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Think We Need A New Planet


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They really need to rethink many of the tilesets.

•Mercury should be a scorched desert, kinda like a anti-europa, you get burned if you are outside for too long.

•Venus -could- be explained away with lore (terraforming gone too far), but that tileset would be better implemented somewhere else...give it the Grineer Shipyard tileset.

•Earth is fine. But I'd like to see a few Grineer Outposts thrown in (like 40% of Earths land is desert after all)

•Mars should get the Phobos tilesets, and a few Venus ones thrown in.

•Jupiter is fine.

•Saturn and Uranus could get some floating Grineer bases, much like how the Corpus have floating bases on Jupiter.

•Neptune could get the Jupiter tileset, but with blue smoke and clouds instead of orange.

•Eris is fine for now. I'll say this could be an exception because it is the only Infested planet, but all the same, it would be cool to see some infested stuff actually -on- Eris.

•Sedna would probably actually be the Europa tileset, but perpetual nighttime and without the Corpus wreckage. Sedna is really far out.

•Europa is fine.

•Phobos should get the Venus tileset.

•Ceres could get a Grineer Asteroid tileset.

•Pluto, maybe the Venus tileset again, but much darker, and without shrubbery.

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•Venus -could- be explained away with lore (terraforming gone too far), but that tileset would be better implemented somewhere else...give it the Grineer Shipyard tileset.


Venus is a Corpus planet, so no, it should not get a Grineer tileset.

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No. It isn't. They wasted a perfect opportunity with the Europa tileset. Not that I'm bitter, or anything...

What exactly is wrong with it? It looks pretty much like actual Europa.

The only things wrong are:

1.) It has an atmosphere.

2.) It is too bright.

3.) The ice pillars in the distance.

But those are easily enough overlookable to be honest. They only make it more interesting...

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Venus is a Corpus planet, so no, it should not get a Grineer tileset.

Well the Grineer shipyard needs to go somewhere that makes sense, and it only really makes sense to be on Venus. Not Ceres. The shipyard looks like greenhouse effects out of control, so it makes perfect sense to be on Venus.

I proposed switching around Phobos and Mars as well...

Besides, most of the tilesets seem arbitrarily placed, with filler lore built around the arbitrary choice of tileset.

"Oh, the Corpus Outpost got RNG'd onto Venus. Venus must be a Corpus Planet!"

We could at least do the planets a service and make their tilesets make sense and give them real meaningful lore.

The entirety of the lore for Venus is "The Corpus have focused their manufacturing facilities in this area."

Pretty flimsy reason to keep Venus as an Ice World...

Edited by (PS4)fizzer94
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Well the Grineer shipyard needs to go somewhere that makes sense, and it only really makes sense to be on Venus. Not Ceres. The shipyard looks like greenhouse effects out of control, so it makes perfect sense to be on Venus.

I proposed switching around Phobos and Mars as well...

Besides, most of the tilesets seem arbitrarily placed, with filler lore built around the arbitrary choice of tileset.

"Oh, the Corpus Outpost got RNG'd onto Venus. Venus must be a Corpus Planet!"

We could at least do the planets a service and make their tilesets make sense and give them real meaningful lore.

The entirety of the lore for Venus is "The Corpus have focused their manufacturing facilities in this area."

Pretty flimsy reason to keep Venus as an Ice World...

You don't just throw a faction off a planet for no reason...


And throwing lore around just as an excuse to swap what faction is on what planet for realism's sake isn't a good idea.

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As far as variety is concerned, I neat idea for a tile-set (especially running those capture/rescue missions), is possibly some kind of, or inspired Panopticon map? I've always been intrigued by that concept, with a more recent example Freedom Wars for the Playstation Vita taking a swing at it.


I don't know, seeing a giant, sci-fi-like, spiraling tower (I'm talking Babel Tower crazy lol  going like beyond the clouds xDBableTower4.jpg99c7536a1c452914060d60b80d6cdb89.jpg),

and having to fly in somewhere in the middle of it and infiltrate a few floors to rescue someone or something just sounds awesome to me lol.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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maybe not a new planet but something other than military installations or something along those lines..


we hear constantly of civilian ships on the liset frequency scanner yet we never see any civilians etc


it would be a fantastic idea to get just explorable places of some sort that maybe we have to protect the civilians cause grineer are invading and trying to relocate the populas 


gigantic towering structures that are spaceships as well



a city that reaches far through the stratosphere and into orbital space 


Edited by DiBBz
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Yeah. We do need a new "planet", which means a new place with a new tilesets. I'd like to see a Grineer Moon-base, on the Moon of course. The pinnacle of Grineer technology would be up there. Maybe even where Fomorians are built. Complete with new Grineer regular troops tailored to that tilesets.

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Well the Grineer shipyard needs to go somewhere that makes sense, and it only really makes sense to be on Venus. Not Ceres. The shipyard looks like greenhouse effects out of control, so it makes perfect sense to be on Venus.

I proposed switching around Phobos and Mars as well...

Besides, most of the tilesets seem arbitrarily placed, with filler lore built around the arbitrary choice of tileset.

"Oh, the Corpus Outpost got RNG'd onto Venus. Venus must be a Corpus Planet!"

We could at least do the planets a service and make their tilesets make sense and give them real meaningful lore.

The entirety of the lore for Venus is "The Corpus have focused their manufacturing facilities in this area."

Pretty flimsy reason to keep Venus as an Ice World...


Near as I can tell, most if not all of the solar bodies were terraformed by the Orokin long ago, so they aren't going to match up with what we know and see today (Ceres has no atmosphere today, it's relatively verdant in Warframe due to terraforming).

Edited by Gelkor
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We need ne map to look like this.



And to jump on the building with new parkour... like a real ninja :)



OH HELL YES! I would freakin' love this kind of tileset. Also, OP has the right idea but we don't need more planets, we need more mission and tileset variety. Plus, I want to see cities and villages populated by npcs, not just random military structures with Grineer running around but city streets with people living their lives in homes and markets-- where Grineer patrol their empire, oppressing the general populous like Stormtroopers. THAT'S what we need more of. Lore and a fleshed out world that feels immerse and populated. We also need more wildlife, hostile and non-hostile, of all shapes and sizes. It would be cool to run past a heard of elephant-like creatures on a big open plain-like tileset.

Edited by SirDraco
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According to NASA, all three (Ceres, Eris, and Sedna) are dwarf planets and not asteroids.


For reference:





I think it would be nice if they balanced out the size ratio to missions. For example Jupiter is 11 times the size of earth but they both have 15 missions. And since Tenno are the ones clearing a planet of hostile activity, it makes since that planet size is taken into account. Though it would be ridiculous to have 15 Earth missions and 165 Jupiter missions. Just a bit more balance is all.


Also perhaps making a scale of light availability on semi-realistic scale. That way our flash lights have a real use once again.

Forgot they did that whole "big asteroids = dwarf planet" thing a while back lol

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The best way I think they could add more is to either add Earth's moon or a moon from Jupiter or Saturn. Would really like to see a high tech city somewhere in a corpus tileset, or a large abandoned grineer moon base filled with infestation like those on Eris. Would be a great way to let newer players fight the infested early on.

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