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The Manic, Is A Stage Towards Anti Progression


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The Manic, is a stage towards ANTI PROGRESSION.

This unit is a stone cold mechanical copy of the Payday 2 Ghost. It's one of the big reasons i quit PayDay 2. Firstly, this almost completely throws SINGLE PLAYER into the trashcan. People who have bad connections or prefer to play alone are being f###ed the hardest (they dont have AI buddies). And secondly, theyre ANTI PROGRESSION. I would understand this kind of enemy in a game like Left 4 Dead where you dont need to level up and you always have teammates, but not here.


Why does it kill progression you ask?

Because of the same reason in PayDay2: What if i create the most Tankiest build i can, with the maximum armor, completely minmaxed to the pinnacle, after spending years of playing a game Leveling Up, Earning that Gear, Earning and ranking all the skills and the mods in this case, to be a slow, heavily armored Tank...only to be one-hit KO'd by a skinny weak enemy....and then you just insert an Instant-Kill mechanic that completely ignores and disregards the whole point of a leveling up system and ranking anything and having any kind of armor or shield.

The Instant-Kill or Permanent-Stunlock-Until-Death enemy DOES NOT BELONG IN A GAME WITH  SUCH STEEP PROGRESSION.

Currently, a level 1 Manic can kill a 6 Forma'd level 30 Valkyr with Redirection, Vitality, Vigor, Steel Fiber, and allll the other tanky mods put together. THIS IS WRONG. Its ANTI PROGRESSION and it's ANTI WARFRAME.



Edited by SnakeWildlife
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I personally love the manic, I think the idea of it, the way he sounds, the way he operates, everything about him is amazing.

By the way, if you know how to dodge an enemy, the manic isn't an instant kill, He could MAYBE be an instant kill on a 15 armor frame with low mods that isn't dodging very good, but otherwise he's not a problem. But then again, a ton of other enemies are 1 hit kills on frames that are heavily loaded at higher levels if you don't know how to dodge.

Notice how I keep making the word "dodge" bold?

I think you need to freshen up your skills on fast paced game play, my friend. 

Edited by EverythingNagato
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I have no idea what you're talking about... I've never been insta-killed by these things. Pinned for about 5 seconds, maybe, but not perma-locked. The first one I ever encountered, I fought with for a solid 10 minutes due to having a really weak Akbolto on Phobos. Eventually, EVENTUALLY killed it. Got pinned, got Slash Proc'd, but I never died. And this WAS in fact solo, as I prefer playing Solo.

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While I can understand your grief, I think it comes down to personal experience with them. I haven't had much of a problem personally with manics and find them to be an enjoyable change of pace from the normal routine. The manic you can at least avoid if you have some sort of spacial awareness, unlike the Payday 2 cloaker which will charge at you full speed like a killing machine and shove his boot up your &#! with no mercy and almost no way to escape. Despite their mechanics, they're not too difficult to kill.


The only people I've seen get killed by the manic so far have been 4 spammers, and that makes me happy.

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The hell? A Manic attacked me on Ceres while I was playing an Excalibur and I killed him regardless. It's not *that* difficult to take it down. Also, there is no instant kill mechanic. 

Just evade when he attacks and you're good.

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By the way, if you know how to dodge an enemy, the manic isn't an instant kill, He could MAYBE be an instant kill on a 15 armor frame with low mods that isn't dodging very good, but otherwise he's not a problem. But then again, a ton of other enemies are 1 hit kills on frames that are heavily loaded at higher levels if you don't know how to dodge.

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Agreed, manic is BS. He might even be a semi-Nullifier, as I saw him end my hysteria early. He is way too fast, teleport-y, and tanky to be all of those in one. The only way to really effectively kill him is with room clearing builds, but heaven forbid we use those! (Looking at you Excalibur nerf)

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manic is just a pain. Of what i experienced on uranus 21/25 enemies is that the manic after 4 slap on your face disapear and come back after you. I was with a chroma with 600 something shield and thats the only thing he took out

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Players got too attached to cancerous power creep, their brains, way too used to "I am gonna mixmax all my S#&$ and then just gonna walk trough anything and everything, and not untill 60 minutes into endless mission i will face any challenge" way of thinking. Overkill realised ways to stop overfarmed, overconfident players with big guns and zero skills much earlier than DE did, but we're getting there.

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If you're getting hit by the manic (much like the cloaker in payday 1/2) I'm sorry to say that you're doing it wrong, You have the option of not setting off the level alarm to negate him even showing up if you're that scared or unprepared to take on of that little pansy.

Edited by Temporary
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Rolling away from him works too, especially since he usually seems to go left a lot from your direction, so going right isn't out of the question. And if you have a good mid-long-range weapon, it's not hard to keep your distance and shoot him as he de-cloaks and runs towards you.

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This Topic & OP



Can't WAIT for this topic to be locked, oh man oh man.



The Manic, is geart, perfect for warframe, really gives you something to fear when going solo or even in a team, if you wonder off to far, I only died once by this guy, cuz I got a little cocky and left the team behind. BAD IDEA


But really if he keeps killing you like that, then your clearly doing something wrong and really Payday 2?, the Ghosts and Cloakers are easy to kill.


