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If You Are Using Powers, More Than Once A Mission... You Are Exploiting!


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Can we just give radial javelin a DOT debuff that lasts 30 seconds, and u cant recast javelin while that debuff is active, just like rhino stomp. Also make mesa ult should cancel all buffs on itself like a nullifer.


yeah, I joined a pug to do a few waves on draco just to level up some stuff and this excalibro sat there on basically free energy restores and continually cleaned the map, so it was kind of boring -- he ended up with about 90% dmg dealt.

that said, the point of the game is to clear the map, and if I can clear the map pressing a button, why wouldn't I?

I got my stuff leveled, albeit in a very boring manner, so I'm not sure what my complaint would be.


I don't fault the 'bro, but I'm not sure if I'd be eager to play that map with him again, either.

frankly, I think the fault, if there is one, is with de not using cooldown timers and giving us powers that can clean the map, but I don't think I'd ever want anything nerfed, either.

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yeah, I joined a pug to do a few waves on draco just to level up some stuff and this excalibro sat there on basically free energy restores and continually cleaned the map, so it was kind of boring -- he ended up with about 90% dmg dealt.

that said, the point of the game is to clear the map, and if I can clear the map pressing a button, why wouldn't I?

I got my stuff leveled, albeit in a very boring manner, so I'm not sure what my complaint would be.


I don't fault the 'bro, but I'm not sure if I'd be eager to play that map with him again, either.

frankly, I think the fault, if there is one, is with de not using cooldown timers and giving us powers that can clean the map, but I don't think I'd ever want anything nerfed, either.

Its not a nerf, its a fix. Being able to continously wipe the room with no diminishing returns breaks the balance of the game. The reason why warframe has little to no strategy is because stupid S#&$ like radial javelin/energy vampire/radial disarm spam exists.

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Funny thing, last I checked, no one is required to ability spam to play the game yeah? sooooo what's wrong when someone decides they want to enjoy the game they're way, like me?

Oberon rage spam of every ability, constantly, if I have the means, and desire to be a one man rave party in space, and if I feel nature's wrath working through Sabaton blaring from the speakers, why is it wrong if I want to go apesh!t?

As long as its not "the only way" what does it matter? don't like it? go form your own group, find another squad, I'll never understand why anyone actually gets any degree of upset over this kind of open option game.

Oh and the, Because it break the game or whatever argument? I think if the devs TRULY felt the system was broken, irreparable, or no longer in line with their ideals for this game, we'd know, and there would be no shortage of changes DIRECTLY to the abilities & the way they work.

Anyway, have fun, smash brains, get loot, long as its doable to a good sound track, I'm a happy gamer.

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end of mission stats shows a YELLOW mark for people who used many skills as possible


if your a nova/loki using less molecular prime/disarm on that 100-150 tact alert you're a pro?

maybe this is just your observation but i think otherwise.


being a "pro" is like footprints on the shore, just like leaderboards. 


and i also hate threads like these to just prove how many people doesnt read the spoiler parts

what's the point of this?

Edited by Ritchel
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This is why I didn't like that Artic whatever event where your energy got drained miles away from the target.  Who the hell plays Warframe to play a generic shooter?  The point of different frames is they have different powers; removing powers entirely from the equation in a mission just makes it a game of "how well did you mod your gun?"  Having to run it a ridiculous number of times didn't help matters.


Not particularly keen on the nullifier business or the Ancient Disruptor attack (the idea of giving an enemy an attack that zeroes your energy instantly and fucks up your screen is asinine) either for that matter.

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There's no rules/restriction about exploiting abilities in warframe

Also,DE designed all warframe abilities have NO COOLDOWN at all,so yeah basically it like DE said "u can use abilities whenever u have enuf energy to do so" so it's not exploiting being spamming abilities

Ur argument is invalid

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1234? Silly, no one presses 1, 2, or 3. :)

Press 4 to winnnn lollllmaoroflzee


Nah but for real, all for actually experiencing a bit of challenge once in a while by abstaining from skills and stronger weapons. But it's pretty dumb to expect other people to do exactly what you want to in a game based around it.

Friends are a good choice, or some randoms who feel like it. But yeah, shouldn't expect it.

Abilities are cool man, and not all of them just make content trivial.

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Radial Javelin can be nerfed really easily:

Make it like Rhino Stomp in that it cannot be recast until the stun from the last cast has worn off. That will greatly reduce its usability in exp farms without excessively nerfing its purpose as a panic button on lower levels.


There's other mass damage abilities, but none of them can quite manage the map-encompassing superkill that is the Radial Javelin due to ability ranges of 15-20m rather than 25m.

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First, when it comes to ability spam, one should be talking to unnecessary spamming that affects others' playing experience. eg.1 shot kill everything on the map of Radial Javelin.


If the situation needs it, I think no one would complain. EG: Escalating alert. 


Thus it should be considering those mission types that spamming could cause unsatisfactory of others.



People who spams: This is my play style, make a group of your own play style if you don't like it.


The problem is, YOU are the one who affects others' playing experience. 


Thus, YOU should be the one to make a group of spamming people to enjoy your spam to win game.


Case closed.

Edited by climatiseur
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Nobody wants nervos back. Trust me, nobody.


Oh, but the door heroes and rushers would LOVE the 1-hit permastuns!


It's not like they give a **** about the team or the mission anyway. It gives them a reason to ragequit.


As for ability spam? Meh. Without abilities, this is a shooter in space. I play using all of the tools at my disposal. Weapons and abilities both have their place.


I DO NOT spam 1 ability all the time. (Except Snow Globe on Defense missions, but by the OP's definition, I guess THAT is exploiting too...)

Edited by Kalenath
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