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Chroma - Ability In Use


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Just played some Coba/Earth waves and after about Wave 9 my abilities simply stopped working. I could use my primary and secondary guns too, but couldn't quick melee or even melee when I swapped to my swords.


I did just get Chroma to 20 in that mission. Don't know if that matters.

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The following bug has been reported and logged for a fix:


- After a Chroma has been downed and revived while Effigy was present, a perpetual Power In Use issue occurs. 


Our current attempts are proving unsuccessful in reproducing this bug. If anyone else has experienced this and can offer some more steps, it would be greatly appreciated! 

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The following bug has been reported and logged for a fix:


- After a Chroma has been downed and revived while Effigy was present, a perpetual Power In Use issue occurs. 


Our current attempts are proving unsuccessful in reproducing this bug. If anyone else has experienced this and can offer some more steps, it would be greatly appreciated! 


That bug isnt so simple as that, melee also doenst work, even if in melee mode, and its not possible to pick up items such as a weapons stolen by a grineer drahk master.

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Sounds like when I got downed by a laser in Defense on Frost Prime the other day.

Powers didn't work, neither did melee. Dying and reviving fixed it, though it took a while for the revive animation to finish--I thought it was another bug.

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"Power In Use " is something being happening with me with almost every frame , but today just an hour ago with trin I got "Power Use restricted " or something like that I forgot , it was definitely something new may be "Power mode restricted" , I will send the logs anyways ! It happened after I was taken down while I pressed 4 for blessing , I went down and blessing occurred after that , when I was revived this is what it wud say  , so I went down again trying to die but other team mates revived me mistakenly as I had asked them not to revive , the second revive fixed it ! And it was T3 Surv !

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I don't have the EE.log to send but I was playing Chroma and hit 3 then 2 and he started to do the animation for 2 continuously and while he was doing that I threw up Effigy and it caused the bug to occur. Couldn't use powers or melee. I've tried replicating it as well and it happened again.

Edit: upon further inspection it seems like casting 3 then 2 has a bit of a problem. Casting 3 and then 2, the animation of 2 cancels out the rest of 3s animation and if done fast enough in quick succession can cause what I already explained above. Casting 2 and then 3 however works fine.

Edit: Did more testing. If I die while using spectral shout and Effigy is up already I wont be able to use abilities after being rezzed as well. This causes my powers to be locked out more often than the previous method.

You don't have to take my word for it and I strongly recommend other people to try these out as well to confirm what I'm seeing. It should happen whether you're host or client, but the first method is more common on client than host for causing the bug.

Edited by Gravalite
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"Power In Use " is something being happening with me with almost every frame , but today just an hour ago with trin I got "Power Use restricted " or something like that I forgot , it was definitely something new may be "Power mode restricted" , I will send the logs anyways ! It happened after I was taken down while I pressed 4 for blessing , I went down and blessing occurred after that , when I was revived this is what it wud say  , so I went down again trying to die but other team mates revived me mistakenly as I had asked them not to revive , the second revive fixed it ! And it was T3 Surv !

Power Use Restricted is from Regulators. The Corpus guys with the bubble. If you enter the radius you won't be able to use abilities.

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"Power In Use " is something being happening with me with almost every frame , but today just an hour ago with trin I got "Power Use restricted " or something like that I forgot , it was definitely something new may be "Power mode restricted" , I will send the logs anyways ! It happened after I was taken down while I pressed 4 for blessing , I went down and blessing occurred after that , when I was revived this is what it wud say  , so I went down again trying to die but other team mates revived me mistakenly as I had asked them not to revive , the second revive fixed it ! And it was T3 Surv !

I remember now it was "Power Use Prevented " damn ! 

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Power Use Restricted is from Regulators. The Corpus guys with the bubble. If you enter the radius you won't be able to use abilities.

Oh thanx I did not know Nullifiers are those who nullifies ability except that of a warframe under Banish spell and few other exception but even in that case pressing 1 through 4 wont do nothing , yeah sorry didn't know that but unfortunately I wasn't within nullifier's shield when trying to EV or Bless . I was in free open space and it wouldn't let me use my ability for whole 2-3 mins (dont think its possible to stay under nullifiers shield that long anyways ) . That's it !

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I've had this bug manifest a bit differently. Only happens to me when I use Volt in Conclave. I would go to use my ability, usually ambushing to use my ult or 1st ability, and then nothing happens because it claims a power is in use. I can still use all of my weapons as normal though.

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Oh thanx I did not know Nullifiers are those who nullifies ability except that of a warframe under Banish spell and few other exception but even in that case pressing 1 through 4 wont do nothing , yeah sorry didn't know that but unfortunately I wasn't within nullifier's shield when trying to EV or Bless . I was in free open space and it wouldn't let me use my ability for whole 2-3 mins (dont think its possible to stay under nullifiers shield that long anyways ) . That's it !


If any bit of you is inside the bubble, you would've been prevented from using.  I'm talking about if they're under you and your foot just happens to be in the tip of the bubble, you've got Power Use Prevented.  Not saying that there wasn't a bug, just letting you know more so you're more mindful of what's around you.

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Happened with Frost prime and Chroma as well, twice in europa mission in Chroma's quest as powers stopped working. Was chaining powers very frequently, melee became disabled with powers. Dying and reviving fixed the issue.


Yeah, that happened to me too. So far I've only experienced it on my Frost Prime, but not Chroma.

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Please, send your "EE.log" from immediately after any of these bugs to: http://support.warframe.com

Make sure to also reference this thread in your support ticket.

EE.logs can be found in /%localappdata%/Warframe on your PC

(Please note: the EE.log will not help us restore lost items, but it will help us identify issues with Warframe.)

Here you go my queen... since they share the same result maybe the process may share similarities as well https://youtu.be/alw-ZPsouNE

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I've made multiple topics of this hapenning with other frames too but there didn't seem to be any interest to fix it. 

I hope you're gonna look at all frames and not just chroma it is heavily annoying and disturbs ability to finish a ( long ) game properly

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If any bit of you is inside the bubble, you would've been prevented from using.  I'm talking about if they're under you and your foot just happens to be in the tip of the bubble, you've got Power Use Prevented.  Not saying that there wasn't a bug, just letting you know more so you're more mindful of what's around you.

No i wasn't I was jumping and leaping from tileset to other and when powers were not working I ran away like my a$$ on fire to far away tiles to test , and was still not working so I came back to sacrifice myself and then i was revived , I tried still not working , so I sacrificed myself again but I was saved again , and this time I tried everything was in order , end of story !

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The following bug has been reported and logged for a fix:


- After a Chroma has been downed and revived while Effigy was present, a perpetual Power In Use issue occurs. 


Our current attempts are proving unsuccessful in reproducing this bug. If anyone else has experienced this and can offer some more steps, it would be greatly appreciated! 

Your attempt to redo is failing cause it id directly linked to networ connection , I have observed it happen whenever there is lag in the game , when me as a player and enemy are not in synch . So you would cast a power in your perfect time but enemy has shot you before you know , there is a lag and there it somehow confuses the program and things get buggy ! Hope this helps !

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