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Speed Running: Why?


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How in gods name are you that slow? No offense, but I haven't seen any Tenno, no matter how geared, kill Alad V in a matter of seconds. ._.


I mean, I'll help you if you'd like, but I just need to know how you possibly miss the drop, unless Alad is killed right when you spawn...


Used to be able to kill him that easily around the time Oberon came out. Now? Not really.


Why speed run? Because it's fun. I like to rush in missions with PEOPLE rather than solo and feel scared and alone. Most of my Harvester and Stalker marks on me come to me on solo missions only. I remember those specifically more than non-solos because they stand OUT, not bad RNG/not spawning mechanics.

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If I do notice that people are far behind when I kill the boss, I'll set a waypoint. I assume that is enough for people to get da lootz, right?

And I generally just do any mission that doesn't require higher level thought in pubs. So I only really solo Spy Missions and the occasional Exterminate when I'm testing out a brand new weapon.

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Yep, obviously I'm exaggerating or made this whole story up. None of it happened, especially four or five times in a row. Nope. Just my imagination. Thanks for clearing that up without even a hint of condescension.

I really want to run Alad V with you now. I will rush the whole time and not wait in front of the boss door like i usually do and i am pretty sure you will still be able to catch up. If you load in after every one else yeah you will have problems getting the drop if they are not marked. Even more so if you havent played in a long time and dont know the tileset. But once you get used to it you will be speed running with the rest of us. You cant just say "if you wanna rush run solo" because a lot of people want to rush and play with other like mined players. We dont want to create separate "Rush" and "Explore" servers now do we?

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I know how to copter and directional melee. If only it were that easy.

And watching the mini map only gets you so far. Woops, missed a jump. Now I'm four levels below where I should have been and have to find the stairs/elevator/solve-a-super-Mario-jumping-puzzle to get back on track. No problem, just follow the indicator... wait, now it's telling me to go back the way I came?

"Congratulations Tenno! Get to the extraction point!"

Yeah, I tried more than 2 or 3 runs of that. If by "get used to it" you mean forgo public match-making and just wait for my clan mates to log in, then that's exactly what I did.

Honestly, I'm not trying to poop all over PUGs, but frankly if it isn't a survival or defense mission, I'm just not going to bother.

This is some insane poor parkour skills.

Can't blame anyone for being slow.

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Speed runners are indeed a problem due to so many things i can't even produce a list of where to start. Sadly the only solution is to hope you don't come across a group like that.

Speed run is never a problem. Problem is people don't think before complain.

You don't like speed? Go solo or just play with friends.

The majority love speed run, so deal with it, accept it if you want to play in pub.

Edited by themartinc123
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Hmmmm, symptom; can't get neural sensors. Solution; dark sector defense, jupiter I believe. Dunno why people are moaning about these and orokin cells, thanks to jupiter and Saturn dark sectors I have 430 o cells and 370 neural sensors.

In answer to the original question, people speed run the bosses because their goal is to kill the boss, that's all they care about. I found this out the hard way when, just like you, I started farming the sensors. I also got tired of speed runners because even with volt or rhino with rush mods and arcane vanguard helmet, I still couldn't keep up, so I searched on Google and youtube for an alternate solution.

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Well OP - hope you have your answer now.

People speed run because they're jerks - they'll tell you it's "efficient" - but that's just an excuse to avoid not being jerky to people.

That's what I've gleaned from the responses here anyway.


Nah, I don't think they're all jerks. Most seem to know better. Some I believe are just overcompensating with typical interweb swagger. Then there's these...


Speed run is never a problem. Problem is people don't think before complain.

You don't like speed? Go solo or just play with friends.

The majority love speed run, so deal with it, accept it if you want to play in pub.


Translation: "speed run is never a problem 'cause I don't give a flying flip about anyone else's experience besides my own."
Seriously bro, your argument is people who WANT or more importantly NEED a team (such as new players) should take a backseat to an alleged "majority" who just want to solo content as quickly as humanly possible? With all due respect, that's asinine.

...We dont want to create separate "Rush" and "Explore" servers now do we?


Separate servers? No, that's silly. Separate pull-down options for match-making--aka: Speed vs. Casual (for example)? Sure, why not? Might not 100% solve the issue, but would go a long way to keeping both parties happy.

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The only real reason you should want to do a boss run is for unique boss drops no? Those are given to every player as an end mission reward regardless of your presence at the actual boss fight.


For everything else I recommend running any other mission type. Defense, survival or especially dark sectors are your best bet for any material drops. Stay away from bosses if you want Orokin cells or anything else that isn't a mission reward.


My best farming tool has almost always been my trusty Kub and his locker opening skills on exterminate missions. Play it solo any way you choose and still get what you're looking for. Highly recommend it for those who hate speed runs or constant survival farms.

