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"coptering Is Staying" Says De


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Oh gee, I'm sorry that my opinion of fun is so different from your point of view. OH WAIT THIS IS THE INTERNET OPINIONS DON'T MATTER! So I should be apologizing for having an opinion on the internet where people don't give a rats behind about someone else's opinion.

Edited by -CdG-MikeJonesDaOreo
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You can roll out of the way and counterattack.  With the damage you did from Braton, you should be able to kill them easily.

I think the 'flag'-carrier should have a minor slow on them because they can get the flag and out of there without you having a hope of catching them in about a second.

The point of my comment was to highlight it's use as a distance closing move, and the fact that when used as such, it's very hard to hit and damage an opponent.


I know that I can roll out of the way and continue attacking, it's what I usually do since that's currently the only way to prevent the enemy from facerolling you.


If they took proper damage when 'coptering' at me, then when they get up close, regardless if I roll out of the way, he should be a few sword swings away from death, not a nearly full shields and full health melee flailing maniac.

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No hard feelings? I just think there could be more creative / diverse / stylish and therefore more fun means of getting around.

I mean c'mon, imagine the Sentient trailer with coptering... not quite as cinematic, is it?



There can be, but coptering shouldn't be removed. Now being able to do it with a stamina cost for range is like I said, fair enough for me because the mech is still in the game. I think of the Tenno being like the Legendary Master Chief and the Spartans from Halo; advanced soldiers. Tenno are the evolved/advanced version of the older generation of Ninjas. So why shouldn't they be able to do things such as copter, over come large maps etc, etc? A few other examples of Advanced/Evolution stuff are the Exo Suits in CoD Advanced Warfare, Mega Evolutions for certain types of Pokemon in the newer generation, Hell even Destiny has all kinds of advanced tech. So why should Warframe be any different? In my eyes ( and I'm sure in everyone else's eyes ) the game is obviously the future, 100s of generations ahead. Now, I'm not saying this should happen to our real life generation because the death toll would sky rocket... o_O... But gaming wise... to see something like coptering draws my attention to it for a fun aspect of the game itself.

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I think the movement in said trailer is still looking quite superhuman and somewhat more appealing at that. OK anyway, if they do want to let such a feature in at the very least don't make it melee dependant, just make super jump / "thrust" or whatever a universal thing (and give excal something useful instead while yer at it) for an appropriate stamina and / or energy cost for all i care..

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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I think the movement in said trailer is still looking quite superhuman and somewhat more appealing at that. OK anyway, if they do want to let such a feature in at the very least don't make it melee dependant, just make super jump / "thrust" or whatever a universal thing (and give excal something useful instead while yer at it) for an appropriate stamina and / or energy cost for all i care..

Powered jump is coming.  DE said so in the last devstream.

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I think the movement in said trailer is still looking quite superhuman and somewhat more appealing at that. OK anyway, if they do want to let such a feature in at the very least don't make it melee dependant, just make super jump / "thrust" or whatever a universal thing (and give excal something useful instead while yer at it) for an appropriate stamina or energy cost for all i care..



Okay... so how about Palm and feet thrusters? Like the ones Ironman uses to fly around. It would give every Warframe a balanced speed boost (Maybe some frames like Frost a slightly higher to keep up and other Frames such as Loki and Mirage having a lower speed boost to be at the same pace as everyone else ). Orokin thrusters, more ancient technology that can be quested for ( NOT FARM, QUEST ) and installed into all of your current suits. It would cost stamina; The higher you go, the more stamina is drained and vice versa for range. That way it's always there no need for a certain weapon or anything to make it go faster. Hell maybe make new achievements for "In air style kills".

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Because the moment you can zip past enemies without even having to engage any of them is the moment challenge drops to zero. And a game without challenge is no fun. And a game without fun is pointless.


Because do you actually have fun coptering over using your abilities and weapons? Or is it just catapulting you from room to room because it's faster than walking or using the above mentioned abilities and their for mobility?

Zipping around like a maniac *is* one of our abilities. In case you hadn't noticed, Tenno aren't tanky. Take your Mag and try slugging it out with a L40 heavy gunner. With the recent change relating enemy accuracy to player speed, rapid movement is our main way of damage reduction.


Yes, I do have fun shooting behind the enemies and hitting them while repositioning. And yes, I do use it to catapult myself from room to room because I've seen them several hundred times already and have no interest in taking a long stroll through the park.


Coptering is what makes this game distinct and fun. I honestly do not understand all the players screaming for its removal. If you hate it, play some other generic boring slow TPS like Mass Effect. Don't ruin our fast one.

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Maybe make coptering cost some energy. It could explain the speed and height we gain. I don't want it to be removed (my poor frost) but it should have a cost.


