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Here's Why Bombards Need A Nerf.


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Occassionaly its annoying when you get 1hit out of no where, but that just means you werent being careful and ccing enough. Im totally fine the way bombards are though. If I see the rockets early enough I can dodge 90% of the time. If anything, make the rockets show up when you have enemy radar or enemy sense equipped, possibly with a warning signal that rockets are homing in.

Are you talking Bombards Bombards or Corrupted Bombards?

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Ya know, I won't call that silent at all.

They dont fire RPG-7, RPG-29, Bazooka, Cannon, or whatever, even there is lots of silent rocket launchers today, but Grineers fire from futuristic rocket launchers... and usually you cant hear flying rocket... shotgun is way more loud...


Bomber is also pretty big/fat boy, you simply cant miss him.

Edited by nVidiaContractor
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But there's nothing broken about the Bombard. It's just a Grineer with a Ogris that homes in on you slightly.

The only possible issue with the Bombard is that it's 3x more dangerous than its fellow enemies (excluding Nullifier, Ballista and Manic). This sudden increase in difficulty provides a nice little adrenaline rush and means we have to be on our toes from the level they're introduced at. Is this all a good thing?

I think so. What if they were only 2x as dangerous? I think that would work too. A minor nerf would be to slow the missile and thus make them more avoidable/shootable. There's something to be said for making them more visible too.

What we cannot do is nerf Bombard's damage as that would make T4D go on even longer. Therefore every other enemy should be buffed.

Players generally want shorter 'endless' missions, not longer ones. T4 enemies need a health/EHP boost. T2 and particularly T3 enemies need both a health/EHP boost and a much bigger damage boost.

To compensate, remove forma from drop tables.

I just wonder: have you seen the RIDICOULUS firerate bombards have? They are broken atm due the extreme firerate ( not to mention they can fire doibg knockdown animation), rockets turning 180 like it was nothing and a blast radius of a nuke eho go theought shields like volts and frost

Oh and 1 more tging: we got too many priority targets with anvients, bombards, nullifiers and heavys. Corrupted crewman is broken too, dishes out a wgole magazine in less than a second......

Edited by makaloff95
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Why are either of you talking about realism?

It's a game.

Thats the point, its a game, and thats why i dont compare it with real world like he does. So keep it simple, fire rate -500%. And rockets flying speed +500% for realism penalty.

Edited by nVidiaContractor
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Why are either of you talking about realism?

It's a game.

people who make this comment make me LOL. in real life if you get shot in certain places you bleed out and die, you cannot sprint in real life indefinitely, you cannot leap tall buildings by jumping, you need oxygen to live your weapons do not have unlimited ammo. if you want a game purely built with no rules play a different game because this is not it. this game was developed by real people so it will share similarities to real life situations.

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Just make it so that you can see and hear that  bloody rocking coming for a piece of yo @$$.


Last time I did a T4 ext a bombard killed my carrier with 2 shots simultaneously.


Like, bam..... bam... carrier R.I.P.  


And proceeded to empty its entire clip in less than 5 seconds. so I ran around while this rockets turn 90 degrees and follow me like I was a giant bulls-eye.


Dang, I forgot how OP this creatures really are.


Can't we just shoot the rocket mid-flight. Seems legit if you think about it

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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this game was developed by real people so it will share similarities to real life situations.

You mean just like every other fictional game follows real life? What a ridiculous comment.


If you people want realism, go play a war sim. But injecting it into a game that has very, very, very little of it to begin with is an idiotic suggestion and will never ever work. Total logic and gameplay rarely mix.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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The bombards should not be nerfed. They are the few units that produce a challenge to veteran players. They are necessary so as not to make missions to easy and eventually boring. Adding bombard variants would be cool though. Maybe coloring them differently and adding different proc effects from the missiles. For example a bright yellow one might proc electric, white for freeze, bright green for toxin, etc.

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The bombards should not be nerfed. They are the few units that produce a challenge to veteran players. They are necessary so as not to make missions to easy and eventually boring.

Did you not read any of the many, many reasons to the contrary, or do you simply disagree with all of them?

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The bombards should not be nerfed. They are the few units that produce a challenge to veteran players. They are necessary so as not to make missions to easy and eventually boring.

