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Krion's Interpretations Of The Sentients (Iteration 4; Pre-Reveal March 06Th)


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From theories of being machines, perhaps constructed by the Orokin, to being alien lifeforms with no regard for human life, the Sentients continue to be a very large, enigmatic force present in the Warframe universe. Whatever became of them after the Old War and how their return will effect us still has yet to be seen, but for now we have nothing but curiosity, interpretation, and theories. Perhaps Soon we may learn the truth.

Edited by Krion112
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I love the design, but don't the Tenno end up helping the Sentients kill the Orokin as described in Mag Prime's codex entry? 

I'm certain that Mag Prime's Codex was spoken from the perspective of an Orokin Soldier, and he was saved by Mag Prime to keep fighting the Sentients. The Tenno turned on the Orokin after the war, not during it. As well, it's not very likely this betrayal was a result of the Sentients.


For proof: in the entry, it describes those using the worm-ships as 'the enemy', and during the quest to build Mirage, Lotus reveals it is the Sentients who use worm-ships. Thus, we can gather from that during the codex it was spoken from the perspective of an Orokin, who, alongside the Tenno, were the only known and definitive enemies of the Sentients during the time.

Edited by Krion112
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Nice design.


Reminds me to the Shivan from Freespace 1 and 2, which were also a mysterious extremely destructive species who could not be stopped except with unorthodox tactics and who's return everyone dreads and unlike the Humans and Vasudans had a truely alien design.


Btw here is something to consider about the name.


In popular science fiction, the term "Sentient/Sentience" is often used to describe something which is sapient and self-awareness. I think we can all agree that Warframe takes a lot of inspiration from popular science fiction, so i think that definition of the term applies here aswell.


So why was it so special that these enemies were either sapient/self-aware or that they were capable of feeling? Why not The Invaders, The Terror, The Enemy, The Unknown, etc? Why the Sentients?


Well, in the end, it's all up to DE with what idea they go.


Oh and about the Tenno taking down the Orokin.

I actualy like the idea that the Tenno took down the Orokin as part of a deal.

The Sentients would pull back and leave humanity alive and the Tenno would have to kill the Orokin leadership and destroy certain pieces of technology.

So basicly the collapse of the Orokin and the relative technological dark age, were the price they were willing to pay for humanities survival.


That's also why i prefer for the Sentients not to show up directly, but instead remain a kind of unseen damocless sword above humanity, which the Tenno try to prevent from falling.

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I loved the Freespace games, and I did mention the Shivans the last time I drew a Sentient interpretation. To me, the Shivans are the ultimate enigmatic alien race to date because we never learned their motive of why they tried to kill the Terrans and Vasudans. All we have, at the end of the day, is speculation. If DE wants to leave us enthralled, they must never tell us why the Sentients demand our extinction, but should hint at a varying degree of possible purposes in order to keep us involved and speculating.


This is still my interpretation of the Sentients because the title is unexpected: in my interpretation of what we know so far, when the Orokin first discovered the Sentients they seemed unintelligent, and were nothing but worms that impeded their expansion. Then the Sentients revealed their true nature, unleashing advanced technology while also turning the Orokin's own against them. I feel it'd be unique of Warframe to treat them as this, because it is unexpected that a worm species of particularly simplistic form could have the potential to be our undoing, especially when our first interpretation of them was thinking of them as inferior and unfeeling'd.


If the Sentients turn out to be machines, I will be disappointed because it's precisely what I expect them to do. When an enemy is called 'Sentient' the first thought in my mind is a machine, because it's the least expected thing. However, by being the least expected it is also the most expected, so therefore I would hope that DE would twist my expectations by not making them machines. The three most unexciting things they could do, in my opinion, is make them Machines, make them rogue Cephalons, or make them like the Monoliths from Space Odyssey.


Finally, I don't believe the Sentients had anything to do with the Tenno turning on the Orokin. It is very clear that the Tenno were very poorly treated by the Orokin, but as well the Orokin Empire defied the Tenno concept of Balance. So, the Tenno cut the Orokin down in both revenge and an attempt to create a power vacuum, in order to allow many other factions to rise up and attempt to take their place, creating a balance between these factions instead of allowing one faction to rule supreme. In the end, it was the Grineer and Corpus who filled that void.


