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I meant "I'm somebody that would still use Fleeting Expertise" in response to:


But this is the problem, this mod is no longer for all frames, but it's exclusive to a select few.

This make's it a useless Mod for the other 21 frames.


So does De release a mod which renders another mod useless? No, it's counter productive and they just go around in circles doing this.

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But this is the problem, this mod is no longer for all frames, but it's exclusive to a select few.

This make's it a useless Mod for the other 21 frames.


So does De release a mod which renders another mod useless? No, it's counter productive and they just go around in circles doing this.

I fail to see how having more options is counter productive. 


If you want an efficiency build you use either Streamline (30%) + Fleeting Expertise (45%) or Streamline (30%) + Fleeting Expertise (30%) + Arcane Helmet (15%).


With Primed Streamline if you wanted an efficiency build you would use either Primed Streamline (60%) + Fleeting Expertise (15%) or Primed Streamline (60%) + Arcane Helmet (15%). 


If you wanted a negative-duration efficiency build you could still go with Fleeting Expertise (60%) + Streamline (15%) or an Arcane Helmet (15%).


You go from a 2-slot build to a possibly 1-slot build, if your frame has an efficiency arcane helmet. Your duration penalty changes from 45% (30% with an arcane helmet) to a gamebreaking unreasonable END OF ALL TIME 15%. Whoop-de-doo, or you can keep the arcane helmet and take whatever tradeoff it offers for efficiency.





Anyways, we already know all we're getting is Prisma Yamako Syandana.

I thought we are supposed to get the Prisma Hecate syandana this time? It appeared in the market for a short time before DE hotfixed it away. So that's probably the "new" thing we'll get, with the rest being returning items from previous rotations.


Oh yeah, wrong one. I meant Hecate.

Edited by PublikDomain
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I thought we are supposed to get the Prisma Hecate syandana this time? It appeared in the market for a short time before DE hotfixed it away. So that's probably the "new" thing we'll get, with the rest being returning items from previous rotations.

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I thought we are supposed to get the Prisma Hecate syandana this time? It appeared in the market for a short time before DE hotfixed it away. So that's probably the "new" thing we'll get, with the rest being returning items from previous rotations.

As someone who bought it when it came to the market by accident, I can happily say that I got my Baro visit early :3

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Because nobody would use Fleeting if there was Primed Streamline.

Nobody cares about that extra 15% cost because it would cost them negative %duration

Primed Streamline will Never happen, but people can dream about it.

Primed Streamline was probably going to happen, then pre-emptive nerf herders were crying hard about it even before it got released.

Honestly at this point there are so many nice ability augments out that I think we can all benefit from it and other "mod slot freeing" mods.

I'd love to be able to use 2 augments, etc.

With regards to being overpowered, efficiency does allow for spamming of powers yes. However powers that wipe an entire map clean are a completely different problem, and prime streamline doesn't allow for that.

Let's see... 30% to 55% efficiency. That 15% won't break the game.

Edit: Personally I'd like Primed Rush to happen or even Primed Lethal Torrent. Those two would break the game, but would be so much fun. XD

Edited by sushidubya
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I fail to see how having more options is counter productive. 


If you want an efficiency build you use either Streamline (30%) + Fleeting Expertise (45%) or Streamline (30%) + Fleeting Expertise (30%) + Arcane Helmet (15%).


With Primed Streamline if you wanted an efficiency build you would use either Primed Streamline (60%) + Fleeting Expertise (15%) or Primed Streamline (60%) + Arcane Helmet (15%). 


If you wanted a negative-duration efficiency build you could still go with Fleeting Expertise (60%) + Streamline (15%) or an Arcane Helmet (15%).


You go from a 2-slot build to a possibly 1-slot build, if your frame has an efficiency arcane helmet. Your duration penalty changes from 45% (30% with an arcane helmet) to a gamebreaking unreasonable END OF ALL TIME 15%. Whoop-de-doo, or you can keep the arcane helmet and take whatever tradeoff it offers for efficiency.





Anyways, we already know all we're getting is Prisma Yamako Syandana.

You still fail to understand common sense when it comes to balancing new items.


First of all: De KNOW for a fact that not every player has an Arcane helm

 1. This makes your "B-Bu-But 75% effic- NO. This argument is only Valid if everyone had access to Arcane helms

2. The point of efficiency isn't to make all skills have 200 power and be spamable with almost no cost. This is what they are against, thus we have -% Efficiency on a power mod + a  -%duration for the frames who use duration instead of efficiency



DE do not care   If you use 2 mods for 75% efficiency. That's Your choice to have a cheaper ability, NOT their wanted use.

Edited by xFrostKnightx
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I would still use Fleeting Expertise even if Primed Streamline was added.  My anti-Corpus Mag build has Blind Rage, Fleeting Expertise and Streamline for +99% Power Strength and net +35% Power Efficiency.  With Primed Streamline and Fleeting Expertise that'll be a net +60% Power Efficiency.  Does nobody else use Blind Rage any more?

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You still fail to understand common sense when it comes to balancing new items.


First of all: De KNOW for a fact that not every player has an Arcane helm

 1. This makes your "B-Bu-But 75% effic- NO. This argument is only Valid if everyone had access to Arcane helms

2. The point of efficiency isn't to make all skills have 200 power and be spamable with almost no cost. This is what they are again, thus we have -% Efficiency on a power mod + a  -%duration for the frames who use duration instead of efficiency



DE do not care   If you use 2 mods for 75% efficiency. That's Your choice to have a cheaper ability, NOT their wanted use.