They don't produce a challenge, all they do is encourage binary countermeasures. in their current state they can be trivialized through mod selection pretty easily. If they aren't hard countered by use of cheesing tactics or equipping certain mod/weapons, all they do is cause frustration and add more screen clutter with their gattling missle guns.


Another way to make missions not boring or easy would be to properly balance the weapons (while keeping them unique enough to fit different playstyles), and give enemies more variety. Currently all the "difficult" enemies in the game just spam repetitive crowd control attacks, stunlocking the player, without the player being able to react to being CCd after they are hit offscreen by a rocket, pulled by an ancient/scorpion, disarmed by a drakk master (behind a crowd of enemies), or get shot at for massive burst damage by a ballista/detron crewman/seeker that happened to spawn nearby. When you combine all the bullS#&$ hard counters the enemies use, it gets rather absurd, and all skill boils down to in this game is how long you can trivialize game mechanics entirely by spamming abilities.

Edited by Vougue
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They don't produce a challenge, all they do is encourage binary countermeasures. in their current state they can be trivialized through mod selection pretty easily. If they aren't hard countered by use of cheesing tactics or equipping certain mod/weapons, all they do is cause frustration and add more screen clutter with their gattling missle guns.


Another way to make missions not boring or easy would be to properly balance the weapons (while keeping them unique enough to fit different playstyles), and give enemies more variety. Currently all the "difficult" enemies in the game just spam repetitive crowd control attacks, stunlocking the player, without the player being able to react to being CCd after they are hit offscreen by a rocket, pulled by an ancient/scorpion, disarmed by a drakk master (behind a crowd of enemies), or get shot at for massive burst damage by a ballista/detron crewman/seeker that happened to spawn nearby. When you combine all the bullS#&$ hard counters the enemies use, it gets rather absurd, and all skill boils down to in this game is how long you can trivialize game mechanics entirely by spamming abilities.

This all the way.

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Bombards are easy to deal with.  The missiles are easily avoidable.


Napalms are worse.  They fire just as fast with equal accuracy and leave pools of death.


I'm not saying nerf napalms either.  There needs to be some mobs in this game that require some effort to overcome.  Challenges make us stronger.

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They don't produce a challenge, all they do is encourage binary countermeasures. in their current state they can be trivialized through mod selection pretty easily. If they aren't hard countered by use of cheesing tactics or equipping certain mod/weapons, all they do is cause frustration and add more screen clutter with their gattling missle guns.


Another way to make missions not boring or easy would be to properly balance the weapons (while keeping them unique enough to fit different playstyles), and give enemies more variety. Currently all the "difficult" enemies in the game just spam repetitive crowd control attacks, stunlocking the player, without the player being able to react to being CCd after they are hit offscreen by a rocket, pulled by an ancient/scorpion, disarmed by a drakk master (behind a crowd of enemies), or get shot at for massive burst damage by a ballista/detron crewman/seeker that happened to spawn nearby. When you combine all the bullS#&$ hard counters the enemies use, it gets rather absurd, and all skill boils down to in this game is how long you can trivialize game mechanics entirely by spamming abilities.

EXACTLY! We need enemies that produce a challenge that is actually interesting and not through mitigation of player agency.


Things like these for both the Corrupted Bombards and Ancient Healers, and other units as well:


Corrupted Bombard:

