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Clan & Dojo 3.0 Ideas, Suggestions & Changes


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I was thinking of creating a new thread about my ideas of how to put more life in dojo but it seems that it would better to bump this topic as often as possible.
I may second some others ideas there but forgive me that I didn't read the whole discussion.

So to begin, I will share my observations from a point of view of a quite fresh player, I joined the game not so long ago.
For me the dojo seems quite useless, excluding clan laboratories and possibility to talk with clanmates "face to face".
The other atractions are nice but doesn't keep my interest in the long run.

Most times I see my dojo completely depopulated. Currently the most absorbing activity here is decorating rooms.


What struck me most is that I'm unable to use my arsenal there, often when I'm talking with my clanmates about our gear we are forced to leave dojo and reenter it after changing our gear to show it to each other (yeah, fashionframe :) ). Oddly that this is possible in relays. This is also a big obstacle when we want to make some duels, I can't even disable my sentinel's weapon which ruins our fights.

The dojo is also useless in terms of going out for missions with clanmates - I wonder why there is no briefing room to meet, discuss and start a mission.

Maybe I misunderstood the idea of the dojo but I was imagining it as a kind of starbase / headquarters of tenno clan. But for some reason it lacks a docking bay and in place of crew quarters we have empty rooms with cryopods.
It would be nice if each member would be able to build it's own room containing a control panel with access to it's landing craft to be able e.g. to look at the progress in it's foundry.
Or maybe to not go too far with Sims vibe there could be just a special room with computer panels where everyone would remotely connect with their orbiters - similar to trading panels.

But to not in turn make landing craft obsolete there should be left other things exclusive to it like incubator segment, the ability to claim items from foundry, etc.


Talking about appearance of the dojo.
It looks too crude, and have very bad layout - the big hall with columns located in front of the doors, completely counterintuitive.
It lacks the option to add smaler rooms or hallways with more number of door connections. I hate to run all over the place to visit another lab located in the same hall - especially when there is no signboard or other markings avalible.
The textures are also so plain that most decorations doesn't looks well no matter how hard we try to compose them. There should me more options to modify the floor or even avalible some texture decals to put on the floor. We also would like to put more plants, especially some grass to put more life in our rooms.

I'm kind of artist and I love to design and create thus I really wish to add more contribution to dojo's structure but I'm very underwhelmed by possibilities and variety of decorations.


That would be all for now, I wish to see all those ideas implemented in next dojo update.

Edited by blueThunder24
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1. Darvo has weapons, ammo packs and propably lots of other things in the Relay. It would be lovely if we could place ammo packs and weapons in Dojo as well. I would like to place Stradavar behind the bar table on a wall in case Wild West bar fight happens while I'm sharing drinks.



2. Changing color of a decoration or all decorations in one room is something that I have been dreaming about for years.


3. Adding and removing decorations MUST be made faster. Player shouldn't be pressing; "ESC/ decorations/ remove decoration"  more than ONCE.

-Left click on a decoration in a room and game asks if you want to change its position/ scale or delete it. Selecting "Change position/ scale" will let you move it and scale it of course but you can cancel your action with ESC which returns decoration back to its original place and scale. Changing or deleting a decoration will NOT shut down the Decoration menu. you would have to press ESC second time to cancel it if you had the decoration selected.

-Same goes when a decoration is removed. Decoration menu doesn't go anywhere until player hits ESC. Until then player can delete 1 or 300 decorations quickly and with much less pain to player's mind and fingers.

Edited by Tulipunahapero
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Does anyone else think that completed prime warframe parts should be tradeable? My friend bought a Nekros Prime on the market and I built the parts for him just to find out they weren't tradeable. So yeah, he's ticked off and I'm sad.:angry:

Edited by PsiShredder
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So since most decorations in the dojo end up being several smaller decorations combined together it would be cool if you could select the different decorations and save it as 1 entity so you could move it all at once or place the same complex creation somewhere else without having to go through the hassle of putting the pieces back together in the right order.

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I would also like to see alot more work between Alliance and clans. I find that clans normally consist of friends and family and close warframe buddies. While the alliance acts as the actual guild like structure.

More clan to alliance options and benfits. like Been able to easily go to each others clans dojo with an option to disable etc etc..


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Just wanna say a few things:

1. Archwing Clan defense

2. Boss quest featuring Archwing battle starting from the dojo

3. temple of pride: featuring Tenshin and based on the war within sigils, and an interface to switch between preferred alignment. and customizable banners, statue, and future temple based decorations.

4. room based on the "womb in the sky" where the operator is moved from.

5. temple of loyalty:  featuring the lotus, and the natah sculpture which has the five focus schools and banners.

6. return the rock sculpture to original texture.

7. Archwing Research Lab: move all arch wing related materials and projects to this lab. Contains as comestics: odonata being displayed on a hologram, prime archwing parts laying around, and a small reactors in the corners.

8. Archwing display case or hologram décor for amesha, odonata, and the others.

Provided feedback is appreciated. 

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Some ideas from my alliance :

1. Stop the weekly deleting of obstacle course times!.

2. Remove the restriction on barracks determining clan size. I want to stay Ghost, but i want to be able to actually decorate my dojo how i see fit. Clan size should just be its own thing unaffiliated to the dojo itself.

