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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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So basically LoL Shyvana.

Yeah, that one is a good comparison. In my personal OPINION I like that DE went to a design that's unique in their eyes. I respect their "art", but seeing as some people are going around posting about hating the "art" created, I'm suggesting to give him an ability that changes his look to something that people "think" they "perceive" what a dragon looks like. Making somewhat a shapeshifter frame. That way we preserve the "art of DE" in its original form and giving the "anti-chroma squad" some love.

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Yeah, that one is a good comparison. In my personal OPINION I like that DE went to a design that's unique in their eyes. I respect their "art", but seeing as some people are going around posting about hating the "art" created, I'm suggesting to give him an ability that changes his look to something that people "think" they "perceive" what a dragon looks like. Making somewhat a shapeshifter frame. That way we preserve the "art of DE" in its original form and giving the "anti-chroma squad" some love.


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see the above picture I posted "it doesn't mean that their designs are open to any and every kind of interpretation"


You understand why that is considered a dragon pig and not a dragon, right? Because of it's unmistakable dragon-like features, as in the scales, spikes, and wings. If Chroma had some of those unmistakable dragon-like features, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

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There's a lot of dragons out there, to say it's nothing like any dragon is a bit overblown - just like saying it's identical to any existing dragon. There's some rather reminiscent features of a dragon, it's just not what everyone expected and in turn some of those people feel it doesn't live to up to their hype (I don't know your particular feel on the situation).


I would not go so far as to say there are no dragon-like aspects to Chroma's design. I never said that.

What I am saying is that the design (general angles and shaping) of Chroma's base helmet is not like any mythological dragon.

If you're suggesting that some amalgam of many different mythological Dragons put together might result in Chroma's helmet design....that's possible. However it would not be the first time that an amalgam had become so different from any one version of something that it lost it's identity. At which point, it is no longer recognizable as it's inspiration....and ends up resembling another specific thing more than its multiple starting points.


Personally, I expected a great many different possible dragon frame designs from DE. IMO This base helmet missed the mark of any of them. I feel it is too abstract from any recognizable dragon myth and ends up looking too much like something else.

In the end I just hope there are some alt helmets that please different people.

That is the point of alt helmets after all right? :-)


To clarify some stuff-


The Komodo dragon is not a mythological dragon, it is a lizard that was named that because it reminded some folks of dragons. 

I can name several real animals either named after dragons or that were potentially the inspiration for dragons...

but do not, themselves, share the same aesthetic as the mythological dragon they relate to. 

If you want an animal called a dragon that explains Chroma's helmet that would be the leafy sea dragon.

But as I explained before, the animals that may have inspired dragons are not the same aesthetically as the myth themselves.


The Cetus is a mythological sea monster, not a mythological sea dragon. It's description ingreek more accurately translates it into SNAKE, not dragon.  As i said before, there is a difference despite some saying they are the same. Though I'll acknowledge again that picture is the closest thing to what Chroma's helmet looks like.


Both the Manipur Hybrid dragon and the dragon slain by saint george has a more smooth look without the bulbous end points like Chroma. Like the others, it doesn't explain Chroma's helmet.


The Red Dragon from D&D is a Chromantic dragon, which is what many expected based on the earlier hints about the dragon frame would be.

Chroma's helmet has little to no actual resemblance to that design. 


Edited by Ronyn
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You understand why that is considered a dragon pig and not a dragon, right? Because of it's unmistakable dragon-like features, as in the scales, spikes, and wings. If Chroma had some of those unmistakable dragon-like features, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

"You understand why that is considered a dragon pig and not a dragon, right?" I did say Dragon pig did I not? if that's your argument against me then oh dear. Hypothetically speaking if a dragon has offspring with a pig it would be considered either dragon or pig or both so nice try(also ewwww). "If Chroma had some of those unmistakable dragon-like features, we wouldn't be having this conversation.c3906527-12f5-4714-9d52-9c403bf98135_zps


Dragon like features

Edited by -Jack.Of.Blades-
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"You understand why that is considered a dragon pig and not a dragon, right?" I did say Dragon pig did I not? if that's your argument against me then oh dear. Hypothetically speaking if a dragon has offspring with a pig it would be considered either dragon or pig or both so nice try(also ewwww). "If Chroma had some of those unmistakable dragon-like features, we wouldn't be having this conversation.c3906527-12f5-4714-9d52-9c403bf98135_zps


Dragon like features


Those "whiskers" are a stretch I must say. Again, wyrm prime is in the game and it has clearly whiskers (and horns), Chroma not so much. If those are whiskers than Latron Prime has whiskers too.


The rest of the head's features are just sea horse-like. Including the horn at the end of the snout and the top of the head (pretty much all depicions of dragons have two horns and not a triangle on their head, both western and eastern) And let's not debate whether sea horse is a dragon pls... I'm too tired of that. And those leafy "ears" on the side of the head? Also very reminiscent of a sea horse. Also, he has the same "wings" on the back of his hips... or at least some kind of ridge. You can see that on the gif that there is something there. So if anything he has 2 sets of "wings". Though that's not easily seen for now... we'll have to wait.





