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Looks Like Ps4 Isn't Going To Do Any Better...


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Look, there's no point complaining about people not participating. As of right now, there is no grand future for relays, anyway. When DE wants to bring them back, they will, on PC, PS4, and XB1. Until then, they're gonna be the same anyway. The people who care will participate and those who don't won't. We just gotta accept that most people don't like archwing. It's as simple as that. Tying relays to archwings isn't going to make people hate archwings any less than they already do. That's the real problem here, imo. DE tried to promote the unpopular archwing mode, so they tied it to something else that people cared about. But the dislike for archwing clearly outweighs the like for relays.

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FYI, you're not including the isotope and cryotic farming in your calculations. Still, there's absolutely no payoff for your efforts other than trying to save something which could potentially have value. Also, the sheer volume of Fomorians makes this event incredibly tedious. The faster you kill one, the faster the next arrives. There isn't even a limit to them so the event just drags on without any end in sight. Again, its just a poorly designed event since the community cannot even work towards an end goal.

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I totally understand, yes the rewards are lacking right now, but we don't know what the future holds for them, and what future rewards and content will be missed.

Do people really think DE would have designed SEVEN relays, and not have something in store for them in the future? They already said in the dev stream they had unique plans for each relay.


I am not the least bit concerned about missing out on future content...if DE creates it they will make sure everyone gets it in order to maximize on their investment. If anyone from DE wants to claim otherwise, they are either joking or have gone soft in the head. The relays magically came into existence once, they can do so again.

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All this event has shown me is that having faith in our community is never a safe bet.


Nothing we can do but wait and see how many people feel is "worth" saving.


I doubt we'll end it with more than 1 now.


If we do get down to 1. I'm not going to fight for it. Since passing judgement on content we all share is ok with everyone else.

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It's simply a risk/reward problem.  I've spent my Warframe time the last couple nights fighting the Fomorians.  In doing so, I've gained literally nothing.  However, I HAVE missed out on running Towers to get prime parts for ducats (trader is coming next weekend), and I've gotten pretty much zero Syndicate standing.  So, while I've sacrificed those things, I'm not really happy about it, and I'm even LESS happy since plenty of others are willing to "let em burn."  So, my sacrifice is really worthless.  I don't get anything extra for wasting my time trying to save the relays.  DE SHOULD have added in some sort of bonus to those who actually spend their time on the event.  Like, if you ran X amount of runs on Earth, and the relay survives, you get X amount extra credit/sale prices/whatever from Baro the next time he's in the Earth relay.  Just an idea, and it's pointless because they didn't do it, but I don't know how much interest I have in trying to save the next relays.

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You guys knew this was coming, you heard us, you read about it. You have how many days left in the event to go. Honestly, I could only run it 2 to 5 times before quitting that day. Don't give up on all the relays. Figure which to save and which ones not. I knew intent to save them all is there, but is it worth a burn out? Vandal is a side grade weapon not worth noting unless it's MR mastery item. We lost 4 relays and you can see all of threads on the matter and chat was just as bad. Save what you, but don't save them all. There maybe another event to rebuild said relays in the future, I'm hoping for a fizzy table and a sauna personally.

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Yep, that's the frustrating part.  If everyone just ran 5 or 10 runs after they got their battle point, it wouldn't be an issue.  Instead, the vast majority get their battle point, and then beat feet to something else, leaving a minority to struggle against the Fomorians.  This results in the minority becoming frustrated, and simply giving up on the event.

Edited by (PS4)resnor
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I totally understand, yes the rewards are lacking right now, but we don't know what the future holds for them, and what future rewards and content will be missed. I would even go so far to say they didn't promote the event very well, giving no other incentive to save them than the trader and gear which can be had for 10 total runs. Maybe they should have showed more of what the future had in store for each of the different relays to give more of a connection to them and show their real potential.

My only sourness is with the openly "LET IT BURN" people. That is toxic, and spreads like a cancer through a community. If my attitude was toxic, we would have saved the relay, because while everyone was holding their let it burn parties in all the different region chats, there were entire smaller clans and alliances out there still trying to save it for the people that see the potential, and understand that we may not immediately see the rewards. That includes myself, my clan mates, and alliance mates.

Do people really think DE would have designed SEVEN relays, and not have something in store for them in the future? They already said in the dev stream they had unique plans for each relay.