You really should calm down a bit. It's just a game.


1. 75% efficiency is totally possible without the use of an Arcane Helm. You can still make 75% with just Streamline and Fleeting Expertise. With Primed Streamline you could still only achieve 75% with both mods, with the only exception being if you have an arcane helm that deals with efficiency. Adding a mod that reduces a duration penalty from 15-45% to 0%-15% isn't a big change. We're talking 30%.

2. The point of efficiency it to stretch out that energy pool. I play Volt with efficiency and primed flow. I've got 800 energy right now with efficiency. I can shield for days. Adding Primed Streamline does nothing for me, except let my shields last 30 seconds or so instead of 22. Gamebreaking.



I would still use Fleeting Expertise even if Primed Streamline was added.  My anti-Corpus Mag build has Blind Rage, Fleeting Expertise and Streamline for +99% Power Strength and net +35% Power Efficiency.  With Primed Streamline and Fleeting Expertise that'll be a net +60% Power Efficiency.  Does nobody else use Blind Rage any more?

I'd consider it with Primed Streamline. My focus is that efficiency, so I usually stick with the +STR/-DUR mod, whatever it's called.
Edited by PublikDomain
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I would still use Fleeting Expertise even if Primed Streamline was added.  My anti-Corpus Mag build has Blind Rage, Fleeting Expertise and Streamline for +99% Power Strength and net +35% Power Efficiency.  With Primed Streamline and Fleeting Expertise that'll be a net +60% Power Efficiency.  Does nobody else use Blind Rage any more?

i don't have one :( let alone have a maxed one. although it sounds pretty good on frames like chroma who use strength. in the end you have slightly less than the cap for more strength

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You really should calm down a bit. It's just a game.


1. 75% efficiency is totally possible without the use of an Arcane Helm. You can still make 75% with just Streamline and Fleeting Expertise. With Primed Streamline you could still only achieve 75% with both mods, with the only exception being if you have an arcane helm that deals with efficiency. Adding a mod that reduces a duration penalty from 15-45% to 0%-15% isn't a big change. We're talking 30%.

2. The point of efficiency it to stretch out that energy pool. I play Volt with efficiency and primed flow. I've got 800 energy right now with efficiency. I can shield for days. Adding Primed Streamline does nothing for me, except let my shields last 30 seconds or so instead of 22. Gamebreaking.


I'd consider it with Primed Streamline. My focus is that efficiency, so I usually stick with the +STR/-DUR mod, whatever it's called.



I bold for you lack of ability to comprehend. If i wanted to rage, I'd insult you for you stupidity, which by the way still exists even in this reply of yours.

"22. Gamebreaking"

Say's The person who linked dama minded stuff, then proceeded to plead a case using numbers to claim their data mining info was correct.


Like I said from the start, Dreaming

Dream's are nice though, so we'll let you continue to dream.

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I bold for you lack of ability to comprehend. If i wanted to rage, I'd insult you for you stupidity, which by the way still exists even in this reply of yours.

"22. Gamebreaking"

Say's The person who linked dama minded stuff, then proceeded to plead a case using numbers to claim their data mining info was correct.


Like I said from the start, Dreaming

Dream's are nice though, so we'll let you continue to dream.

Ok, have a nice day I guess?

http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2ofek6/prime_mods_confirmed/. We haxorz now.


30% is not enough to get so mad about. Calm down a bit.

Edited by PublikDomain
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DE already spoiled it for us with the market bungle yesterday, we're getting Prisma Hecate.. the worst syandana.


I don't even like to use the Rakta Syandana because of that model.


Not to mention default Hecate's placement floats instead of actually attaching to my frames.



I honestly hope they break away from the 2 old 1 new thing they started, nearly uninstalled last time. The soul crushing was real.

Edited by Aoden
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DE already spoiled it for us with the market bungle yesterday, we're getting Prisma Hecate.. the worst syandana.


I don't even like to use the Rakta Syandana because of that model.


Not to mention default Hecate's placement floats instead of actually attaching to my frames.



I honestly hope they break away from the 2 old 1 new thing they started, nearly uninstalled last time. The soul crushing was real.

Sweet Jesus really? Baro is truly useless. :(

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Primed Streamline was probably going to happen, then pre-emptive nerf herders were crying hard about it even before it got released.


First of all, preemptive doesn't make a difference in this context because anyone can do math to see what the effect of Primed Streamline would be on various builds. It's not like talking about a frame that hasn't been released yet with which no one has experience. It would only affect numbers and breaking points.


Second of all, if "nerf herders" had such an effect on DE's decisions, a lot of stuff would never have been released or been strongly scaled back after the fact in the last year. Instead, Warframe is in its most power creeped state ever. But forums are always oversensitive about the smallest reductions in the power level which has gained a vested interest, with nerfs receiving disproportionate attention compared to the always more numerous buffs. If you'd like to contest this point, please read through the patch notes for the last two or so major update cycles. Go ahead, I'm waiting.


Comments like yours are needlessly divisive and stir up resentment within the player population that is based in speculation and faulty reasoning rather than established facts. You should reconsider your inflammatory and factually inaccurate statement.

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