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The Nerfers

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They also have a fourth option.


They produce a great wespon for players.


They let the players use it.


Every player had the option of getting a synoid for example if they wanted one.


It didnt 'break the game'. 


Did it.


Was the game 'broken' by the synoid ?


No, it wasnt. Not even the biggest drama queen would claim it was.


Therefore the need for a nerf was negligible.


Leaving a few great weapons in the game, as they have done with the Boltor Prime, is good.


Nerfing them all into medicrity is not good. 

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1. OP needs to let the incendiary commentary go.

2. Given the track record of orbital nukes in this game, it's vastly more productive to ask for buffs.

3. People need to stop using arguments like "balance" and "power creep". They have half a clue what the words actually mean as it relates to this game.

Weapons aren't tiered, balance is impossible to accurately determine without that. It also changes over time because of power creep.

Warframe is a game that releases new weapons almost weekly. Some degree of power creep is unavoidable. No one is fit to say what too much power creep actually is.

And it IS going to grow over time...

The best we can hope for is content that will challenge those power thresholds.

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I usually hesitate to call people trolls, but considering the OP's recent post history it might be warranted.



I usually hesitate to call people trolls, but considering the OP's recent post history it might be warranted.


Nothing like contributing nothing to a debate, and assuming a stance of superiority at the same time.

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And by the way I do not have a 


1) Boltor Prime


2) Soma Prime



But I do not demand they are nerfed as they are great weapons.


I want players on my team with great weapons like those, even if I dont have one of them.


You know why ?


Its because I want to complete missions. I want to obtain prime parts.


I want my team to achieve its goal.


Those weapons help them and me to do that.


Its called 'using logic' and putting aside my ego.


Thats why I dont demand a nerf for those good guns that I dont have like the Boltor Prime and Soma Prime.

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2. Given the track record of orbital nukes in this game, it's vastly more productive to ask for buffs.

3. People need to stop using arguments like "balance" and "power creep". They have half a clue what the words actually mean as it relates to this game.


2. It's not vastly more productive to ask for buffs. Ask for both, that's the most productive thing anyone could possibly do. Perhaps we should decide that anyone who proposes a nerf has to propose at least one buff as well? This whole "buffs only" idiocy is just as bad as the supposed "nerfs only" thing people are railing against.


3. Those arguments are perfectly valid. They are concepts that are easy to grasp and express some of the long-running problems with this game.

Edited by vaugahn
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Leave it's an empty thread...

Nothing will change some peple can't understand that ferrari is better than toyota corolla that's hows the life go...

But in game just like in life there are some that like overall toyota better than ferrari and that peoples would like to drive toyota in same way like ferrari, now in real life they can't, in game it's possible

But, if all those nerf lovers will have all weapons at same tier lvl, no better or worst

What will be the point?

Personsly i think we need a ferrari in game and in real life

The balkance would be if newbies in game will not have any possibility to use it before some better mastery than 6 and they could not buy it for 30p

Than peoples maby will appreciate them

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But, if all those nerf lovers will have all weapons at same tier lvl, no better or worst


No such thing as nerf lovers. Why don't we quit with that?


Instead of nerfing weapons, buff other weapons to a point that it let's you have a tough time to choose between them all.


I've seen games go down that path. Trust me, it's not pretty.

Edited by vaugahn
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Leave it's an empty thread...

Nothing will change some peple can't understand that ferrari is better than toyota corolla that's hows the life go...

But in game just like in life there are some that like overall toyota better than ferrari and that peoples would like to drive toyota in same way like ferrari, now in real life they can't, in game it's possible

But, if all those nerf lovers will have all weapons at same tier lvl, no better or worst

What will be the point?

Personsly i think we need a ferrari in game and in real life

The balkance would be if newbies in game will not have any possibility to use it before some better mastery than 6 and they could not buy it for 30p

Than peoples maby will appreciate them

There have always been Ferraris in this game, and not many are asking to change that. The thing is, the weapons that were once Ferraris (Soma, for example) are now nearly mid-tier. That shows how much powercreep has happened.

