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Don't Integrate Archwing Into Normal (Real) Missions.


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"Mission passed with flying colors, just gotta get to the end."

*tossed into Odonata level 23 with a level 18 Imperator with no mods because we honestly never got them while farming for them*

"Oh... I guess I'm dead, then."


Archwing -> They need to use the regular mods.

Archwing Mods are the singular biggest waste of resources and time in the game. Forcing us to use them will only raised the DESERVED ire that action would cause.


I've given up on getting Limbo because I can't solo that one interception mission by myself when the enemies won't die to my peashooter. I've try farming missions for a damage bonus, but it's not happening. I'm probably not the only one who has stopped fooling around with that because of the Archwing. Now imagine that, but with the entire game.

I'm really tired of hearing this "integrate it into missions" suggestion when it's obviously not the first step that needs to be made.

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Meh, I quite like Archwing and so does a fair portion of the community. Besides, I doubt Archwing would be incorporated in *every* single mission.

I would love it if we could jump into space when we break the vaccume, like the corupus tile sets

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I... completely disagree. Archwing COULD (big emphasis on that word) take Warframe to a whole new level.


The "I did not know my equipped equipment was bad" is BS, the same could be said for normal missions. Also, if Archwing because an integral part of Warframe, then you would be used to Archwing.


Who wouldn't like being able to freely jump out a window, fly to a nearby ship, and exterminate its crew for fun (aka, side missions)?


I am done.

Edited by DrBorris
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dont listen to this guy, integrate it in normal missions. sell some prime parts and buy the mods, or farm them yourself. Sentinel is also a waste of resources and nobody is asking to remove them. If you dont know how to play or cant get the mods cuz ur too lazy/proud to ask for advice, not my problem.

DE keep on with the process of including archwing into normal missions. Thx

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My biggest problem with Archwing missions is that they have the tendency to feel disjointed. If you add to that the lack of mission variety, then maxing out any piece of Archwing gear takes much longer than normal (or at least there is no equivalent of Draco, for example) then it inherently feels more inaccessible. 


I'm thankful that I broke through that initial wall (however imagined) and persevered. However, now that I am in a strong place I don't feel like there is anything else to do other than the same interception mission. I'm glad that they are pushing forward with Archwing content, and think that OP's prejudice (and others like it) will indeed start to fade as the mode becomes more accessible in general.


Previous posters are also correct in saying that integrated missions won't be commonplace, at least not for a while. 

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1) Interception is about controll. You dont need to kill bots to win, just stay ahead on points if solo. You only need to kill at end of round.


2) Try some of the other AW missions to get mods and fusion cores. Use melee and Energy Shell until you get mods.


3) Try Recruiting channel.


4) I think 1 Crossover and 1 Sharkwing node per planet would me max for now.

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Almost everyone wants it because it will add a little variety into the game, archwing by itself most times isn't all that thrilling.


I do agree with dropping archwing exclusive mods, they are pretty meh at best, the energy efficiency mods is a joke. 



I wouldn't mind them in missions like Crossfire & Random Invasions. I SERIOUSLY doubt they would add it to every freakin node.


Or bombing type sabotage missions.  Just have the Harness & % chance icon next to the Galleon or Corpus Ship node.

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i would love, if archwings were faster to level up and not boring at the same time

I think an AW MD might help.

4 min per round.

4 locations per ship.

Rewards for each area defended.

Mission Completion rewards. Keys, mods, parts etc.


This is about 20 mins total if you account for loading and flight time between stations.

Its semi endless but gets you moving to another area. Not just 1 Tower or Pod.

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Actually... incorporating Archwing into regular missions for smooth transition would be one of the BEST things to ever happen.


Sure Archwing needs to be developed more (and properly, sadly this most likely won't happen with DE's inexperience with a game this large) and see some new mechanics created to streamline the gameplay ( I'm looking at you True 360 movement freedom )...


But the keyword is 'SOME' missions. Not all. It's like the new proposed Void idea... that we would access different Void towers in different regions in the same way the Grineer/Corpus access different Void towers in the Sabotage missions. Open the portal, head on through to face the challenge. Complete the mission, head back out the portal and head home to Ordis.

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Just curious... what would you think if Archwing integration was completely optional.


You could just run to extraction, or jump out the window to another ship.

You could only exterminate the crew, or you can jump outside and kill whoever tried to escape.

You could allow the vessel you are on to be destroyed, or you could go to the attacking vessel and destroy its weapon control center.


