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We Really Really Need That Blacklist Function


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I'm just been dumped last second at wave 25 of a tower 4 defence.


Writing down and remember the names of the jerks who did this is kinda unpraticable so, DE, PLEASE, Make this goddamn blacklist / kick / whatever function already, how much of this garbage is supposed to happen before you take action and do something about this giving us some "tool" to have a minimum counter to such elements ?


I know you would like to have all of us be happy and play all together but some people don't seem to care about this or give a F on getting along with other players, so why can't you just give us a damn option to don't see them ever again ?

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How often does this actually happen to you?


See I dont get comments like this.

What is your motivation of typing that?


If you dont have the issue that he is having, fine, but why are you seemingly opposed to the idea?

Are you afraid DE's precious resources a better spend on things you find problematic and you dont want that time squandered on this?


To answer your question though: Every time it happens is one too many.

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See I dont get comments like this.

What is your motivation of typing that?


If you dont have the issue that he is having, fine, but why are you seemingly opposed to the idea?

Are you afraid DE's precious resources a better spend on things you find problematic and you dont want that time squandered on this?


To answer your question though: Every time it happens is one too many.



Is not a matter of "how often", is kinda like saying "how often do people take viruses" ? Doesen't matter how often, it's a poison and it must be dealt as such.


The problem is that if it just happened once then it's not actually a problem, it's the same as a connection error. Things like that happen in every online game.


A kick system wold make this problem worse and was already talked about by the Devs a long time ago. It was voted not to have it in since it posed too much of a problem from trolling rather then helping. Imagine being in a mission but instead of everyone leaving you alone at the 25 min mark, they just decide to kick you out. Or better yet right before the 25 min mark they kicked you out. That's even more frustrating.


I see no reason for a "blacklist" when there is the "ignore" function. Blacklisting a player after you have been trolled in a match would be no different then "ignoring" that player after being trolled in a match. Serves the same function. So technically, we already have this function in game.

Edited by HandsOfnArtist
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You can ignore users, as well as find their name without having to write them down.  There's an option in the Friends screen to see players from a previous mission.


Otakuwolf, when you say you were dumped at the last second, do you mean that 3 people changed their decision from Battle to Extract at the last second?


Even if you were able to Blacklist anyone, there's still a chance you'll team up with a group of trolls who will do that to you.  The ignore function is about the best you can do to be sure to not team up with the same trolls, but as long as you're teaming with non-clan members, you'll always run that risk.

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/ignoring someone should remove the ability for you to be grouped with them from now on.

they can't join your games, and vice versa.


this extends past toxic language to the realm of behavior.

afk-ers, rushers, ANYBODY who plays in a way contrary to your fun... you should be able to remove each other from your sphere of play.


it's absurd that this feature doesn't exist already.

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Why would someone kick a member at wave 25. Does that not make it that much harder on them it just seems like a silly thing to do.


I think it was more a case of everyone saying they would continue to the next round of 5 waves then right before the timer runs out all leave (probably friends who found this fun to do) leaving OP alone to do the next waves alone before he has a chance to leave again.

Doing so alone is obviously impossible so OP lost and thus got nothing for his efforts.

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I think it was more a case of everyone saying they would continue to the next round of 5 waves then right before the timer runs out all leave (probably friends who found this fun to do) leaving OP alone to do the next waves alone before he has a chance to leave again.

Doing so alone is obviously impossible so OP lost and thus got nothing for his efforts.

Just wow people like that should be given a week ban just to teach them a lesson. Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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See I dont get comments like this.

What is your motivation of typing that?


If you dont have the issue that he is having, fine, but why are you seemingly opposed to the idea?

Are you afraid DE's precious resources a better spend on things you find problematic and you dont want that time squandered on this?


To answer your question though: Every time it happens is one too many.


I think he just wants to know how often you overreact like this over the stupid things people do enough to make you ask for a blacklist feature. For what? Just ignore them..

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You can ignore them. (/i <username)



Really, i don't know what is this post about.


Then you are host, noone could answer to you.

Then you looking for a group you are just don't see this message in chat.


And only if it is other two man, you need just to use your eyes. Do you have eyes?

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I think the timer system should be revised to account for this, actually.

This. The timer/vote button needs some tweaking, possibly adding a few seconds everytime more than one person makes a change, and adding seconds/a notification whenever the host is opting to quit to let us know if a migration is imminent.

It would also be nice if the vote screen brought the chat box to the forefront. I know you can still use it but I almost wish it would make it more front and center to promote communication for the voting.

Perhaps tweak it to be like voting in the mission select screen where it takes forever to countdown if only one to three people vote yes but counts down fast when all 4 have so we don't have to wait long when we are all in agreement.

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Really, i don't know what is this post about.


Then you are host, noone could answer to you.

Then you looking for a group you are just don't see this message in chat.


And only if it is other two man, you need just to use your eyes. Do you have eyes?

My post or the original post?

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Really, i don't know what is this post about.


Then you are host, noone could answer to you.

Then you looking for a group you are just don't see this message in chat.


And only if it is other two man, you need just to use your eyes. Do you have eyes?


.. what?

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We need a blacklist/vote kick system.


I hate when I'm hosting T4D wave 45+ and a MR2 lvl 18 mirage asks for a invite and pops in.

I don't mind helping newer players and powerleveling but not when I'm going for long runs and want a real team composition.


Also for troll limbos/vaucinnabuns.

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First of all, I feel bad for you.


However, the votekick system is not likely to be here and I personally do not want it to be here as well because some trolls will definitely abuse this system. For example, if you are 25 waves into T4d and three of your teammates decide to votekick you because they think it is funny, then there is nothing you can do about it. To me, this is worse than being dumped. At least you get a chance to survive if you get dumped. 


Anyway, I am 870 hours into the game and I personally have never been dumped but there was once a team member left at the last second in a void defense mission so I was left with another guy (the team only had 3 people including me). Me and the other guy did get through another 5 waves so that wasnt too bad. What I am saying is, this doesnt happen very often (unless you want to tell me I am lucky I rarely get dumped?) so I doubt we need the votekick system to prevent people from being dumped.

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