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Coming Soon: Devstream #47!


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1. Are there any plans of porting Warframe to Linux, specifically for Steambox computers.
2. When are we going to get pink shorts in the game?
3. Why is New Loka's Ancient attackers so much more a pain than other syndicate attackers?

4. Is it still the plan to have an event or system where players can rebuild the Relays?

5. Potential archwing fights around Dark Sectors?


6. Most importantly, when are we getting a series of pink shorts (even cargo shorts) in the store with the lotus symbol on the rear? :S

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1.  With all these info of Archwing updates, will there be any new Archwings we can try out in the future?

2.  Also will there be any more Kohm tweaks to perfect that satisfying feel without dropping dramerates? It no longer drop framerates but its missing a   certain oomph.

3. With the unique mechanic of the "Dragon" warframe coming out soon, would this imply that there may be new elements that comes with the warframe? such as colours black and white? purple/orange ?

 Thanks ~

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Can we talk about fusion core availability? Balance in rewards between endless and non-endless missions? What about balance between the void and the solar system?


Also, can we see a resolution/cease in power creep? Will ability balance be addressed? (4/3)*pi*r^3 radial abilities tend to overshadow other abilities in the same kit which are not infinite target radials.

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I want DE to have a look on credit's and beginner's grind of them


With latest Primed mods added, credits are in a very big lack ! I'm rank 18, all of my core modes are maxed, and i still starve for credits... With lates sindicate that u have to pay half a mil for the top reputation, and im making exalted with 4 sindicate factions, thats 2 mil credits plus the new primed mods each eats 2 mil + credits and there are 2 cards each 2 weeks... Whats my point


I got the core stuff maxed, and i still starve for credits, what will new players do? farming 2-4k credits from one mission ? they need at least 15-20 mil credits for a good start, to have at least core mods maxed... with 2-4k credits its shouting "I QUIT" due to way too much grind ! Most of the missions i play, i get a team of rank 10+, that means that low rank players they try and quit, all thats left is just old player base.


More love to new players, or lower the price of mod leveling. Dont look at those players that have 30 mil+ credits... thats just a few that farmed old reward system, when T3 void was rewarding arrount 150-200k.


Make more credit drop from enemy, im with credit booster most of the time and with or without it, there is no difference, still starve for credits.

Edited by DonBot
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Dear dang diddly DE Developers


There are currently four recently-introduced Melee weapon types which only has one weapon of that kind. The weapon types being Claws, Tonfas, Sword&Shield and Gunblade, and the weapons being Venka, Konen, Silva&Aegis and Redeemer. I've seen in previous dev streams that you're already working on a 2nd Stance mod for Claws and Tonfas, so are you going to start expanding these new weapon types anytime soon?


Also, there are older melee weapon types that have small amount of weapons, like Scythes, Whips, Dual Daggers, Thrown and Nikanas. Will there eventually be more of these weapon types as well?


Like always, stay beautiful and gimme potatoes!


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 What do you plan to do about the power balance between us and enemies? As it is now we can make ourselves warrior gods that cannot be touched. Things like void survival camping and trin/excal rep farming is possible. Is this the perfect example of synergy between warframes or is it just an attempt to gloss over an only slightly imaginative borderline exploit?


 You cannot make challenging content as long as we are this powerful, at some point you have to bite the bullet and cut down on the power we can achieve. You can't move this game forward without deciding who you want to please; the people who enjoy the gameplay and have fun experiencing the whole mission and looking for all of the hidden secrets or the people who can't justify spending any more than 1min inside of a mission unless the rewards are good enough (saying they don't have a lot of time to play even when they have all the time in the world)? Either side is viable but you can't please both at the same time, there will always be conflicts of interest between the players and you'll always have to play this tug of war of what's more important to the players gameplay or rushing/rewards.

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Is dragon going to be able to fly in space without an archwing?


Because I know he's supposed to be "ridiculously ambitious and feel different" I was just wondering if flying through space without an archwing would be TOO ridiculously ambitious. 



ETA on U16?



Edited by Climaxstriker
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Why have the anti afk reward blocking measures been added to endless missions as well? When will the system get reworked or removed?


The current system mostly just results in false positives. It hurts actively contributing members of the team with channeling abilities such as Mesa's Peacemaker, Hydroid's Undertow, Banshee's Sound Quake, etc. Sometimes these frames even have the most damage done or the most enemies killed. Other times they provide extremely useful crowd control. However, the anti afk system does nothing but create an uncomfortable feeling, which results in pointless jitters by knowing you have to move around a bit for no reason other than to not get your hands slapped. Even sharpshooters holding an objective have to worry.

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Tons of questions!

1.) Will you change the prices for marker resources and mods/cores to make them more viable? I honeslty dont see a use in having it be this expensive if I can get cores from missions and mods from other players for a fraction of the price. 

2.) Can we expect more nikanas? I would really love to have some differently styled ones, maybe something that looks like its made out of a dragon *wink wink* speaking of nikanas any chance the babies recieve a little range buff? 

3.) Can you already spoil us how the new frame will be obtained? I dont want it to be a grind or anything similar to Mesa or Hydroid again... It would be nice to obtain it trough a quest or something. 

4.) Will we ever see warframe parts in the void trader? And how do you choose the weapons/mods he offers? 

5.) Will we ever be able to take part in syndicate invasion style missions where the different syndicates fight for planets and respective members get rewards while doing missions on it? 

6.) Any chance we will be able to make custom sigils for a little plat fee?


7.) when are we getting the next bunch of syndicate rewards and what will we get? I hope for armours, skins, colours, primaries and melees at least 1 of each per syndicate

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1) Will Volt or Oberon ever get a Buff? Your chart that showed most warframes used showed that Volt and Broberon are really low, and to be frank; it is because they have crappy scaling and volts only redeeming ability is the shield.


2) Will Perrin Sequence or New Loka get better items and/or buff the weapons/warframes that are used by them.


3) May you please buff shotguns, i love the Tigris but it sucks compared to every other shotgun because of the low clip size along with a stupid reload speed


4) Will Snipers ever get another buff? Even after they were buffed they still cant even compare to a Mk-1 Paris.


5) Will the amount of Ducats needed for the void trader get tweaked any time soon? 600 for a mastery fodder gun does not seam worth it.


6) Can you remove stamina COMPLETELY. It has no real use other than punish those who don't copter or even try to go sword alone.


7) Why cant augments just be added innately to warframe abilities? Many abilities are just terrible and these augments could save them.

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