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Gamersfirst Partnership


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Definitely troubling news... Looking through the links and announcements, there's not a single positive thing to be said about Gamersfirst.


I was going to buy myself a founder's pack during the weekend or early next week, but after finding this information I think I'll wait until someone at DE sheds some light on Gamersfirst's role in the partnership.

I'm sure DE will address this ASAP, don't lose hope just yet.

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Definitely troubling news... Looking through the links and announcements, there's not a single positive thing to be said about Gamersfirst.


I was going to buy myself a founder's pack during the weekend or early next week, but after finding this information I think I'll wait until someone at DE sheds some light on Gamersfirst's role in the partnership.

Your lucky, if this news came out earlier, I would not spent a single dimmy on this game.

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Honestly if this happens... I just...just no, please no? Surely Kickstarter would be a better deal than G1...


EDIT: As others have noted if I knew this was/is going to happen I would likely have been VERY leary about investing so heavily..

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i agree with this i wouldnt have put any money into the game if i knew

I can't help but agree, I was contemplating on upgrading to Grand Master but had known G1 was going to get involved I doubt I would have spent a penny.

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I have no experience with G1, but I like the response on their new Warframe forums.

The first three posts are:

"I have a bad feeling about this"   (please don't break warframe)

"You can't run" (G1 will get you)

"lol" (lol)


.. that's a promising start.

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I'm sincerely hoping for the best here. 


I have a great deal of faith and respect for DE right now.  It's clear that they love their game dearly, and I really hope they don't let another company come along and ruin something spectacular...


The big question here is: Will Gamersfirst have ANY say whatsoever in the development of this game or its cash shop, and if so, exactly how much weight will their "requests" carry?

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I don't think it's anything more than exposure on an additional distribution service much like Steam. Gamersfirst doesn't control anything. They just distribute much like Valve. Also like Valve they do own a few games on their service. It's a non-issue.


Many f2p games use various outlets to help spread their user base. I remember Super Monday Night Combat being Steam-only, then they ditched them, added their own launcher and partnered with Kongregate, Amazon, and Gamersfirst to reach new users. In fact, just go to the Gamersfirst website and you'll see that it's just a portal to several different f2p games still owned and run by other publishers. 



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I'm sincerely hoping for the best here. 


I have a great deal of faith and respect for DE right now.  It's clear that they love their game dearly, and I really hope they don't let another company come along and ruin something spectacular...


The big question here is: Will Gamersfirst have ANY say whatsoever in the development of this game or its cash shop, and if so, exactly how much weight will their "requests" carry?

This! This demands an answer! Hopefully by mid-day today DE will have satisfactory answer for all of us.

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As an ex-APB:R player, this worries me deeply.  I'll give DE the benefit of the doubt and see if they do a release tomorrow/today explaining it, but hot damn, this is not what I wanted to see before bed tonight, lol.

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Was thinking hard about upgrading my founders pack... but this thread has kind of scared me out of doing so and made me worry the pack I already have was a waste of money...


I know somebody else already said almost the exact same but good that they know a choice like this could be costing them money.


I'll wait and see, like most of you, I'll hope somebody puts our fears to rest.

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I don't think it's anything more than exposure on an additional distribution service much like Steam. Gamersfirst doesn't control anything. They just distribute much like Valve. Also like Valve they do own a few games on their service. It's a non-issue.


Many f2p games use various outlets to help spread their user base. I remember Super Monday Night Combat being Steam-only, then they ditched them, added their own launcher and partnered with Kongregate, Amazon, and Gamersfirst to reach new users. In fact, just go to the Gamersfirst website and you'll see that it's just a portal to several different f2p games still owned and run by other publishers. 



Such optimism, I hope you're right and Warframe will be an exception in their selection of games, but it's not quite like amazon or steam really.


As far as I'm aware they pretty much "own" the cash shop in APB:R and Fallen Earth, can't speak for the other titles, their own representatives announce the new items on the forums and they're "blamed" for the high pricing even by the devs themselves when the vocal minority on the forums express their concerns {mildly put}, which leads me to believe that APB devs have near to no say in the cash shops, but that's just an assumption. We can only hope that won't be the case for Warframe.

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Such optimism, I hope you're right and Warframe will be an exception in their selection of games, but it's not quite like amazon or steam really.


As far as I'm aware they pretty much "own" the cash shop in APB:R and Fallen Earth, can't speak for the other titles, their own representatives announce the new items on the forums and they're "blamed" for the high pricing even by the devs themselves when the vocal minority on the forums express their concerns {mildly put}, which leads me to believe that APB devs have near to no say in the cash shops, but that's just an assumption. We can only hope that won't be the case for Warframe.

APB:R and Fallen Earth would be the games G1 owns much like Valve owns TF2 and DOTA2. Super Monday Night Combat, Air Mech, and now Warframe are all games I've played out of closed beta and I can assure you G1 doesn't own or control anything in them.


You could do a search if you have time later and see that those games have no connection to G1 outside of that website. All of them are on Steam and Amazon operating the same exact way. They use the G1 site which specializes in f2p games as just another store front. It won't affect anyone unless they choose to buy currency through G1 and not DE or Steam.

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I don't even think it is even in their best interest. The only reason they are in 18th place is because they didn't take any of the wrong turns the others did. If they really did do things the G1 way then they would drop from 18th place faster then you could scream "NO". Why? simple Warframe hasn't built enough supporting systems to legitimately support themselves as well as APB and the others did when G1 took over. Warframe has nothing to fall on if G1 fully takes over the cash shop. Warframe would disappear similar way the other games on the free to play games list did. Have you looked at those list? Gone through them and clicked some of those games. A lot of them are dead ends. Some had good ideas but are now dead husk. You have no idea how many dead free to play games there are with GRAND ideas out there till you go through an outdated Free to play games list. Warframe may be 18th now but they need to be extremely careful...

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APB:R and Fallen Earth would be the games G1 owns much like Valve owns TF2 and DOTA2. Super Monday Night Combat, Air Mech, and now Warframe are all games I've played out of closed beta and I can assure you G1 doesn't own or control anything in them.


You could do a search if you have time later and see that those games have no connection to G1 outside of that website. All of them are on Steam and Amazon operating the same exact way. They use the G1 site which specializes in f2p games as just another store front. It won't affect anyone unless they choose to buy currency through G1 and not DE or Steam.

I hope you're right, we can't know for sure though until we get an official response on this though.



Yeah but they bailed out APB. Which gave them access to a lot more control.

Ah true, that's a good point, the game was practically dead when they bought it even though they haven't done a lot of good with it after that point. I wonder if Fallen Earth was the same way. Can only hope there's no actual "partnership", and it's only a storefront as ManTouch suggested.

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APB:R and Fallen Earth would be the games G1 owns much like Valve owns TF2 and DOTA2. Super Monday Night Combat, Air Mech, and now Warframe are all games I've played out of closed beta and I can assure you G1 doesn't own or control anything in them.


You could do a search if you have time later and see that those games have no connection to G1 outside of that website. All of them are on Steam and Amazon operating the same exact way. They use the G1 site which specializes in f2p games as just another store front. It won't affect anyone unless they choose to buy currency through G1 and not DE or Steam.

Gawds I hope you're right.

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