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Coming Soon: Devstream #51!


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Are we getting more verietys of augment mods related to warframes? Getting the same augment from two syndicates is ok but I would to see some choices in augment mods.

Concerning augment mods. Can we get a rework for augments that dont require mod slots? I dont like losing a slot to just give frost a slow wall on his 2 atttack.

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Dear Steve and Scott, 

Can you guys make the hush and supress mods to actually dim the weapons noise?

it kinda kills the mood when you are all stealth and your gun goes BAAAAANG but 

any enemy hear it.



Have you ever consider to add a MOBA like map on game? it would be awesome to

play  a Moba where the heroes or characters are warframes :D that also could be a

nice entrance to esports for waframe!


ty guys, love you all.. best Dev Team evaaa


here a kitten for Rebecca  =(^.^)=

so she wont be mad at me for asking off topic stuff xD

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So, how are you guys planning to deal with the phobos boss(es).  It is been quite a while and honestly it doesn't make much sense lore wise that they are just there.


It was interesting seeing a mix of boss monsters though, what other scenarios could these come back again? Maybe have invasions where we get a boss ally?

Edited by akkerusia
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I found some interesting content and ideas in these links which inspires my questions:


1.) Many of the present bosses exhibit a degree of 'combat savvy' which one would expect from military personnel. Alad V represents a variation on this being very passive in his engagement, using only defensive measures, while he relies on Zanuka and other constructs to protect him. Have you considered other bosses like this where, perhaps, they are intrinsically weak being a scientist of sorts, and the difficulty in the encounter is getting to them through a cadre of henchmen (side-bosses)?


2.) Presently, sniper rifles offer little benefit over semi-automatic weapons when it comes to everything except stealth. Removing damage thresholds on some bosses between their stages of invincibility would provide a pragmatic place for sniper rifles while cutting down on the irritation of waiting between boss in-vulnerabilities. By example, instead of Vay Hek's earth fight taking 7 or more invulnerability phases, what if you could bypass some by taking a good chunk of health off with a well placed sniper shot during one of his earlier encounters?


3.) As a way to incentivize killing of bosses, why not offer sporadic cut-scenes which offer insight into some of the mysteries of the Warframe universe? Presumably Vor, Kril, Kela, etc are all re-cloned like the dirty Grineer that they are, but what of Nef Anyo or Alad V? Perhaps a foreboding glimpse into the machinations of a clandestine Hyena production facility used as foreshadowing of the upcoming Hyena apocalypse?


EDIT: Unrelated to Boss Question


4.) How do you all not buckle under all this pressure? I was just browsing some of the requests that people were making and I must say you have a lot of people breathing very VERY heavily down your necks...


EDIT: Inspired by later question


5.) Have you considered metering damage as a means of pacing instead of invulnerability? Rather than damage caps or outright invulnerability, have a boss who can only take damage at a constant rate. It gives the satisfaction of whittling away at them, makes weaker players still able to kill them at an appreciable rate, and adds pacing to the actual fight. It may be completely terrible, but I feel like this is something which only experience will make clear.

Edited by RTamis
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A variety of things.

-Can DE add arsenal terminal on the simulacrum?
-How can we complete enemies scans codex that only appears once and with the mission already complete?


ABILITIES INFO. "wikia-data vs game-data":
In devstream 39 we saw the new format of how abilities would be it in-game. in devs-picture we see from rank 2 to max rank. Is max rank value 3 or 4? (all my frames are lvl 30 and are in rank 3 long time ago...)
Another thing is Volt 4th ability data and the relation with the wikia. Will there one day when we see the info of the wikia in-game? (the picture show a corrupted data...). Also more detail data would be perfect...



-Could we see the damage that a enemy does on mind control?
-Could we see the damage that clones of shadow of clones do?
-Can add an option to see the energy channel over the frames while picking a color in the arsenal?
-Well of life of trinity stun enemies and dont use to stop the animation. When energy vampire will work at same? (for now can be break the stun animation with impact damage or knocking the enemy)
-Can change the mechanic of Soul Punch to do radial knockdown effect instead of projectile with enemy target as center? (this question goes direct to Scott)
-Bad situations that happens since the augment mod of mag: "looters" players or trolls, that only collects resources without attack, and far from the fight areas


-Can DE add information about simaris points in the liset?


-In devstream 21 Geoff shows a continuos attack after jump attack and slice attack. will these melee still in develop?
-In devstream 22 Steve talked about "beast" mode when tenno reach lvl 30. still in develop? any examples?
-In devstream 31 wee saw carrier ship for liset. still on develop?
-In devstream 50 Scott talked about redesign excalibur powers, specially super jump. what about...;
...loki decoy?
...rift companions of limbo?

MY SUGGESTIONS for further frames:

-GRAVITY element with a "separate body parts":





-SAND element with melt body:



-STEAM element with a gas mask and gas body in human shape:




-TIME elements:


All these concepts or pictures are not mine

-Missed button on clan view, unable to return to menu and forcing to restart warframe


-Not equal Conclave value. wich is the real one?


Edited by Yiton
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Just checking if there are any details for the kela rework, as well as the grineer queens?


Or revisiting of older Events/ Alerts/ Quests as mentioned in Devstream #43?


Will focus uncannibalize features when it arrives? Such as removing augments from the Syndicates and reimplemented onto focus?


Getting only 1 Arcane every 23 hours sounds a little too restricting when theres over 15 different arcanes, in which rarity also plays a large factor. Any plans to revise the Arcanes and their drop rate / Cool down timer?


How is the Nightmare raid coming along? Does it have changes to the puzzles/ mini games or simply increased scaling? And if so, what are the expected rewards from it, do we get one additional Arcane to farm every 23 hours with separate cool down or something else?


Any plans to look over Ambulas? Being a MOA sure has its limits.

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You've talked about the Manic possibly overshadowing the Stalker and how you might buff the Stalker to be more feared than the Manic itself. But personally I feel that the Harvester is probably THE WEAKEST of all the assassins. Is there any plans to buff the Harvester at all? Or maybe a rework on it?

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Question [DE] : 

1.Who will be the new boss in eris?

2.Will there be a real lore in the codex?

3. will there be a solution to the directx update errors that some polayers are having problems with?

4.Will the Lotus show us wehat she really looks like ingame?(showing full body not only the upper body?)

Edited by Shadowstalker9087
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Are we going to be seeing any Corpus boss reworks soon? Raptor, Ambulas and Nef Anyo fights have been the same boring droll for ages while nearly every single Grineer boss has received a rework so far and the rest of them are now getting reworked too.

Edited by NikodemosTheMan
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