. Why was he so tough? Also those words gloomed around her head. "We could blossom." She thought in her head as she fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

He was planning on leaving the holding area, but decided against it. There is NO WAY in hell that he would leave now, due to her possibly escaping the cell.

For the second time.

He needed to keep an eye on her, because if he didn't, there would be a lot of chaos. Not exactly as there's enough of that going on anyway, but it will add to it! He rubbed his throat softly, taking in a few deep inhales of purified air. It felt somewhat good, even if there was hands around his throat not long ago. It got better in a matter of minutes due to the healing of the Technocyte, but it still irritated him.

The result was a somewhat sore throat.

And it sucked.


Belrev slumped down next to the cell, and exhaled.

'Why are the crazy ones so interesting?'

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Sebastian & Gaius:

Taking a moment to contain her rage after Sebastian’s outburst so she wouldn’t make a scene, the nurse let out a tension filled sigh as she forced herself to relax.


Rubbing her temples, she groaned to herself, “I don’t get paid enough to deal with all this shhh…”


Shaking her thoughts away, she turned back to face the Ash in front of her, jerking a thumb in the direction of the curtain she stepped out from not long ago, “Your Ember is in there, just give her a minute or two. And for good measure, try not to bring up her appearance. The stabilizer should keep her anger in check, though there’s always the possibility that enough emotion could overpower its effects. Not in a normal corpus or human, but you Tenno are a strange lot.”


She then began to step away, “Now if you’ll excuse me; I’m taking a break.” After several steps, she then added, “Oh, and for the sake of our mental healths, don’t let ‘Mister Bad Attitude’ back in here. We’ve been dealing with enough sour patients today, we don’t need any more coming back unless it’s absolutely necessary.”


And with that, she made way for the canteen, her little aid quickly following after.



A few moments later, soft, familiar hum-singing would reach Gaius’s ear from the other side of the curtain.


“I try not to mind, I try to be so kind, but everyone else is an – hmm, hmmm~!”


He would find Azelie on the other side, healthy and fully conscious. Well, conscious at least. She was clad in not a medical gown, but what should have been a skintight, two-piece compression undersuit, given his memory of her figure. Currently, however, it hung rather loosely on her once decently-endowed frame, which was now thin and androgynous in appearance at best. In essence, she was currently just skin and muscle, and it wasn’t like she was that defined to begin with.


In short, she appeared dangerously underweight. Some freedoms in the food budget for the dojo – at least for the gaunt figure in front of him – may need to be considered.


Azelie was under the covers, her body from the waist up being visible. The tell-tale blue-shimmer of a personal audio sphere could be seen around her head if he squinted hard enough. She had a data pad in her hands, and from the movement of her hands behind the screen, it would be obvious that she was playing Specters and Solar Rails.


Condolences to her opponent, for Gaius would also know about her deceptive and brutal playstyle. She always played pink-slip, one-versus-one duels, and had amassed quite the collection of specters. You see, it was popular practice to use a specter of yourself and level it up, but Azelie didn’t play that way. You see, she used a Corpus Prod-man, which when her duel request showed up, would cause most opponents to think she was some new player with a death-wish.  Little did they know that she had not only power trained the grunt, she’d also cannibalized a lot of her stronger ‘trophies’ to bring the little crewman to god-status. Battles were always short, and severely one-sided.


The recovering Ember raised a fist in victory, a vicious smile across her face as a cry of defeat rang out in the distance. Must’ve been a local match. Poor guy.



Meanwhile, as Sebastian searches for Milton…



With an amused smile, Milton takes the lead as requested, gingerly grasping the eccentric Tenno by the hand so as not to lose her in the bustling crowds. The Corpus youth strode with purpose and enthusiasm, nimble feet always finding that hidden path in the crowd, though a bit of ‘hole-in-the-wall’ would need to be played along their journey to the Med Bay.


After some fancy footwork and a few close-calls, the two would make it to their destination in record time; not that anyone was keeping track.


“Here we are, Madam,” Milton said as he released her hand, directing her attention to the inlet in front of them, “I hope you find your friend.” He then placed a causal hand behind his head as he leaned back with an infectious smile, “Now, I’d like to hang around, but I’m probably needed else-where, so for now, I must bid you adieu.”


And with that, the young Perrin Operative dismissed himself and began to step away.


General Worthington:

“Continue without me, friends – Oh! But don’t tell that story yet, Ramirez; I’d like to hear what happened to that trader,” the doctor said with a warm smile as he stood with a grunt. He stepped toward Hexer and led him with an open hand to a quiet spot a couple feet away.


Removing the towel from around his neck and wiping his brow, he folded it in his hands as he made eye-contact with the human in front of him, “Now, what can I do for you, sir?”


