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[Warframe Concept] Fenris–Ash's Counterpart+Weapon & Stance


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Fenris-Warframe Assassin

Female counterpart to Ash


  Fenris is a counterpart to the Ash Warframe, and has similar themes. An assassin with mobility, stealth and finisher attacks. 



  Fenris uses smoke, and the wolf as reference points. She appears as an ashen wolf. Her face is emerging from the agape jaws of a wolf, teeth flanking the sides of the face. 


 A translucent vail attaches to the face, covering from where the noes generally is and down, terminating at the chest before the abdomen. The vail’s color can be modified, likely via the energy color. 


 Fenris features a full head of dread like hair, though of the bio-synthetic type used by Warfames, and is full of translucent (and colorable) bindings, and streamers. The dreads run down to mid back, and flow freely, exploiting the more natural, forthcoming, cloth physics. The ash smoke effect emanates from the dreads.


  Fenris, features hidden claws that pop out of the fingers and toes, when activated by powers. Some of her powers make Fenris move on all fours, galloping like a wolf before pouncing on a target.


  Stands about the same height as Nova.



Health 100(300)

Power 100(250)

Armor 50

Shield Capacity 75 (225)

Sprint Speed 1.2

Stamina 110

Polarities 1x –, 1x D

Aura V





  Lunging at a target, Fenris' claws strike out inflicting a 100% impact stun, bleed, and weakened effect for 1/2/4 seconds. Target is left ready for a finisher attack. Lunge is single target effect, range is 1/2/4/7 meters.

-Finisher damage is effected by the Finishing Touch mod.

-Allies can exploit stunned enemies finisher attacks.

-Power is effected by range mods for lunge distance, strength mods for increased bleed damage, and duration for length of status effects.


Augment: Harangue

  Replaces Harass' status effects with elemental proc's. Radiation, Corrosive and Viral. 


Hound [25]

  Fenris slams on all fours, creating an AoE smoke screen that stuns targets within 3 meters base range. Fenris, becomes invisible while moving, speed is increased by 5% / 10% / 20% / 35%. Coming within contact of any enemy unit will cause a smoke bomb AoE stun, same base range. Power duration is 4/6/8/10 seconds. 

-Attacking will cancel the power. Fenris’ other powers do work. However, using a finisher attack after Harass will cancel Hound.

-Allies can exploit stunned enemies finisher attacks, without effecting Hound.

-Fenris can take damage from errant shots or if tracked by targets hearing her.

-Damage, or knockdowns don’t effect Fenris while casting but can after.

-Unique Parkour animations (possibly borrowed from Kubrows).


Augment: Harry

  Area of effect smoke screen applies a weakness status effect to all enemies in the AoE.  



  Fenris howls creating an aura that provides herself and allies in range with three buffs. First, +3% / 5% / 15% / 25% status effect duration, all attacks. Second, 5% life steal on melee kills, for 5/10/15/30 seconds. Third, channeling cost are reduced from the top by 1/2/3/4 points, minimum of 2. Enemies within range are highlighted by a soft glowing nimbus.

-Both status duration and life steal are effected by the respective melee mods.

-Power strength mods effect life steal buff amount. Power duration Mods effect status duration.


Augment: Harm

  All enemy attacks that proc a status effect on player and allies will reflect the status effect back on them.


Hollow [100]

 Fenris channels powers into her melee attacks inflicting increased bleed effect chance and one melee finisher. Melee finisher builds up a charge 50% / 60% / 70%. Capturing up to 60/100/180 damage for every instance, and storing 500/800/1200 maximum capacity. Once at capacity, recasting Hollow makes the next melee attack an instant finisher attack, adding the bonus damage to finisher damage. Bleed effect chance grows at 10% / 20% / 33% rate that the melee finisher charges, 0-100% percent respectively. So, 100% charge would grant +33% in bonus bleed status effect chance per melee hit. Finisher attack has 100% bleed proc. Standard 7 second duration, on bleed effect.

-Primary and secondary weapons have no effect.

-Damage percentage and maximum damage stored are effected by power strength mods.

