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Wrist Gun


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So we got Gammacor and Synoid Gammacor as the 1st wrist laser gun. but i don't like continous laser beam and 25m limited range of Gammacor. my suggestion is make 1 for Grineer and Corpus. 1 fire bullet and other fire Plasma round. thought?

ex: https://thirdrowcentre.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/cowboys-and-aliens_weapon1.jpg


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Probably a design not belonging to any faction. Why would it be by Cephalons anyway? Didn't Cordylon say how ineffective the Tenno go around, eliminating a crew in hand-to-hand combat? Better drain the oxygen, way more effective while less dangerous.

Sabotage needs to be this as well.




Designed to quickly vaporize minerals for content analysis, users discovered its powerful beam was equally efficient at dispatching hostiles.



Cephalons developed Gammacor for their field operatives to gather material for research>operatives in pinch use research tool in defense>research tool being super effective at dispatching hostiles>research tool turned into a weapon.

Just like Quanta, or Spectra, or Serro.

Edited by Mofixil
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So we got Gammacor and Synoid Gammacor as the 1st wrist laser gun. but i don't like continous laser beam and 25m limited range of Gammacor. my suggestion is make 1 for Grineer and Corpus. 1 fire bullet and other fire Plasma round. thought?


Now that the animations for a wrist wielded gun are in the game i don't see why this wouldn't be possible, except for clipping issue.


Personaly i like the idea of a Tenno based flame thrower secondary, which is wielded on the wrists like the Firebats from Star Craft. It would certainly be nice to have for Ember and her Accelerant ability. Considering how easy a flame thrower is compared to something like a lightning gun and a freeze ray, i don't see why more factions than the Grineer should have one.

Edited by Othergrunty
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The Gammacor is a Corpus weapon.

I agree. 


The Gammacor is Cephalon designed

I believe you are wrong, because

1) Why would they release it to the market if it were Suda designed? I wouldn't allow my enemies to be using my weapons.

2) Why would they further enhance a weapon they made? Why make a crappy version of a weapon if you're just gonna enhance it anyway? It would make sense to make the enhanced version the stock, and only version.

3) No other Syndicated have their own weapons. They have taken and enhanced their enemies weapons, so why should Suda be any different? 

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I believe you are wrong, because

1) Why would they release it to the market if it were Suda designed? I wouldn't allow my enemies to be using my weapons.

2) Why would they further enhance a weapon they made? Why make a crappy version of a weapon if you're just gonna enhance it anyway? It would make sense to make the enhanced version the stock, and only version.

3) No other Syndicated have their own weapons. They have taken and enhanced their enemies weapons, so why should Suda be any different? 


1. "Designed to quickly vaporize minerals for content analysis, users discovered its powerful beam was equally efficient at dispatching hostiles."


It's a TOOL, some people just discovered it also works pretty well at killing enemies. It wasn't even designed with destructive purpose in mind unlike the Spectra or Serro, which were both designed with destruction in mind.

Someone released it on the open market with the idea that it would help people with finding mineral deposites.


2. "Deployed by the Cephalon Suda, once a data-analyzing instrument, the Gammacor's main focus is defense."


The Synoid Gammacor can essentialy be seen as the truely weaponized version of the Gammacor TOOL.


3. Because Suda isn't human and an AI dedicated on collecting and preserving knowledge.


Therefor it makes sense that Suda wouldn't have a dedicated weapon, but just a highly advanced energy based tool, which was weaponized for defensive purpose as both descriptions indicate.

Also compare the Spectra to the Gammacor. Both are energy beam based tools which can also be used as weapon. However the design difference is like night and day. Heck compare any of the Corpus tools and weapons to Gammacor. There is nothing in the Corpus arsenal resembling it.


Not to forget that being the first faction entirely based around an AI most likely inspired the artist of DE enough that they would create a weapon specific for this faction.

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so far the Gammacor has no origin of what faction it was created. Corpus is not high tech enough to make their weapon floating around your arm unless you find a weapon from corpus relate to Gammacor type (floating function). See all the weapon of Corpus, most of them are box type weaponry and Gammacor is Round sharp so Gammacor is not Corpus made.

Edited by ZzVinniezZ
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