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Targis Armor Color [Megathread]


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Wow guys come the hell on. Buy the Storm Colour Pallete and chose the dark yellow (looks like gold!) one row up from the bottom. The one in the middle or one off to the right from the middle in the second-to-last row. Best colour for gold.


You can't get creative and find colours on your own? If you spend money in Prime Access you probably have plenty of platinum or are able to buy plenty of platinum (Prime Access is the best deal imo.).


They did this to further the customization for everyone. Use your damned heads. 


Maybe it looks like gold but "IT ISN'T !!!"

I bought them because they were lookin great with the gold tint. And the other thing, i bought a product for money cause i like the design of it and they have changed it after i bought it.


Would you agree with buying maybe a ROLEX and all you get looks like a SWATCH, well i'm not.


All we want is a "Default Color Button" to get the gold tint back, not more.

Edited by Vanthenos
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I've replied already to the same post previously (located in the wrong place so it got moved). Use your damned heads, people;


Buy the Storm Colour Pallete, assuming you've bought the Prime Access to get this you should have plenty of Platinum to spend 50 on this.


Look down to the bottom-most row, go one row up from the bottom. And one colour off from the middle should be a brownish, or dark looking yellow; it looks like gold


There you go, problem solved. This thread is so pointless. They changed this and are going to change this for all pieces like it to further customization for everyone.



*Edit* Isn't there an option to revert all colours to default? And then you can just change the colours that isn't the gold to whatever?


It isn't the same gold colour you have on Prime's and there is no Default Button for Armoury. And it is NOT WHAT I HAVE PAID FOR.

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It isn't helping matters when people respond with things like "oh just use X on palette Y."


Let me make this clear: I shouldn't have to pay more money to return something I already purchased to a rough imitation of the original.


I'm quite tired of being told to 'get over it' and just use another color. You mean to tell me that if your car manufacturer decided overnight that your car's shine should be removed and made a matte color because it is easier to paint, you'd roll over for that?


"Just take it to an autobody shop to be repainted, at your own expense."


I haven't seen Targis Prime owners demanding the option to color it be removed, just give us an option to put it back. It makes everyone happy.


I don't understand the vitriol from so many who think that because they declare "WELL I LIKE IT" that others are then no longer entitled to dissatisfaction. We are all paying customers here.

Im wondering, dose that mean we Could Sue DE for False Advertising? as in it was displayed with gold pieces during the Nyx PA, but now its a Bland metal piece 

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Im wondering, dose that mean we Could Sue DE for False Advertising? as in it was displayed with gold pieces during the Nyx PA, but now its a Bland metal piece 

No, 'cause you agreed to the Open beta agreement which says they can update assets as they see fit and you have to accept the updates to continue playing.


If you want the devs to do something then work with DE, not against them.

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"Just buy a color palette to get a worse version of what you paid for!"


You're brilliant. 


You want to complain and moan about this, really? I didn't even say that so stop being so angry over something so small. I gave you and everyone else the best advice to get it to look as closely as the prime gold if not better.


In that second to last row on the Storm Palette there are many options for you to choose what you think is the best colour for gold. And in my opinion the one I use looks a lot better than the primed gold it came with.


That aside this is thread and the other two are still pointless. They'll be fixing the non existent reset colours to default button, I'm sure.

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No, 'cause you agreed to the Open beta agreement which says they can update assets as they see fit and you have to accept the updates to continue playing.

If you want the devs to do something then work with DE, not against them.

Terms and agreement on content updates in warframe then yes u are correct , we have to accept any changes . But prime access exclusive items , its hard to say. ( take in note , soma , nova and any warframes or weapons are not exclusive so any changes on those are permitted due to terms and agreement as content wise that can be farmed in game. but targis prime , pyro prime , mesa prime are exclusive content ) so change on those are outrages and unfair move since its now different then what it was advertised.

Now lets talk about exclusive item like the founders . They sure do have entitlement them(exclusive founders pack) . Im just waiting for DE to change the gold bits on the excalibre prime and see whats the reaction from founder users.

Edited by ValorousKs
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Keep exclusive items as they should be, this coloring bs is being pushed by a few players that are NOT the majority. They are just the loudest.


And what is this thread doing? It is showing that those here are "just the loudest". Yes, I liked the old Prime gold, but I also like being able to change it. Should it be reversed? Not completely. There should be an option to use the old glowing gold, though.


I find it strange how people are so outraged over conversion to PBR and the ability to color primes. If it were up to me (in a developer's standpoint (not that I am a game developer, just someone who's good at seeing multiple facets to a gem)) to make the decision to dye Prime items, I would do it. Not because it would mess with people, but because of how utterly foul it looked from a developer's perspective. The Prime parts were EXTREMELY sensitive to light, and reflected light that was not even close (hence the "glow"), and became a flaw in the graphics of the game.