It's funny, Pluto got saved, yet an easier planet falls.



just dont bother. as you can plainly see, the Tenno to your left and to your right just dont care enough. You dont need to justify yourself. Your character has been recognized, there is nothing that can be done regarding the malcontents.


your brothers see you, all that matters

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For what it's worth, I noticed more people trying to rally the troops an save the relays in chat, than people saying "let it burn", but by then Saturn was too far gone for it to matter.

Most people have hit the nail on the head when they mention the time & resources required just to access the missions, coupled with next to no payoff is the ultimate deterrent from doing multiple runs.

As a result of the way it's set up, you get burnt out from the repetitive nature without any real reward. I think the way this is laid out does more damage to the archwing gameplay than anything else.

I think at this point, unless you're a gamer that leans more towards a role playing element of the game (and through that, can convince yourself to keep playing these missions) you'll collect your single run for your completion and move on, maybe doing a few extras as you come across the necessary elements to craft more disrupters.

I think it would be to the developers and the communities best interest if they spaced the fomorian attacks out rather than have them all back to back..

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For what it's worth, I noticed more people trying to rally the troops an save the relays in chat, than people saying "let it burn", but by then Saturn was too far gone for it to matter.

Most people have hit the nail on the head when they mention the time & resources required just to access the missions, coupled with next to no payoff is the ultimate deterrent from doing multiple runs.

As a result of the way it's set up, you get burnt out from the repetitive nature without any real reward. I think the way this is laid out does more damage to the archwing gameplay than anything else.

I think at this point, unless you're a gamer that leans more towards a role playing element of the game (and through that, can convince yourself to keep playing these missions) you'll collect your single run for your completion and move on, maybe doing a few extras as you come across the necessary elements to craft more disrupters.

I think it would be to the developers and the communities best interest if they spaced the fomorian attacks out rather than have them all back to back..



There definitely were some trying in the PS4 region chats as well. We'd check in in-between formorian runs, or cryotic runs, but it sadly was a moot point.

I agree, they definitely needed spaced out, but this is what we were given to work with. Getting attacked on Fri/Sat/Sun and leaving the rest of the week alone would have probably helped this event out tremendously.  

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As a result of the way it's set up, you get burnt out from the repetitive nature without any real reward. I think the way this is laid out does more damage to the archwing gameplay than anything else.



You could say that of a lot of the grindier elements of the game, really.  The T1-4 prime part lottery that serves as the pseudo endgame?  How many missions would a person run to organically complete every Prime item?  The Prime Mods are similar... huge grind for the ducats to get them, and huge grind to max them.

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I'm honestly surprised DE went with this event on consoles, considering how well it went over with PC players.


Eyes of blight was the first instance of the player base actively rejecting new content. Normally something would implemented about 2 weeks after the event, but now they're just sitting on it, wondering what they did wrong (hint hint: it has to do with not using play testers).


Going though this post, I see the same reactions we had during the PC event: A mix of disappointment in the community, and DE for rolling out such a badly designed event.


I won't be surprised if only three relays per console make it, I'm 95% sure this is scripted anyway.

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You could say that of a lot of the grindier elements of the game, really.  The T1-4 prime part lottery that serves as the pseudo endgame?  How many missions would a person run to organically complete every Prime item?  The Prime Mods are similar... huge grind for the ducats to get them, and huge grind to max them.

The difference here is that we have a finite amount of time to grind these missions before we lose them entirely. I can farm void levels, OD level, or any other, at my leisure, and not worry about missing out on them forever if I decide to take a break. The same can't be said about the fomorian missions.

I don't have an issue with grinding to save a couple of them. But saving 10 in a row without a chance for breaks, and the idea that relays will be attacked again (possibly shortly) after fending off the first wave is a bit much, when there are no rewards beyond completing the first run.

To your point, how many times would you run any void mission if you were only able to get a prime item after the first completion?

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Now console players are beginning to understand the reality and gravity of the situation (and no I'm not talking about the scripted/rigged/etc. theory). People seem to think players on different platforms are vastly different audiences - but we're more alike than most would be lead to believe. Things like burnout, complacency, commitment, and personal prerogatives are anything but platform exclusive. 

