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The Default Lex


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So I've been using the normal Lex in pvp for quite a while now, and I've had a few people in the squad chat become rather upset when they get one or two shot. Basically, I was just wondering what some other people think about the Lex with a base damage of 140. Keep in mind it has a VERY low fire rate, BUUUT it can one shot any warframe if you get a headshot. So what do you guys think about it?

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The only thing I see wrong with Lex is that its low firerate becomes negligible when comboed with an ability or knockdown.

-Pull + Lex = kill

-Freeze + Lex = kill

-Slash Dash + Lex = kill

-Shock + Lex =kill

-Knockdown + Lex = kill


If you hit the shot and the second half of your combo, the only thing you have to worry about is holster rate between copters.


EDIT: I'm not saying it should be nerfed or not, I'm just saying that it is understandable why players could become upset. The TTK is very low in combination with any other game mechanic.

Edited by AuraMau
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So I've been using the normal Lex in pvp for quite a while now, and I've had a few people in the squad chat become rather upset when they get one or two shot.

Let me guess, these are the type of players that use their spray and pray guns while standing (almost) still? I'm not sure what these players expect. Are they trying their luck to hit me multiple times before I can shoot that immobile head once?

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latron abuse

... what...I don't even...


How? Why? What? 


1) This is a thread about Lex

2) The Latron is quite balanced and takes some practice to shoot with (I suck at it)

3) "abuse"? lolwat? How does one "abuse" a weapon - a core mechanic implemented by the devs.


On a scale from 1 to "Even", I can't.


*derail* *derail* *derail*

On topic:

I have yet to try the Lex Prime? Is it equally good?

*still dismally lost in confusion*

Edited by AuraMau
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Lex Prime is pretty good. Doesn't one-shot on a headshot, but I think a headshot and a regular bodyshot will do it. Two headshots will definitely do it. Still very accurate and sports a 10 round magazine with the magazine extending mod, whatever that is called. I don't a have a regular Lex so I can't directly compare.


On a scale from 1 to "Even", I can't.

This is glorious

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The only thing I see wrong with Lex is that its low firerate becomes negligible when comboed with an ability or knockdown.

-Pull + Lex = kill

-Freeze + Lex = kill

-Slash Dash + Lex = kill

-Shock + Lex =kill

-Knockdown + Lex = kill


If you hit the shot and the second half of your combo, the only thing you have to worry about is holster rate between copters.


EDIT: I'm not saying it should be nerfed or not, I'm just saying that it is understandable why players could become upset. The TTK is very low in combination with any other game mechanic.


Isn't...just about any combo of a skill and weapon equal kill?


I mean...shield polarize + Latron (Prime/Wraith)/Strun (Wraith)/Braton (Prime) = kill

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one thing I kinda wonder about the basic Lex is whether DE plans to use the Lex as an experiment to implement snipers at some point.  A kill with 2 body shots or one headshot, except on certain heavy units, seems pretty fair for snipers with a low rate of fire and high recoil.


The only problem with that idea is that bows kinda already do that, but are so much harder to connect an arrow with a target, much less a headshot.

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Isn't...just about any combo of a skill and weapon equal kill?


I mean...shield polarize + Latron (Prime/Wraith)/Strun (Wraith)/Braton (Prime) = kill

I have yet to shield polarize and one-shot with the LP or LW. 


As far as I can tell, it is only a guaranteed kill with the Lex.

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... what...I don't even...


How? Why? What? 


1) This is a thread about Lex

2) The Latron is quite balanced and takes some practice to shoot with (I suck at it)

3) "abuse"? lolwat? How does one "abuse" a weapon - a core mechanic implemented by the devs.


On a scale from 1 to "Even", I can't.


*derail* *derail* *derail*

On topic:

I have yet to try the Lex Prime? Is it equally good?

*still dismally lost in confusion*

can you not steal my jokes. kthanks.

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Lex is fine as it is; the very bad fire rate is a fair enough downside to balance its insane damage.


Headshots are not that common in PvP, most of the times I can perform them is when the opponent is not aware of me or when me and the other cowboy are in front of each other hoping my clip ends later or his health is lower then mine, so usually I fire at his body and as fast as possible try to move to the head since we're both still.


But otherwise Lex is for snipers, and those that are skilled enough to be that in PvP deserves a oneshot damage.


Me? I go for Lex Prime(85 vs 140 damage but waaaaaaaay higher fire rate), not good enough for sniping!

Edited by siralextraffo
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chroma resists a lex hs with 317 effective hp+sh


frost and rhino have 263, so they're barely there, unless rhino uses skin, then he can tank one


mag can survive with overshield


but still, in most cases it is, especially against fragile frames like excal and volt


edit: my mistake, rhino and frost have 313 by default, so they survive as well

Edited by onemoonlight
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luckshots do happen


we should get rewarded for picking a frame that does not get dropped by one


fair :S


edit: just for the sake of clarity - it's not the ability to oneshot that im arguing against, as much as the lack of equality when it comes to heavy frames having an advantage of not getting dropped by a random shot WHILE not having any real drawbacks to using said frames

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one thing I kinda wonder about the basic Lex is whether DE plans to use the Lex as an experiment to implement snipers at some point.  A kill with 2 body shots or one headshot, except on certain heavy units, seems pretty fair for snipers with a low rate of fire and high recoil.


Exactly, it's a prototype sniper. I think of it as a scopeless secondary Vulkar. If the idea of one shotting snipers flops, developers can always make Lex mirror Lex P's stats. If they added an actual sniper rifle, backing out and removing the gun would be a lot more problematic.


Also, majority of progressive Volts will be running around with 100 armor, making their effective health 283, just enough to barely survive one headshot. So only Excalibur is the victim here.

Edited by oinkah
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Do you guys realize this conversation kinda goes straight into arguments for or against the Paris being able to one-shot headshot?


The Paris (Prime) does have a ~1sec charge up, of which deals enough damage to one-shot headshot most frames, if not all frames.  The benefit of the bow is being able to shoot it without full charge; providing for a range of ways to use it.  The Lex having a 1.1 sec rate of fire is pretty much a charged Paris shot without having to worry about charging the attack for the first shot.


If players are to say that one-shots are not balanced, then there should not be a bonus for headshots.  The thing is, even two-shots or simply any weapon whose DPS is greater than 250 could be considered unbalanced simply because it deals too much damage in too little time for any player to react.


I guess the question that it really boils down to is: is a PvP match fun when you and your opponents are equally capable of one-shots of any kind?


Personally, I prefer the one-shots.  To me, it feels like a clean-cut, samurai style.  It's a refreshing moment when you achieve that accurate shot that is a clean KO.  And when players do the same to me, I feel like tipping my hat in their direction...when I'm wearing one.  Same with decent melee duels.


I'm not a player that likes having to shoot a target more than once in order to achieve a KO.  It's just not my style, and it's very much the reason why I have played Warframe for so long: many of the PvE targets can be taken down with one good headshot.  Even in other PvP games, I prefer one-shot weapons, like certain rocket launchers, flak cannons, shotguns, and semi-auto sniper rifles.


But, that's just what makes the game fun for me.  I know one-shots don't make everyone happy, but regardless, I hope that DE keeps skilled one-shots in PvP.

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Well, you guys sure are interesting. And some of you are very passionate about this Lex discussion. =S I personally don't find it too difficult to get headshots in pvp, even when the enemy is on the move, but I will say that most people don't use their movement to its full potential.

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