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Credit Crisis Rant: Nobody Would Be Able To Buy Nef Anyo's New Weapons.


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But isn't the freedom to choose to work on whatever aspect of the game we want something important ? Not saying it should be easy, but if some people want to max, say, prime mods, they should be able to do it.


They can but not all of them at the same time.

People seem to want max stuff asap then blame the game for some wrongdoing when the fact it taxes a lot is probably the point.

You have to manage how to spend your cash in every game that has cash. This isnt some strange concept.

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Because aint nobody got any credits in this #### game!


I honestly feel bad for new players. I dont feel comfortable inviting friends right now because of the credit Black Hole that Devstream after Devstream and topic after topic, DE refuse to address the economy crisis (like a politician, amiright? ahhh....we live in hard times TT.TT )


I joined two months ago; I've been making a healthy profit, climbing on up to 1.6 mil. It was only just this week, after crafting three full warframes AND two full archwings AND six weapons AND taking part in this new quest that asks you to invest 100k per run, that I'm starting to feel the hit to the wallet. And after all that spending I'm down to...



The credits situation is pretty good for new players; it's the mid-range players who are strapped for digital cash

Edited by TARINunit9
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I don't remember you being a moron before you left. But then again my memory ain't very good either... So who knows.

Regardless, the credits complaint is completely fair.

Being bitter just proves my point, but I'll respect your right to call me out. Check taiiat's post to see my view on credits. There was a time, and I'm sure you played during it, when we didn't need credits. Credits were all but useless. Now? Now credits are worth... money... You see where I'm going with this: DE made credits valuable. The fact that you and others are complaining is a *good* thing.

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There was a time, and I'm sure you played during it, when we didn't need credits. Credits were all but useless. Now? Now credits are worth... money... You see where I'm going with this: DE made credits valuable. The fact that you and others are complaining is a *good* thing.

Wait, this is a thread about people running out of credits?  I thought the OP was based on the fact that we've earned so much.  The Grineer and Corpus should be OUT of funds because we've milked them dry! lol.


I'm sitting on 6mil right now.  The biggest dent to my economy was trading for a primed mod card, and that set me back 1mil.  I'm just thankful that set me back an aura mod and a syndicate weapon rather than plat!

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Hate to say it (not enough to avoid saying it) but this is starting to sound like another "I'm entitled to _______ because I want it!" whine.


You not being able to have whatever you want, in whatever quantities you want, as quickly as you want.....is not a Bad Thing.  IT'S HOW THINGS WORK.  It's how they're supposed to work.  If you can't afford all the things, while some others can....what's yer point?  That that isn't fair?  Or isn't right? 


Please.  It's how the world outside your front door works, why should it not work the same way in WF?  Not everybody gets to buy everything.


If you're short on creds, there's some good advice in this thread on how to earn more.  Drop by Players Helping Players, you might find more.  It can be done.

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Dark sector nodes currently have 0 tribute.

It's pretty simple to run 3-4 5 wave missions and come out with 100k

Plus if you want to grind out some void parts you'll end up with a ton of dosh for your trouble.

Syndicate lvl 3 = 100k

lvl 4 = 250k

lvl 5 = 500k

You can have up to two syndicates (3 actually, but let's leave that for now) to max lvl

100+250+500x2 = Impossible to "Sechura all the way"


New weapons like the soma melee one

2 Kamas needed = 40k

Dual kamas = 20k

The final part = 20k


Forma = 35k


The "I ONLY ACCEPT DUCATS" trader = 50k~200k each part every two weeks...

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Syndicate lvl 3 = 100k

lvl 4 = 250k

lvl 5 = 500k

You can have up to two syndicates (3 actually, but let's leave that for now) to max lvl

100+250+500x2 = Impossible to "Sechura all the way"


Then how did my clanmates (the ones who do syndicates) do exactly just that?


Impossible?  You mean "necessary".  Dark Sector missions on Pluto, Neptune, and Ceres are how I fund and level everything nowadays because they are such a fantastic replacement for ODD missions.  If you're not happy with 23k credits for 5 minutes of work, then I don't know what you want.


Being mastery rank 2 and 3, I remember rushing M. Prime, Mercury, on solo, for the 1000 credit mission completion, because it was the fastest way I could earn a thousand credits.  I remember purchasing health restores for 1k each, and needing to use 1 or 2 per mission, for a net profit of 200 credits from a savage brutal grind.


I remember finally getting good enough internet to spend hours a day on Lith, Earth, and being thrilled when I finally hit 100k credits, and purchased my Dethcube.


Now, earning 100k credits barely even registers as a speedbump.  Invasions rewarding anywhere from 10k to 50k?  All of that eliminates the credit wall that I pounded my soul against for months.


The credit crisis, while not "obliterated", is ten times better than it was.

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