The bane of many a player's Void expeditions, the hopes of this rework is to make the Corrupted Bombards still a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, but not so detesting as they are now. The following changes are to continue the feeling of the Bombards being a priority target, while also giving the surrounding units around them the cadence of presence that the Corrupted Bombards are on the field. In that spirit, allowing the Bombard Missiles to also harm allied units, along with enemy units, is a change I would propose from the outset. As self explosives like the Penta can damage a player if they use it, I hope this mechanic also creates some interesting situations for both the Tenno and allies of the Corrupted Bombard.
Levels 1-20 Bombards now have their fire rates reduced to 50%, with missiles travel speed and armor reduced to 75% their current rate. As their presence and armor values already make them a formidable force on the battlefield, slight reduction to armor is to help them become less bullet sponges as they are now. This change is to allow first timers who visit the Void to realize the strength of the Bombard's weaponry, but not overwhelmed by the constant knock downs and AoE attacks that the missiles are notorious for.
Levels 21-35 Bombards can now deploy an Orokin drone for defensive measure of allied units. The Orokin Drones now hover slightly higher than they had before. This added safety precaution is to ensure that drones are not directly damaged by the Bombards' AoE blasts from missiles, and the next upcoming changes.
Levels 36-50 Bombards now have a unique grenade mechanic added to them. These grenades are similar to the Bombard Missiles in that they have a slight AoE. However, instead of knocking down players, these grenades knocks them up into the air. Similar to the newly released Tonkor weapon, this gives the Bombard the ability to displace enemy units. However, similar to the Tonkor, players still have agency while airborne. These grenades also affect enemy units as well. Think of it like a poor mans Bounce in this case, as now units could be launched airborne.
Levels 51-65 Bombards now have the Ankyros Prime as a Melee weapon for them to use. As they're the main tanks of the Orokin Corrupted, having them equipped with the Ankyros Prime makes them an interesting to foe to fight in close quarters. Giving them the Ankyros Prime also allows them Knock Back. (not that it is not knockdown, just knock back, to ensure players have agency) (Hats of to those who are Melee enthusiasts, I hope this change is something you'll find challenging!)
Levels 66-80 Bombards now also have the Bronco Prime as a secondary that they can utilize on the battlefield. A close range hand cannon essentially, this can be used if enemy units come closer into range to the Bombard. In conjunction with the Ankyros Prime, Bombards can Knock Back enemies, should the get too close, and switch to the Bronco Prime for close quarters gun combat.
Levels 80+ Bombards receive a change in mechanics through an ability called Bombard's Volley. This locks the Bombard in place, however, they have their fire rate doubled (essentially returned to their normal fire rate as we have them now) and gain an increase of armor (125% of their current iteration). (A telegraph such as the Bombard preparing to lock down (an animation of maybe three seconds?) should be implemented to ensure players have time to react before the Bombard let's loose his volley.)
Overall these changes are to help newer players not be gobsmacked and knocked down repeatedly by the Bombards, but also make them a felt force on the battlefield as the heavy unit of the Corrupted Arsenal. Each change emphasizes impactful gameplay and weaponry, while also creating some interesting situations for players to try and understand and work with on the battlefield.
For instance, allowing the Bombard to fire his volley may seem like a bad idea, but if a player can utilize the missiles and redirect it towards enemy units, they could essentially create instances where friendly fire would benefit their team by eliminating threats for them. Other instances like the Knock Up mechanic could be used to knock up enemy units that are incoming for melee combat, essentially displacing them instead of agile Tenno adept at the game's parkour.

Corrupted Ancient Healers:

This unit has come under fire as of late, and with the recent mechanical additions DE has implemented to the Healer, its complementary units within the Void have more so become an issue that is extremely difficult to deal with. The General feedback given for the Corrupted Healers (that I have seen) focuses on the immense range of the heals, the mechanic of Healers intaking very little damage, and the mitigation of abilities, especially discriminating against certain abilities as well. The hopes of the following feedback is to ensure that the Healer is still a primary support unit for the Corrupted to rely on, but not so game breaking as they are now.
Base Mechanical Changes:

Ancient Healers have a few tweaks to their mechanics. A paramount concern is the multiplicative or stacking mechanics occuring with the Corrupted Ancient Healers. In tandem with these changes to follow, rather than allowing the stacking to continue, the damage mitigation should be removed from their lower levels, and the instances of damage mitigation cannot stack as well. This is to ensure that enemy units do not obtain absurd amounts of EHP simply by the presence of more than one Corrupted Ancient Healer.
Instead of an unclear range as to the Ancient Healers at the moment, a set distance of 10 meters would be a good way to gauge their Healing capabilities. Additionally, have the Healers act as an actual healing unit, rather than a straight forward damage reduction tool. Healing surrounding units for 10% of their max health per second might be a good way to go about it. Alternatively, healing units for a percentage of health lost might prove to be a more substantial healing formula. Regardless, either route seems to be a far better alternative than what we have now. 
Healers also now intake damage from the units they are healing, maybe 25% of that damage, to ensure that the surrounding units survive. Also with this change, ensuring that the Healers do have a substantial amount of Health may be required, as now instead of damage mitigation, it's an actual healing mechanic.
Also, changing the Healer's grappling hook into the Infested Healers arm would be a visual improvement, as it is somewhat game breaking to see a Healer launching a Grineer Scorpion's hook to pull us towards them. The recent Lore placed on the Corrupted Ancient Healer may work to disprove that these are Scorpions, after all, as no Grineer unit has the capability to heal in such a manner.

