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Braton Prime > Synoid Gammacor


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thread is cancer

I'm starting to feel that way.

Yes with 4 CP braton prime isn't that good but unless you are using 4 CP the corrosive procs debuffing armor will allow you to deal more dps than even the syn GAM.

I should've made that more clear in the op but its funny that a lot of people don't realize how powerful armor truly is.

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Indeed we are not, sorry I should've mentioned that.

Although with 4 CP you could just switch to a viral build and get similar results.


Then why are we even arguing about this, if the optimal way to prepare for a long survival is to bring 4CPs?


Hey guys, this gun is amazing if you don't use it in optimal circumstances!


Great argument.


Even if we were to argue along that same line of debate, we would quickly realize that the Braton Prime targets one enemy, and then has to strip all of that enemy's armor. Now you have to do that to a crowd of mobs.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Yes with 4 CP braton prime isn't that good but unless you are using 4 CP the corrosive procs debuffing armor will allow you to deal more dps than even the syn GAM.


I think you're underestimating just how much damage the Synoid is doing.


Even though it can't get the same amount of procs in a short period, it makes up for that by dealing an absolutely silly amount of damage. And it doesn't have to deal with IPS procs. 

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Sorry to rain on your parade, but braton is not better than synoid, boltor, or soma for the higher endless missions. And you don't put corrosive for proc's, you go viral and four CP's. I've gone into games where heavies will eat a whole clip of a fully maxed out viral braton prime, that's with ZERO armor rating from the four CP's. It doesn't matter how much corrosive you proc with any weapon, once you get over 60min, their health gets way out of hand and the only way to really stay in the game is with weapons that are dps monsters COMBINED with sonar/roar/mprime (the more the merrier). It can do 50min with ammo restores and/or ammo mutation but after that, you start running into ammo problems one way or another; after 60, it feels like a pea shooter. 


And in case you're wondering, I'm a huge braton supporter  and fan. I have the three bratons (wasn't here for the vandal) potatoed and formaed and braton prime is my used weapon. After the buff, that is the single weapon that always stays in my loadouts. Not to mention that my braton carried me through first half of the solar system. 


For reference, once of the best builds i've found for braton is the one I'm currently using that uses shred which is amazing for crowds and hitting them behind cover, maxed ammo mutation which I've found it is a very good trade instead of just more damage. And for proc's, I always go viral/electric as viral damage is fairly decent for all factions and is one of the most usefel procs while electric is robots since they laugh at slash damage and the proc is incredibly useful. I just spray first and this will proc a few electrics which will give plenty of breathing room to take out the smaller mobs while keeping the heavier ones locked. Then I finish off the heavies.

Edited by alfaomega04
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Sorry to rain on your parade, but braton is not better than synoid, boltor, or soma for the higher endless missions. And you don't put corrosive for proc's, you go viral and four CP's. I've gone into games where heavies will eat a whole clip of a fully maxed out viral braton prime, that's with ZERO armor rating from the four CP's. It doesn't matter how much corrosive you proc with any weapon, once you get over 60min, their health gets way out of hand and the only way to really stay in the game is with weapons that are dps monsters COMBINED with sonar/roar/mprime (the more the merrier). It can do 50min with ammo restores and/or ammo mutation but after that, you start running into ammo problems one way or another; after 60, it feels like a pea shooter. 


And in case you're wondering, I'm a huge braton supporter  and fan. I have the three bratons (wasn't here for the vandal) potatoed and formaed and braton prime is my used weapon. After the buff, that is the single weapon that always stays in my loadouts. Not to mention that my braton carried me through first half of the solar system. 


For reference, once of the best builds i've found for braton is the one I'm currently using that uses shred which is amazing for crowds and hitting them behind cover, maxed ammo mutation which I've found it is a very good trade instead of just more damage. And for proc's, I always go viral/electric as viral damage is fairly decent for all factions and is one of the most usefel procs while electric is robots since they laugh at slash damage and the proc is incredibly useful. I just spray first and this will proc a few electrics which will give plenty of breathing room to take out the smaller mobs while keeping the heavier ones locked. Then I finish off the heavies.


You're being far too serious for this silly troll thread. Great information, but you're ruining the vibe.

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You didn't add split chamber into your entire equation which is pretty important lol

Status should be 88.5% with 4 event mods and split

Split Chamber was properly accounted for.


Split Chamber does not increase the status chance per bullet. It increases the number of bullets per shot. Therefore, it is counted in my calculation of fire rate (bullets per second, not shots per second).


The number displayed in the Arsenal (88.5%) is the status chance per shot, not the status chance per bullet.



EDIT: I did, however, make one mistake. The Braton Prime can sustain fire for 6.00 seconds before reloading, not 3.16 seconds (where I accidentally counted 75 bullets per magazine instead of 75 shots per magazine).


This increases the burst DPS of the Slash procs to 2.2k and the sustained DPS of the Slash procs to 1.6k. This increases the base total sustained DPS to 11.4k and the effective total sustained DPS (including Viral proc) to 22.8k.


Still half the raw power of the Synoid Gammacor.

Edited by Inarticulate
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Cp nullifies need for corrosive, this was mentioned.

Headshots ignore armor, this wasnt mentioned.

Viral doesnt stack so using it on high proc chance weapon is kinda waste.


Then high proc braton have 5 damage types while synoid will have 3 at worst 2 at best.

Even if synoid will proc less due to being continuous it will still have more reliable procs.


Not only that but 50mins into t4s will give you what lvls?? 80-90?? ttk on these is below 1s for sgam, no point in dabbling wtih procs yet, come back with viral against 200+.

Edited by Davoodoo
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So Braton Prime is great, alright, but there's lots of weapons with better dmg and status chance, so i dont see why its so special.

