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Loki And Nova Are Too Op. They Must Be Nerfed


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Relax and ask yourself if the system still works without those abilities.


Show me a raid without Lokis and Novas.


Those two abilities are OP. The lack of balancing is real.

You could easily replace nova and loki with rhino, nyx, vauban, or zephyr.


Nyx is better than loki for the trial raid, especially on part 2.

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Loki's disarm with Nova's MP is too OP and make defense missions dull and boring. Please nerf them to make the game more challenging. I suggest some minimum tweaks:

Loki disarm seems to be the only permanent cc in the game and is too OP. please add a duration to this ability.

Nova's MP already has superior damage bonus. speed debuff affected by power strength is overdone. please cap the maximum speed debuff to 30% or less.

Well about nova i don't know but, talking about loki, when you use disarm the abillity what it really do is "disrupting the projectile weapons" so personally i think that the NPC should be like a superman to repair the weapon and start shooting you again so, personally, i think that in this case, if you take into account the ability description, adding duration to disarm is not justified.


Another thing that sometimes happen, (i'm not including you) is that sometimes there's some players that don't like the game only becouse other people have better (in this case) mods, warframes, weapons, etc... and they are a bit jealous so they request nerfing everything, and this can worsen the quality of the game.

Edited by Zackas
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This is ridiculous, stop being self righteous kid. Thousands of players play Warframe and most play since open beta. Just because you don't like the way things are doesn't mean you can go on the forums and demand a nerf. Personal, I enjoy Warframe not because of the OP warframes, I play because it's fun talking to people about Warframe or things outside and I hope others might see that.


This a DE's Warframe, not ours. They know what's best for us as players and, whatever they do, we as a community will always appreciate there hard work for creating an awesome game and allowing us to play for free. And when a problem does arise, we will let them know, as a KIND RESPECTABLE community, what fault they have made.


AND This Loki and Nova nerf is NOT a problem.

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Gawd, there are still people on these forums calling for nerfs? Get some hours under your belt first, dude. By that I mean at least 300 before you open your gob about massive changes to frames that you likely do not even own and have 0 first hand experience with. You confuse the devs with your loud lack of experience.


Maybe do some high level Void where your 5x Forma weaponry is not doing bugger all damage to the level 100 enemies, semi invisible rockets are throwing your homies around the room and Nullifiers are cancelling out your team's AoE effects at all four points of the compass at the same time. Then please, come back and tell us more about how our 'Frames are 'Overpowered' instead of 'Necessary'.


BTW, Nyx can make an entire map of enemies start killing each other for less than 100 energy, but you seem to be OK with that...


They are Ultimate abilities. They are meant to be F'ing stronkbad, they cost a lot of energy to cast when you suddenly need to be casting them 3 to 4 times per wave. They are a necessary tool in high level content.


... I wish DE would release a "No Ulti" mode where everyone has their No. 4 disabled (and No. 3, in Nyx's case). Then the whiners can go and happily jerk each other off without screwing the rest of us around.

Edited by psyanide
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Interesting how these half baked nerf threads get all the attention with parrots repeating the3 same thing as the others but the buff threads barely get any attention and must be bumped.


No wonder things get nerfed by request, the idiots can't help but flock the thread constantly bumping it saying the same thing as the dudes above him rather than ignoring it knowing what he said has been said. Then an argument happens and in the end, the guy need not bump his thread, only start an argument and the rest fall in line. The end result, a nerfed warframe, weapon(ex. Gammocore), etc


Remember that extra large iron Skin nerf thread? Do ye remember any buff thread for Rhino back then?


It would be better to let these nerf threads die then to engage. Let them bump their own threads and bump them buff threads improving them ideas. For example, that huge parkour thread which does not discuss removing or nerfing anything, but improvements.


It's no wonder things hardly get buffed, you guys are too busy infesting these nerfs threads and not enough bumping buff threads. Only a few buff threads get bumped. VERY few such as them passionate Frost players.


Seems there are more nerfs than buffs, now you know why. You only have yourselves to blame. Fueling the fire.


You are correct, of course. It's just that I used to be extremely @(*()$ passionate about this game, and so were the devs back during closed beta. Hell, Steve would post regularly and banter ideas back and forth with the small community we had. Now WF is the popular kid that forgot about his first friends and is losing his identity by trying to please everyone at once. I realize that this is the natural progression of things, I hardly care. 