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Dragon like features

Most of Chroma has some clear dragon-like aesthetics mixed with a certain organic/infested vibe.

The MAIN departure is the helmet.

The "horns" on the helmet look more like curly hairdo and then big pouty lips.

The "whiskers" are some odd things at the end of those lips, braced forward,

That elongated snout is cone shaped like a seahorse, not serpentine or dragonic.

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"Those "whiskers" are a stretch I must say. Again," to be fair that picture wasn't towards you also I honestly only feel your only solid argument is "those aren't whiskers" then I might have to reiterate and say whisker-like.Concerning the helm you can see that the horn on the nose doesn't match up with the jaw as far as color so it's nothing like a sea horses fused jaw."pretty much all depicions of dragons have two horns and not a triangle on their head" those are old depictions of dragons and newer fan-made dragons can have 1 horn.If I drew a dragon with two fused horns together to form a triangle like horn could you honestly argue that it isn't a horn?

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People think that the thin snout is the main feature on eastern dragon. But it's not. That would be the horns (that look more deer-like as opposed to bull like of western ones)+whiskers+hair (beard).


Wyrm prime has no snout on him, but he resembles eastern dragon more than Chroma. So thin snout is secondary at best. And western dragons don't have snout like that.



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"Those "whiskers" are a stretch I must say. Again," to be fair that picture wasn't towards you also I honestly only feel your only solid argument is "those aren't whiskers" then I might have to reiterate and say whisker-like.Concerning the helm you can see that the horn on the nose doesn't match up with the jaw as far as color so it's nothing like a sea horses fused jaw.


Talking about color does not work in your favor. If you notice (there's even a close up). The end of the snout looks like a gun barrel or a general tube (with little tongue sticking out) and is silver/white. It's a tube... like sea horse has. Now where is the maw? The teeth? There's not even a split along the snout indicating any sort of closed mouth.


Also, the "horn" on the top of the head is the same color as the head. So it's not a horn by your own definition then. It's fused with the head. Like what sea horse has...

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Komodo Dragons (for real world dragons):


Ancient Greek Cetus (sea dragon):


Pakhganba (Manipur hyrbid-dragon):


Classic Red Dragon (from D&D, a fantasy staple):


Saint George vs Dragon:


There's a lot of dragons out there, to say it's nothing like any dragon is a bit overblown - just like saying it's identical to any existing dragon. There's some rather reminiscent features of a dragon, it's just not what everyone expected and in turn some of those people feel it doesn't live to up to their hype (I don't know your particular feel on the situation).

Nice comparrison thanks!

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Nice comparrison thanks!

Was it?

To clarify some stuff-


The Komodo dragon is not a mythological dragon, it is a lizard that was named that because it reminded some folks of dragons. 

I can name several real animals either named after dragons or that were potentially the inspiration for dragons...

but do not, themselves, share the same aesthetic as the mythological dragon they relate to. 

If you want an animal called a dragon that explains Chroma's helmet that would be the leafy sea dragon.

But as I explained before, the animals that may have inspired dragons are not the same aesthetically as the myth themselves.


The Cetus is a mythological sea monster, not a mythological sea dragon. It's description ingreek more accurately translates it into SNAKE, not dragon.  As i said before, there is a difference despite some saying they are the same. Though I'll acknowledge again that picture is the closest thing to what Chroma's helmet looks like.


Both the Manipur Hybrid dragon and the dragon slain by saint george has a more smooth look without the bulbous end points like Chroma. Like the others, it doesn't explain Chroma's helmet.


The Red Dragon from D&D is a Chromantic dragon, which is what many expected based on the earlier hints about the dragon frame would be.

Chroma's helmet has little to no actual resemblance to that design. 


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Talking about color does not work in your favor. If you notice (there's even a close up). The end of the snout looks like a gun barrel or a general tube (with little tongue sticking out) and is silver/white. It's a tube... like sea horse has. Now where is the maw? The teeth? There's not even a split along the snout indicating any sort of closed mouth.


Also,, the "horn" on the top of the head si the same color as the head. So it's not a horn by your own definition then. It's fused with the head. Like what sea horse has...

"Talking about color does not work in your favor." the color implies they are two separate parts not a fused jaw >,<.

"Now where is the maw? The teeth?" I honestly would like you to point out any warframe that has "teeth" :D He's a warframe not a dragon in the literal sense XD

"Also,, the "horn" on the top of the head si the same color as the head." so what dragons can't have horns the color of their skin now?

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I can already see it happening that people are hating on Chrome now and then when he gets released...you'll see several players running around with him. Why can i say this?...Well...based on what DE has been saying...Chrome is gonna be one of the must-have support frames in the game and all his attacks are elemental based, that can be changed....seriously...and trust me, an immortal skin is gonna be released for this guy and it's gonna look good, i'm sure of it...and let's not forget about alt helmets. So ethically...what looks bad now...can be fixed with a little bit of customization. Other than Chrome...i'm actually quite exited for the upcoming contents for U16.