This way, Archwing haters can stay content and the people who can adapt to change can play a much more dynamic game.

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Just curious... what would you think if Archwing integration was completely optional.


You could just run to extraction, or jump out the window to another ship.

You could only exterminate the crew, or you can jump outside and kill whoever tried to escape.

You could allow the vessel you are on to be destroyed, or you could go to the attacking vessel and destroy its weapon control center.


This way, Archwing haters can stay content and the people who can adapt to change can play a much more dynamic game.

Nice. This way if you dont have the AW or dont have time to finish, it gives you option to leave without losing everything.

A console somewhere that can be used to evac or go to AW section. Or a console/airlock to get inside and do ground combat.


Everybody has this option in Def and Int anyway.


What if this was used as a new unlimited GT? Crossover.........

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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I'd like to mention some stuffs about you but that would be a personal attack and can cause me WPs. like that judged book by the cover thingy.



anyway... play along. improvements will come.

Also, any unfortunate mission change to archwing because your loadout is weak will be your responsibility. imagine those times stalker hunted you while you are on low ranked warframe and/or weapons.


if you want to finish Limbo Theorem, find parties. Come on, have a clan and/or alliance. you invite those guys if you don't like pubs.

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Archwing is.... very under developed.

but, Archwing being tied into the game must happen at some point.

Archwing won't ever make sense or flow with the game unless it's a part of the existing game rather than being treated like a minigame.

yes, we 'all' have a lot of gripes about Archwing as it stands. we presume that much of this will be addressed before Archwing is tied to the existing game.

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What an unfortunate first post. 



I encountered this with a lot of new people in the community.


Their first post is allways a negative one.


It's simple. I post elsewhere in my native community about the game if the Devs don't need to hear it or if we're just chatting it up about strategies. You get negative posts here because people only want things fixed if they notice. It's not toxic. It's actually the opposite. A vocal minority is trying to force a large portion of the community who doesn't care for Archwings to farm for equipment. I have no intention of allowing this to go uncontested, as it would have an adverse affect on my enjoyment of the game.


You can read the replies who doesn't understand the basics of what I've said. I was very concise. Give archwings the normal equipment mods instead of the proprietary ones before spending the considerably larger amount of resources required to integrate them into missions. Save us the grinding time and fusion cores.

I'd like to mention some stuffs about you but that would be a personal attack and can cause me WPs. like that judged book by the cover thingy.



anyway... play along. improvements will come.

Also, any unfortunate mission change to archwing because your loadout is weak will be your responsibility. imagine those times stalker hunted you while you are on low ranked warframe and/or weapons.


if you want to finish Limbo Theorem, find parties. Come on, have a clan and/or alliance. you invite those guys if you don't like pubs.

Like this for example. "It's your fault this add on didn't interest you and you're being punished for your apathy." Nonsense. I can kill Stalker because the Warframe that I liked got the attention I enjoyed spending on it. I do not wish to spend that much effort on a minigame, regardless of my own enjoyment. If I want to play pew pew minigun, I'll fly around Mercury.


I've tried farming for the mods, and my effort was absolutely wasted. I refuse to waste my platinum on archwing mods, because I might as well just buy the Limbo. I frequently work with a large clan and I perpetually play the game with a friend of mine. Since I am rarely incentivized to use my Archwing, and he has no love for it, so we were not able to triumph. After several hours we were not able to beat the mission and we were not able to farm useful mods from lower level interceptions. I've been thrown to the wolves by RNG, and I wouldn't have gotten anything of value even if I had succeeded.


Honestly, having optional integration sounds like a wise move, as long as it doesn't bar me from any more equipment. Unfortunately, DE has already set a precedent. If they were perfect, you wouldn't see me posting.

Edited by (PS4)Snowbluff
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Archwing missions shouldn't be integrated into the current non-Archwing missions, for the simple reason of mission diversity. Of course, people who love Archwing want archwing to be forced into every mission, disregarding those individuals who don't like archwing, while at the same time accusing people who don't want archwing integrated into every mission of being dismissive of people who like archwing. It is not a given that every non-Archwing mission will have an archwing component. It'd be great to have separate missions that are dual Archwing-non Archwing missions, but there should still be Archwing-only and non-Archwing-only missions, for players who don't like Archwings and for players who just want Archwings. Bottom line, Archwing shouldn't be forced onto non-Archwing missions, such that players have to play Archwing in every mission, and there should be Archwing-only missions available as well.

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