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Here's Why Bombards Need A Nerf.


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-Their rockets have ridiculous lock-on ability. To the extent that any mobility, rolling, jumping, coptering, will often not let you avoid it. Running around a corner will still leave you with a rocket heading towards your backside. This also causes problems with Zephyr's Turbulence, which is already slightly unreliable; deflected rockets will just turn around and go for you again.

One time I took an elevator down and a bombard missile followed me down the shaft into the generator room.


All you can do at that point is laugh it off.

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Sorry for the minor threadcromancy here, but if you want to see the insane tracking of the Bombard in action, a video of it is here:

Straight-Up Looney Tunes.


That is !@(*()$ awesome.

Why on earth would you want that removed?

Keep the damage, maybe nerf the blast radius but nerf the speed cos we want more videos like this.

That way there's a large skill element in dodging if you're running around like a space ninja.  If you're hiding behind Frost's Snow Globe, it will still take damage after 4s.

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i love sniper bombards on void they are soo good with hiting u with 2-3 missiles from long distance i mean they are so overpowerfull so yes nerf them, by the way fix snoglobe so we cant get blasted inside

Edited by xmegarockx
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All they need to do is make them track slightly less. Instead of turning 180 degrees to chase me it should try to turn the way I dodged, maybe by 40-60 degrees at most, then fly forward into a wall or whatever else it would hit.    


Either that or reduce the firerate, damage and status chance. I'd personally rather see my first suggestion, because it would introduce counterplay.   


Or maybe let us shoot them? Before someone tells me you can, no you can't, at least not void bombards, I unloaded a fully spooled up kohm into it while kiting and it didn't hit it, so I concluded they cannot be shot down (unless it would be a host related issue, which is still a problem that would need fixing).   


Maybe we can even melee it to reflect?   


There are so many options, but in the end no matter what you do, any nerf to them is welcome.

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My biggest issue is the insane fire rate and proc chance (although homing capabilities are definitely up there). It's almost as bad as Mutalist Moas chain stunning you with stomps, although the fact that Bombard explosion throw you INTO more explosions to get hit by is just even more annoying. It's like DE is mandating we play with damage mitigation/avoidance to the cheesing factor. 

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That is !@(*()$ awesome.

Why on earth would you want that removed?

Keep the damage, maybe nerf the blast radius but nerf the speed cos we want more videos like this.

That way there's a large skill element in dodging if you're running around like a space ninja.  If you're hiding behind Frost's Snow Globe, it will still take damage after 4s.

^^ but then defense missions would go on forever.  They're already too long at 60-80 mins.

Difficulty shouldn't come from cheap and broken mechanics.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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So you keep saying, but we're not gonna get decent AI any time soon and the game is Carebear-easy enough.

Right, so we should totally just accept it in a broken state and not give any feedback or ideas.


How about no?

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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I would prefer if it shoot faster but without tracking.Would be the same like we have now in term of "enemy that can punish your low attention"


I suggest:Shoot faster,same explosion but NO tracking.A...rocket launcher,a NORMAL one.

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Yes, the homing strength is too strong to a degree that is quite ridiculous, Maybe the tweak can start at this point.


But I want to point out the rocket can be shot at and explode in mid-air. Hope it helps a little bit,  yet, the homing still needs tweaks in my eyes.

That is possible O.o .

Thanks dude, this is an incredible good message for people with good aim. :)

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Just make them not able to rapid fire out five rockets back to back

Grineer don't have to charge their ogrises or what


The Grineer have the same problem, however due to how diluted the grineer spawns are, Bombards and neither spawned in large numbers nor are protected from the greatest weapon ever designed: lower TTK.

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Right, so we should totally just accept it in a broken state and not give any feedback or ideas.


a) it's not broken.  It may not be perfect but it does what it's intended to pretty effectively.


b) I already gave feedback as to how it should be changed (speed of projectile).  You even quoted it, apparently without bothering to read it.