I see no reason why coptering should be removed completely because it will cause a domino affect later down the line. People will complain about Tenno using Volt's speed power to speed run missions and then the speed is nerfed to the ground. Next people will use Nova's wormhole, though everyone can use this, there will always be that one select group of people to complain about it and then it gets nerfed a month or so later. Who's next? Ash and Loki for their teleport powers. Again small group of people will complain about that too until those get nerfed to the ground. And finally what are we left with? Rhino Charge, Excal Slash and Dash, Zephyrs Tailwind, and Valkyrs Ripline. People will complain about those too and then it's goodbye Ms. Spider woman Valkyr and RIP mobility in general.


There will be no domino effect, stop the over-dramatization Those are abilities that come with an energy cost and it's ok to use them as a way to have a better mobility, that's smart, coptering is not. Coptering make them useless most of the time.


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Hmm I have wondered before if some of the shots miss...

Poorly worded sentence. Of course in a lot of instances you might miss shots because the player moves very quickly. But we also have a mechanic that causes damage reduction when moving fast, don't know if that applies in PvP, it shouldn't, but it could be bugged.


Point being that if I can keep my crosshair on them while they use that move to get close, then I should be able to easily dispatch them with melee(granted they don't hit me with their spin attack) not have to deal with a nearly full health/shield enemy.

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Problem with removing coptering is that it makes it far too painfully slow to play missions as Frost or Rhino (without vanguard helmet).

Good luck keeping up with a squad and actually be able to do anything if you aren't coptering as a frost.

It will sure be a lot of fun trailing sluggishly behind the rest of the squad through an empty map and picking up resource drops along the way.  Because that's all playing a frost in a non defense mission would turn into.
Coptering is really the only way that the slow frames can even keep up and do anything.
Even in missions where frost would be useful (such as high level mdef missions) no one wants to play the frost because it'll take you far too long to reach the objective, meaning you're either holding everyone else up because you grabbed the data mass (and being yelled at the whole time) or you arrive late (and being yelled at for that).

It's not fun (nor does it fit the game) to play the slow plodding characters if you can't copter to keep up and be able to do anything.

So if your idea of fun is to completely remove any involvement that frost or rhino (again without vaguard helmet) has in a non defense mission and leave them with a completely empty map as they just sprint sluggishly towards the exit with literally nothing to do (I've been on the receiving end of this as Frost when I dont have a copter weapon equipped, and there are tons of maps where wall flinging wont cut it so please dont say that wall flinging will fix all those issues) then go ahead.  But don't be surprised when absolutely no one wants to play frost.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I got it already, you don't know how to move your Frost quickly without coptering. You can stop whining now. There's no way DE will remove coptering, so go ahead and twirl your butts outta here, you whiny babbies.

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Zipping around like a maniac *is* one of our abilities. In case you hadn't noticed, Tenno aren't tanky. Take your Mag and try slugging it out with a L40 heavy gunner. With the recent change relating enemy accuracy to player speed, rapid movement is our main way of damage reduction.


Yes, I do have fun shooting behind the enemies and hitting them while repositioning. And yes, I do use it to catapult myself from room to room because I've seen them several hundred times already and have no interest in taking a long stroll through the park.


Coptering is what makes this game distinct and fun. I honestly do not understand all the players screaming for its removal. If you hate it, play some other generic boring slow TPS like Mass Effect. Don't ruin our fast one.


You sir, get my +1.This is almost another reason of why I love coptering.

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No need to attack others.

Try moving frost quickly on Earth in an excavation mission without coptering and where you can't wall fling
Try moving frost quickly through some of the huge and wide open asteriod rooms without coptering and where you can't wall fling (or even trying to get to the wall will slow you down even more getting to the wall negating any wall-fling speed boost)
Try moving frost quickly around a defense map to pick up drops without coptering (and most defense maps dont have walls for wall-flinging either).

Fact is: they simply made frost (and Rhino without vanguard helmet) far too slow in a ninja game.
They literally have no way besides coptering to catch up to the squad in quite a few missions:
-Earth in its entirety
-Jupiter gas-city tile set depending on the rooms you get
-Europa ice planet
-Phobos depending on the rooms you get
-Plenty of the grineer shipyard tiles

How is a frost supposed to keep up if they can't copter? Especially considering that due to level geometry wall-flinging isn't an answer a good part of the time.
They have nothing that allows them to catch up.
No mobility abilities
No way to get a speed boost beyond coptering.

So in any of those missions with huge wide open rooms how are they supposed to stand a chance to catch up if they can't copter?

Edited by Tsukinoki
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No need to attack others.

Try moving frost quickly on Earth in an excavation mission without coptering and where you can't wall fling

Try moving frost quickly through some of the huge and wide open asteriod rooms without coptering and where you can't wall fling (or even trying to get to the wall will slow you down even more getting to the wall negating any wall-fling speed boost)

Try moving frost quickly around a defense map to pick up drops without coptering (and most defense maps dont have walls for wall-flinging either).

Fact is: they simply made frost (and Rhino without vanguard helmet) far too slow in a ninja game.