We have so much more content than we used to, but it's less exciting every time because the more that gets added on, the more things appear as a confused mess e.g. Game is focused on faster gameplay than most others. Quick and decisive reactions make sure you stay on top feeling like a badass. People that liked the style made the effort to get into the beta and came around the forums asking for more of the same. Yes please! 

Game opened up as F2P and suddenly who do you attract? Mostly broke arse mofos who want the entire experience changed - slowed down because they suck at it and are jealous of the people that don't. So they come here and demand leashes be put on the players that are better than them. DE responds by putting in all sorts of stupid fluff to artificially slow you down - locked doors that need a teammate to open, a @(*()$ CAMERA that needs to be used HUNDREDS of times by switching to it, aiming accurately at something (that is probably SHOOTING you) for a solid 2 seconds before switching back to your weapon and killing the damned thing you just took a picture of, like some kind of genocidal National Geographic camera crew...


"Oh AWESOME! I got wings that allow me to break the sound barrier and wield guns big enough to destroy a starship! Lemme grab my camera really quick, because what I ACTUALLY want to do with all this new hardware is take pictures!" 


These nerf whiners and nay sayers have been the bane of this game since it came out of closed beta - forcing the devs into trying to create 2 different games at the same time. They DO have influence, because there are so very, very many of them. They create the general message on the forums - things need to be slower overall for these small minded individuals who come from a generation that played too much CoD and think that gives them all the greatest ideas when in reality they're all just sucking on Bobby Kotick's sweaty nutsack.  

Edited by psyanide
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Well why don't we just NERF everything?


Ash's blade storm is OP. Grants invincibility along with uber damage.

Banshee's sonar & sound quake are OP. One can deal tons of damage the other stunlocks entire rooms.

Ember's accelerant makes her other abilities OP.

Excalibur's Radial Blind is OP. Renders all units in sight an easy target, is recastable within its duration.

Frost's Globe is still OP versus ranged enemies.

Hydroid puddle is OP against melee units.

Limbo's rift walk + his third + his one is OP.

Loki's Radial disarm renders all ramged units into melee ones, it's OP.

Mag's percentage scaling of her two is OP.

Mesa's Shatther shield %95 damage reduction is OP.

Mirage's Eclipse & 4th are OP. One grants uber damage and/or 95% damage reduction. The ultimate deals uber damage and blinds behind walls.

Nekros' 4th scales indefinitely, so does his 2. OP.

Nova's MP slows + grants double damage. Her 2 reaches stupidly high numbers. OP.

Most Nyx's abilities scale indefinitely. OP.

Oberon's 4 stunlock enemies. His 2 grants immunity to procs. OP.

Rhino's 4 grants 9 seconds of shooting gallery, unaffected by negative duration. OP.

Saryn's 4 deals uber damage. It's OP.

Trinity's Link renders her immune to price and gives fixated 75% damage reduction. Blessing can grant 99% damage reduction, range is infinite. OP. (Have fear, every week has a Wednesday)

Valkyr can go invincible with her 4th. OP.

Vauban's vortex is easy mode to melee units. Even piles the loot. OP.

Volt's shield is a Frost globe, but only duration based. OP.

Zephyr's 4 will ragdoll almost everything, if is not ragdolled, will not hit Zephyr if Turbulence is on. OP.

See no comment on Chroma I do not own it, yet.

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Ash's blade storm is OP. Grants invincibility along with uber damage.

Banshee's sonar & sound quake are OP. One can deal tons of damage the other stunlocks entire rooms.

Ember's accelerant makes her other abilities OP.

Excalibur's Radial Blind is OP. Renders all units in sight an easy target, is recastable within its duration.

Frost's Globe is still OP versus ranged enemies.

Hydroid puddle is OP against melee units.

Limbo's rift walk + his third + his one is OP.

Loki's Radial disarm renders all ramged units into melee ones, it's OP.

Mag's percentage scaling of her two is OP.

Mesa's Shatther shield %95 damage reduction is OP.

Mirage's Eclipse & 4th are OP. One grants uber damage and/or 95% damage reduction. The ultimate deals uber damage and blinds behind walls.

Nekros' 4th scales indefinitely, so does his 2. OP.

Nova's MP slows + grants double damage. Her 2 reaches stupidly high numbers. OP.

Most Nyx's abilities scale indefinitely. OP.

Oberon's 4 stunlock enemies. His 2 grants immunity to procs. OP.

Rhino's 4 grants 9 seconds of shooting gallery, unaffected by negative duration. OP.

