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*clarity Update* C'mon De Are You Really Going To Ruin Excalibur Like This?


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 Please don't do this, you're going to take away everything that makes excalibur fun! Your revamp is going to remove any reliable source of movement from excal and replace a source of utility with a 4th that is made redundant by your changes to slash dash.


 I'm sick of people claiming that excal is useless especially when referring to super jump. Nothing compares to the stability that this power provides. When there is enough air clearance to use it I essentially get a few free shots while I'm in the air, nothing shoots at me, and I get both perks while also getting to easily relocate to a new position. It's also great when you need to get to a high place right now.


 While you guys are always saying parkour 2.0 will make this power negligible I know that nothing will allow you to reach the same heights in the same amount of time so fluidly without the use of powers. Stop saying that movement powers will become useless. These powers provide instant far reaching movement there will still be times where you need that utility especially with the increasing verticality and platforming requirements of the tilesets. How high do you guys really expect charged jumps to go? Besides neither charged jumps nor directional melee make you invisible allowing you to move to another location safely under heavy gunfire.


 How about instead of removing a fun and useful ability you make it better. How about we rename it mobility and make it so that if you use it in the air you move 75% of the powers jumping distance in whatever direction you're aiming in addition to the normal effect. See? That is a much simpler (I'm sure of it) change than making a whole new power similar to hysteria.


 This would have the same invisibility effect as the normal usage and since it moves in a more horizontal way it would be more useful in tight corridors where this type of maneuver would save your life for just 10 energy you can also extend it with directional melee. Let's not forget the increased awareness this power provides for radial blind/javelin.


 Now about slash dash I like the idea of it having better combat effectiveness but not if it comes at the cost of the powers mobility. I love using this power to get right in the middle of a group of enemies so I can proceed to hack them to pieces, even better when I can use it to get into the middle of a nullifier shield to quickly disperse the pesky enemy. Why couldn't you just add the ability for it to hit enemies it comes in contact with 5 times at max rank?


 But while we're on the subject of Excalibur changes, Scott really? You really think radial javelin and blind do the same thing? No! Radial javelin is for when you want to spread damage to a large amount of enemies leaving them weakened and open to attack, in conjunction with the augment those enemies are now easy pickings. On a healthy sized group of enemies I can get around 40% bonus melee damage for ~22sec. Radial blind is for those times where everything needs to stop attacking you right now so you can go about your business, it's more reliable as cc due to not having awareness restrictions..


 Excalibur is the king of melee and in the hands of a skilled player is extremely powerful with his unique blend of damage, mobility, cc, and mitigation. Please don't water him down just to please the people who can't be bothered with anything that they don't think is viable! 


*update* Edited for better clarity.

Edited by Halisi
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I don't think Excal needs any change of abilities. The Slash Dash idea sounds fine, but other than that, they should just give Radial Blind its stun back, that can be made longer by a duration mod. Problem solved, Excalibur is end-game-viable again.

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Excalibur is in essence, broken to how he originally was. Excal is supposed to be a swordsman, excelling at close to close/mid-range combat.... which he currently DOESN'T DO!

Excal needs a change, and Super Jump certainly ISN'T an ability to argue is good. So you can get 1 or 2 shots when jumping? The ability is suddenly useful!!! No. Like they said on the stream, Superjump predates the Free Running mechanics, so at the TIME, seemed good, but really isn't anymore.

What they're trying to do is get it so people can make use of ALL of excaliburs abilities, and not just situational ones like Superjump.
As for Javelin and Blind. People use them as the same thing, except javelin is a slightly more expensive to use version, and the augment 'supercharging' melee is redundant, as the combo timer is no-where near long enough to make it anywhere near useful.

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Super jump is being removed because DE is adding Charged jumps which work just like Super Jump, now maybe Excalibur's passive will be that he goes invisible when using a Charged jump. However Super Jump is currently being outclassed by directional air melee and Slash Dash is also being outclassed by coptering, however comptering will be balanced once Parkour 2.0 comes.


Also Super Jump is just plain boring, yes it has it's used but right now we have energy free alternatives to it and we will also have that once PArkour 2.0 comes.