3. Have missions you can only access from Dojo with special rewards like Mods ? Reactors etc.

4. More color options and shades of colours.

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13 hours ago, (PS4)LOAM22881 said:

I want a storage locker that I can grant access to select players, and it can hold things like gear and misc stuff or weapons.

That is what trading is for. It is a good idea in theory, but it undermines the whole "grind" aspect. People would abuse it and never have to work for anything again. Gear would just get passed around instead of built and worked for.

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I think there should be "themes". Dojos used to have Orokin styling with organics mixed into the tenno look (which is amazing by the way). Now we have a plain "tenno" theme with high ceilings and...yea thats it. Also, no more pigments!
Grineer, Corpus, Infested?, and Orokin 2.0 theme - "parts" for rooms are farmed by getting blueprints dropped from enemies, similar to farming pigments

Replace pigments with the generic color pallete. And more color palletes can be unlocked by doing missions

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If anyone already said this sorry but in the same way you say you want to conect/extend halls i want to extend elevators as well other than that being able to turn gardens conected to each othere into a single room knocking down the wals and haveing a trasiton betwen the areas there 




Edited by GrayZercer
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Just my 2 cents worth, I know others have mentioned it, but more seperation of clanrank abilities, I really want to give more access to building in dojo, but I have to give ability to destroy dojo as well. For example. 

My other thought would be a giant message board, as warloard I could post clan events and such to. The chat motd isn't near big enough to get in details of events, I resort to using PsN community for our events but access to a wall panel of txt would be so much easier/convient.

1 last note, as a member of a large alliance, a secondary alliance chat tab that we could label would be amazingly useful. I'd pay plat for it, I'd farm parts for it, what ever DE came up with I'd sttive for it. Limit it to 1 extra, we only need 1.

Tons of great ideas here, I hope we get a few.  Ex Tenebris Vita!

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Status for 20K views archievement:(32%) progress

Man, the suggestions are coming and coming, so fluid and far we will go decide or vote for the suggestions most vital needed once [DE], decide to update the dojos, i'm imagining like a signature book of the persons want to have improvements in their dojos.

Note: LF Someone for saving up the book of suggestions we're doing, cause everything is getting updates, i hope a ddos attack won't destroy the pages or something like that, and its not good to have everything go to waste.

Edited by Agente_GentlePhoenix
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Adding more and more to the list. :

Two very useful changes as more is added it will become necessary. As it is our dojo is out of hand as we keep expanding. ?

1. Renaming Teleports without destroying them.

2. Let us set up tabs within the teleport menu.

Research areas -  etc



Training areas -    etc


Living quarters -  etc 


You get the idea ?...


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Not sure if something similar has been brought up before but here it is.

My idea is clan specific items, working like a mix of tennogen and clan badge aplication.By what I mean by that is that clans should have the option to create unique items that are representative of their clan like weapon and frame skins, decorations for the liset and the dojo.But unlike tennogen which is intended for market these would be exclusive to the dojo so that only members of it have access to it.They would be buyable with credits.The aplication for these would work like with badges so that the clan leader or someone of higher rank sends the item and pays with platinum for it to be added.

However the only thing that would need figuring out is the decoration items as weapon and warframe skins/remodels are standard with tennogen.So the decoration would probably require to be built up from scratch.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

Not sure if something similar has been brought up before but here it is.

My idea is clan specific items, working like a mix of tennogen and clan badge aplication.By what I mean by that is that clans should have the option to create unique items that are representative of their clan like weapon and frame skins, decorations for the liset and the dojo.But unlike tennogen which is intended for market these would be exclusive to the dojo so that only members of it have access to it.They would be buyable with credits.The aplication for these would work like with badges so that the clan leader or someone of higher rank sends the item and pays with platinum for it to be added.

However the only thing that would need figuring out is the decoration items as weapon and warframe skins/remodels are standard with tennogen.So the decoration would probably require to be built up from scratch.

This is too much of a work and i think would store too much data on warframe servers.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

Not sure if something similar has been brought up before but here it is.

My idea is clan specific items, working like a mix of tennogen and clan badge aplication.By what I mean by that is that clans should have the option to create unique items that are representative of their clan like weapon and frame skins, decorations for the liset and the dojo.But unlike tennogen which is intended for market these would be exclusive to the dojo so that only members of it have access to it.They would be buyable with credits.The aplication for these would work like with badges so that the clan leader or someone of higher rank sends the item and pays with platinum for it to be added.

However the only thing that would need figuring out is the decoration items as weapon and warframe skins/remodels are standard with tennogen.So the decoration would probably require to be built up from scratch.

Would a suitable replacement to this be pre-loaded templates (patterns) that a clan could select and customize (color) and apply as either Dojo, Warframe, weapon, etc... themes? I like where you are going with the idea but feel like the desire of every clan may not justify the development needs.

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On 04.11.2016 at 11:56 PM, Talonflight said:

Also; let us draw and fire weapons/swords in the Dojo not just in the dueling room. Let me play hide and seek with my clanmates in our gigantic dojo, damnit

Its dojo, not a battlefield

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