Forgive me, if I sound like an typical CoD player here but, man oh man, this is funny as hell. 

Edited by LegionCynex
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Firstly, this almost completely throws SINGLE PLAYER into the trashcan. People who have bad connections or prefer to play alone are being f###ed the hardest (they dont have AI buddies).

One word for you:




They are AI buddies that you can build to help you out in situations like the maniac, or soloing a defense or mobile defense. Stuff like that.



I personally love the manic, I think the idea of it, the way he sounds, the way he operates, everything about him is amazing.

By the way, if you know how to dodge an enemy, the manic isn't an instant kill, He could MAYBE be an instant kill on a 15 armor frame with low mods that isn't dodging very good, but otherwise he's not a problem. But then again, a ton of other enemies are 1 hit kills on frames that are heavily loaded at higher levels if you don't know how to dodge.

Notice how I keep making the word "dodge" bold?

I think you need to freshen up your skills on fast paced game play, my friend. 

Anyone who's seen the movie dodge ball should be able to avoid anything. Just use the 5 D's of Dodge Ball!


Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and... er... Dodge.


Agreed, manic is BS. He might even be a semi-Nullifier, as I saw him end my hysteria early. He is way too fast, teleport-y, and tanky to be all of those in one. The only way to really effectively kill him is with room clearing builds, but heaven forbid we use those! (Looking at you Excalibur nerf)

I don't know what kind of maniac you've been fighting, but I've faced him on Ceres before (so he was level 35), and it took me between 5 and 10 min to kill him.(it was probably my 4th encounter or so, so I had a general idea of how he fought and how to fight back)


And every encounter with him gets shorter and shorter as I learn how he moves and attacks. He's not tanky at all, a few hits from a Tiberon can kill him easy, he just moves quickly. I run enemy radar most of the time so that helps in locating him via mini-map when he's cloaked(and you can hit him while he's invisible). You can also waypoint him so you know where his is at all times.

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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The Manic, is a stage towards ANTI PROGRESSION.

This unit is a stone cold mechanical copy of the Payday 2 Ghost. It's one of the big reasons i quit PayDay 2. Firstly, this almost completely throws SINGLE PLAYER into the trashcan. People who have bad connections or prefer to play alone are being f###ed the hardest (they dont have AI buddies). And secondly, theyre ANTI PROGRESSION. I would understand this kind of enemy in a game like Left 4 Dead where you dont need to level up and you always have teammates, but not here.


Why does it kill progression you ask?

Because of the same reason in PayDay2: What if i create the most Tankiest build i can, with the maximum armor, completely minmaxed to the pinnacle, after spending years of playing a game Leveling Up, Earning that Gear, Earning and ranking all the skills and the mods in this case, to be a slow, heavily armored Tank...only to be one-hit KO'd by a skinny weak enemy....and then you just insert an Instant-Kill mechanic that completely ignores and disregards the whole point of a leveling up system and ranking anything and having any kind of armor or shield.


In Payday 2, this unit mostly punishes rambo/solo people and encourages the gamers to being more of a teamplayer than anything else. With that, he usually much easier to deal with, since you can spot him and OHK with a sniper rifle to the head since he has a high headshot multiplier than most other units. Of couse he is a sneaky one, that's his job and he isn't much of a problem once you know how to deal with him.


Also, he is called the Cloaker. So much for knowing Payday 2 here, son.


Whenever that works for WF or not, I cannot say. I haven't encountered him much until now.

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I died once to him, because i was in the middle of 50 level 30+ grinners and trying to scan him not a good ideia thinking now , hes fine the way it is ,others times i killed him with easy with melee by just standing still and waiting for him to come to me like a duel, people complain because now theres a enemy dat can challenge them and people dont know what to do because of what they are use to it in warframe, wich is max everything and stuff dies with no problem just waiting to be killed,i like him hes more than just stand in front of u shooting, i only got this to say :


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I've heard he only spawns after the enemies hit the alarms, it might even possible to avoid him altogether by making sure alarms dont get tripped


I've fought him a few times, a little tricky, but meh, could use some adjustments imo, so that newer players going through grineer nodes dont get totally and utterly punked

Edited by Somedude1000
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I don't really understand why people hate the cute maniac so much. Only time maniac has downed me was when I was peacemaking with Mesa and didn't move. Before I saw him the first time I had read many threads of him and expected a stalker that regens health, is invisible and is near game breaking hard to kill. After killing it I could only think it was cute. I can only imagine how fast he's taken care of with a four player team.

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It's not challenging, its just cheap.   A lazy excuse to force people to play how YOU want them to play. Lookin at you DE |:<


STOP HAVING FUN.  I thought i was playing Warframe, now im just playing a reskinned Payday 2.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Players got too attached to cancerous power creep, their brains, way too used to "I am gonna mixmax all my S#&$ and then just gonna walk trough anything and everything, and not untill 60 minutes into endless mission i will face any challenge" way of thinking. Overkill realised ways to stop overfarmed, overconfident players with big guns and zero skills much earlier than DE did, but we're getting there.

I'm your biggest fan

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