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The Nerfers

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You know what I have the answer.


Syndicate Envy.


The nerfers were primarily people from other syndicates jealous as the synoid was a better weapon than the one in their syndicate, and so they demanded a nerf.


Instead of joining Cephalon Suda and doing the grind to get a synoid, instead they demanded a nerf.


Thats it isnt it.

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Lol. This is the kind of thing OP would support.

I propose we ad a Lato that doesn't 1000 damage per shot, fires at 10 rounds per second, and has a 40 round mag, all base stats.

It also should only cost 5k creds on the market.

Who cares if its the only thing people will use, and that all other weapons will be wasted content in comparison? Screw balance! Right, OP?

Actually. Let's make the Lato Prime do that! OP won't mind of he can't have it right?



What syndicate are you in ?


Are you in Cephalon Suda ? 

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You know what I have the answer.


Syndicate Envy.


The nerfers were primarily people from other syndicates jealous as the synoid was a better weapon than the one in their syndicate, and so they demanded a nerf.


Instead of joining Cephalon Suda and doing the grind to get a synoid, instead they demanded a nerf.


Thats it isnt it.


I own a synoid gammacor and thought it was too powerful, and Suda was the first syndicate I maxed. Sue me.

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this game will never be balanced just get the facts straight as long as there is endless mission types. nerfers would rather see the game's weaponry all be like peas shooters then everyone will be spamming abilities more than ever and then they will cry about that aswell. pretty soon they will get bu+thurt over the arcane enhancements when players gathers them up and apply to their style of play it is inevitable.


 take excal's RJ that actually was decent and everyone was using the frame even though it isn't a frame that would last any long time, they cried because their ego was hurt, then the nerf of said ability now no one is actually using that frame anymore not even those who wanted the nerfs see the irony in all of this?


I for one is against nerfs it serves no purpose other than dumbing down the game and limiting the player base<<< I am still waiting on that solo 3k dig of Excal on video from  one  of these guys on triton. its been 2 months now.

Edited by ranks21
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MechNexus - so then are you assuming that everyone is in agreement as to what quote and unquote FUN gameplay is? That everyone believes trading out super OP weapons for more BALANCED versions is more fun. That everyone believes nerfing and or "balancing" is going to be what makes the game fun? Or that you or anybody else on this forum can actually tell us what PRECISELY and EXACTLY this mythical "BALANCED" game should be like? Because if you're not, then like many people have said on here, just let it be. Because you're all just regurgitating the word "balance" as if it's universally understood what that precisely means to everyone and that everyone will agree that the game is precisely just that, balanced.

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I own a synoid gammacor and thought it was too powerful, and Suda was the first syndicate I maxed. Sue me.


Prove it. 


I just don't lean on crutches like you do. Man up and find a weapon you like, rather than one you need, scrub.

OP weapons need needs, and UP ones need buffs.


Thanks for the answer.



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People who only wish to buff are just as bad as people who only want to nerf. If you're choosing only one side, you will never achieve balance.



Also logic such as "We should buff every weapon to *Insert OP weapon of time period* level" then that only creates powercreep which does nothing for the game, likewise if you only nerf every weapon to the weakest weapon in the game you will go nowhere.

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Also let me get this straight. If said player has weapon A and B, but like weapon A better yet feels forced to play weapon B because it's more OP then we should feel bad for said player and nerf and or balance the weapons. Is that correct? Well I'm terriblys orry said player feels that way, but maybe said player should live with it because once again nothing in this life of ours is really all that fair. If you like something, use it. If you feel like you HAVE to use something else, then tough luck. It happens all the time we are forced to do things and use S#&amp;&#036; we may not necessarily like. Why would you think it wouldn't happen in this game or any other game for that matter of fact?

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Getting max rank and buying a syndicate weapon is time consuming, not hard. If you really want to cheese it and do Draco grinding, it's not even really time consuming in terms of hours played - you just have to clock in get your max daily syndicate rep.


What it comes down to for me is I do not want to have to balance the game for DE. I want the act of choosing the appropriate weapon to be a decision based on  mission difficulty, mission type, and faction. The game becomes a lot less interesting when a particular weapon is favored so heavily that it ceases to become a choice i.e. choosing between my one forma Boltor Prime and my five forma Tetra is so heavily biased towards the BP that the only reason I have to choose the Tetra is I like the colorful lasers that come out of the barrel.


The whole jealousy angle is just idiotic. No weapon in this game is really hard to get if you're willing to spend a little time in trade chat. I'm willing to bet that most people that ask for nerfs have the weapon they're trying to get nerfed.

Edited by ArbitUHM
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Prove it.

Prove it? What the F*** do you expect to happen, digging up an old screenshot that may or may not have ever existed (let alone whether it's survived until now) of using the syanoid back before it was nerfed?


The Syanoid was overpowered as all F*** and whether you used it or not, that balance wasn't going to get any better. If you used it, you were stealing all the kills from your teammates, tearing through the game and generally getting from start to finish not that much slower than going into any other game and turning cheats on. If you weren't using it, meanwhile, there was more or less nothing you could do in most games besides sit back and let the rest of the team take care of the mission for you whether you like it or not, because even if you tried to do something, someone would beat you to the punch.


 Well I'm terriblys orry said player feels that way, but maybe said player should live with it because once again nothing in this life of ours is really all that fair. If you like something, use it. If you feel like you HAVE to use something else, then tough luck.

