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Can We Get Tigris Prime Already


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more than 1 forma my main issue is not the forma, (well its part of it since neurals lately is harder to get) its the time leveling it I don't have dedicated team running helping me level things.. I'm looking at 2 or 3 days to level it

You don't need dedicated team.


Cerberus with pugs is an option. Good frame, weapon you're leveling and optionally another one so you're not defenceless.


Doing 4 round matches, you should be able to level it to 30 in one day without much problems.

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I only worry about using forma on warframes. we know that they ALL will be primed soon so its worth waiting. (they prime faster than they release new frames right?)

No way. They prime one frame every 3 months(same with weapons).


In the last 18 months, they've released:

6 prime frames:

nova prime

nyx prime

rhino prime

loki prime

ember prime


and 8 frames:










Almost one every 2 months. So, in practical terms, the number of primes will likely never catch the number of frames

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You don't need dedicated team.


Cerberus with pugs is an option. Good frame, weapon you're leveling and optionally another one so you're not defenceless.


Doing 4 round matches, you should be able to level it to 30 in one day without much problems.

4 round matches you say... if only I could even get that on Draco.. pugs know of only wave 5 then out the door

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I only worry about using forma on warframes. we know that they ALL will be primed soon so its worth waiting. (they prime faster than they release new frames right?)


Nope, at most equal rate. Primes have been coming only one every major patch period. Major patches include new frames. Additionally, the point I made earlier about the amount of time you could be waiting is still valid. Is that couple forma saved really worth waiting a year or more? If we consider the pattern of prime frame releases, about half the unprimed frames have a minimum time of 6 months before they might get primed (all the females). And even then, only ONE of those frames can get it then.


Frames are probably even the safest thing to forma, because they're the least susceptible to sudden obsolescence, as you only need to worry about primes. Weapons need to worry about event weapons, syndicate weapons, void trader weapons, and even just new weapons. I'd say companions (especially sentinels, because you can't lose them) are the only thing safer to forma (besides prime frames ofc), maybe Archwings too, but it hasn't been out long enough to confirm patterns with it.

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Isn't the datamine still missing an item if we look at past primed access packs?


As far as I can tell, it isn't missing an item. Unfortunately, it seems like the "organ-nose-dumb" prime (shhh ... can't say what it is on the forums. gotta be clever) is going to be replacing one of the prime weapons we usually get. it seems like the korngawker prime is the only prime weapon we're getting this prime access.


Hoping I'm wrong, but that's what it seems like is gonna be happening

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  • 1 month later...

The Tigris...




How can you even like that awful pos weapon?


2 shots that can't be released separately and an awful reload time?


Seriously, how can you even talk about a Prime version of that bs thing.









Shoot your feet instead.



Shoot your dog instead.



Shoot your sister instead.






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2 shots that can't be released separately


Actually you can shoot the barrels individually.  It shoots one when you click, and the second when you release. If you press reload after the first shot you don't have to shoot the second at all.


Not that this makes the Tigris good or even bearable, just wanted to make sure you had full and correct information about the trigger mode.  Tigris would need a reload time of 1 second or less to be the slightest bit interesting.  Right now if you like the idea of a hard-hitting shotgun you use the Hek with Scattered Justice instead.

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Actually you can shoot the barrels individually.  It shoots one when you click, and the second when you release. If you press reload after the first shot you don't have to shoot the second at all.


Not that this makes the Tigris good or even bearable, just wanted to make sure you had full and correct information about the trigger mode.  Tigris would need a reload time of 1 second or less to be the slightest bit interesting.  Right now if you like the idea of a hard-hitting shotgun you use the Hek with Scattered Justice instead.


Hum maybe you've right on that shoot mechanism (I can't confirm it anymore since i deleted that pos long ago), anyway, it doesn't change the awfulness of that weapon.


Awful concept made by a DEV that DO NOT PLAY the game.


That DEV probably got the idea of that weapon while being on the throne or after a disaster puke.



Less than 1 second to reload is just barrely enough to compensate the failure mechanism on that trash weapon.



Is it me or do people enjoy to waste time to reload a weapon while facing multiples opponents?




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But then we'd get the terrible

primes knowing RNG. Cernos, etc.


According to little birdies in the air, Cernos Prime might be closer than you think. Maybe not next, but certainly in the near-ish future.


Hum maybe you've right on that shoot mechanism (I can't confirm it anymore since i deleted that pos long ago), anyway, it doesn't change the awfulness of that weapon.


Awful concept made by a DEV that DO NOT PLAY the game.


That DEV probably got the idea of that weapon while being on the throne or after a disaster puke.



Less than 1 second to reload is just barrely enough to compensate the failure mechanism on that trash weapon.



Is it me or do people enjoy to waste time to reload a weapon while facing multiples opponents?





I dunno, people tell me that Duplex-Auto is more engaging or sets a skill barrier or something. Which is odd, because the Tigris could easily have gone without duplex-auto (which is just DE's workaround for not having a proper alt fire to fire both barrels).

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I want to Forma the hell out of Tigris but don't want to waste that much forma on a weapon that is going to get primed anyway, needing to spend a hell of load of Forma yet again... also main thing on it... reload buff


What? How does that make any sense???


You could apply this argument to practically ANY weapon in the game. Why would your argument for one PARTICULAR weapon carry any weight?


"Please buff my favorite stuff because it's my favorite, regardless of it needed a buff or not, because, you know, it's my favorite, and if you buff something else that actually needs it, I would not use anyway".


Sound about right?

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