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Since Players Want Excalibur Prime...


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The point is that many out there playing on PC simply do not care about exclusives, Console players have exclusives already and it won't hurt anyone if you guys get more because in the end....we don't care


Sure we may like the stuff, but we don't go this far to try and find ways of it beeing included on the PC version, Excall prime is not only a pc exclusive but is specific to those who helped DE getting warframe off the ground.


I know you guys always want ways of getting excall prime (pc and console players) but that selfish tought is just a kick in the nuts for founders.

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Can't touch this
Can't touch this
Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh)
Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh)

My-my-my-my music makes me so hard makes me say oh my Lord
Thank you for blessing me with a mind to rhyme and two hype feet
That's good when you know you're down
A super dope homeboy from the Oaktown
And I'm known as such
And this is a beat uh u can't touch

I told you homeboy u can't touch this
Yeah that's how we're livin' and you know u can't touch this
Look in my eyes man u can't touch this
You know let me bust the funky lyrics u can't touch this

Fresh new kicks and pants
You got it like that now you know you wanna dance
So move out of your seat
And get a fly girl and catch this beat
While it's rollin' hold on pump a little bit
And let me know it's going on like that like that
Cold on a mission so pull on back
Let 'em know that you're too much
And this is a beat uh u can't touch

Yo I told you u can't touch this
Why you standing there man u can't touch this
Yo sound the bells school is in sucker u can't touch this

Give me a song or rhythm
Making 'em sweat that's what I'm giving 'em
Now they know when you talk about the Hammer
You talk about a show that's hyped and tight
Singers are sweatin' so pass them a mic
Or a tape to learn what it's gonna take
And now he's gonna burn
The charts legit either work hard
Or you might as well quit

That's word because you know
Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh-oh-oh)
Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh-oh-oh)
Break it down
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh)
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh)
Stop Hammer time

Go with the flow in a spin if you can't move to this
Then you probably are dead
So wave your hands in the air
Bust through the moves run your fingers through your hair
This is it for a winner
Dance to this and you're gonna get thinner
Move slide your rump
Just for a minute let's all do the bump
Bump bump bump yeah

Can't touch this
Look man u can't touch this
You'll probably get hyped boy 'cause you know you can't u can't touch this
Ring the bell school's back in break it down
Stop Hammer time
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh)
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh)
(Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh)
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) u can't touch this
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) u can't touch this
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) u can't touch this
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) break it down
Stop Hammer time

Every time you see me that Hammer's just so hype
I'm dope on the floor and I'm magic on the mic
Now why would I ever stop doing this
With others makin' records that just don't hit
I toured around the world from London to the bank
It's Hammer go Hammer
It's a Hammer yo Hammer and the rest go and play

Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh)
Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh)
Can't touch this (oh-oh oh-oh-oh)
Yeah u can't touch this
I told you u can't touch this (oh-oh oh-oh-oh)
Too hype can't touch this
Get me outta here u can't touch this

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At this point the thread will get locked because of the console guys flaming at pc.

Its not being locked because of Excal Prime being mentioned because the suggestion at the very beginning of this in the OP was actually a very valid suggestion that could get some consideration.

Its a way around the legal matters in a way that people will buy enough plat to buy him without it being actually a Founder purchase but rather a regular purchase to trade for a certain item In the game.

Founders have and do leave the game sometimes so its only right to let their stuff have a chance to be used by someone who will continue to play this game.

I say we have a poll vote on the Design Council that notifies them to vote ob whether they are for or against the idea of controlling what they do with their founder gear should they leave the game for good or just dont want it

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Did you PC players ever consider WHY DE branches it into consoles?  Possibly because you aren't the be-all-end-all of gaming, and there is a colossal market of console players?


Warframe is YOURS?  Hahahahaha!!!  Now we are getting to the real reason that PC players are so against any talk of console players getting a real exclusive Excalibur.

I'm fairly certain the PC player base is about even with PS4 and XB1 players combined. At least that's what one of the Warframe in Numbers has shown.

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I would looove to have an Excalibur Prime, but with that said I completely think it should only stay founder item that can't be traded.


Reason is, any game that offers founder like items for those people that invested in the game in hopes that it will be successful are getting a 'thank you for your support in making this happen'.


