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Too Much Burst Rifles


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Lets see, we have the Burston, Burston Prime, Hind, Sybaris and Tiberon. The Paraxyst is also listed as burst type but its a exotic weapon. 


For hunting rifles, we have the Latrons and Grinlok. 


And for assault rifles we have the Bratons and Karak. The Grakata is considered a SMG, Soma and the Gorgons are considered to be LMGs, Boltor and Boltor Prime are bolt rifles. Buzlok is a utility weapon and cant be used while scoped. 


For snipers we have Vectis and Vulkar. 


So why so many burst rifles? 


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"Why so many burst rifles"? Seriously?


Classified as smg/hmg/lmg or not, the rest are automatic bullet spewers. That's it. That's what you can classify them all as.

Rifles that fire in bursts are actually a minority compared to the automatics.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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Im not saying they are useless. But when I think on selecting a assault rifle for a mission, I can only think on my Braton Prime and Karak. The Boltor have travel time so its like a automatic bow. My Gorgons have long reload and big clip size so they are for supression fire. Grakata is a SMG and more for criticals. Soma is a easy weapon and more used only on really difficult missions. 

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This game does have plenty of Burst and Automatic weapons. I would like to see more Gunblade melee weapons. Maybe one that could burst-fire or some kind of automatic one. And I am talking like the Redeemer. Just having a blade on them like Akjagara isn't what I am talking about.


So yes to more automatics. Yes to more bursts. Let's just put knives on them.

Edited by (XB1)guywhoiam
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Only about 2 or 3 of those burst rifles are viable. You also have listed a very small amount of the weapons we have. You should be complaining about the 500 different melee weapons we have that mainly use slash damage.

Full-auto rifles are a very vague description, especially since most 'exceptions' are essentially the same thing: boltor (prime), about 5 different bratons, karak, grakata (don't care what it's described as, it uses primary rifle mods, and is a primary), soma (prime), gorgon (wraith and vandal), tetra, and many more.

Sniper rifles: Lanka, snipetron (vandal), vulkar, and vectis


What we need are a really good semi-auto rifle, and a burst-fire sniper rifle (preferably 2 burst), with either no scope, or only a slightly increased zoom without a scope.

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Burst Fire Triggers: Hind, Burston, Burston Prime, Paracyst, Tiberon

Total: 5


Bolt Action Triggers: Grinlok, Latron, Latron Prime, Latron Wrath, Sybris, Vectis

Total: 6


Full Auto Triggers: Boltor, Boltor Prime, Braton, Braton Prime, Braton Vandel, Buzlok, Dera, Gorgon, Gorgon Wrath, Prisma Gorgon, Karak, Mutalist Quanta, Soma, Soma Prime, Supra, Tetra

Total: 16


Beam Triggers: Amprex, Flux Rifle, Glaxion, Ignis, Quanta, Synapse

Total: 6


Leaving out Shotguns, Bows, and Launcher Type weapons, The Burst Fire weapons are the least used of the Rifle Triggers.


So... Is your problem a lack of High-End Viable Burst Trigger weapons?


If so, then I agree, this is a lack of variety in High-End weapons, but that also has to do with the style of gameplay Warframe is slanted to favor, a more assault type of game play.


Would I love a siege type game mode where the Tenno have to attack a Defense Target (think reverse Defense mission), Yes, I would, it would make Launchers and Snipers a favored Weapon, but trying to make that an engaging game mode is really hard with a overhaul to Damage, Stealth, Survivability mechanics which I'm sure most of the player base wouldn't go for.


I wouldn't want to go for it either, haha.


Also, it’s important to remember that a defense target would be just as vulnerable to full auto, small arms weapons without special protections granted to it.


Just waiting for Tiberon Prime...

Edited by Arkfall
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Technically, yes.

it's not a Technicality. that IS Burst. you pull the Trigger, the Weapon Cycles N times sequentially (and in reality, quickly), and then stops.

classifying a two round Burst as anything other than Burst is just wrong. 'Burst' does not determine number of shots per Trigger pull. anything from 2 to 9.9999^999999 cycles would be Burst.

Edited by taiiat
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So... Is your problem a lack of High-End Viable Burst Trigger weapons?


If so, then I agree, this is a lack of variety in High-End weapons, but that also has to do with the style of gameplay Warframe is slanted to favor, a more assault type of game play.