Souna and Aegia:

Nisha’s Echo awkwardly flinched away from Souna’s hand, though she was getting better at taming the reactions to foreign touching. In fact, the first time Magdalene tried to lay a consoling hand on her, she planted an Anti-Matter drop in her gut. It was all subconscious, too; she wasn’t actively trying to retaliate against any touch, but it took a lot of self-control to keep the reaction in check. It would be worth noting that this, as most things do, had an initial cause, but that’s a story for only the closest of friends.


It was the reason she was so close to Magdalene, the reason it seemed like the Warlord spoiled her, the reason most in the dojo didn’t understand her, and the reason she wasn’t actually there.


The Specter-girl tried to play the clumsy evasion as a sudden itch, though she was a Specter and therefore couldn’t actually feel that way, but hopefully she wouldn’t be that interested in looking into the matter.


She skipped aside, sitting down on the floor outside the ring, signaling that she was going to watch the two duke it out. Before that, however, she hopped up on Aegia’s shoulder, her light-weight only really indicating that there was something on her shoulder.


She leaned into her ear, whispering, “Do us a favor and knock her off her high-horse.” She then paused a moment before letting herself down, leaning in again, “But make sure to clip her wings, else she’ll just float to the ground.”



“Ideally, a bit more rest would help alleviate some of the soreness, but if you absolutely must go, I can discharge you now,” the nurse explained, fiddling with some equipment slightly out of the Rhino’s field of vision.


“As for your friend, I personally haven’t seen her, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t here.”

Re-introing your Valk is on you, Akira. I don’t if she’s on the station; only you can make that decision.



Her hail would have no reply (because the operator was currently in the bathroom), but since traffic had resumed, it would be safe to assume that she could dock.

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When leaning onto Souna's shoulder, Aegia would be facing the Zephyr's Daedalus shoulder pieces being somewhat in a way, as if they were meant to discourage any affectionate advance and reinforce the rigid aura of authority. Which, actually, is not even the case. Souna once had them even linked to the warframe's systems to act as fins to improve aerodynamic control. That was, before centuries of stasis made her systems degrade and many of her individualized software was lost. Now, she just thinks they look nice.

Nevertheless, Aegia's gesture is met with turning Souna's face towards the Rhino, dissipating her helmet in a breeze of yellow energy fading away, and simultaneously lifting one eyebrow. The left one, since the right one is embedded in the dark layer of fossilized tissue that replaces her skin and that is much less flexible. The dark areas go down her neck until the warframe's collar covers them, and up her head where she used her hair to hide it. 

Souna gives Aegia and Nisha a few moments to react to her scarred face, her brown eyes appear much brighter with the yellow energy's glow and are fixated on the Rhino. No words are needed to convey that she would highly favor that Aegia removes her arm very soon.

On the other side, quite literally, where Nisha flinched away from Souna's touch, she simply takes her hand back and puts it on her hip without further comment. Considering the glare she just shot Aegia, she won't judge the specter - and remotely, the Tenno herself - for feeling more safe when not touched. 


"I have no objections to those terms. Those are pretty mandatory. As for the winning conditions: Since we are not trying to settle or prove anything here..."

Oh, that hypocrisy! Even if her face had not been half-impaired, she were telling that lie without a hint of a blush or a twitch of her eyes. Just a little grin in the corner of her mouth, that could easily be mistaken for anticipation.

"...why not continue since we have more important things to do, we are done for the time being, or one of us wishes to give up. And no bets. I do not think betting on duels is appropiate to the involved one's dedication."

As if Souna was even considering ever doing that. Aegia is probably thinking the very same thing right now. Souna already has a few ideas to make her change her mind during the fight. Ever since the topic of a duel came up, she had been watching the Rhino's build and way of movement, inspected her flow of attention and inner awareness to find weaknesses. For her, the fight does not start and end with entering and leaving the ring.

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If Aegia had noticed the glare that could burn a hole through a Fomorian, she didn't react to it. In fact, she was still wearing her trademark grin showing only an emotion that could be conveyed as a mix of anticipation, excitement, and happiness. It would fade into a close-mouthed smile as Aegia looked back into the Zephyr's brown eyes with her own golden-hued gaze. Unlike Souna's however, Aegia's seemed to be that color without the glow of her energy; obviously it could only be a result of her Void exposure. But Aegia wasn't stupid of course, she could take the hint that Souna gave with that smouldering glare and removed her arm from the bird-lady's shoulder.


Similarly, if Aegia had a reaction to Souna's half-fossilized flesh, she hid it well, her smile unwavering as she stepped back to give the Zephyr her golden-gilded personal space. In reality, Aegia truly didn't have a reaction to it, to her, surface appearance was really only one piece of the puzzle that made up an individual and Souna was no different. Sure, her personality was a bit... Grating at times, but it wasn't something that could changed, it was the kind of thing that was ingrained in someone's being, and if Aegia couldn't get past that and get a friend out of this whole ordeal, she couldn't very well call herself a Tenno. Right?


