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Coming Soon: Devstream #49!


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Long time player, first time submitting questions:

First Question: Could you tell us your vision with Excalibur? The community seems to have a bit of an issue with the direction he is being taken, and it would go a long way to hear how you all want him to fit in. I love my Excal.

Second Question: speaking of Excal, and accessories, so the prime Edo armor. This one is a multipart question:

A.) When is it expected for Excal Prime expected to get the PBR treatment? This is a lead in for the second part of this question, but basically without this, Edo prime will look rather not prime on this frame(default colors on excal prime). I love the Edo armor looks, and am drooling over the Edo Prime armor, but this is holding me back a bit for now.

B.) So accessory color selection. Most of the above could be negated with a default colors button added to the accessory color selector. Any plans to create this?

Third Question: Dear Steve, where do you buy your pink shorts?

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1.  Will you ever fix Carrier's Vacuum ability?  Carrier has had the pickups sticking to him bug for as long as he's been out. 


2.  What happened to the Focus system?


3.  Will you ever add Neural Sensors to another planets drop table?


4.  When are the "Space Ninja" Tenno going to get Nunchukas?  One of the most Iconic ninja weapons.

Edited by RiversofGore
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5. Will we be seeing anything from the chinese show?


6. Launchers had their ammo max nerfed to lower their usage, and consequently have vanished from regular usage--no one mains them, and the few that still use them insist it cannot be done without relying heavily on ammo mods, with some theoretical contention for single-spot farming being the "one true use" they still have. Given that single spot farming has flourished without them, and the regular usage has completely vaporized, can we expect to see them get an increase in ammo capacity? It stands out that they use sniper ammo, but do not even get the standard sniper ammo max. Merely giving them the standard sniper ammo max would keep the fix against the original problems of never needing ammo, without the newly created problem of "it needs too much ammo to be useful". This seems particularly poignant as one(the ogris) recently was given a new model/skin, but most players only ever see it in enemy hands, as there's little point in either building or carrying it. Can we look forward to having this adjusted properly, or are they to remain in their current over-nerfed status?

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With the new Spy 2.0 system in place are you guys working on an improvement of the AI concerning Stealth gameplay?

I like to play certain objectives, like capture, rescue solo or even sabotage and deception sometimes, but the AI for stealth approaches is still somewhat lacking. More specific if you alert one enemy the whole area is alerted or even the whole base is alerted while they aren't even in the neighbourhood and the alarm hasn't been tripped yet. Since the game is still advertised as a Space Ninja Shooter, Stealth should definitely have a better implementation.

Edited by (XB1)Nosferatu BE
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Q: Regarding Capture the Cephalon, till today it seems you nerfed some weapons oneshotting, but still you preserve abilities #1 and #4 with a ridicle amount of damage (if not oneshotting).
Given the actual PVP 2.0 falls under a specific fight mechanic (1]Shoot with an heavy hitting weapon, 2]finishing off the opponent by spamming #1 or #4, 3]get again energy, 4]rinse and repeat)...
Is the "oneshot with no cooldown" a work-as-intended mechanic? Will you put cooldowns to Oneshots and nerf imbalanced weapons allowing for longer Time-To-Kill in fights?

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Q : When will i see Nekros as a choosable frame for Conclave?


My Thoughts : As i would ideally choose him for soul punch for knockback / damage and terrify for crowd control. I realize that tweaking is probably needed to be done in the regards for terrify, considering it would probably hit everyone around me and just be generally overpowered. I personally would'nt mind it if i had to aim it to fear 1 or 2 people, with distance limitation of course. As for desecrate, maybe be able to desecrate one recently dead player for a single definitive health orb? Finally for shadows, many minions = OP. one minion = possibly fair? The cost for one minion might need tweaking, im not going to spend 100 mana for 1 minion unless said minion lasts for at least 25 seconds. Then again if the cost isnt high you could have a group of players spamming minions to defend their cap.

Edited by Nakremy
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Will you ever consider releasing an alternate version of Excalibur that has increased stats to make him more viable endgame? Maybe more stamina capacity or shields? Power?


Or at least buff up his vanilla suit? With Excal Prime locked away and the benefits with it, I'd like to know if I can look forward to Excalibur becoming a good option in high level content. 

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Q : When will i see Nekros as a choosable frame for Conclave?


My Thoughts : As i would ideally choose him for soul punch for knockback / damage and terrify for crowd control. I realize that tweaking is probably needed to be done in the regards for terrify, considering it would probably hit everyone around me and just be generally overpowered. I personally would'nt mind it if i had to aim it to fear 1 or 2 people, with distance limitation of course. As for desecrate, maybe be able to desecrate one recently dead player for a single definitive health orb? Finally for shadows, many minions = OP. one minion = possibly fair? The cost for one minion might need tweaking, im not going to spend 100 mana for 1 minion unless said minion lasts for at least 25 seconds. Then again if the cost isnt high you could have a group of players spamming minions to defend their cap.


What would you summon with Shadows of the Dead, though? The players you killed? Would that be viable on a frame that could be so easily killed?

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Will you ever consider releasing an alternate version of Excalibur that has increased stats to make him more viable endgame? Maybe more stamina capacity or shields? Power?

Or at least buff up his vanilla suit? With Excal Prime locked away and the benefits with it, I'd like to know if I can look forward to Excalibur becoming a good option in high level content.

Donno if anyone told you, but excal prime doesn't really have any benefits. Just the void orb thing and some pre-polarized slots. Its pretty much just an exclusive skin.

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Donno if anyone told you, but excal prime doesn't really have any benefits. Just the void orb thing and some pre-polarized slots. Its pretty much just an exclusive skin.


I know. We can discuss elsewhere, but long story short, because he isn't available to the public, he is pretty much a reskin of vanilla Excal. Metaphorically, the standard Prime benefits (as they have become) are locked away from him for this reason, and a stronger excal from the rest of us. Hopefully I make sense in what I say.    

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