-Charge is indicated by 0-100% and Fenris gains a glowing nimbus that intensifies as it reaches maximum capacity.

-Instances that contribute damage include, channelling damage, critical damage, status effect damage, and Syndicate AoE damage.

-Damage is applied to base damage of weapon. Critical chance and damage apply, so does channeling damage.

 that unleashes into a single finisher attack . Followed by a 100% bleed, impact and weakness, status effect.

-Bleed effect chance is, base status of melee weapons +5% / 10% / 20% / 50%. Duration 3/5/7 seconds, effected by status duration mods, and Hurt, not power duration mods.


Augment: Hole

  Increases percentage of damage done from all bleed proc's. Bonus is +5/10/15% each level, respectively.



Depending how how damage is calculated, Hollow’s damage could vary. If the Critical damage, Channel Damage, and Finisher are calculated all at once the damage is lower. Versus, if the damage is done one at a time. For example, a Dragon Nikana (base damage 85 + max Hollow 1200) + (Crit. D. x2 + Ch D. x2 + Fin. D. x2) is 1400 x8 = 7,710 damage. But if it is staged, then 1285 x2 x2 x2 = 10,280 damage. Remember, all treated as finisher damage, so no armor mitigation or shields, and base damage, Crit. D. and Ch D. could be modded higher. In theory, and help from Warframe builder, a maxed Crit/Channel/Energy Channel build on a Dragon Nikana would inflict 1386.05 + 1200 x3.8 x5.2 x2 = 54,776.696 damage straight to health. http://goo.gl/4cV47i




Vàna Kawa

A Katar styled weapon, with a ring that rounds the hilt to mid blade. The blade half of the ring is lined with Kunai on both sides. The base attacks for the Vàna Kawa are nearly identical to the Redeemer, Gunblade. The Difference being, instead of firing a blast of pellets, the Vàna Kawa fires 24 Kunai in a circle.


Note: When using the new Harrowing Dervishes stance, the Vàna Kawa splits into two weapons. This allows for larger firing arcs from both weapons. When using other stances, like Highnoon, the weapon behaves similar to the Redeemer. Though it fires Kunai instead of pellets.


Build Requirements

25,000 credits blue print

20,000 credits build

2x Kunai

2,000 Alloy Plate

2 Argon Crystals

60 Rubedo

1 Orokin Cell



Base 40

Puncture 15

Slash 20

Impact 5

Crit. 20%

Crit. D. x2

Attack Rate 0.85

Status 15%

MR 6



High Noon

Harrowing Dervishes (see below)


New Stance

Harrowing Dervishes (rare)

  Combos reflect a mix of dagger, fist, claws, gun blade animations with Crimson Dervish-like-spinning acrobatics. Two combos fire Kunai and incorporate a rapid reload animation. The first combo ends in the thrown blades being fired in a 120° forward arc. The second launches the Kunai three times in a 360° attack at each of three sections of the combo.

-Similar to Crimson Dervish the attack speed is slowed, by 20%. Also, the first combo does x2 Critical Damage on every other strike out of six, not including the Kunai launch.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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While interesting overall, Hollow seems a lot like a melee version of Mesa's first ability as finisher type damage. A high-damage single-target finisher seems like it wouldn't be very effective most of the time. Either it's completely overkill, or the enemies it would be most useful against are too high level and too dangerous to get close to, and may just end up surviving it if they have enough health. If it can only be used on one enemy, I'm not sure I would like this idea for 100 energy.


Honestly, I'm more interested in your Katar concept. Katar would already be awesome. Katar that fire Kunai would be amazing. I kinda want to doodle some sort of concept mockup of them. And this is coming from someone completely devoid of artistic talent.

Edited by Centias
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Idk if it's just me but the text is all in black lol.


It looks fine on my screen. If anyone else is having this problem, please let me know.


@Phyrak: Thanks, I like this one too.


While interesting overall, Hollow seems a lot like a melee version of Mesa's first ability as finisher type damage. A high-damage single-target finisher seems like it wouldn't be very effective most of the time. Either it's completely overkill, or the enemies it would be most useful against are too high level and too dangerous to get close to, and may just end up surviving it if they have enough health. If it can only be used on one enemy, I'm not sure I would like this idea for 100 energy.