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"Talking about color does not work in your favor." the color implies they are two separate parts not a fused jaw >,<.

"Now where is the maw? The teeth?" I honestly would like you to point out any warframe that has "teeth" :D He's a warframe not a dragon in the literal sense XD

"Also,, the "horn" on the top of the head si the same color as the head." so what dragons can't have horns the color of their skin now?


See... I don't deal in absolutes here.


The question is simply does it (based on the general shape) look more like a dragon or more like a sea horse. Well, it looks more like a sea horse for many different reasons.


You can argue that it has dragon features... but then again people said that the seahorse itself has dragon features. So do the sea horse features make it also look like a dragon? Or do the dragon features make it look more liek a sea horse? Either way it's pretty close to a seahorse.


It's uncanny really... and if this was unintended then it's also pretty funny. But yeah... a sea horse.

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See... I don't deal in absolutes here.


The question is simply does it (based on the general shape) look more like a dragon or more like a sea horse. Well, it looks more like a sea horse for many different reasons.


You can argue that it has dragon features... but then again people said that the seahorse itself has dragon features. So doe the sea horse feature make it also look like a dragon? Or do the dragon features make it look more liek a sea horse? Either way it¨s pretty close to a seahorse.

"I don't deal in absolutes here." I agree no ones perfect but I would appreciate if you would humor me first before going on a raid with the features highlighted in the pic."it looks more like a sea horse for many different reasons." I count horns,wings,scaled like tail,Tail,dermal plates,whisker-like=6.Seahorse traits you probably  think are:elongated fused jaw and and sharp bone ridges=2.If you want to add that it has a tube mouth by all means but I feel that it is a feature that the Fused jaw exhibits ."So doe the sea horse feature make it also look like a dragon?Yea that's why it was given the name 0_0 "sea dragon" because it looks like one at a distance(not really to me but I assume that's why it got the name).

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I am only not sure with his skills if his abilities based on his coloring then how change the abilities. In dota2 the invoker can combine his magic and make new ones then we have now a chroma which based on coloring and his skills also supportive and combined by coloring. In my read this mean they should give him the ability to use multiple abilities or his fire split ability "feel free to call it" can be changed toxic, cold, electricity breathing.


Other idea it's just cosmetic because what if you want a fully black dragon then what he will split onto his foes face?

If his elemental just aesthetic then that maybe could make more hate. Personaly I am interested more on abilities than looks.

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I got to admit though; I watched the Tenno Live rebroadcast on Youtube... and when Chroma was presented, the silence was telling that the crowd really didn't like what they saw.


Hell, there was more cheering for Rise of the Bunny, which I half expected to be a joke to bring in the Tombs of the Sentients announcement around. Turns out people were more excited for an easter egg hunt wearing bunny ears than the reveal of the dragon-themed Warframe which design left most people cold in their hype.

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Since mythical dragons aren't real, DE could come up with everything they like.


To me, Chroma is a dragon with a narrow jaw/mouth. Easy as that.


Anyone remember this?


Does this count as a dragon?

That dragon is still to far from antmucher frame. My only issue is that horrible snout.

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That dragon is still to far from antmucher frame. My only issue is that horrible snout.


I would laugh myself to death if DE reworked Chroma, gave him a dog head and use the Endless Story dragon for reference.

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   Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not saying your points are invalidated or anything like that - for the most part it really doesn't strike dragon into your head on first look - but we are talking about mythical creatures that as far as science is concerned probably never existed in the first place, so if we start harping on "sea dragon" versus "sea serpent" then we are really digging into semantics. I'm not a religious person, so some of this may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've heard numerous times within the holy books things refered to as Dragons that don't fit our standard idealized version of dragons. Heck, a lot of modern "dragons" are actually more akin to Wyverns, and that's a good bit of arguging that can happen right there.


So my main point was the fact that there are so many different things that are labelled as Dragons in various different cultures and faiths that it's a lot broader than "this is what it looks like in Skyrim" (which could be argued is technically a wyvern by some). Luck dragons and all that. The reason I included the Komodo Dragon in my comparisonal set is only partially because of it's name - which if we want real world living creatures we can all go out and see, we don't have much else to really go off of besides it's name do we? - is because it's a lizard that stands up on it's hind legs, which gives it that quasi-anteater feel to it's mass. Is it a perfect line up? Of course not. If they just copy-pasted something it would feel really out of place in Warframe.

Tidbit: DnD players will be familiar with most dragons having a polymorph self ability. Although we can say that the big scaly (or gemy) form may be it's "true form", I can't forget about that time that cat I've noticed on a critical fail of a spot check ended up turning into a dragon and saving my bacon. It was much preferably to the horned Black Dragon that hit me so hard I blew out of a 8-th story tower wall that was magically reinforced (I did not survive that. Thank heaven's for revive rods). That being said, I'd be more impressed by the moves being dragon related than the aesthetics - and on the chromatics effecting powers alone is enough to already have me excited for it (if not slightly annoyed over the color vs utility route).

Another classic with a bit of a snout/whisker approach, cause i feel everytime I post I should add more dragon pictures.


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