It is like the infamous color saturation bug. The community got way too attached to the colors, and when it got fixed, there was an outrage. They put a little checkbox in the pause menu to use the old colors, though. If we remain civil about this instead of whining (sorry that I am calling it as it is), we will get one of those checkboxes. So can we start being civil already?

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Man I can't wait to see what happens when those bits of gold on dear old excal prime becomes non existent.

Likes others have said if an option can be made by DE to have the gold quality not colour as close to what we had would be great enough.

For now I'm just spending my time looking and appreciating my Nyx Prime, Loki Prime and Miss prime...waiting for them to...fade...into plasticness...

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Man I can't wait to see what happens when those bits of gold on dear old excal prime becomes non existent.

Likes others have said if an option can be made by DE to have the gold quality not colour as close to what we had would be great enough.

For now I'm just spending my time looking and appreciating my Nyx Prime, Loki Prime and Miss prime...waiting for them to...fade...into plasticness...

Yep. The uniqueness of primes gold which a non prime can never acheieve no matter what color they choose from a pallett can now be achieved.

I wish i have excaliber prime but now ill probably just gonna color my non prime gold now. Its gonna be the same.

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You want to complain and moan about this, really? I didn't even say that so stop being so angry over something so small. I gave you and everyone else the best advice to get it to look as closely as the prime gold if not better.


In that second to last row on the Storm Palette there are many options for you to choose what you think is the best colour for gold. And in my opinion the one I use looks a lot better than the primed gold it came with.


That aside this is thread and the other two are still pointless. They'll be fixing the non existent reset colours to default button, I'm sure.

People paid real life money for their Targis armors. Stop posting this BS about X or Y palette.

would it be 30 pounds or 50 dollars, we paid for specific certain something and that something is now ruined. You can't fix that by throwing fake cheap paints on it, nor you should tell people to stop being angry for something they have the actual right to be angry about.

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It is not that they are misinformed, my friend. It's that instead of taking the time and having some imagination with colours, they complain about things being changed (in the Devs', and my eyes, for the better).


This PBR system and these changes being applied to all weapons and armor with metallic parts and Prime-gold parts is just, so much yes. It opens up a lot more options for customizing and normalizing clan colours and your own preferences. 


So when they start changing weapons/armours/frames like this. Just go to the Storm Pallete people, and it'll look just like before. And if you don't have that, revert the colours back to default, there should be a button for this. And then change the other parts whatever colours you had before.


done and done and the dead horse has been beaten once again. Oh and what's funny is I see another topic just like this one posted already about the same damned thing

Stop telling the other Tenno to pay more for DE's mistakes.

We paid for the Targis armor once already. We want our PRIME gold back, not some cheap knock-off of a color.

Edited by TMHowler
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Yep. The uniqueness of primes gold which a non prime can never acheieve no matter what color they choose from a pallett can now be achieved.

I wish i have excaliber prime but now ill probably just gonna color my non prime gold now. Its gonna be the same.

True that I already have limbo prime, sybaris prime and many more with me. How unique are primes aesthetics now?

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Bumping with support because this issue cannot be dropped. I don't own the targis armor but the Pyra Prime is also not as advertised.


I'm all fine and dandy with people getting their colored prime stuff, but it needs to have the same shader as the original, albeit a base grayscale color. The current PBR shader does not look 'prime' as we all know it and what prime gold has been known as for the past 2 years. If anything, allow players to choose between PBR 'shiny', Classic Prime, and Colorable prime (grayscale base shader color).


Really. Do NOT let this issue drop. People paid real money for an aesthetic that is no longer as advertised. If this was a TF2 unusual hat or a CS:GO knife skin, the community would be up in arms. This is a very important issue. Integrating proper colorable prime shiny shader shouldn't be as difficult as its being made out to be. Again, I'm not against people that want lack luster colorable metal, thats fine, give us toggles or options. All compromise, we don't need to force everybody into the same pool of choices, toggles give us options and keep everybody happy.

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Dear DE,


I purchased a $140-150 (don't remember) Prime Pack, which included the $50 prime accessory pack, you know, the one with the gold prime shoulder pads, boots, chest plate with energy flowing out of them, with primed gold wrapped all around the edges.


I logged in today and now the golden-finish has been removed from my $50 purchase, that which I have purchased to become mine has been tarnished; some kids stole the golden rims from my new car.  :(


I am sad to see now that my primed gear is no longer prime, its a yellow mess now.

I understand I can't get a refund, but I am sure not buying anymore platinum until ya'll at least give us an option to have our metalic golden glow back on our gear, because, frankly, it looks like somebody took a pee all over my warframe's $50 gear.


Good game, awesome updates, awesome team, just want prime to be prime again.




Edited by SoggyCow
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