The She-Rhino would nod, closing her eyes as she listened to what Souna had to say about the so called "winning conditions." She crossed her arms across the chest of her frame, Only raising an eyebrow when she felt a light presence on her shoulder, opening one of her eyes and looking at the specter leaning on her. It took a bit of restraint for her not to grin and snicker a bit at Nisha's suggestion. She would nod and give a slight thumbs up, indicating that she would certainly try, though she could make no promises to take the Zephyr down a peg or two.


Currently Aegia was doing a bit of multitasking: Her left hand had come up and had begun to input a code on a small holographic rectangle on the interior of her collar that had been revealed when a piece of the frame discreetly slid away. It took only around 5 seconds for Aegia to enter it, and when she did, a subtle hissing could be heard for just a moment before going silent once more. It was then that her entire Warframe, starting from her fingers, would begin segmenting into itself, revealing more and more of the She-Rhino's skin underneath as it did so. Soon, all that was left standing there was a rather... "well endowed" Aegia clad in a skintight undersuit that covered from her shoulders to upper-middle of her thighs. On her arms were fingerless gloves that extended up to the middle of her forearms, and boots that ended just above her knees. She reached behind her back and pulled something off with a metallic clicking and hissing sound. In her hand she held what looked to be a disc with hard, geometrical edges in the same color of her Warframe. The She-Rhino tossed it into the air and it disappeared with a flurry of golden particles of energy.


"Now it's your turn!~" Aegia would chime in with a near singsong voice, her grin now reappearing as the noticeable golden lines running along her toned, muscular form pulsed and glowed with what appeared to be a representation of her mood.

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All this time everyone was talking in the foundry and he didn't get a straight answer, but from the conversation between two tenno it was obvious - "Crimson Lotus" were their enemies, or at least that's what he thought.

"By the way guys, if you'll need help with repairing something, just call me. I'll be right back."

With a slight smile, Fulgurus went to the restrooms

After few minutes, big guy hardly went in through the doorway. He obviously had "a little" difficulty controlling the warframe.

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Her breathing slowly went back to normal as she calmed down, she turned on her other side and opened up one eye, looking at Belrev slumped down against the cold cell bars. She smirked as she slowly sat up and opened both eyes, looking at him more now with her hands under her chin like a teenage girl.

Either she is eyeing me up in a good way, or finding the spots where she could rip my organs out. Conflicting feelings are the best. That was the thought that spoke in Belrev's jolly little mind, even as he returned the look. Albeit in a more casual way, as intense red eyes met the soothing greens. Belrev sighed to himself, standing up to get a better view. He had to watch her EVERY move closely and with extreme focus. Sore muscles were visible under the black shirt, courtesy of the one female viewing him. So were the small cuts on his face and throat, courtesy of the SAME female.


The Excalibur sent out a signal to his trusty and overprotective self aware Shade, known as the great Corion. Within minutes the red and black Sentinel flew into the holding area, planting his self on Belrev's shoulder like a bird.


"Hello Master Belrev. I see you made a new friend."


"How cute. Take a picture of her and run it through the database that syncs back to the Tower. Time to find out who she is."


"Right away sir!"


Corion focused his lens onto the femme fatale, before snapping a shot.


Hopefully results will come in...Hopefully.

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She blushed as the sentinel took a picture of her, hearing the satisfying snap of the camera as a small flash appeared from the Shade,mblurring her vision a little. Sn thought of a good idea to distract him, not to escape but to get a reaction.

She posed for the camera to see what would happen, will he try to look away or get another picture. It's up to his mind to decide.

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Volun wandered aimlessly for who knows how long. He didn't keep track of time as he wandered, without companion to talk to.

After his volatile awakening, it seemed everyone was giving him a wide berth, seemingly afraid that he might go EMP nuke on them again.

He was not amused.

Pulling out his tablet, he found a seat. 'Anyone here whos lonely?' He sent this message out to the entire Tenno frequency. He was bored like that.

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"What?" Krenn asked. Darn, he spaced out again. Seems to be happening quite often now. 


I really need to focus.


The ping on his messages alerted him to Volun's message. Typing out a reply, he sent it back. 


"Following the Saboteur to the cafe. Come if you want to, Volunteer."

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General Worthington:

“Continue without me, friends – Oh! But don’t tell that story yet, Ramirez; I’d like to hear what happened to that trader,” the doctor said with a warm smile as he stood with a grunt. He stepped toward Hexer and led him with an open hand to a quiet spot a couple feet away.


Removing the towel from around his neck and wiping his brow, he folded it in his hands as he made eye-contact with the human in front of him, “Now, what can I do for you, sir?”


"I'm here regarding a patient who ditched on their medical bills, and wish to remedy that. Specifically, the Grineer Pilot who got a new arm. Allow me to introduce myself, I am General James Hexer, at your service." He said, holding his hand out to shake.

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