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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I'll be honest, without a visible life total on the Fomorians this entire event is pretty pointless. As others have noted, everything could be manipulated behind the scenes at any time. Worse yet there is no attack schedule so finishing early doesn't get you a break or closer to the end since a new attack will just deploy. I know that this event was technically from last year but it contradicts DE's year of quality. Worse yet, DE has purposely chosen to repeat the same mistakes on consoles. Nothing says fun like making the entire community hate your event. I'm honestly dumbfounded as to why DE would release the event with all of the same issues included, even the damage bugs. Definitely not worth the 8 week wait.

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I'll be honest, without a visible life total on the Fomorians this entire event is pretty pointless. As others have noted, everything could be manipulated behind the scenes at any time. Worse yet there is no attack schedule so finishing early doesn't get you a break or closer to the end since a new attack will just deploy. I know that this event was technically from last year but it contradicts DE's year of quality. Worse yet, DE has purposely chosen to repeat the same mistakes on consoles. Nothing says fun like making the entire community hate your event. I'm honestly dumbfounded as to why DE would release the event with all of the same issues included, even the damage bugs. Definitely not worth the 8 week wait.

I want to go ahead and say whole U15.10... wasnt worth of 8week wait, but that is we have to stick with it, to only get another update wich is wont be worth of wait(its not U16, i quarantee that. Unless it PA update, it is another worthless update) Yeah, there should been at least 12hrs break after every successful or unsuccessful defend.

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Well it must be a per run thing and not a damage dealt to it thing. We laid into Europa with billion damage runs and saw no noticeable difference. It's going to end up being like old school rail sabotage missions, get in and out as fast as possible, then repeat. The problem is I doubt many have the resources to sustain that.

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Easy now, that is starting to sound like destiny and their jacked up idea of a once a week reward system.

You know what? i give destiny that one, why? Because at least its QUARANTEED reward. You go there, do that thing, and get rewarded what is promised. Instead what we have here, you go to the void for prime parts, instead getting those, you leave there with 10 forma bp and x amount orokin cells. Thanks....

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Why DE made everyone use cryotic is mind boggling, had they made it rubedo/alloy plate etc much more people would be interested in it, personally idm mining cryotic but for the general public its too much effort and i can see why they dont want to do it, i did around 35 runs straight yesterday and saturn only dropped from 55% to 50% lol

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To your point, how many times would you run any void mission if you were only able to get a prime item after the first completion?


I think the closest equivalent was the Mutualist Survival mission that had the "chance" to award Tethra's Doom mods.  However, the survival would only exist through the end of the event, and the "chance" was only for the 20 minute marks.  The mission was relatively difficult, in that it introduced a lot of the newer infested and the people available to play had to be at that point in the event I believe.


In that case, I ran 1-hour survivals four times hoping to get the Tethra's mods I couldn't get before my account existed.  That was as many as I had time to run in my schedule before the event ended.  I got 1 mod.


I guess you could say the void missions are better, since there's no time requirement?  However, I think having so much content behind a RNG in identical maps makes for a horrid grind of a different kind.  There's something like 32 or so primes locked in the void behind RNG, and each has about 4 parts or so - for a total of about 128 different parts you have to get in what amounts to a dice roll, some more than once.  It makes for monotony.


How many parts do you have to turn in to get a "primed mod"?  How many hours of farming the void were required to get that prime mod?  How many hours were required to max that mod?


It's a lot of content that's explicitly grinding.  That's carrot at the "end" of Warframe at the moment.  Not more varied content, more and more void.  In that context, the Eyes of Blight isn't that different.  The real difference is that you get to grind "less" to get the reskinned version of an existing weapon.  The downside?  It's an Archwing weapon.  


Whether or not the relays get destroyed won't matter in the grand scheme of things because so few players even participate.  Only one other person in my clan even bothered to get the Archwing, and he didn't want to grind for Isotopes to run the event.  So, it seems like the same apathy over Archwing would've killed this event anyway.  


Honestly, that tactical alert with the freezing guys (Artic something, I think?) was skipped by everyone in my clan too because the gigantic energy drain radius turned the whole exercise into a dull shooter instead of a magic-space-ninja game.  So, DE hasn't been doing too well in general event-wise in my book in recent months.  It caused me to shelf the game for awhile after having a perfect login record for months.

Edited by (PS4)Zeylon
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