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Charge Attacks , Excalibur And Valkyr



Have those been mentionned in the devstream?


We know since the last one that devs are taking a look at the return of CA but  are those coming back in the "stance modes" as  well or will they remain in regular melee mode only?



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Have those been mentionned in the devstream?


We know since the last one that devs are taking a look at the return of CA but  are those coming back in the "stance modes" as  well or will they remain in regular melee mode only?




They can't "come back" in stance modes if they weren't there to begin with. Warframe "stance modes" came after the removal of charge attacks. I'd assume that Valkyr's #4 & Excal's soon to be #4 won't have charge attacks.


edit: typo

Edited by Rexlars
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They can't "come back" in stance mods if they weren't there to begin with. Warframe "stance modes" came after the removal of charge attacks. I'd assume that Valkyr's #4 & Excal's soon to be #4 won't have charge attacks.

What's to keep them from just adding it? They are the devs after all. Plus, it could be the excuse we need for a new hysteria stance. This one is so freakin' clunky.

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I'm pretty sure the devs were considering bringing charge attacks back - they mentioned it in a stream about a week ago.


No idea if Valk and Cali will get charge attacks. They probably wont need em, tbh.

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I thought Valkyr already had a stance.

Also, AFAIK charge attacks won't come back.


Devs have stated that charge attacks are being worked back in, and that current stance combos may have to be reworked (hold attack) for charge attacks to be implemented.  The theoretical model right now is the ability to turn any one of your attacks in a combo into a charge attack for greater damage.

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Can't say as of the moment. For Excalibur's hypothetical "Infinite Storm" ult (the pitch reminds me of the said Photon Art from Phantasy Star P2, which you can see

. You only need to watch the first 10 seconds, really), I would imagine a charged slash would make sense. For Hysteria...aside from some better attack direction control so we're not doing a Manic and mauling walls and crates rather than our target, maybe.


Whatever happens, we will have to just be patient. And they will be a lot simpler to implement if we could have a two-button Melee combo system, though that in and of itself I imagine to probably be something of a difficult task.


Until then, no need to stress.

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They aren't really coming back to the way they were before, thankfully. Hopefully we'll get more special functions like the current usage, because the original charge attacks were horrendously boring.


What's to keep them from just adding it? They are the devs after all. Plus, it could be the excuse we need for a new hysteria stance. This one is so freakin' clunky.

The basic usage of 'Hold E' parts of current stances. So far, the only charge attacks in operation are the glaives and Redeemer for their obvious secondary function.

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DevStreams are a thing. #49 has a few animations.

Yeah I saw it live man, but I mean : are these forced inside combos? Can't we just hold the key like before? Did they find a way to prevent us from doing the same spam as before(especially for Galatine users)? Et caetera et caetera...

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