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New Contest: The Flawless Spies!


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Um... aren't you supposed to have a squad?

He has been seen - triggered the (regular = not in the vaults) alarms 

He has Shade equiped that made him invisible (around 3:00 for example)

He triggered the alarms in the third vault.

Edited by Master1398
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He has been seen - triggered the (regular = not in the vaults) alarms 

He has Shade equiped that made him invisible (around 3:00 for example)

He triggered the alarms in the third vault.

I don't think triggering the alarms, in or out of a vault, breaks any of the rules of the contest. The invisibility does, though I didn't notice it happen; if/when I record my submission, I'll make sure to show that the cloaking precept isn't equipped before starting the mission.

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we are currently looking for 2 more guys to complete 100% perfect stealth run. 


requirements: doing what you are told to do without itchy fingers.


we want to do it this weekend


pm if interested

Edited by -Solid_Snake
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Hey, I'm recruiting 2 other skilled and experienced Rhino frames for a stealth run on either Neptune or Uranus. Bring powerful bows, a silenced sidearm, and a good melee. We'd be splitting off in separate to tackle the vaults all at once. 

PM me w/ in game name so I can add you. 

Edited by GrymSmyl
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So I've tried doing a few vaults, solo, undetected, no invisibility. I've come to a few conclusions:


1. It's actually fun!


2. Spy 2.0 really needed Awareness 2.0 to come out first. Several times I've opened a door, nobody in sight (Enemy Radar even shows the nearest enemy is quite a ways away) when suddenly, one of the dots rushes frantically for the alarm. Something doesn't seem right with this... Also, I've noticed that if an alarm is set off there tends to be a 60 second or so rush of instantly alerted enemies who KNOW EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE!


3. Kara Valkyr helm is very very glitchy.


4. I don't care about plat prizes!


I wouldn't mind trying to run some of these with a full squad so if anybody is looking for another corpse-maker for their runs, hit me up.

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Another contest i am totally lost while i need those platinum since i nead payback my own honor!

any how i need guild and i am Ighanim^_^ surprise^_^

1 more thing people who post before me you people totally missed up^_^

1 rule BE Quite or NO Ps^_^

I think You Tubers Already Have Enough cash to Get their OWN Ps! SO sad!

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So... nine pages in and there have been three entries, only two of which actually meet the requirements.

I think one of the things people enjoy about these contest is that they can enter just for the heck of it, and have fun with it without having to win. This contest... it's like the Blade and Gun challenge that only eight people could take part it, what's the point for the rest of us? I guess we might get to watch a interesting video or look at a nice screenshot when it's over, but beside that there isn't really much fun to be had here.

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I need a little clarification... Flawless meaning flawless spy vaults? Or flawless on the entire mission? On the example video, they dont seem to be trying to hide from the enemy what so ever. Also, it'll be very difficult to get below 10 minutes through an entire spy mission, especially without cloak. Please help, and thank you.

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Anyone who colors their valkyr (bastet helmet) completely pink and completes a spy without getting detected or killing anyone whilst having this song

 as bgm, shall be a legend and an inspiration to all tenno.

Edited by n00b_m0m0
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The quality of this video is lower than I was hoping for, but oh well.



Thanks to fellow Spacebattlers ChaosUltima, zgrinde, and greenlink94 for filling out my squad, and especially to greenlink94 for recording an alternate POV so that I could show all three of the vaults.

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I see a lot of complaining about how hard it is to go undetected with a full crew. Well...a thought occurs. In fact, I almost don't want to say it, because it would make a hillarious entry. However, I don't see myself actually doing the editing for this, so I lose nothing sharing my thoughts. So, here goes...

Can anyone tell me where it says you have to be undetected in the rules?

The contest just says "your best run". "Best" is subjective.

You could totally have a video where you abandon all pretense of stealth and go full-on smash and grab halfway through, and it could be your best.








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