Visual Tweaks:

Ultimately, as more Ancient units become Corrupted, the hope is that their visual variations become more prominent to ensure players can discern their differences on the battlefield more clearly. As the models for the Ancient Healer and the Ancient Disruptor are similar, and only visually different in color variation, their model changes when they become Corrupted would better give players visual cues as to which is the Healer, and which is the Disruptor.

Levels 1-20 Corrupted Ancient Healers hold the mechanics given above, rather than the iteration that they currently possess. These changes ensure that the Healer actually fills the role as a Healer, but does not overwhelm newer players to their mechanical uniqueness.
Levels 21-35 Healers now have an increased rate of damage linking, whereas instead of taking 25% of the damage of surrounding allies, they now take 50% of that damage. Consequentially, 5% of total damage taken is counted as health restored to the Corrupted Ancient Healer, to help give them a scaling HP value in tandem with making them a bit of a beefier unit. The field radius of their healing aura could be expanded to maybe 15 meters as well, to ensure that they can cover a larger radius.
Levels 36-50 Healers now have a pulsating aura, rather than a constant healing aura. With this change, Healers now can heal targets at a faster rate, with 20% of total enemy health restored per pulse, having it be one pulse every three seconds as well. Depending on the number of allied units healed, the Healer receives a percentage of its health back. (i.e. if 10 units are healed, the Healer receives 5% of health back) This turns the Healer into a more formidable support unit, but it also doesn't overwhelm the player with units recovering their health at an absurd amount and pace.
Levels 51-65 Healers can now scale the environment, as most other Infested do in other reworks. A more retroactive change, this helps to make the Corrupted's approach more three dimensional. It also acts as a retroactive change as well, should the Corrupted be expanded with more units that can scale the environment (i.e. the majority of the Infested, and the reworked Grineer Scorpions, should DE decide to Corrupt this unit). Healer Pulses now shorten the duration of procs on allied units by 50%. 
Levels 66-80 Healers now emit one final pulse upon death that expands to 20 meters, and removes procs applied to allied units within the area. Somewhat of a last stand mechanic, this change emphasizes that the healer is a unit to be dealt with quickly, and hopefully away from other enemy units. The proc removal allows other units to be strengthened by the last stand mechanic this entails, therein fulfilling the role of a healer unit.
Levels 80+ Healers receive a mechanic where, when units are affected by the healing pulse, they now heal 15% of their health over time when outside of the Healer's effective radius, only immediately after being hit with a healing pulse. This change helps to make allied units of the Healer more mobile, rather than dependent on the Healers and sticking around them. Also, Healers can now intake 10% of incoming damage to themselves and translate that into 5% of health increase to units affected by their pulses. Also, this change ensures that the returns to Healer's by units surrounding them aren't so drastic, as they are now.
Overall, these changes ensure that the Healer is a powerful support unit that should be dealt with quickly on the battlefield, but it does not cheapen their encounters with damage mitigation or the stacking of their mitigation affects. They complete their tasks as healers through multiple means, and overall become a stronger unit in higher levels, without having the need for mitigation.

Sniper Crewmen:

