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Archwing Dislikers, What Is Your Problem With The Game Mode?


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Skimming through this thread and seeing how there are so many complaints about the arch gun just boggles my mind.


Everything about it sucks ***. I can't name one single thing I like; you name it, I hate it. Combat sucks because everything is tiny until it's in your face and the weapons are all too similar. No Warframe powers, so everyone is pretty much the same, which makes it feel like a generic space shooter.


Weapons too similar? The only 2 that can be called that are the Imperator and the  Dual Decurion's but even those play differently, sure right now there's not too many weapons but this statement just makes me believe that not too many people actually try the weapons.


 I can only add that i feel like arch gun is pretty much useless! Well ok not in exterminates and sabotages but interceptions? I am pretty sure that all of us use it ocasionaly. And the rewards and affinity..


This one too leaves me scratching my head as my arch gun is always my primary means to kill enemies and it does so very quickly. 


My problems have already been stated above. Archwing doesn't normal Warframe so it wouldn't matter to play it. Worse is that DE is REALLY trying to push it into our throats, especially with the upcoming underwater Archwing. Worse still is that the starter gear is really underpowered, especially the Imperator.



Last but not least this one made me giggle...the imperator, useless? It's vandal counterpart is the best arch gun and it doesn't add any bonus damage. Coming from someone who uses it often believe me when i say it destroys things very quickly and efficiently. I just think you lack mods/catalyst. 


I personally enjoy archwing to a degree. My only real problems with it right now is that it has a very low ceiling in terms of progress, the lack of diverse game modes, no integration with the rest of the game and finally Hellion  Dargyn's. Those enemies alone need to be looked at, their damage output is extreme capable of taking down my Elytron with a combined health/shield total of 4k in a split second and their missiles don't even need to directly hit you.


All in all archwing just needs some love and growth and surely it will receive  them in due time.

Edited by Akaina
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As for me, I find it really painful to start out fresh without any arbitrary mods. The first few days was a pain but sooner I find it fun as I blaze through Caelus.


I still don't understand how come half of the playerbase hated archwing, please share your thoughts here.


My main issue is that enemies are tiny blobs flying about like little flies in huge empty levels. Archwing needs to be about tenno blowing up cruisers, blasting off turrets and shield emitters and getting into melee fights with smaller enemies. 


At the moment, its about sniping at tiny enemies. Especially on interception, which is a terrible game mode that doesn't give you anything interesting to do.

Edited by Zeromanicus
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My main issue is that enemies are tiny blobs flying about like little flies in huge empty levels. Archwing needs to be about tenno blowing up cruisers, blasting off turrets and shield emitters and getting into melee fights with smaller enemies. 


At the moment, its about sniping at tiny enemies. Especially on interception, which is a terrible game mode that doesn't give you anything interesting to do.


So... something 2 km away should be just as just as large and clear to see as something in sword's reach. Sure, Tenno are big and strong and tough. But being able to see something 2km away (even in space with nothing IN the way) without assisted optics is a going to be ...difficult even for far future space ninja.


You haven't played many even REMOTELY realistic space games have you? (And yes, Archwing is only remotely realistic although I DO like the momentum effects.)


Hitting tiny moving targets at long ranges is what I personally enjoy about space flight games. It is a challenge.

Edited by Kalenath
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I like Archwing gameplay and the concept of it.  It feels too "on the rails" though and the idle state of the characters looks kind of funny.  So perhaps new idle animations?


Also...  I feel XP gain in Archwing for normal missions is waaaaay too slow even with booster.  ("it's fine" guys please don't use the OGMA Elite alert as your basis for comparison.)

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So... something 2 km away should be just as just as large and clear to see as something in sword's reach. Sure, Tenno are big and strong and tough. But being able to see something 2km away (even in space with nothing IN the way) without assisted optics is a going to be ...difficult even for far future space ninja.


You haven't played many even REMOTELY realistic space games have you? (And yes, Archwing is only remotely realistic although I DO like the momentum effects.)


Hitting tiny moving targets at long ranges is what I personally enjoy about space flight games. It is a challenge.

I think what the other guy is getting at is that all the fights are the same, small enemies in big space with slow moving archwing. Maybe if we had big enemy ships in the mix which we had to navigate around and dodge some cool laser beam attacks and shoot weakpoints of them to destroy them/make them warp out from the battle, it would be more fun.


Nothing about warframe is even remotely realistic, archwing included. It's probably the most arcade experience you'll ever find.

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So... something 2 km away should be just as just as large and clear to see as something in sword's reach. Sure, Tenno are big and strong and tough. But being able to see something 2km away (even in space with nothing IN the way) without assisted optics is a going to be ...difficult even for far future space ninja.


You haven't played many even REMOTELY realistic space games have you? (And yes, Archwing is only remotely realistic although I DO like the momentum effects.)


Hitting tiny moving targets at long ranges is what I personally enjoy about space flight games. It is a challenge.


You've misrepresented my entire post. You'll note i said we need cruisers, big ships where its about blowing off bits of them at a time and smaller fighter sized enemies than tenno can fight in melee or as you enjoy, at range. 


As for my space sim experiance, in my time i,ve played Tie Fighter, X-Wing, Freespace, Freespace 2 (plus a load of mods for it), I-War, I-War 2, Freelancer, Star Citizen Arena Commander. It's a favourite genre of mine, i especially like games with huge capital ships.


