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Would You Be Fine If Coptering Was Removed If We Keep Aerial Melee?


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I love it that so many people here cry like babys if you get coptering removed, i must say i don't like it if it was removed, i would prefer if it was replaced by a better system like somebody else sugested in another very promising thread and gave alot of good examples

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I would be fine if DE increased movement speed of all frames to 1.5, new maps are huge and coptering is only way to go trough them in decent period of time.

wouldn't it be it be better if the base speed is increased to 1.5, call that one and extrapolate values for the rest of the frames.

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wouldn't it be it be better if the base speed is increased to 1.5, call that one and extrapolate values for the rest of the frames.


I was exaggerating, but have you tried running trough Jupiter or Eris or any snow themed maps with frames like: Rhino, Frost, Saryin, Chroma...? I'm not counting Rhino/Prime with Arcane Vanguard helmet and Rush mod.

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Coptering provides a faster travel compared to running. If running becomes faster than coptering than i guess we could go without it, but this is meant to be a fast paced game, so guess improving running or providing a faster way to travel would be great.

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Watch devstream 49.


I seriously hope they 'normalize' coptering among all weapons.  It doesn't make any sense to fling yourself at 99.9999% light speed when you have a dagger and only 40 miles per hour while you have a hammer.


Scott was careful not to say 'F' 'U' to coptering...but I'll say it.


F*ck coptering and everyone who abuses it to skip content.  They don't really want to play Warframe...they want to play

with a Tenno instead of a bike.
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Watch devstream 49.


I seriously hope they 'normalize' coptering among all weapons.  It doesn't make any sense to fling yourself at 99.9999% light speed when you have a dagger and only 40 miles per hour while you have a hammer.


Scott was careful not to say 'F' 'U' to coptering...but I'll say it.


F*ck coptering and everyone who abuses it to skip content.  They don't really want to play Warframe...they want to play

with a Tenno instead of a bike.


Calm down there, coptering is one of those things that makes the game feel fast paced. If it weren't for coptering, people would be using the wall-run launching and front-flips to travel quickly, which can look as equally silly. What exactly do you mean by 'skip content'? I've seen the Grineer ship tiles so many times, same with the Void, asteroid base, Corpus outpost, etc.


Who are you to judge whether or not I want to play Warframe because I like to copter? I play this game because you can do things like copter. I take the game slow when I want to, but I love having the option of blazing through levels at mach 2 if I so choose.


I'll only agree with you on the normalizing copter speed. Galatine/Fragor/Magistar and those kinds of weapons slow you down when coptering, which is stupid especially considering the basic purpose of coptering; which is to gapclose. If they ever 'nerf' coptering, I want it to at the very least be Dragon Nikana speed at its minimum. The latter weapon's copter doesn't slingshot you 50 meters like the Tipedo, but it doesn't slow your momentum to a snail's pace like the Magistar.

Edited by Draciusen
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how so? directional melee is a faster way to travel on non copter weapons, however there is still less incentive to use them when copters will launch you from tile to tile. without coptering, more options will be promoted and the game will be more immersive. whats more important? a better game or a faster mission?



More immersive? lol coptering doesn't impact how immersive the game is too me. Better game and faster mission/more movement options are not mutally exclusive as far as I'm concerned. Removing coptering would be a huge blow to this games movement system. It would also make slower frames FEEL slower. It would also be a pretty big blow to the melee system where coptering acts as a great gap closer. It would make squishy frame feels squishier. 


TL;DR- No. I'd rather they remove the directional air melee.


Watch devstream 49.


I seriously hope they 'normalize' coptering among all weapons.  It doesn't make any sense to fling yourself at 99.9999% light speed when you have a dagger and only 40 miles per hour while you have a hammer.


Scott was careful not to say 'F' 'U' to coptering...but I'll say it.


F*ck coptering and everyone who abuses it to skip content.  They don't really want to play Warframe...they want to play 

 with a Tenno instead of a bike.


'You aren't playing the way I play so that means you aren't actually playing the game.'


You know what else doesn't make sense? Being able to stick yourself to walls or being able to stick a giant hammer to your back, do a dozen front rolls successfully, and still have it stuck to your back.


Using=/=abusing, I'm not skipping content, I'm playing it the way I want to. If I didn't want to play Warframe, I wouldn't be playing it. But hey, two can play that game.


F*ck explorers and everyone who abuses their teammates by making them wait while they go around looking for containers to break open. They don't really want to play Warframe...they want to play The Legend of Zelda but with Tenno instead of Link and lockers/containers instead of pots.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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F*ck coptering and everyone who abuses it to skip content.


What content? Boring huge @$$ map, that I've seen 100000000000 times in same mission? I'm not even counting number of times I played that mission.
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So coptering was unintended, looks ridiculous (very subjective that one), is somehow exploiting or abusing (seriously?), and that's enough to remove it? Ever heard of bunny-hopping and strafe-jumping? That was unintended as well, still it wasn't removed because it added fun to the game. And it went on to become a subgame by itself.


Also, how is "bypassing content/enemies" exploitative and abuse? There's only one mission-type called "Exterminate" where you absolutely have to confront and kill every enemy. All the other mission types don't really have "kill everything" as an objective, far from it.


As far as I see it, there's two kinds of Tenno, one that complains about coptering, and one that copters.

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As long as we got some other horizontal mobility move to replace coptering.


It fills a good mobility role, it just looks stupid.

Absolutely. Remove both. The logic of how these weapons can propel you makes absolutely no sense...except for maybe hammers and the sorts.



I'm guilty of using it to traverse maps but man how I think it looks stupid.

Same with the sliding while running over and over.

I'm in favor of them removing them. I'd think the game wouldn't look as silly visually.

But of course....to many people love their exploit so it's likely to stay.

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Remove it, but allow our movement system have things in place that will adequately replace it



Exactly why  our movement be directly tied to what weapons we use? Movement  2.0 needs to remvoe the copter as we know and add fluidity to the system while making it possible for slow frames not to be left behind.



Then add in melee gap closers for weapons so there's no need to copter from enemy crowd to enemy crowd.

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Keep coptering: we all fly around doing silly, impossible acrobatics.


Remove coptering: our movement is severely limited due to the very restrictive stamina system and inherently sluggish movement speed of most frames.


Melee air attacks don't provide anywhere near enough control or propulsion to compensate for the removal of coptering and, honestly, it looks just as ridiculous so there's no reason to remove one and not the other (based on that argument).


Keep coptering, fix the worthless stamina system, and increase the base movespeed of all frames. A Mirror's Edge-esque system could even be implemented: the longer you run in a (mostly) straight line, the faster you go.

Edited by Ailith
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Define removed. Do you mean if they took out slide attacks? That would suck. Do you mean the distance traveled toned down on high attack speed weapons? Sure, I wouldn't mind if those cases were toned down. But you should still be able to achieve some mobility via attacks. So I don't think they should reduce our mobility options, just tone down some of the more outrageous cases.

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