I look at games like DayZ standalone and all the people that bought the game which still isn't out of beta after how many years now? The game beta was sold for a decent amount just to buy into it, and yet it will never be finished even though they easily sold enough to complete it. Those people that bought into it's success got ripped off (me included) so they could I'm guessing funnel all the money to Arma or something. So just saying that founders take a risk in it might fail, and that investment and time not gaining them anything, let alone a fully functional game release.


I wish they would have chosen something else as their founder rewards other than a prime frame that no one else will ever be able to get but w/e. 

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Please keep this thread going in a civilized manner so we can all try and come to a conclusion (which I doubt).Anyways,If this thread keeps growing with comments and doesn'tderail from it's original purpose,I wont have to contact a community manager  to lock the thread


Thank you for your understanding and keep in mind that this is a serious matter and it's no coincidence that so many threads appeared in the last months regarding this topic.We are all trying to come to a solution so that both founders and non-founders don't loose from whatever decision DE is going to take.


So,once again thank you for keeping this thread going.That is all.

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1 thing i don't understand is that why this thread isn't locked already.

Because its not asking to bring back excal prime for purchase.

Hes asking for it to be tradeable in the instance that founders decide to leave or dont want him anymore and can give him to someone else where hell see more use rather than being kept on a shelf

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Because its not asking to bring back excal prime for purchase.

Hes asking for it to be tradeable in the instance that founders decide to leave or dont want him anymore and can give him to someone else where hell see more use rather than being kept on a shelf


But for like... 3 pages, it's one of the usual PC vs Console war bullS#&$, where some Console players start raging about us, PC gamers, and we answer back with things that we think is better. Welcome to the Internet.

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How has thread been going for so long. This thing should get locked ASAP. 


No other complete frame is tradeable. The closest thing we have is weapons. 

EVEN then you need to have zero xp in it to trade. 


How many untouched E primes are there out there? Probably very very few. 


DE normally comes in quick to lock down these kind of threads. I am shocked this one has been allowed to get this far. 

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Because its not asking to bring back excal prime for purchase.

Hes asking for it to be tradeable in the instance that founders decide to leave or dont want him anymore and can give him to someone else where hell see more use rather than being kept on a shelf


Every Excal Prime thread I've seen that in any way suggested some kind of return has been locked eventually.  Because not only is Excal Prime's fate set in stone to never return, these threads usually devolve into nothing but flames.


I am curious as to why this thread is allowed to live when every similar thread before it died an early death.  I can't say it deserved to grow past two or three pages.


Especially considering that the original suggestion isn't even an uncommon suggestion.  Plenty of people have suggested he become tradable before, yet their threads were axed while this one lives.

Edited by Katakuna
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No I did not.Because,first and foremost,this is a topic that interests me and many others.Like I said in my previous post,the times this matter has surfaced is no mere coincidence and it will keep appearing until it is resolved.It's not just me that wants it  and not the only founder too.

Some people just refuse to take no for an answer no matter how many times it has to be said. A few people complaining over and over by no means makes the argument valid or justified.


It is a founder item, it should stay to their accounts no matter what. It doesn't need to be kept around just for the sake of it. It's a symbol for those that supported the creation of the game whether they care for the items or not. And most must have cared somewhat at the time because they bought the pack at a fairly high amount.  In return they gave us the in-between option which I thought was a good one, the Proto armor.

As well then there is also the weapons/badges as well that go hand in hand with the Excal as a package which then you will want to be able to trade. So basically this thread wants / would need the Founder pack to be able to be traded.      NO!


To allow it to be traded gets right into the same bad situation Arcane helmets ended up in, where DE made the worst decision possible, which was none.   

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Well have fun campaigning for those changes - I hope you garnish all the support you deserve, and DE sees the error of their fiendish ways and right the gross injustice they have committed against the victimized and helpless console players such as yourself whom this atrocity has afflicted greatly.


Or ya know... nothing happens and you just have to get over it. But hey, best of luck to you!

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waits for Excal Prime to become tradeable


waits for post the next day wanting Lato Prime and Skana Prime tradeable


waits for post the next day wanting Founders Badges to become available


waits for post the next day wanting Solar Landmark rights


etc etc etc



how about no?



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