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a) it's not broken.  It may not be perfect but it does what it's intended to pretty effectively.


b) I already gave feedback as to how it should be changed (speed of projectile).  You even quoted it, apparently without bothering to read it.

a) it is broken, both from a balance and mechanical perspective. Mainly in their absurd and random fire rate and weird explosions.


b) I didn't say anything about your feedback. You're acting as if mine is irrelevant.

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a) it is broken, both from a balance and mechanical perspective. Mainly in their absurd and random fire rate and weird explosions.


b) I didn't say anything about your feedback. You're acting as if mine is irrelevant.


a) What's absurd?  What's weird about explosions?


b) Stop using words like "broken" & provide useful feedback and I'll consider it relevant.

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a) What's absurd?  What's weird about explosions?


b) Stop using words like "broken" & provide useful feedback and I'll consider it relevant.

They seem to fire multiple rockets at a time at random, and the explosion goes through physical shields and solid objects.


I already said this, as did others. Provide useful feedback other than "it's totally fine" and I'll consider it relevant. Whether it provides any sort of cheap challenge or not, it is still mechanically flawed, for the reasons we have stated.

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They seem to fire multiple rockets at a time at random, and the explosion goes through physical shields and solid objects.


The former I've never seen.  The latter isn't true except the pod is not considered a solid object.  The blast radius goes through Snowglobe (and Cataclysm?) but that's as intended.


I already said this, as did others. Provide useful feedback other than "it's totally fine" and I'll consider it relevant. Whether it provides any sort of cheap challenge or not, it is still mechanically flawed, for the reasons we have stated.


I don't care if you or others say it.  If you can't justify it, a) it's meaningless b) you're just adding noise to what could otherwise be a useful feedback thread.

I did not say "it's totally fine" or anything like that as you know damn well.  Deliberately misrepresenting what I said isn't that different from trolling.

Here's the feedback I gave on 2 seperate occasions:



I gave solid feedback.  People knew what I was talking about and why I suggested the nerf that I did.

Neither you nor anyone else have stated any reasons why it's mechanically flawed. Your individual feedback is thus far either incomprehensible or flat out wrong.  You've started deliberately misrepresenting my argument.  You are doing the opposite of providing constructive feedback.

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The former I've never seen.  The latter isn't true except the pod is not considered a solid object.  The blast radius goes through Snowglobe (and Cataclysm?) but that's as intended.

Just because you've never seen it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. The latter is true, and the explosion goes through doors and things like volt's shield as well as certain walls, which I and many others have experienced.


Neither you nor anyone else have stated any reasons why it's mechanically flawed.

But we have. How you've managed to miss that fact is beyond me. We've said why it doesn't work with gameplay (as a form of cheapness, with extreme homing + multi-firing, low visual feedback, outclasses every other unit) and we've said why it doesn't work when interacting with certain objects and abilities (shields, certain objects, things that are meant to function as blocks that do not).

One thing I didn't mention was the blast procs, which throw you in a direction often opposite to where it should, but that isn't as impactful on gameplay.


We gave the feedback, and you're just saying it isn't feedback, along with misreading my comments and not recognizing generalizations or examples. You and I never see eye to eye for whatever reason, and without blaming either of us, I'm going to just ignore you.

It's evident our conversations are going to be nothing but arguments and misunderstandings from both parties.


Have a nice day.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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I'm going to just ignore you.


I'm glad you're going to stop writing worse-than-worthless replies to me.  But the fact remains, nobody has explained why Bombards are mechanically flawed.

We know they are strong.  This is not a bad thing in itself.
They're meant to be a counter to endless camping, which they're fairly effective at.  We now know their missiles will swerve significantly, making them effectively undodgeable.  The only real counter to them is getting behind a chunky solid object.

We can't make them do less damage vs Snow Globe else that will make T4D missions drag on even longer.

Possible nerfs:
1. Making missile slower.  This would make it easier to get behind cover as well as shoot them down.
2. Making missiles more visible.  This would make it easier to shoot them down.
3. Making blast radius smaller.
4. Giving players an advanced warning.

5. Removing knockback from explosion.
6. Restricting turning rate -- could enable diving out of the way but I'd prefer #1 and #2.
7. Making fire rate slower -- would make T4D missions longer.

Edited by Fifield
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