As the primary long range Corpus unit that is not a Moa, I would hope to increase the efficacy of the Corpus Sniper as a ranged unit, but also provide it with some interesting mechanics. To assist with the scaling and identification of a Sniper Crewmen on the field, adding in a laser sight to signal where the Crewmen is aiming would help make their unit known on the field, but not overly powered against newer players.
Levels 1-15 remain as we see them now, with the added laser to help newer players identify where the Sniper Crewmen is perched.
Levels 16-30 gives the sniper unit a deployable Shockwave Moa to help with defense, should an enemy unit come into close range. An added measure to ensure that the Sniper can hold their ground should enemy units be able to push past the bulk of the Corpus squad.
Levels 31-45 gives the Sniper Crewmen a melee and secondary weapon to utilize, as the need arises. Although this change may come at a lower level than other units, their general squishiness and ranged nature makes this change less felt, but also more unique should encounters in close combat arise.
Levels 46-60 increases the fire rate of the Sniper Crewmen's Lanka by 25% to help with eliminating enemy threats more quickly, in addition to increasing accuracy by 15%. Emphasizing the role of a Sniper, a specialization of such a sort can help to individualize this unit in higher levels.
Levels 61-80 allows the Sniper Crewmen to deploy a weaker version of Alad V's Mutalist shield. This shield also functions similarly to how the Corpus Guardian (Reworked Corpus Nullifier) Shield functions. Having this be used can help the Sniper Crewmen to set up a fortified sniping position away and back from the main Corpus force, and pose a threat to units as they proceed to advance through the battlefield, while also providing cover for Corpus squads on the offensive or retreating.
Levels 80+ Sniper Crewmen come equipped with a supply of Grenades as well, to help with encounters should players overcome their MOA. Or, if the AI see fit to place the Crewmen in an area where a short ranged AoE device would prove more effective than a long range sniper rifle, a grenade could be utilized.
These changes would hopefully allow the Sniper Crewmen to become a special unit on the battle field and be more individualized when it comes to encounters. Their added nature as offensively strong enemy units with slight defenses emphasizes ranged play, while not discounting that they can make a quick escape with the deployment of a Shockwave MOA or hold their ground with their shield.
*A laser sight would be required for Sniper units like the Corpus Sniper and the Grineer Ballistica, to ensure that players can identify the position of the Snipers when they are deployed on the field.

Corpus Nullifiers:

The idea behind the Nullifiers was a very interesting one, and one that could seriously alter the dynamic of the game, but as it stands, the Nullifiers act more so to limit player weapon choice, rather than hard-stop our powers solely. As such, my feedback for the Nullifiers is that they need a bit of a rework, to help them actually do their job equally of stopping our powers, but not limiting player play style, both with powers and with weapons.
Firstly, let's rename the Corpus Nullifiers Corpus Guardians. The mechanics of the Guardian unit is that it deploys a stationary 180 degree shield arc that protects all units behind it from CC/Utility effects and damage that is incoming from the direction it is facing. Think of it as a larger version of Alad V's thrown down shield during his Mutalist Boss Fight. Removing the limit on the amount of damage able to be done to the shield, but also upping its base HP, gives it a strong resistance to our powers, but does not limit our weapon variety. Additionally, any Corpus weaponry fired out of the shield receives a small damage bonus. (Tenno may also utilize this boost, should they be carrying Corpus weaponry).
Thus, the Guardian acts as protection for the Corpus against our powers, but does not hinder our weapon choice.
Players can now either tough it out in front of the shield against the enemy squads and fire upon it/use their powers until it falls. Or they can use their abilities and/or parkour skills to vault over/around the shield to kill the units taking cover behind it. The Guardian is now a unit that is useful and interesting to fight, but does not outright remove self-cast powers like Iron Skin or Hysteria, as the shield protects the occupants from outside interference/damage, but it does not remove them.
Scaling for the reworked Nullifier are as follows:
Levels 1-20 gives units behind it immunity to CC/Utility and damage incoming from the direction the shield is facing. It's somewhat like how we have them now, but with the bubble cut in half to ensure players still have to deal with a large enemy AoE ward, but it doesn't outright gimp multiple play styles.
Levels 21-35 gives a higher increase to damage for Corpus weaponry fired outwards from the shield. Beneficial and synergetic with the Corpus army, this change allows the Guardian to be a great asset on the battlefield for those who have Corpus weaponry equipped, Tenno included.
Levels 36-50 gives the Guardian the ability to remove procs from units entering into, or already within, its defensive radius. Bolstering its essence as a defensive ward, this change allows the Guardian to further support the units it protects.
Levels 51-65 allows the Guardian's shield to deflect incoming fire/powers in a random direction dictated by RNG. Somewhat of a buffer for the Guardian, it adds a bit more defense to the EHP of the shield, thus allowing for a short extension of defense for the units behind it. However, outside units beware, the ricochets might prove deadly.
Levels 66-80 allows the Guardian to absorb a portion of incoming damage and converts it into health (max 10% of incoming damage). The added defense could be telegraphed by the shield brightening or shimmering (for our color blind friends), thus visually showing an added protective measure present on the reworked Nullifier.
Levels 80+ Guardians can now be moved by a console at the center of the half circle shield. Essentially making the Nullifier a moving tank/castle, by this time the Guardian shields are Raid worthy, and this added mechanic adds a powerful way to make the Guardians a moving fortress, for anyone who can surmise to use them. (Essentially a Tenno Squad could use the Guardian as moving cover as well, should they be able to deal with the threats within the shield).
The reworked Nullifier now becomes a potent tool to stopping our powers, but not so limiting as to how to deal with the threat. In addition, it functions as a useful tool for any who can surmise how to use it once it is deployed.

