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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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Just saying. Here the original concept



And tell me if Chromas is bette than this...

And that's why most of people who're hating Chromas don't like it (and yes, he's ugly as damn)


Don't forget the awkard silence when they revealed Chroma at the PAX event, lol.

When i saw the teaser, my first word was: "what the hell?"

I have nothing but terrible things to say about the people that keep bringing up Endrian's concept.


Don't get me wrong, I have nothing but mad respect for the man, and on its own merits, I kinda like his idea. But maybe I'm just a hipster, because the fans of the concept have totally gutted any chance of me supporting the concept. Same thing happened to Halo for me, and I even used to like Call of Duty, back when Bolt-Action meant an Enfield or M1. Now I just can't stand either, because of the fans...

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Here is the thing. A dragon is a fire breathing mythical creature, often with wings and scales. That's it 

No. That is not it. The original dragon myths are more specific in description than that. Depending on culture fire-breathing isn't even necessarily one of their traits. Yet a seahorse shaped face has never been one of their traits in any traditional mythology.

This misunderstanding is so much of the problem.



 Scientifically speaking, modern us's know there are no such thing as fantasy Dragons, so we could "successfully" relabel everything as non-dragon.

Yes we can technically relabel anything as a dragon because they aren't real. But what is that meant to prove?

That any fantasy creature can have any label? If we are going to go that far then themes and labels have lost purpose. 


What if I decided to label this-


-as a guy riding a seadragon. Scientifically speaking, since there is technically no real dragons, no one can say it is not.

Personally I think that thing looks cool as heck and I'd buy one to ride in any game I play.

Yet we all see that it's a friggin shark with legs. We know it is not any version of the dragons of myth.



Look when we point out properties where Xenomorphs and airplanes can be mistaken for dragons it doesn't really show that "dragons can be different things to different people".......it shows that ignorance leads to mislabeling. 


Sidenote: wasn't hating on fairie dragons. i like them. Just clarifying the variety of what is found in D&D's draconic races.

And again, D&D is one of those properties that is decades old and has represented the more direct dragons of several cultures for a long time. http://dungeons.wikia.com/wiki/DnDWiki:Dragon


It's more that all the haters(dislikers) try to use petty arguments to proof a point where no point really is. Despite his polarizing appearance, Chroma is a dragon.

Honestly both sides have become too prone to using petty or flimsy arguments to prove points they either can't prove or points that don't change the issue..... instead of just accepting what is right in front of us.

Is Chroma dragon themed overall? Yep. Is Chroma's head dragon shaped? Nope. Simple as that.

Edited by Ronyn
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Just saying. Here the original concept



And tell me if Chromas is bette than this...

And that's why most of people who're hating Chromas don't like it (and yes, he's ugly as damn)


Don't forget the awkard silence when they revealed Chroma at the PAX event, lol.

When i saw the teaser, my first word was: "what the hell?"

There was the same awkward silence when they revealed "Tombs of the Sentient". Steve had to get them fired up with his own version of Terrify.

Silence doesn't prove anything. Silence is a foreshadow, that a Banshee is on the hunt.

Edited by Bawalbaba
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Themed is  a unifying or dominant idea, motif, etc., as in a work of art. So no it is not themed as a dragon  simple as that

Exactly. Dominant idea or motif-Which means you have to take a subjects ENTIRE list of aspects into account to see what is dominant.

Sure Chroma has a seahorse shaped head and his texture is pretty strange....but Chroma's power set, lore, animations have to be taken into account along with his look. The dominant idea is "dragon" despite some strange departures in his aesthetic.

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Exactly. Dominant idea or motif-Which means you have to take a subjects ENTIRE list of aspects into account to see what is dominant.

Sure Chroma has a seahorse shaped head and his texture is pretty strange....but Chroma's power set, lore, animations have to be taken into account along with his look. The dominant idea is "dragon" despite some strange departures in his aesthetic.


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Well they said the dragon idea was a culmination of a lot of factors , they didn't want a traditional design for a dragon frame . I believe  that we should wait and see before throwing all our opinions towards hate . Could be the best frame yet , until we get to play and explore the possibilities of Chroma we can only speculate . Don't judge the book by its cover ! So to speak .

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Well they said the dragon idea was a culmination of a lot of factors , they didn't want a traditional design for a dragon frame . I believe  that we should wait and see before throwing all our opinions towards hate . Could be the best frame yet , until we get to play and explore the possibilities of Chroma we can only speculate . Don't judge the book by its cover ! So to speak .

We are only talking about whether or not the cover is good.

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Yes, thank you everyone for making it obvious that Chroma is not based on any overused dragon themes appearing in every single f**king game ever released.

It looks like a seahorse, yet most of the people commenting here will buy him using 800-900 platinum because he looks like seahorse but will be able to murder enemies as efficiently as Limbo. Oh Limbo, yeah that warframe who was called ugly but was frowned upon because he was a better tactician than Frost. Does anyone say anything about how he looks ? No, because he's the one who kept people alive on the escalation Tac Alert.

Remember Nyx Prime ? The frame who got some flame because her helmet was elongated which gave the sense of the "Aliens". Guess what, her BP sells for 50-60 plats.

Moral of the story: Arguments about how a frame looks is valid until that frame is released. After release, it's only limited to the $&*&*#(%& region chat. Everyone who flames on the frames, go to recruiting chat and type "hosting Limbo Chassis Excavation" or to the Trade chat " WTS Nyx Prime BP 45p"


Limbo is not really used, you are more likely to meet oberon than limbo. Only in few cases do players ask for limbo. Tac alert could be done with many frames, not even once did I see limbo there, people went with many setups I did it on my first try to and we didn't have any *defense* frame just CC ones.


Nyx prime BP is expensive because its hard to get and thats it. Also people can switch her ugly antenna helmet to arcane one that increases effi and looks decent.


Same case with Chroma if it won't have nice alt helmet people will hate it, only ones that will use it are ppl that will be required to use it, unless De makes the chroma op.

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DE didn't have to take from the fan concept and I understand that perfectly fine, but why didn't they make the design look more like actual dragon, heck they could of use an oriental dragon theme since that seems to be the overall theme of warframe in general. I hope the design team could do some more work on chorma before he is released, if not at least give us decent helmet and skin to purchase for him.

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DE didn't have to take from the fan concept and I understand that perfectly fine, but why didn't they make the design look more like actual dragon, heck they could of use an oriental dragon theme since that seems to be the overall theme of warframe in general. I hope the design team could do some more work on chorma before he is released, if not at least give us decent helmet and skin to purchase for him.

my only issue is the helmet. if the alt helmet can do it justice then i'll grab it immediately

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DE didn't have to take from the fan concept and I understand that perfectly fine, but why didn't they make the design look more like actual dragon, heck they could of use an oriental dragon theme since that seems to be the overall theme of warframe in general. I hope the design team could do some more work on chorma before he is released, if not at least give us decent helmet and skin to purchase for him.


I would've wanted an eastern dragon theme (I don't think people from the east like the term "oriental", as it has been historically used in a derogatory manner), but Warframe is not decidedly eastern in its theme, at all. It shares eastern and western themes.

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