I'm sure i,ve heard from the devs and its kind of obvious to me at least, that Archwing is inspired in part  by Zone of the Enders and that's the same place my suggestion comes from.



As this clip demonstrates in ZoE you fight both larger ships and smaller enemies. THe large battleship in this fight sends out fighters which you battle and then you need to destroy it's turrets etc.

Edited by Zeromanicus
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Thinking about it more, the thing that pisses me off most about Archwing is the fact that outside of boundary issues and the hundreds of day 1 bugs, they've done nothing to fix or make Archwing more enjoyable. It's just as bad as is was at launch, with a few less bugs and slightly better boundaries.

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I personally think it was released too early to be considered it to be in its alpha state

Mods are little too none, getting them is a mess, saving your allies should be a area range not right next too them, map should be 3d, game modes do not fit well for its "dramatic flair", and gathering dropped items can be tedious if not fustrating.


The list go's on....it has potental but really needs help.

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Tedious and dull, and boring... oh and depressing.

Sorry, but in my opinion it is, and the OP asked!


A clannie summed it up recently when he said "It takes some special skill to make a space combat game boring".


Edit: An example, from the Tac Alert.


1. Hover in space, scanning the distance.

2. Yes, its a dot, I think its moving.

3. Zoom in, yes its definitely a moving dot, I'll pepper it from 1,000 metres away.

4. Tiny explosion in the distance and I'm not meandering over there for no loot.

5. Go to step 1.

Edited by Egg_Chen
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I would make a huge post and stuff, but I am tired, so I am multi-quoting and using some scissors to cut and paste the parts that describe how I feel.




I believe most issues with Archwing are due to either the obvious lack time put in to Archwing before its' release or due to poor developer choices. I will label each issue with which I believe caused them. A will represent lack of time. B will represent poor choices.




-Locked Y-Axis-(B)-(movement doesn't make sense considering we are in space, not flying around in the sky)

-Lack of Mods-(A)

-Poor Drops For Mods-(B)

-Lack of places to properly level-(A+B)-(I feel as though the choice to only have a couple of nodes, and have all the middle ones be short missions was both a terrible choice and having so little missions is due to lack of time.)

-Gathering New Weapons-(B)-(More drop table shenanigans. Saw a picture of someone who had to do 60 Interception rounds just to get a part. TF, DE?)

-Rezzing-(B)-(Not a huge issue, but there are more factors to this, like spawning in to the mission dead. Pretty sure they said they fixed this, though.)

-Somehow Manages To Be Completely Isolated And Completely Like Base WF At The Same Time-(A+B)-(The UI from the base game is used despite how terribly it works out. The lock axis movement is just a straight up poor choice. AW somehow manages to be disconnected from the base WF, but still manages to take most of its' functions from the base WF.)

- It's Young, Yet DE is Forcing It-(B)-(Despite only being only a major update old, DE has been force feeding us AW. Between the poorly executed event, and the possibility of a primed archwing item that will likely replace a primed weapon, DE keeps forcing it on us. Some people want to avoid AW for now, and they should be able to do that without having their normal gameplay disrupted. DE has a different idea, though. Instead of showing us its' potential, they keep shoving it in our faces and going "LOOK GUYS, WE MADE A NEW WEAPON SOME FIXES, DO YOU LIKE IT NOW?!".

-Too Slow On Big Maps-(B)-(The gameplay takes forever on big maps. It takes a looooong time to get from point to point, and even the spawn is a good 30+ second flight to the furthest point.)

-The Navigator (UI) Doesn't Fit-(A+B)-(The mini map is hard to understand in the base game. AW amplifies that. I feel as though not enough time was had to make a new one, but if that was the case, why don't we have one yet, after almost half a year?)

-Huge Lack of Game Modes-(A)-(Less than a handful of gamemodes makes for very stale play when mixed with everything else.)

-No Warning System For Missiles-(A+B)-(I guess defense systems in combat vehicles regressed?)

-Gunplay and Melee Lacks Uhmph-(A)-(The guns and melees are either terrible and cool or good and lackluster. Weapons don't give the feeling of badass space warrior.)




IMO, with how it is now, Archwing was a waste of production time. If they released AW as a separate, reskined game on Steam, it wouldn't make it. Why? Because of all the reasons above. There are a million other space flight sim games, and AW is one of the better functioning ones. Good function doesn't mean much, though. Goat Sim sold like crazy, and it has bugs out the wazoo.


In the end, yes AW works, and it does have some wow factor. After that first mission, though, my interest plummeted. 

My thoughts in a nutshell.

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My main gripe with Archwing is that it provides absolutely zero opportunities for teamplay. Vanilla mode has this problem too; most of the time your contribution to the team consists of gunning down the mooks, occasionally buffing or healing teammates. It's bad, but it was much worse.

Now, in Archwing the problem exacerbates. Most of the time you see your teammates as little blue rectangles doing their business hundreds of meters away from you. No support skills, no crazy sync energy wave attacks, no over the top team-up combos, nothing of that.

It's just very dull and grindy space shooter. I know they will enhance it later, I just hope they won't waste too much time on this.

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They should've made some Archwing exclusive game modes to have some variation.


Let's be honest, flying in full speed through a corpus cruiser is awesome as F***! Let's have some more of that fast passed flight action, like the Archwing intro! Making is able to shoot while "Sprinting" would add a nice flow to it. Maybe make some escape missions, with giant cruisers shooting lasers after us while things explode! Like I said before, like the Archwing intro...


Interception though, now that's just an akward game mode for Archwing...

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