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What Is Your "unrarest" Rare Mod?


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Power Throw, Steady Hands, Stabilizer, Reflex Guard, System Reroute, Barrel Diffusion and Scorch are just a few to name. Oh, and obviously R5 Fusion Cores.


I actually had so many copies of the mods above, I actually sold a bunch of those rare mods and made about 350K credits off of them. I guess that's what I get for getting from MR11 to MR15 in one week by doing the same exact Spy mission 250+ times. Stabilizer, Power Throw and Steady Hands will never cease to amuse me when I see I get three copies of one of those in the same mission.

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I'm fully convinced Crimson Dervish doesn't exist and people who say they have it are liars

I've only ever gotten one my entire time of playing this game, and I transmuted it. I sold it to someone for 30 platinum because I frankly don't use swords since I got the Jat Kittag.

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I'm fully convinced Crimson Dervish doesn't exist and people who say they have it are liars


Got my first one from an allied Bombard dying in an Infested invasion about a week after U13.

Got my second one from Terminus while leveling up some weapons last month.

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