I have a solution to this problem. Almost done design it. Its glorious. Its beautiful. If you like Burst Fire you shall rejoice. Hell if you like good mechanics and balanced strength... then yeah. But yes. Tomorrow you shall see the glory.

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Lets see, we have the Burston, Burston Prime, Hind, Sybaris and Tiberon. The Paraxyst is also listed as burst type but its a exotic weapon.

For hunting rifles, we have the Latrons and Grinlok.

And for assault rifles we have the Bratons and Karak. The Grakata is considered a SMG, Soma and the Gorgons are considered to be LMGs, Boltor and Boltor Prime are bolt rifles. Buzlok is a utility weapon and cant be used while scoped.

For snipers we have Vectis and Vulkar.

So why so many burst rifles?

grakata is not an SMG, Furis and Zani are grakata is more of a compact rifle like a PDR-C or D Edited by GhostMelody
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it's not a Technicality. that IS Burst. you pull the Trigger, the Weapon Cycles N times sequentially (and in reality, quickly), and then stops.

classifying a two round Burst as anything other than Burst is just wrong. 'Burst' does not determine number of shots per Trigger pull. anything from 2 to 9.9999^999999 cycles would be Burst.

Yes. It is technically burst. There is nothing wrong about what I said. 

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There is nothing wrong about what I said.

i didn't say there was. if it fires in a Burst, it's a Burst-fire Weapon. you don't need to say it technically is, because there's no argument against it. that's what it is, period, end of story.

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i didn't say there was. if it fires in a Burst, it's a Burst-fire Weapon. you don't need to say it technically is, because there's no argument against it. that's what it is, period, end of story.

Which makes your reply to me rather pointless. Pretty sure everyone understood what I was saying.


It's technically a burst rifle but is not called one in-game, as far as I remember.

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It's technically a burst rifle but is not called one in-game, as far as I remember.

that's what it's Trigger Type is, *shrugs*

but w/e. you're taking it more like a personal attack when i'm just pointing out you can say it with absolute certainty, as a statement rather than a hesitant one. you know you're right, you don't need to be unsure when you know you're objectively correct.

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that's what it's Trigger Type is, *shrugs*

but w/e. you're taking it more like a personal attack when i'm just pointing out you can say it with absolute certainty, as a statement rather than a hesitant one. you know you're right, you don't need to be unsure when you know you're objectively correct.

This doesn't even need to be an argument. We're cool broski

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...snip...What we need are a really good semi-auto rifle, and a burst-fire sniper rifle (preferably 2 burst), with either no scope, or only a slightly increased zoom without a scope.

Latron, Latron Wraith, Latron Prime, and Sybaris would like to enlighten you of their existence.

Also, I don't understand why having several burst-fire weapons is a problem. All of them have had some sort of variation on the mechanic. The Hind gives us a 5-round burst instead of the Burston/Burston Prime's 3, Sicarus/Sicarus Prime puts the burst-fire mechanic in a sidearm, Sybaris and Kraken give us bursters more suited to sniping (high damage per shot, crit/proc chance, low burst count), and the Tiberon is a weapon suited for Specter use or raw damage builds (high damage per shot, low crit/proc chance which specters cannot utilize anyhow).

Edited by TenguBlade
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grakata is not an SMG, Furis and Zani are grakata is more of a compact rifle like a PDR-C or D


Thats true, I forgot about the PDRs. 


But anyway, I was not talking about trigger type (as specified in weapon descriptions) but about playing styles. Would the Soma be considered an assault rifle? I think not, because it spends ammo fast and have a big clip so its more like a LMG, its model being inspired by japanese LMGs built in the second world war. And the Tetra, thats a bolt gun like the Boltor, it have travel time and even a pew-pew like sound. The Supra is a energy-based LMG. Only the Dera, from the Corpus side, can be considered an assault rifle, but even that one have travel time, and theres not burst-fire weapons with travel time from what I can remember. 


So the comparison is between hitscan automatic assault rifles and hitscan burst rifles. We have from one side three models of Bratons (one of them exclusive) and the Karak, and from the other the five guns mentioned (plus the Paraxyst if you want to consider exotic infested weapons). 

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Hind tears down anything, if you invest into it.  That's what elite lancers use.  Tiberon is awesome, although it requires a latron.


by half I meant; regular burston, hind & 'paraxyst' 


Tiberon is awesome, but hind isn't, why? Because any weapon can be awesome if enough forma is put into it but some require more than other, in case, hind... therefore hind sucks. 

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