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Idea For Face Gear Cosmetics : "holographic Face Sigils"


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Hey guys


So mustaches introduced us to "face gear"


De said that stuff like litteral masks woulnd't work because of the different WF head shapes and sizes so here's the idea





Anyone who's played blacklight retibution has seen those : Emote hologram masks.

what I suggest I something similar to this in WF 


They would basically be small  Floaty sigils on your face , that you would be able to  move around.



I mean the rift sigil kinda looks like a scar , would look badass on excalibur's face  right?


If only I was an artist I could show it better x)



Edited by Deidaku
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I like it. Wouldn't be too difficult to implement, I imagine - all you need is a Z offset from the centre of each Tenno's head in whatever they use to place badges or sigils, the emblems in general and boom. Face-gear slot and your warframes more united or further diversified.

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That was the idea...... never played borderlans so I didn't think of that example 




But daft meat has a point


Try placing those on these.


Dear darvo those I have those helmets >_<

Edited by Deidaku
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I see why "literal masks" wouldn't work... but I don't see why straight up face Sigils wouldn't work.


They literally just take the shape of the surface they're on. I don't see a problem there, no matter how ridiculous the helmet shape is. 

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I see why "literal masks" wouldn't work... but I don't see why straight up face Sigils wouldn't work.


They literally just take the shape of the surface they're on. I don't see a problem there, no matter how ridiculous the helmet shape is.

Yeah I'd prefer straight-up sigils, if anything that's what most people have been asking for in this situation. Sure it might look a bit messy on some helmets but it's not like that is not to be expected.

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