Honestly, I'm more interested in your Katar concept. Katar would already be awesome. Katar that fire Kunai would be amazing. I kinda want to doodle some sort of concept mockup of them.



Thanks for the feedback. I understand why your thinking that, however consider the speed and invisibility of the Hound/Harass combo to close on targets. All the powers synergies actually. And expanding on Mesa's, Ballistic Battery into a melee version was the point.


I would love to see a Katar mockup. Thank again.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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Very nice! Harass, Hound and Hurt would do for very interesting gameplay. Although in some way she reminds also of Valkyr.


She utterly lacks CC or AoE, with all of her damaging powers affecting at most one target. She would shine in Exterminate and Spy, she'd suffer in Survivals and be very at odds in Defenses. IMO Hollow's discharge should be tuned to somehow affect several enemies. Maybe charge through melee and discharge via some sort of radial wave of distruction?

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That's not how it works.

You get 150% energy at max level, not 300%.


I personally dislike Ash and anything related to this frame, but I couldn't find anything resembling bladestorm in any way. I'm fine with this concept.


Thanks for pointing that out. I was flipping through several frames for reference and got a little lost. I'll correct the mistake.


Very nice! Harass, Hound and Hurt would do for very interesting gameplay. Although in some way she reminds also of Valkyr.


She utterly lacks CC or AoE, with all of her damaging powers affecting at most one target. She would shine in Exterminate and Spy, she'd suffer in Survivals and be very at odds in Defenses. IMO Hollow's discharge should be tuned to somehow affect several enemies. Maybe charge through melee and discharge via some sort of radial wave of distruction?



Thank you. The lack of CC or AoE was intentional, but perhaps too costly. I will consider some method of balance. Maybe, augments could extend CC and/or AoE. Though, I will note that Hound does provide a Smoke Screen stun, via Ash's power, for AoE stun. This can be enhanced with mods, and with the speed boost and/or Harass, Fenris can lock up a fair amount of enemies. Just takes a little more work.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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Hound and hurt seem s little too over powered to be as cheap as they are energy-wise. A constant aoe stun plus invisibility should not be only 25 energy. As for hurt, you get three different stat buffs for 50 energy. Warcry and roar both only affect one stat and are 75 energy each. Also, hollow seems like a very lackluster ultimate. Add previously stated, at high levels it won't kill what needs to be killed and will put you right in front of them. On a t4 survival at 40 minutes, casting this on pretty much anything will end in instant death by putting you right in the range of heavy gunners and bombards.

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Hound and hurt seem s little too over powered to be as cheap as they are energy-wise. A constant aoe stun plus invisibility should not be only 25 energy. As for hurt, you get three different stat buffs for 50 energy. Warcry and roar both only affect one stat and are 75 energy each. Also, hollow seems like a very lackluster ultimate. Add previously stated, at high levels it won't kill what needs to be killed and will put you right in front of them. On a t4 survival at 40 minutes, casting this on pretty much anything will end in instant death by putting you right in the range of heavy gunners and bombards.

First, thanks for the input.

You maybe right about Hound, though the AoE is shorter radius than Ash's Smoke Screen. Perhaps it's have an increased energy cost. I was also thinking that Fenris' invisibility is diminished if idle and unmoving.

I'll have to compare Hurt with Valkyr and Rhino.

Hollow, depending on how damage is calculated, can do tens of thousands of damage and ignores armor! Combined with Hound and Harass you can reasonably close on any target, short of a Nullifier, and deliver a fatal blow.

Of course this is just my first pass, made while in the grips of insomnia. So, all aspects of Fenris are under review.

Thank you agian for your feedback.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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  • 3 months later...

Added augments for each ability.


1. Harangue: Replaces IPS status effects with elemental status effects.


2. Harry: Adds weakness proc to enemies effected by smoke screen AoE.


3. Harm: Reflects status effects inflicted by enemies back on themselves.


4. Hole: Increases the damage done from bleed status effect proc's.


See OP for details.

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