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Well OP - hope you have your answer now.

People speed run because they're jerks - they'll tell you it's "efficient" - but that's just an excuse to avoid not being jerky to people.

That's what I've gleaned from the responses here anyway.

This pretty much. If you are going to outrun your teammates(which have slow warframes, no rush mod, or a melee weapon that doesnt do copter) there isnt really any point of you having a team, may as well go solo. But the people who do this just dont care in the first place.

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How in gods name are you that slow? No offense, but I haven't seen any Tenno, no matter how geared, kill Alad V in a matter of seconds. ._.


I mean, I'll help you if you'd like, but I just need to know how you possibly miss the drop, unless Alad is killed right when you spawn...

Nova with a Soma. Zanuka and Salsa V are dead within 5 seconds. 


Also speed running is a lot quicker, though I dunno why they don't solo. As for what you can do, try get a squad in players helping players. or forma your guns a tad more till you're able to take him down solo. 

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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How in gods name are you that slow? No offense, but I haven't seen any Tenno, no matter how geared, kill Alad V in a matter of seconds. ._.


I mean, I'll help you if you'd like, but I just need to know how you possibly miss the drop, unless Alad is killed right when you spawn...


ive once saw a rhino 1 shott alad V......

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Possibly a combination of poor navigation skills and slow loading. I suffer from the same things.

After a few speed runs though i've learned how to catch up. You just need to get a little bit more familiar with the tileset, and eventually ask tat the drops be marked.

Usually going PUG on boss runs now for me is:

- don't feel like soloing him since it takes marginally longer, even if never more than one minute

- help new people, since if i find MR3 or lower i will slow down and wait for them and even stick with them if they weren't farming NS

Other than that there is no reason for not soloing salad since he's so damn easy to kill.

Anyway, if you're in for NS farming add me - i'm always lowish on those cause i can't be bothered to farm them methodically. Also unless i'm trying to break a personal record i don't rush too much, i still like to kill things along the road. And i can use the company.

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I didn't know that people were soooo




Leave OP alone! Stop treating him like a snail, if he doesn't like going full Sonic, it's his choice!


The people who just enter a mission & speedrun without taking their teammates into account can also go solo,because they act solo!


Public sessions are made of random groups, with the best & the worst of this community.

The pace of the mission is lead by the group's majority. (if you're at normal speed & the 3 others are going mach 3, you sadly need to go faster BUT if you act like you're doing a 100 m & the 3 other tenno kill at a normal shooter speed, you know what to do.)


Go fast or go solo Stay with the group or go solo.

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Didn't read all the responses, but I share similar fate to that of the OP. Thus I'm taking the speed of the slower people in any tileset I set my foot on, especially in the assassinations and exterminates. 




* This is a team playing game. If you overgear the content, solo it.

* There is 50m rule, by which the rusher is actually hurting the lower ranked players. He is stealing the kill affinity from the people who are farther than 50m away from him. In Alad V/Zanuka's case quite considerable amount. Not to mention degrading drops (applicable in Void for the moment, but who knows...)

* The players 'left behind' are also voided from the mission bonus credits, if they do not make it to the extraction before the timer goes to zero. Not a much for high rank player, but for a new or lower rank player it may be considerable.

In short, please people, take others into consideration when playing this game.



C out

Edited by Copra
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Nah, I don't think they're all jerks. Most seem to know better. Some I believe are just overcompensating with typical interweb swagger. Then there's these...

Translation: "speed run is never a problem 'cause I don't give a flying flip about anyone else's experience besides my own."

Seriously bro, your argument is people who WANT or more importantly NEED a team (such as new players) should take a backseat to an alleged "majority" who just want to solo content as quickly as humanly possible? With all due respect, that's asinine.

Separate servers? No, that's silly. Separate pull-down options for match-making--aka: Speed vs. Casual (for example)? Sure, why not? Might not 100% solve the issue, but would go a long way to keeping both parties happy.

Seriously? Newbie need a team?! I solo my way to Ceres, and I don't think a team will do you any good when you are new.

Pub team (mostly) -->More spawn of enemies, with more noobs. (Those who is new and don't read wiki) -->noob dropped crying for help, a ton of enemies shoot at you.

Of course sometime you get luck and get a vet and you can fight side by side.

Btw we have conclave to separate newbie and vet.

So speed run when you can~~

Edited by themartinc123
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And in the end these solo-enthusiasts will complain, how they are denied the end game content and rewards, as DE has clearly stated they will not make Raids soloable.

Then again, you solo-jerks couldn't play in a team or for the team anyhow. Especially not in the higher end.


@themartinc123: Warframe is a team based game. If you want to solo, it is your choice. There are us who enjoy playing in a team, with other people and want to enjoy that aspect. So it's not their fault if there is one soloing player in a team. It is quite the other way around, dear.

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