Grineer Scorpions:

Levels 1-15 Scorpions is what we have now.
Levels 16-30 Scorpions are able to block bullets/roll out of the way of incoming skillshot/ranged abilities and bullets. This gives the Scorpion some survive ability as it's one of the few units bringing a sword to a laser gun fight. Also allows the Scorpion some added defense in melee combat as well.
Levels 31-45 Scorpions now have a stance for their Machete to better utilize their weapon. Thus, the Scorpions can actually go into hand to hand combat with the power and technique befitting of one of the Grineer's few melee units, and one of the higher units at that.
Levels 46-60 Scorpions have the ability to shoot their grappling hooks into terrain, thus allowing them to use the environment vertically and fly around/across the battlefield. This could also allow them to resist knockback effects by shooting their grappling hooks into the ground to resist it. Or avoid such abilities completely by grapple hooking out of the way of the incoming ability.
Levels 61-80 Scorpions attain the ability to walk on walls through hooks on their prosthetic feet (or maybe just changing their feet with mechanical claws, sorry for making more work for the animations and model department!). Freeing up their hands to combat wall running Tenno, Infested Units, and also their hooks.
Levels 80+ Scorpions now have another sword, thus giving them dual wield capabilities, in addition to using their feet as grappling hooks, as they've been given more hooks to use. This change makes them a very mobile and powerful unit on the battlefield.
As a note, giving the Scorpions a telegraph such as a more audible and unique sound effect when firing hooks, or walking on wall/ceiling surfaces, would be a good idea. With these units moving in three dimensions and with more varied methods, tracking them on the battlefield would already be cumbersome visually.
Thus, we have challenge from content that is not just a rehash of the content that we have, but an expansion of this content by giving content better mechanics as their levels go up.
Veteran players actually face a challenge, rather than just more bullet sponges. We have a greater dynamic in end-game, and our enemies become far more interesting to fight

These mechanical changes do not do away with player agency, but allow the enemy to still be interesting to fight in encounters. They don't give enemies hard CC counters, but allow them to be threats on the battlefield that are distinctive not only in appearance, but further so with battle tactics.
Edited by AlphaHorseman
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Bombards are easy to deal with. The missiles are easily avoidable.

Napalms are worse. They fire just as fast with equal accuracy and leave pools of death.

I'm not saying nerf napalms either. There needs to be some mobs in this game that require some effort to overcome. Challenges make us stronger.

There is challenge and then there is artificial challenge.


Nullifiers are irritating but have very low health and armor.

-MOAs can flame proc and move very fast but they have a short range and low health after their shields

-Shot gunners and Cleavers are high damaging but have short range.

-Crewman and troopers are nothing overly special.

-Ancients can't hit for crap but they provide various bonuses for the other enemies and they can tank fairly well.

-Gunners can tank and dish out damage but aren't beneficial in any other way and you can evade their high damage since it is based in a lot of bullets rather than a single shot

Bombards, however, have literally no downsides, but unlike the crewmen and troopers, - who also have no downsides - they have significant bonuses. They tank well and dish out high damage but in a single shot rather than overtime. Their missiles can track you, are golden colored (mega easy to see), and fire very frequently. They also spawn very frequently and have AOE.

The missle mechanics alone make this a contradicting enemy. DE has spent all this time on movement 2.0 without realizing that bombards are part if the reason why movement is such a bad idea, what with the tracking missiles and sheer amount one shot power with the damage being centered in a single projectile.

Unlike the rest of void, they aren't an interesting enemy. I'd actually be willing to buff them if they spawned much less frequently, even at high minutes/waves/rounds. This would turn them into a pseudo-boss enemy.

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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  • 2 weeks later...

It sucks when you get blown off your feet directly in front of 3 butchers, who proceed to decimate you before you can get up. Those blast procs are ridiculous.

this can be cured by using hand spring or constitution. i still agree bombards need some tweaking but the knockdown can be remedied

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