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Pardon Me...but Baro Kiteer Is Totally Useless


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That's not a fact. It's an opinion. Your opinion. And the opinions of an over-entitled person means nothing to me.



To you it may interrupt with the way of thinking...but others might agree with me,and as you can see some people agreed with me...

the fact that my opinion is not to your liking does not make it untrue

come on guys!! let it go. just try to stay on the rails. none of you is right after all. i am the only one person in the whole internet that its right. so shut up and do as i say :P hahahahaha j.k.


now really, lets focus on the task at hand and discuss in a civil manner :) pretty plz?

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Of course my opinion does not speak for everyone XD 

i'm just trying to give logical explanations thats all

Funny you should mention that cause here's what i got from you:


"get back to your cute machine ^_^"

".if a player can't cant even run a few defense  missions and get some parts for ducats...or another example if he can't run some captures or go to dark sector defense to farm some credits...it's only because of lazyness"

"Thank you for the try to get some attention and completly ingnore the facts ^_^


"so cute...your ignoring the facts again that Baro needs to change"


Seeing alot of opinions and personal attacks. Not seeing any logical explanations though.

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Then don't? All the prime mods are exactly that, PRIMED MODS. Versions of mods that already exist. If you are "Just cruising" through the game, you don't need primed mods. Have fun cruising.




If you want to min/max everything and be a completionist. I'm sorry, but be prepared to put some serious time into the game. I have a wife, I have a full time job, I commute over an hour back and forth each day. I still find more than enough time to get dukats AND creds AND R5 cores.


So I don't buy it sir.


Nice reply dude

are you angry because i'm cursing through the game? i have other things inn life to do then get a primed mod.


And yes i'm a completeness myself but at least i have patience and have fairness towards other players.

I've put major time into warframe over 1000hrs I've had long breaks from this game.




I will never understand why people bring such a hardcore attitude to this game. People seem impatient to play a game that requires the player to farm. But by making Baro have more in his inventory each time he comes that means that Casual or casual completion-est who play this game for fun have to push forward alot more which could  result in them losing interest in the game especially after the product they get wasn't up to what the expected, but what do i know.


I like having the chance to have multiple shots at the things in a short set out time, especially if i miss something.


But whatever.

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This cycling pattern is not the ultimate way, as more new items have been brought up, the longer time we need to see one specific item to be cycled back.


I actually don't see why Baro Kiteer always has to bring 4 items everytime only.


He could bring all the stuff before everytime, in addition to the new stuff.

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Everyone would win if he just sold everything every time he came (and he might as well always be there). The rotations are pretty pointless. Then every couple weeks he could introduce something new players could get at their own leisure.


To be honest, DE should be worried that people get so upset about Baro either way--they need to ask themselves why so many people consider getting stuff to be endgame instead of actually playing the game.

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OP I can't help but feel that whenever someone disagrees with you, you just shut them down without explanation or reason,how about instead of just going "DENIED" to others who raise a good point, and actually responding to them on a mutually intellectual level.


Then maybe this discussion can go somewhere beyond where it is now.

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Ultimately these discussions go nowhere. It's akin to yelling at a burning piece of paper, screaming at it "OMG, WHY IS IT TURNING TO ASH?!".


It just does. Thats the nature of things, it cannot be stopped. You have no control over it. Discussing this ad nauseum, won't really change anything.


I mean, who put in all these worthless(read: cosmetics) in the first place? These threads aren't really tugging on their heart strings.


So please, be a warbro, and stop it. At best, you are feeding one of the devs a chuckle while they have their morning coffee.

Edited by holstein
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You know what i would prefer?? him sitting on goddamn relay all week and expanding his stock as time passes by instead of replacing it.


And i guess that most of community will prefer my idea over yours.


That's honestly what I expected him to be at the start. Sit there and have a load of stuff for trade, now we give prime parts to a console and he brings 4 items every 2 weeks, 3 of those being recycled.

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You know what i would prefer?? him sitting on goddamn relay all week and expanding his stock as time passes by instead of replacing it.

If you made a topic that only had that as an issue. It should get a popular tag rather quickly.




DE set expectation about what the void traders purpose is with the first few visits . It's now just a chronic letdown, plenty of videos on YouTube about setting expectation then not delivering on them.

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DE set expectation about what the void traders purpose is with the first few visits . It's now just a chronic letdown, plenty of videos on YouTube about setting expectation then not delivering on them.


Well, thats the fault of the people. Not DE. This is probably punishment/deterence for future datamines.

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If you made a topic that only had that as an issue. It should get a popular tag rather quickly.

It isnt new idea, few ppl did such threads, they werent that popular.


Well, thats the fault of the people. Not DE. This is probably punishment/deterence for future datamines.

Nothing with game is players fault (unless they blatantly cheat and thus contributed to killing community, but it doesnt happen here). 

Everything wrong with the game can be brought down to design and only ones responsible for design are devs.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Well, that's the fault of the people. Not DE. This is probably punishment/deterence for future datamines.

No, it's DE's fault. Same reason why developers that showcase some great footage for a game at E3 (or some other convention) get such negative backlash when they do not deliver. DE set the expectation that the void trade brings Primed mods and weapons. 


I do not even care one iota about that data mined stuff; It's a moot issue, anyway. DE had primed mods and weapons as his selling point. That's gone and he is now a cosmetic dealer; and, that is really confusing to me because DE should be selling them for platinum. 

Edited by LazyKnight
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When Baro releases Mara Brakk.