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Which was just nerfed due to demands by the nerfers. 

Was nerfed due to repeated performance issues, not because anyone was actually calling for it to be nerfed (honestly, who asks for a shotgun to be nerfed?). But hey, at least we can see that you're all-too-willing to pin the blame for just about everything onto the same people that like to keep things balanced.


Makes me glad that the people who hate nerfs aren't game developers.

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You think that collecting 100,000 syndicate points and all the parts and credits to obtain a pre-nerf synoid was easy ?


You think that after all the work those players put in to obtain that weapon, that it should have been over powered ?


Did you have one ? 

Yes, I did. I'm max in Hexis, Steel, and Suda. You'd be surprised how quick you can get rep if you know all the medal spots in syndicate dailies.


Pre U-16 Synoid was an absolute powerhouse that could murder even level 10 corpus with absolutely no mods on it whatsoever. Compared to even the Vaykor Marelok and Telos Akbolto it outshined them in about every way. Secondly it was absolutely boring to use. There was no satisfying sound and aiming every shot like the Marelok, or having to adjust for travel time with the Telos Akbolto.


It was a fancy looking laser pointer that even annihilated decent level Grineer even if it was built for full Magnetic. Not to mention you NEVER ran out of ammo with it due to the insane ammo efficency.


Although seeing your replies in the time i was gone, I can tell you're a hopeless nut to crack.

Edited by soundtea
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I'm up for more weapon balancing for a couple of reasons. One being, that people should be able to take any weapon they wish to take and not worry about it being best or nothing. Second weapons could be used to fulfill roles with an increased range of enemy types that need different weapon types to more easily take them down. The current stage of damage mechanics is quite dull. With exception to the occasional surprise like nullifies.

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So a game with all weapons are equal = mediocrity rules = the path we should follow ?


Do you know what a false dilemma is? It's when you present two outcomes as the only possible outcomes, ignoring the wide spectrum in between.


That's what you're doing.


There's a whole range of choices between "weapons are totally unbalanced" and "everything is mediocre". Try again with an actual argument.

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Was nerfed due to repeated performance issues, not because anyone was actually calling for it to be nerfed (honestly, who asks for a shotgun to be nerfed?). But hey, at least we can see that you're all-too-willing to pin the blame for just about everything onto the same people that like to keep things balanced.


Makes me glad that the people who hate nerfs aren't game developers.


So you think that the Kohm was only nerfed due to performance issues.


Funny that its DPS was dropped, not just the animation changed to improve performance.


Odd that isnt it.  

Do you know what a false dilemma is? It's when you present two outcomes as the only possible outcomes, ignoring the wide spectrum in between.


That's what you're doing.


There's a whole range of choices between "weapons are totally unbalanced" and "everything is mediocre". Try again with an actual argument.



I know what I want.


I want good weapons and not so good weapons.


What do you want ? 

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There have always been Ferraris in this game, and not many are asking to change that. The thing is, the weapons that were once Ferraris (Soma, for example) are now nearly mid-tier. That shows how much powercreep has happened.

Now we have bugatti vayerons soon hopefully we will have something better

Pover creap is lvl 60 nulli for example...as well

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So you think that the Kohm was only nerfed due to performance issues.


Funny that its DPS was dropped, not just the animation changed to improve performance.


Odd that isnt it. 

Not really, once you think about it. Projectiles have no damage fall-off, Kohm used to have them. It was then converted to hit-scan to improve performance, and like all hit-scan shotguns, now has damage fall-off. Again, it was a performance thing.


You tried, though.


I know what I want.


I want good weapons and not so good weapons.


What do you want ? 

Actual game balance. Buffs for sniper rifles, shotguns, and scythes. Nerfs for the rare few weapons that still shove all others out of viability.

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