Also why are you so mad ? They are removing Super Jump while technically giving it to all frames and giving Excal a more fun ultimate. It's win-win if you ask me.


EDIT: Also why do people ALWAYS forget that Radial Blind after the initial stun makes enemies unable to attack ? Radial Blind is already end-game material and needs no real change, but finisher on blinded enemies sounds cool since like that you can just one shot most of the time.

Edited by CTanGod
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Skill 1, Jump

Skill 2 Jump to the Right

Skill 3 Jump to the left

Skill 4: Double Jump


on a side note, could we all wait until the Changes are made before we can give proper feed back, things on paper, and things that are live tend to end up being completely two different things

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You guys are also forgetting that unlike directional melee Excal is invincible while he's in the air via super jump, besides what makes you think charged jumps will even make you go all that high up? Have you seen how high he goes with maxed power strength? I could get off more than a few shots at that height.


But let me mellow out for a moment and mention this: the proposed changes are a massive gameplay shift for excalibur and using him since I started the game back in 2013 this is very unwelcome considering the new gameplay style their going for with him; they already messed up embers world on fire trying to appeal to the masses so I'm not very optimistic about these changes...

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Radial Javelin also includes a blind, so I'm assuming that's what Scott was referring to. You threw this whole barrage of paragraphs at us about how DE is ruining Excalibur, but your only real complain is super jump. Nobody knows exactly what their plan is with parkour 2.0, so you have no idea whether or not the charged jump will match SJ. You're complaining about things that haven't happened yet, and there is limited knowledge about. Feel free to blow up the forums when there is something physical to rage about but this is faaaar too early for that. 

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  Excalibur is the king of melee

Hardly. The augment doesn't "supercharge" his melee either -- I'm pretty sure it's less of a buff than a rank 1 Pressure Point. That's really bad.


Additionally, the devs noted that Super Jump was created before parkour was ever a thing. Back then, it would've been immensely powerful, seeing as you could do things no one else could. Now it's a very dated mechanic. As much as I love Super Jump myself, it needs to go in favor of something else.

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Radial Javelin also includes a blind, so I'm assuming that's what Scott was referring to. You threw this whole barrage of paragraphs at us about how DE is ruining Excalibur, but your only real complain is super jump. Nobody knows exactly what their plan is with parkour 2.0, so you have no idea whether or not the charged jump will match SJ. You're complaining about things that haven't happened yet, and there is limited knowledge about. Feel free to blow up the forums when there is something physical to rage about but this is faaaar too early for that. 


 Radial javelin does not include a blind, it is a stun. Blinding gives your melee increased damage on the first hit. Also super jump was not my only complaint. I also brought up slash dash losing its mobility, as well as the proposed 4th ability being redundant in the face of slash dash as it fill the same role: forward facing ranged damage. Which I do not believe is good enough to replace the utility of super jump/


Hardly. The augment doesn't "supercharge" his melee either -- I'm pretty sure it's less of a buff than a rank 1 Pressure Point. That's really bad.


Additionally, the devs noted that Super Jump was created before parkour was ever a thing. Back then, it would've been immensely powerful, seeing as you could do things no one else could. Now it's a very dated mechanic. As much as I love Super Jump myself, it needs to go in favor of something else.


 Actually I tested the augment in t3 survival at 40 minutes, there was a very noticeable damage buff and in addition to radial blind allowed me to slaughter heavy units with my melee weapon in seconds. Trust me I know what I'm talking about when it comes to excalibur and ember :)

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Excalibur is in essence, broken to how he originally was. Excal is supposed to be a swordsman, excelling at close to close/mid-range combat.... which he currently DOESN'T DO!

Excal needs a change, and Super Jump certainly ISN'T an ability to argue is good. So you can get 1 or 2 shots when jumping? The ability is suddenly useful!!! No. Like they said on the stream, Superjump predates the Free Running mechanics, so at the TIME, seemed good, but really isn't anymore.

What they're trying to do is get it so people can make use of ALL of excaliburs abilities, and not just situational ones like Superjump.