Saryn's 4 deals uber damage. It's OP.

Trinity's Link renders her immune to price and gives fixated 75% damage reduction. Blessing can grant 99% damage reduction, range is infinite. OP. (Have fear, every week has a Wednesday)

Valkyr can go invincible with her 4th. OP.

Vauban's vortex is easy mode to melee units. Even piles the loot. OP.

Volt's shield is a Frost globe, but only duration based. OP.

Zephyr's 4 will ragdoll almost everything, if is not ragdolled, will not hit Zephyr if Turbulence is on. OP.

See no comment on Chroma I do not own it, yet.





Because when everyone is OP, no one will be.

Edited by BloodForTheBloodGods
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Oh look another one of these threads...no wonder i never spend time on the official, full of people crying ''OP'' about everything. Loki and Nova are two of many CC and infinite scaling abilities. As mentioned above everything is OP in this game, so shut that trap and take a good look at what things are OP... Each and every frame can be OP, especially with a synergy between frames, some shine even alone but have some big downsides(HP lacking and so forth). Because personally a Nova with 743 energy is still very much squishy(insert level 70-100 Nullifier and Bombard here) same goes for Loki. Unlike Mr.Volt P over there with 850 energy and is not even using caster stats in terms of hp,shield and armor.

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So no buffs needed then? Game is perfectly balanced? Warframe can leave beta?

Perfectly balanced? Far from there, but the more broken things in the game are enemies scaling, then weapons, not frames.

I wonder what makes you think that the balance of frames and weapons, if it ever comes, will cause warframe to leave beta.

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Perfectly balanced? Far from there, but the more broken things in the game are enemies scaling, then weapons, not frames.

I wonder what makes you think that the balance of frames and weapons, if it ever comes, will cause warframe to leave beta.

Nah, forget that beta thing. Was a little joke.


So let's talk about frames. All frames are balanced? Ember is as strong as Nova?


I'm talking about the sum of strengths/weaknesses of every frame of course. So frames can't be tiered? All equal?

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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Nah, forget that beta thing. Was a little joke.

So let's talk about frames. All frames are balanced? Ember is as strong as Nova?

I'm talking about the sum of strengths/weaknesses of every frame of course. So frames can't be tiered? All equal?

As you can see in my first post on the thread I list the things in which the frames are OP, several of those points are very specific.

First one that comes to my mind, Hydroid's Puddle. As stated before, it is OP against melee units in either Defense or Mobile Defense.

The point I'm trying to reach being: yes, Warframes can be tiered, but there isn't a unique tiered list that contains all the modes that the game offer. This can be resumed in "there isn't a best frame".

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As you can see in my first post on the thread I list the things in which the frames are OP, several of those points are very specific.

First one that comes to my mind, Hydroid's Puddle. As stated before, it is OP against melee units in either Defense or Mobile Defense.

The point I'm trying to reach being: yes, Warframes can be tiered, but there isn't a unique tiered list that contains all the modes that the game offer. This can be resumed in "there isn't a best frame".


And that is where I think you are wrong. Hydroid is op against melee units, but that fits into a niche, while frames such as nova are even better at that while covering a lot of other areas as well.


But everyone keeps repeating that everything is op and as such we don't need nerfs. So if I follow that argument, we wouldn't need buffs either, because it indicates that frames are balanced.


As you seem to understand, this is obviously not true.


Many frames are gimmicky at best while others are the real deal.

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I'm talking about the sum of strengths/weaknesses of every frame of course. So frames can't be tiered? All equal?

Why should be all warframes equals? I think that the main point that makes a game interesting is the variety of Characters (warframes in this case) and the variety of abilities and powers.


About people who is crying !!!NERF NERF NERF¡¡¡ only becouse they can only play 5 rounds at a T3 defense in void and they see how other players have much better gear than they becouse they have more experience and have being playing since the open beta started, there's nothing much to say.


In T4 defense as an example since the nerf of frost unless you have Full powered  globe you won't be able to run more than 30 rounds unless you have 3 players with more OP gear.


Talking to Kelgov, the creator of this topic/post. I don't know how long have you being playing but, for give you an example, in the last "only heavy melee event" in wich you had to play an interception mission lvl 100-150, Unless you had a loki prime Full OP radial disarm , a full slow down enemies nova , a full nyx and a full ulti ash with you, the only you got for reward for that mision was a kick in your balls.


I recognise that there's some little points that if they were nerfed it could give to the game a bit of excitement but NOT ALL!!