I agree that the Synoid is not a good weapon for going against rly high level, the Vaykor Marelok tho, now that's an insane weapon for all levels of play.

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I can't tell if you're trying to troll or not, but Braton Prime and Synoid Gammacor have the same base status chance of 20%. Primaries get a max of +90% multishot, whereas secondaries get a max of +180% multishot, meaning Synoid Gammacor will be getting off an equally massive amount of procs. Also, it actually has base damage. Also also, Corrosive Projection?

Braton gets on avarehe 15procs per second with vile. The synoid gets 1 maybe 2 because of the way continiusvweapons calculate proc. You get one chance to proc per second.

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Braton gets on avarehe 15procs per second with vile. The synoid gets 1 maybe 2 because of the way continiusvweapons calculate proc. You get one chance to proc per second.

And due to that you waste way more ammo and only about 20% of your procs will be worth anything compared to 50%, also you should pretty much never equip vile accel on weapon without inherent punchthrough since you will simply lose more dps than with shred and 2 targets lined up. On many occassions in both void defense and survival you will have from 3 to 7 targets lined up.


Then even if we forget about procs, status build braton will get what?? 12k dps?? while status build synoid will get somewhere near 42k, nearly 3.5 times higher. No matter how you look at it, synoid is clear winner in all situations.


Want a decent status blaster?? try akmagnus, 19.3 rof with 99.5% status chance or cult classic marelok or vaykor, 100% status, all 3 will have better dps too.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Cp nullifies need for corrosive, this was mentioned.

Headshots ignore armor, this wasnt mentioned.

Viral doesnt stack so using it on high proc chance weapon is kinda waste.



Is that true Headshots ignore armor???

(I read that, and have been searching to find a reference.)

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And due to that you waste way more ammo and only about 20% of your procs will be worth anything compared to 50%, also you should pretty much never equip vile accel on weapon without inherent punchthrough since you will simply lose more dps than with shred and 2 targets lined up. On many occassions in both void defense and survival you will have from 3 to 7 targets lined up.

Then even if we forget about procs, status build braton will get what?? 12k dps?? while status build synoid will get somewhere near 42k, nearly 3.5 times higher. No matter how you look at it, synoid is clear winner in all situations.

Want a decent status blaster?? try akmagnus, 19.3 rof with 99.5% status chance or cult classic marelok or vaykor, 100% status, all 3 will have better dps too.

Akmagnus is the nuts but what's cool about the braton is that its automatic, which is kind of a big deal for a console player since we can't wheel bind :/

My whole point of this thread was to poke fun at how DPs doesn't mean anything compared to armor and even the "most powerful gun" can't even stand up to armor, yet the primary/automatic with the highest status can kill higher level enemies infinitely faster than syngam if you're not using 4 CP

Also I made this thread because I feel like a lot of people complain about there not being very many good weapons yet THERE ARE SO MANY

Edited by (PS4)JiggaJazz
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Is that true Headshots ignore armor???

(I read that, and have been searching to find a reference.)


It's false. Headshots don't ignore armor; it's just a multiplier and nothing more.


Regular hits do 2x damage on headshots. Critical hits do 4x.

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So against lv 80+ enemies the braton prime deals higher DPs than the synoid gammacor.

Why you ask? Well enemy stats are theoretically limitless as you play endless missions and such foes will get to a certain point where debuffing them will allow you to deal more DMG.

Due to braton primes ability to stack corrosive procs or viral if using 4 CP, along with its ridiculous slash procs, this gun will reverse scale and end up dealing more DMG than even the syngam thanks to debuffing the OP armor of warframe enemies.

Also the SynGam procs per second which is IMO why the gun really falls off against lv 100+ enemies much more than guns that proc per bullet rather than second.

Seriously all you little kids that check out paper DPs have no idea that braton prime is arguably the best gun in the game in terms of endless play.

yo, you ever heard of dual stat status mods with 180% multi shot on a gammacor?

You statement is invalid

Because if it were true that status in the end, damages enemies more the. The gammacor would still be better at both damage and status procs in the end, regardless

Edited by GhostMelody
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yo, you ever heard of dual stat status mods with 180% multi shot on a gammacor?

You statement is invalid

Because if it were true that status in the end, damages enemies more the. The gammacor would still be better at both damage and status procs in the end, regardless


A big misconception that I keep seeing in this thread is that the Synoid is on par or better than Braton Prime in terms of proc rate. It isn't.

With all four dual-stat mods, the Synoid has a ~95% chance to proc per second. The Braton Prime has a ~90% chance to proc per shot.


At 9.6 shots per second at base, you're looking at roughly nine procs per second from the Braton Prime, compared to the Synoid's single proc per second (invariant with speed). The two are nowhere close to being on the same level if stackable procs (Bleed, Corrosive, etc) are taken into account. Then you've got the fact that the Synoid is likely to proc Magnetic, which makes it even worse in comparison.




If both weapons are built for Viral procs against a level 100 heavy or something in a 4xCP team, then of course the Synoid is still going to win by an enormous margin (since you only need a single Viral proc for full effect). But if you're just trying to see how far you can go with a PuG or some other group that doesn't use CP, then Corrosive + Bleed stacking from the Braton Prime is pretty darn strong. Unlikely to be at Synoid's level, of course, but still a force to be reckoned with.

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yo, you ever heard of dual stat status mods with 180% multi shot on a gammacor?

You statement is invalid

Because if it were true that status in the end, damages enemies more the. The gammacor would still be better at both damage and status procs in the end, regardless

yo, you ever heard of proccing per second and not per bullet?


your statement is the invalid one.

Edited by (PS4)JiggaJazz
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