DE states it will be exclusively within that 2 days.


Inevitably some fella misses it, then they demand Baro to release it again.

DE says no, because too many special snowflakes demand that there should be no recycling of gear ever !


That is how I see about the whines.




Now cmon guys, do you really need more primed mods ?

I mean really ? 


By encouraging DE to more new content into Baro Ki Teer, invariably DE will throw more mods like Primed Point Blank or Primed Ravage. Mods that are supposed to have 165% and 120% respectively by default.


Will you be happy if DE releases Primed Pressure Point instead of bringing what Pressure Point to par ?

Anyway before someone snubs me, FYI I have 2 Primed mods on R9 and the others on R8. I play semi casually but I don't find them particularly expensive.



But I hate hate hate people pushing for more Baro Ti Keer content, because it gives DE the EXCUSE to ignore under performing mods and just put out an R10 legendary one like PPB and say problem resolved. Next !


And if this trend of pushing for new content continues, I will soon see Primed Warm Coat and Primed Sure Shot !!!

Edited by fatpig84
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Now i don't get why there are always things that are repeating and coming back again with no new gear or mods...

It's not the players fault that other people do not make it to farm for Baro...there is a bloddy TWO WEEKS GAP before every visit he's coming for! two weeks is enough for all to only play a few void missions and get the Ducats and credits they need...



It has become a state where even going to check what he brought is a waste of time.

PLEASE RESTORE BARO,make him bring new and interesting things,It's what all of us want.


Then don't go to Baro? What's the problem exactly?


I could not care less what he has, it's just another content injector to add more variety to the game, he was not created to allow players to slowly Power Creep by 1% a month with new gear.

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Now cmon guys, do you really need more primed mods ?

I mean really ? 

How many under performing mods has DE buffed? The only one I can think of was Steel charger (an aura), and they over-buffed because of an oversight and ended-up giving legendary cores to placate the masses.


I think Prime point blank was wrong, and I missed that rotation so... yeah. Shotguns have issues and Primed mods are basically giving us a band-aid (a very expensive bad aid).




If DE wants to remove all prime mods and buff the originals I wouldn't care. 


Edited by LazyKnight
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How many under performing mods has DE buffed? The only one I can think of is Steel charge (an aura), and they over-buffed because of an oversight and ended-up giving legendary cores to placate the masses.


I think Prime point blank was wrong, and I missed that rotation so... yeah. Shotguns have issues and Primed mods is basically giving us a band-aid (a very expensive bad aid).




If DE wants to remove all prime mods and buff the originals I wouldn't care. 




Then the first thing we do is to stop more Primed Mods for appearing.

Some are luxuries like Primed Continuity and Flow.

Those are great rewards for the discerning elites to work forward too.


Things like Primed Point Black, Primed Ravage, Primed Pistol Mutation etc.

They should not being primed in the first place.

And it even bothers me how people think that Primed Pistol Mutation is the answer to ammo hungry full auto pistols.


Primed Mods are not meant to be band aid mods.

Neither should augments be used as band aids to help totally lacking frames.

i mean look at Ember, Fire Fright and Fire Quake ? That was just embarrassing.

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The one big thing people are forgetting here is that Baro Ki Teer was never meant to be a way to constantly feed new content into the game, nor was his wares meant to be exclusive. The whole point in Baro Ki Teer was to give people something else to do with there void gear aside from selling or trading them. That's what DE stated when he was first concepted.

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First 8 weeks were too heavy on content, we have a huge thread as proof of that. Following 8 weeks were light for those who got everything in the first 8. Sum up, divide by two, and you have a nice amount of content for the 16 weeks he's been up.


From now on I'm sure he'll go at a decent pace, slower than first 8, faster than last 8, which should be pretty obvious going by DE statements and how things did go on.


What's is so fu**ing hard to understand about that?


You can be sure the next appearance will suit everyone's tastes since the full rotation is now complete. You can stop whining already.

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Honestly, I think it would be cool if his drops were a bit better, but he showed up once a month instead.  This would give people a month-long period to work towards prepping for his arrival.  Also, while repeat-sales would be possible, it wouldn't rule out the ability for new content to show up consistently.


Having him every two weeks, and having him usually hold a bunch of repeats, drives prices of his repeats down, and provide us with little new content.  Having him every two weeks with solid new content, as we already experienced, leads to people complaining about how hard it is to farm for his stuff.


The best of both worlds: once a month Ki-Teer.

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I am actually pretty happy with the way it has been going lately, especially this week. It was nice because:

- Cosmetics are always welcome, and I missed the Pyra Sugatra the first time, so yay;

- Cosmetics also mean I got the Prisma Hecate, duhh.

- Never got the Tethra's doom mods, so seeing a Jolt in there made me really happy.


Only problem I had was: no ducats. But 32 T2 capture keys and 8 Nyx BP's (50ducs each) was a nice start to getting these items. <--- really effing lucky with those drops btw....

I left the Primed alone because I simply don't bother with them. 1 yr and my redirection is still R9...


To be fair I like the way it is now. Also it gives people the opportunity to get some missed items. I for one am still w8ing for the return of the Mara Detron and the Prisma Veritux. I missed those, and since I am one of the few people who actually likes doing Archwing, that Veritux... I need it.... And cosmetics are just perfect IMO.


Two weeks might be a bit long, but also think to yourself, there are people with no void keys yet. They have to farm those as well and after that they can go to the void and pray to RNGesus that they don't get forma bp's.\


I'd say keep him as he is for now.

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