So Don't F*** me please, one of the points that makes Warframe amused is the gladness you get from improving your gear and becoming a GOD assasin of grinniers, if DE obey each time that some new and jealous noob cry for a new nerf, they will break the thing that makes warframe such a good game, they ere trying yo give us the best gaming experience and ,personaly, i think that what makes a game interesting is becoming stronger and stronger, and this is reflected in your misions when you see that you can hold more rounds in defense than before, IT's not necesary nerf warframes becouse when you started the round number 95 you have a really @(*()$ awsome game with your friends.


So instead of crying for a nerf only becouse of some "new players" aren't good enought, play and become stronger and i can assure you that you will have a really enjoyable game with your beloved Captain Vor braking you theet with janus key strike


Maybe i'm wrong with some points but it's my opinion, and i'm sure that i'm not the only one that thinks the same.

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Why should be all warframes equals? I think that the main point that makes a game interesting is the variety of Characters (warframes in this case) and the variety of abilities and powers.


About people who is crying !!!NERF NERF NERF¡¡¡ only becouse they can only play 5 rounds at a T3 defense in void and they see how other players have much better gear than they becouse they have more experience and have being playing since the open beta started, there's nothing much to say.


In T4 defense as an example since the nerf of frost unless you have Full powered  globe you won't be able to run more than 30 rounds unless you have 3 players with more OP gear.


Talking to Kelgov, the creator of this topic/post. I don't know how long have you being playing but, for give you an example, in the last "only heavy melee event" in wich you had to play an interception mission lvl 100-150, Unless you had a loki prime Full OP radial disarm , a full slow down enemies nova , a full nyx and a full ulti ash with you, the only you got for reward for that mision was a kick in your balls.


I recognise that there's some little points that if they were nerfed it could give to the game a bit of excitement but NOT ALL!!


So Don't F*** me please, one of the points that makes Warframe amused is the gladness you get from improving your gear and becoming a GOD assasin of grinniers, if DE obey each time that some new and jealous noob cry for a new nerf, they will break the thing that makes warframe such a good game, they ere trying yo give us the best gaming experience and ,personaly, i think that what makes a game interesting is becoming stronger and stronger, and this is reflected in your misions when you see that you can hold more rounds in defense than before, IT's not necesary nerf warframes becouse when you started the round number 95 you have a really @(*()$ awsome game with your friends.


So instead of crying for a nerf only becouse of some "new players" aren't good enought, play and become stronger and i can assure you that you will have a really enjoyable game with your beloved Captain Vor braking you theet with janus key strike


Maybe i'm wrong with some points but it's my opinion, and i'm sure that i'm not the only one that thinks the same.

Very nicely said dear, could not have said it better myself, but even a great point like this will go in one ear and out the other from the looks of how that person is.. He/she is simply glued to the thought of OP and Nerfing.

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yeah! even lato is op! nerf everything! we dont want slidering nor coptering, nerf that as well! oh btw remove corrosive projection! is op! and reduce our mod capacity to 15 points. 60 points is too op! and please remove main weapons and secondary weapons! they are too op! leave us with only melee!

dont stay for only 5-10 rounds and your opness will slowly disappear.

Inb4 SquirmyBurrito

i laughed too much at this x'DDDD

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You know, I wouldn't mind if more Radial Abilities (like Radial Disarm and MPrime) got LOS checks. But only if they work properly (tested the current Excal changes, it won't lock on to enemies I can clearly see alot of times).


But then this would have to hit everyone (excluding a few abilities, like Shield Polarize, since Magnetism does go through walls and it only affects shielded targets anyway. MPrime could be argued to be LOS-less due to it's nature, but is so powerful that I wouldn't mind).





But what you are suggesting: NOPE. Loki has no offensive skills, he relies heavily on his 2 and 4 to keep him and the team alive. Nova is powerful, but if MPrime is to be nerfed then I would prefer the solution I listed above. And in that case, don't just single out Loki and Nova.

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What? The thread's itching for him to come. A nerf. A nerf relating Loki and no compensation for the nerf

Wait so magnetism gets bypassed but w/e Loki does requires LOS what? We hardly no what Loki uses for abilities. I also don't see how anti-matter requires LOS to work.

The issue with Loki is that you need corrupted mods to make him work and there's no perfect build for him that can have the best of both worlds. If you choose a full duration build you'll get a great Invis but you'll seriously cripple your Disarm. If you build for range you'll have issues for your invis but great Disarm.

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