They literally have no way besides coptering to catch up to the squad in quite a few missions:

-Earth in its entirety

-Jupiter gas-city tile set depending on the rooms you get

-Europa ice planet


-Phobos depending on the rooms you get

-Plenty of the grineer shipyard tiles

How is a frost supposed to keep up if they can't copter? Especially considering that due to level geometry wall-flinging isn't an answer a good part of the time.

They have nothing that allows them to catch up.

No mobility abilities

No way to get a speed boost beyond coptering.

So in any of those missions with huge wide open rooms how are they supposed to stand a chance to catch up if they can't copter?


Alright alright, we get it. Lol. Some of us see what you're saying. If DE were to for some ungodly reason, remove coptering, what will happen when Tank/Defensive frames such as Frost and Rhino are released with low mobility and no power or special helmet to make them keep up with the rest? (Chroma is an exception however.) With the massive tilesets being half the size of a Battlefield 4 map with little to no wall-running to fling yourself off of, coptering is literally the only other thing to have keep up with the group. But since we have whiny children complaining about, I came up with Orokin Thrusters somewhere in this mess of comments. It could possibly solve most of peoples problems and have them shut up already.




Maybe make coptering cost some energy. It could explain the speed and height we gain. I don't want it to be removed (my poor frost) but it should have a cost.



There will be no domino effect, stop the over-dramatization Those are abilities that come with an energy cost and it's ok to use them as a way to have a better mobility, that's smart, coptering is not. Coptering make them useless most of the time.




You. Yes you. People like you make me laugh. 


Clearly you don't know where I'm coming from.


All of the frames with mobility uses will yes indeed be more useful, but how far will people take them? I see some people from time to time (Myself included) Speed run invasions with Volt, Nova, and sometimes even Rhino to spam Rhino charge. Within a week or 2, this being if coptering is removed, people will just start bringing the frames with mobility and guess what? :O :OOOOOO THEY DO THE SAME THING COPTERING PLAYERS ARE DOING RIGHT NOW SPEED THROUGH MISSIONS AND ENEMIES! And then we go right back to the oh so lovely people who complained about coptering before as they are now complaining that these mobility frames are becoming a problem because they want to sit all the way behind, waste others time, going through lockers and hoping to find resources.... Oh joy that sounds fun right?


It is a trend that never fails. When something is nerfed or removed, players will always, ALWAYS find ways to replace those things that were shot with the nerf gun, find it more fun, overuse it and then those new shiny things are complained about and AALLLLL of that leads to DE looking back at those things and the cycle begins again.


Am I over-dramatizing? Maybe, but why? Because I'm stating what is true and what has always been true. A repeating trend. 

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That's nothing new in gaming, ever heard of GunZ?

What about it? You can cancel dashes in a variety of ways, that's not a bug. That's a feature.

Also, it has a dashing mechanic which looks good, unlike coptering. Also the dash cancels are a little difficult to pull off. Also, they give you a slight advantage over the other players, who are taking their time instead.

Edited by Mukade
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Ten bucks says at least four-fifths of everyone in this thread who is complaining about coptering is doing so because they're too bad to actually do it.


"B-but we can already w-wall run and flip and stuff! We don't n-need it!"


Convince Scott to remove his crappy vestigal stamina system that prevents our cyborg nanospore supernatural power suit ninjas from being able to run more than thirty meters before collapsing in a heap panting, and then maybe we can talk about whether or not coptering is needed. It's a leftover from when they were trying to make this game like Metal Gear back during the very first version, and now that they've obviously moved away from anything remotely resembling that style of gameplay, there's no reason at all to keep it in anymore, besides the delusion Scott has where he seems to think it's vitally necessary to the continued existence of the game.


Super Mario 64 had better movement and traversal than Warframe does right now. You could easily wall kick forever if the surroundings supported it, traverse all sorts of hazardous enviroments in third person quickly, and, wow, would you look at that. There was no stamina system. No game that has movement or traversal worth anything has a stamina system. Not Assassin's Creed. Not any good platformer. Only survival horror, realism simulators, and games that are holdovers from RPG AP systems have anything like stamina in them anymore.


Only Warframe thinks it can combine complex and dedicated traversal, parkour, and acrobatics with a stamina system.


Also, coptering is only as prolific as it is because the gameplay itself is neither engaging nor fun, nor are we rewarded in any way worth our time for actually fighting the hordes of enemies in our way. People skip it because they have no reason not to. Once you've run enough missions and played for a long enough time, you no longer really care about mowing down Grineer and Corpus. It's tedious, not fun. So naturally people skip it as much and as often as possible. Why wouldn't they?


Getting rid of coptering is addressing a symptom, not a cause. If Warframe had more content in the realm of the actual nuts and bolts of combat and exploration, if it offered more concrete rewards for engaging the gameplay, if it gave some reason besides "the devs want you to" for why you should shoot your way through levels when you don't have to, then maybe a majority of the playerbase would not feel compelled to fly through the air to the objective, shoot the reactor or Phoid or whatever, and then fly to extract and make kung fu poses at each other while they wait to time out the people who didn't fly.

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