Yes because videogames, which are an escape from real life, should perfectly mimic real life.

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Prove it? What the F*** do you expect to happen, digging up an old screenshot that may or may not have ever existed (let alone whether it's survived until now) of using the syanoid back before it was nerfed?


The Syanoid was overpowered as all F*** and whether you used it or not, that balance wasn't going to get any better. If you used it, you were stealing all the kills from your teammates, tearing through the game and generally getting from start to finish not that much slower than going into any other game and turning cheats on. If you weren't using it, meanwhile, there was more or less nothing you could do in most games besides sit back and let the rest of the team take care of the mission for you whether you like it or not, because even if you tried to do something, someone would beat you to the punch.


Yes because videogames, which are an escape from real life, should perfectly mimic real life.





Back to the ' He got more kills than me, sniff, sniff, my ego hurts, time to tell teacher "

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Well the pre U 16 Synoid kinda trivialized game play too much but the same can be said about the Boltor P who also has next to no draw backs and remains DE's holy cow.


The thing is, the nerf bat gets swung so randomly it is not even funny. Braton P received a buff but also an ammo nerf which is kinda laughable if you think about the Soma P which was introduced a little later.    


If things trivialize game play to much they need adjustment even in a PVE environment but AT LEAST BE CONSISTENT ABOUT IT. Draw backs and trade offs make things interesting but at least apply them to all the gear which in terms of WF includes things like Boltor P as well.


The pre U 16 Kohm sure was powerful but also had its draw backs, yet it was nerfed and got most of its interesting and redeeming features taken away from it. In terms of trivializing game play it certainly was not worse than the Boltor P and expensive to build on top. It was nerfed for no reason and I call bull**** on the whole "performance story". 


It is not easy to balance stuff and totally OP stuff makes for boring game play so you have to walk a fine line to keep things interesting but as I said at least be consistent about it and show some sort of guideline that you follow and not some random nerfing like throwing darts at a dart board which is covered with random nerf suggestions just to pick one.

Edited by Hatzeputt
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Nothing to do with ego, it's to do with interactivity. I'm playing a game, not watching a movie.


Yes, you werent 'winning the game' you didnt like it. Demand nerf. 

Well the pre U 16 Synoid kinda trivialized game play too much but the same can be said about the Boltor P who also has next to no draw backs and remains DE's holy cow.


The thing is, the nerf bat gets swung so randomly it is not even funny. Braton P received a buff but also an ammo nerf which is kinda laughable if you think about the Soma P which was introduced a little later.    


If things trivialize game play to much they need adjustment even in a PVE environment but AT LEAST BE CONSISTENT ABOUT IT. Draw backs and trade offs make things interesting but at least apply them to all the gear which in terms of WF includes things like Boltor P as well.


The pre U 16 Kohm sure was powerful but also had its draw backs, yet it was nerfed and got most of its interesting and redeeming features taken away from it. In terms of trivializing game play it certainly was not worse than the Boltor P and expensive to build on top.


It is not easy to balance stuff and totally OP stuff makes for boring game play so you have to walk a fine line to keep things interesting.



So you dont want us to celebrate mediocrity.


is that right ? 


Or should we celebrate mediociity ? 

Edited by (PS4)thehoocodfather
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Back to the ' He got more kills than me, sniff, sniff, my ego hurts, time to tell teacher "

I'm just going to say this guy's a troll, really - All he's doing is throwing strawmans and ad hominems at people without pulling out a legitimate argument.

If you can bring out a good argument, i'll be happy to debate, but if logical fallacies are all you can bring to the table, then go home.

Mods pls lock

Edited by MechNexus
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I'm just going to say this guy's a troll, really - All he's doing is throwing strawmans and ad hominems at people without pulling out a legitimate argument.

If you can bring out a good argument, i'll be happy to debate, but if logical fallacies are all you can bring to the table, then go home.

Mods pls lock





Mods please lock.


The obligatory follow on from 'nerf this weapon'.



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Looks like I have to post this again.

DE has three options when they choose not to balance content:

If they make gameplay suited to those items, (T4 kind of) they completely invalidate items of equal tier that aren't good enough to compete.

If they make gameplay so items don't matter, (Nullifiers, 1 hit kills, things like that) they've killed the purpose of progression and having those items in the first place, while also meaning players need those items more, not less, because they have to take advantage of the items when they can. Odd, because when players need them most they're no longer there.

If they ignore those items, they've made the game boring for those using them and made dead weight of those not using them. (For someone who will say "buff everything", this will be the same as nerfing but with a ton more work.)

If DE balances those items instead of trying to ignore them and balance everything else around them, the weapons are still good enough to compete without being overbearing, DE doesn't have to resort to tactics that nullify progression, and DE doesn't have to make their game boring/ make players pointless.

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Oh for god's sake. 




This whole thread is just an attempt to strawman anyone who might propose a nerf, regardless of whether it's a good idea or not. Get over yourself.

I usually hesitate to call people trolls, but considering the OP's recent post history it might be warranted.

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Yes, you werent 'winning the game' you didnt like it. Demand nerf. 



So you dont want us to celebrate mediocrity.


is that right ? 


Or should we celebrate mediociity ? 

So you would prefer it to have everyone and their mom running around with the exact same load out? 


No I am not advocating mediocrity I am advocating the right tool for the right job and and not one super powerful tool to deal with all circumstances thats why I said, draw backs and trade offs make things interesting. 

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