In a way, it's like the Tenno balanced Humanity and the Sentients, just as they balance the Grineer and Corpus. It seems to be their self-assigned role in the universe.

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I'm quite sure the Tenno defeated the sentients on the orokin's side. But the reason the Tenno turned on them could possibly be because of the experiments done on them(as read from rhino prime's codex entry) that turned them into "Tenno"


But anyways, cool design. This looks like it'd fit in the game pretty well.

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Those are some good points on why it would be boring if they were machines and why aliens would be interesting.


Also i doubt they were machines. Most prime weapons we have either focus on puncture or slash damage. This points more towards being designed for organic targets (armored and unarmored) in mind. Which speaks against an army of robots and AIs.


The idea of a worm species reminds me to the Hunters from Halo, who are walking colonies of sentient worms who achieve individuality and intelligence by forming said colonies.


Definetly some fun ideas there.


Oh and the Tenno bringing down the Orokin because of what they did and to stop their dominance makes sense aswell. From what we can gather the Orokin were quite ruthless and not just because of the old war. They seem to follow the idea of shiny and white on the surface but rotten on the inside.


If DE wants to leave us enthralled, they must never tell us why the Sentients demand our extinction, but should hint at a varying degree of possible purposes in order to keep us involved and speculating.


Definetly this. They created too much mystery around the Sentients by leaving them vague. If they would fully reveal them the whole speculation bubble would just pop and people would be dissapointed. The best way would be to create enough hints to focus the speculation of people into narrower paths without making one of them the clear winner.


However revealing how the Sentients looked like would not destroy that mystery. After all even though we saw how the Shivans looked on the outside, it didn't made them any less mysterious. Actualy even more so since we only saw their "space suits".


So again. Nice work on creating interpretations.

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Does this remind anyone else of the Mimics from Live Die Repeat? The once in All you need is Kill are much different, but this interpretation and the fact that the Sentient "turned our weapons against us" makes them sound like mimics?

Or is it just me?

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  • 2 weeks later...

mmmm I've seen too many hen...

...houses to know where this is going?



Does this remind anyone else of the Mimics from Live Die Repeat? The once in All you need is Kill are much different, but this interpretation and the fact that the Sentient "turned our weapons against us" makes them sound like mimics?

Or is it just me?

I had to go look up what you were talking about, and it does seem like the Sentients and the Mimics are built around the same power of converting technology for their own gain. However, as I've stated above, I expect the Sentients to be organic, whereas the Mimics appear to be nothing but machines.

I wonder if they're supposed to be the original inspiration for the Sentients, unless the timing doesn't allow for it.



This needs more love.



What do you mean "NEEDS MORE LOVE"? Like, do I need to draw it better or something, cause I get the feeling like I might...

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Oh well, Let's see the design when it comes out. I'm sure it'll be good.

Alright, updated the OP with the new design.


This new design is based off the Arcane Machine from the Stolen Dreams quest, as I assume it is supposed to be Sentient in design.

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Indeed. A bit disappointed; feels like we've been low balled again. They're shaped like humans, and are most likely entirely machines. The two things I thought DE would avoid because it was so obvious. Oh well, was fun to speculate, now we get to see how they play.

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I had hoped they were gonna be something like organic constructs with a non human shape that had achieved sentience with a emotionless lifestyle ruled only by logic. These sentients that DE showed were not exactly what i had hoped for but i am still very excited to see where they will take it.

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I had hoped they were gonna be something like organic constructs with a non human shape that had achieved sentience with a emotionless lifestyle ruled only by logic. These sentients that DE showed were not exactly what i had hoped for but i am still very excited to see where they will take it.

Yeah. Although, I had the thought that perhaps the units we saw were machines built by the Sentients and were designed to mimic Warframes, but that only works if the Sentients themselves aren't machines. Unfortunately, I think they have gone and done what I deemed would be the least interesting thing; to make them machines.


But, I agree, I do want to see where they'll go with them.

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Yeah. Although, I had the thought that perhaps the units we saw were machines built by the Sentients and were designed to mimic Warframes, but that only works if the Sentients themselves aren't machines. Unfortunately, I think they have gone and done what I deemed would be the least interesting thing; to make them machines.


But, I agree, I do want to see where they'll go with them.

Agreed, I wish mine, or even this design was used instead. I guess if these are just machines it doesn't rule out my idea, still not overly excited.

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