As for Javelin and Blind. People use them as the same thing, except javelin is a slightly more expensive to use version, and the augment 'supercharging' melee is redundant, as the combo timer is no-where near long enough to make it anywhere near useful.


This whole "ex is a swordsman" is a new thing.

Ex is a easy to pick up frame, It has a bit of everything.

DE ended up  buffing him into trouble and now they are just going to get rid of the powers that cause trouble.

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Yeah, DE shouldn't be pandering to this new generation of players who want abilities that play the game for you rather than being tools that help you change the way you play the game.

This has to be the most nonsensical 'argument' I have seen so far, and I've seen some good stuff coming from you but this? I cannot even begin to think how anything of what we have now in regards to abilities is 'playing the game for you', much less what is planned for Excalibur.

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This has to be the most nonsensical 'argument' I have seen so far, and I've seen some good stuff coming from you but this? I cannot even begin to think how anything of what we have now in regards to abilities is 'playing the game for you', much less what is planned for Excalibur.

People are prejudiced against Super Jump because it is simple and open-ended.  It doesn't have an overt purpose, and that's ok; it's a platform that opens alternative play-styles rather than being an end unto itself.  

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 But while we're on the subject of Excalibur changes, Scott really? You really think radial javelin and blind do the same thing? No! Radial javelin can hit enemies behind obstacles, does damage, and with the augment supercharges your melee.

It's like saying Slash Dash, Rhino Charge and Tidal Wave are all unique and different.

Of course you can pick out the little nuances that differentiate them from each other, but you have to admit that all of them, in the end, do the same thing and are used all the same.

The game is not nearly as complex in its balance to warrant slight variations of a single power and pretend they're all viable in comparison. If those three dashing moves were all a part of a single power kit, I bet you'd ask the devs to change them.

Radial Javelin used to be different enough from Radial Blind when it was launching projectiles from Excal's position, but they willingly changed it into a bland radial power.

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People are prejudiced against Super Jump because it is simple and open-ended.  It doesn't have an overt purpose, and that's ok; it's a platform that opens alternative play-styles rather than being an end unto itself.  


Only in the Warframe forums will you find people so frightened of change that they will claim the ability to jump in a video game is an alternative open-ended playstyle.


It really is remarkable, the mental gymnastics people will perform, to convince themselves Excal is anything above mediocre. And then play the victim when they realize they're in the incredibly small minority. I suppose I should be surprised but theres drones like this in every MMO ever made so oh well.


I look forward to seeing the predictable nostalgia-goggled "old excalibur was better" threads that will litter this place when this broken tricycle of a frame finally gets a motor slung onto it.

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I'm not that worried about losing Super Jump because while I use it as a mobility tool (cause too lazy to parkour) we will all be getting charged jumps. I'm willing to see how that goes before complaining. Also, if i'm surrounded, i'm going to cast Radial Blind instead of Super Jump (cause, well, common sense)


Maybe DE is saying movement powers will be useless because parkour 2.0 will give all the frames new mobility options. 

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The changes they announced are

-removal of super jump (which won't matter because of the addition of charged jumps)

-slash dash now actually hitting enemies in a cone rather than slashing past them and pretty much not hitting any of them.  which you mentioned that might lower his mobility which is good point though it is possible he might be just as mobile just also damaging more enemies along the way

-radial javelin is being knocked down to a 3rd ability rather than ulti and is possibly going to get something to make it stand out in comparison to R. Blind as a method of CC which is the overlap mentioned.  They are both methods of crowd control but they want them to stand out from each other

-his Radial Blind is now getting a stun (which does not affect the ability in the idea of removing anything from the ability so you should have no complaints about that)

-His new ultimate idea was not confirmed either it was said to be "the best suggestion and current direction"


you don't know if any future changes will or will not make the way his abilities were before obsolete so as a few have already said please wait till this content comes out to complain about it.

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Sry man the majority of payers whats a change for Excalibur and this changes will come even if you like them or not..... and I am whit the majority .

My suggestion for you is to wait and see the changes maybe you will like them and maybe your Super Jump will be addet to Excalibur passive .

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